Entertaining Children

Chapter 1284

Chapter 1284 Two tones

Chapter 1284 Two Tones

This song is the second song Xiao Yao prepared. I will rehearse with Nicky Thompson’s musicians. Nicky Thompson and Cordy Scott will be able to see it soon, so both of them I didn’t care much about Xiao Yao’s behavior of selling off children. Nicky Thompson just curled his lips, Cordy Scott just smiled, and the two of them watched.

“LuckyI’mInLoveWithMyBestFriend ” When Cody Scott watched Xiao Yao write the chorus, he couldn’t help but read it out, and laughed randomly, “Ha, I like this sentence!”

“Of course you like it!” Nicky Thompson said, “Because your wife is your best friend!”

Cordie Scott’s wife is his middle school classmate, can be regarded as a childhood sweetheart, the two developed from good friends to lovers and finally got married. Cordy Scott is the representative of long-term love and loyalty among American celebrities. He is very affectionate with his wife. This past has been picked up by the media for publicity, and Nicky Thompson knows it.

“Haha ” Cordy Scott smiled.

“But I don’t like it!” Nicky Thompson said again.

Although I don’t know if Xiao Yao’s song was written for a female singer, although Xiao Yao’s lyrics have not yet been written, from the lyrics that Xiao Yao has written, Nicky Thompson has basically determined that this is a very good song. Warm and romantic sweet and greasy love song. And Nicky Thompson just broke up with her boyfriend, and she is currently single. It will naturally be a little uncomfortable to see this kind of song.

“Why?” Cordy Scott asked deliberately.

Of course he knows why. Nicky Thompson’s love affair is the focus of American gossip media. Some time ago, Nicky Thompson and her boyfriend broke up, the gossip media has reported, and Cordy Scott has only heard of it.

“The whole world is full of the sour smell of love, only I exudes the fragrance of a single dog!” Xiao Yao suddenly smiled and said.

“What?” Cordy Scott and Nicky Thompson asked in unison.

“It’s nothing, just a sentence that I suddenly remembered.” Xiao Yao smiled, “It’s not the lyrics in this song of mine!”

This sentence comes from a Japanese animation work in the previous life. It is very popular on China’s Internet, and it can be regarded as a stalk. However, there is no similar animation work in this world, whether it is China or Japan. This sentence has not appeared before, so it becomes It’s Xiao Yao’s.

“I think this sentence is beautiful! The lyrics are great!” Cody Scott laughed, “Of course, this sentence is not suitable for this song, but it is very suitable for songs about broken love and loneliness. I think It will be a very popular and great lyrics! Young, you are really very literary!”

“Thank someone for giving me inspiration!” Xiao Yao smiled.

“Are you talking about me?” Nicky Thompson stared at Xiao Yao.

Nicky Thompson just mentioned Cordy Scott’s wife. Whether Xiao Yao knew that Cordy Scott was married or not, he must know now. Among the three of them, only Nicky Thompson was single, and Xiao Yao’s words were obviously not for the musicians next to him.

Xiao Yao smiled slightly, and answered Nicky Thompson’s question.

“Haha!” Cordy Scott laughed without any scruples, “It turns out that Yang is helping you answer the why I asked!”

“Bad guy!” Nicky Thompson pointed at the two angrily, “Both of you!”

“OK, I’m a bad guy!” Xiao Yao smiled, “Then you still have to help the bad guys, borrow bad guys, and watch bad guys rehearse?”

“Of course!” Nicky Thompson said immediately, “Even if you are a bad guy, I will never regret what I promised. Also, I knew you were a bad guy!”

“Okay!” Xiao Yao collected some of the written scores and handed them to Nicky Thompson. “Could you please find someone to help me give it to your musicians and let them take a look. Those with lyrics Please give it to the harmony singer. The chorus of this song needs harmony.”

Nicky Thompson took it and handed it to the assistant girl behind him: “To Amy, tell Amy what he said.”

The assistant girl nodded to take it, turned and left.

“Everyone, while we are free now, let’s practice together again!” After the assistant girl left, Xiao Yao turned around holding the guitar and said to the other musicians.

“Okay!” Several musicians naturally nodded in agreement.

Everyone’s rehearsal this time is naturally the variation version that has been practiced just now and prepared for the live performance on the stage. The changing rhythm, Xiao Yao’s tongue and other improvisations made Nicky Thompson’s eyes shine.

“How is it?” After a song was finished, Xiao Yao asked Nicky Thompson.

“Although you are a bad guy, I have to admit that you are very powerful!” Nicky Thompson said, “In my opinion, as far as your performance of this song is concerned, that Korean group cannot beat you. You really have to Do you want to prepare another song?”

“I feel that he has some other abilities that have not been shown in this song.” Cordy Scott touched his chin and said, “He is preparing another song, maybe he wants to show his music. Other skills.”

“Oh?” Xiao Yao gave Cordy Scott a little unexpectedly.

“Coldi guessed right?” Nicky Thompson noticed Xiao Yao’s expression.

“Haha ” Xiao Yao smiled.

“Forget it, I’ll see it in a while anyway.” Nicky Thompson saw Xiao Yao look like this, knowing that he would not answer directly.

Xiao Yao turned his head to continue discussing some small issues in this rehearsal with the musicians, and then practiced together again. In the middle of the joint training session, Amy Hatton pushed in. However, I saw that Xiao Yao was rehearsing and did not disturb him. It was not until Xiao Yao finished the rehearsal that Amy Hatton told Xiao Yao that the rehearsal room was ready, and the musicians and harmony singers were also in place. , Can go to rehearse.

Xiao Yao greeted the musicians here, got up and went to another rehearsal room with Amy Hatton. Nicky Thompson and Cordy Scott naturally followed.

At another rehearsal room, Amy Hatton introduced Xiao Yao and the musicians to each other. The scores are given to musicians and harmony singers before, and how to play the instruments, and where the harmony singers need to sing harmonies are marked on the scores. Xiao Yao and the musicians greeted briefly, and asked them if they had any questions about the score, and then began to rehearse.

The prelude of this song is very short, and only an acoustic guitar is used as the soundtrack. After Xiao Yao held the acoustic guitar in his hand and played for two bars, he began to sing:

“DoYouHearMe, TalkingToYou…”

“Oh oh ” When Xiao Yao sang the first line at the beginning, Nicky Thompson and Cordy Scott were a little surprised in their hearts. What the two people marveled at was not only Xiao Yao’s singing, but also the state he showed now.

When rehearsing “The Remedy” with the musicians of Cordy Scott before, Xiao Yao not only sang faster, but also shook his head with a sense of stubbornness and coolness, but This song is a love song. Not only does Xiao Yao sing a softer voice, his expression is also very soft, and his eyes are full of tenderness.

Two different songs, the singers show different states when they sing. But for the two of them, Xiao Yao, who had just sang “The Remedy”, immediately became tender, and the rapid switching of this state still surprised the two of them.

At the beginning, the two of them were only slightly surprised. What really shocked the two of them was in the second half of the main song of the song, that is, when Xiao Yao sang the song that Cordy Scott suspected Xiao Yao. The song is when the lyrics are written to the female singer.

“BoyIHearYou, InMyDream, IHearYourWhisperAcrossTheSea…”

When Xiao Yao rehearsed this song, he used a vertical microphone stand. He was standing behind the microphone with a guitar on his back, playing and singing. Although Xiao Yao was standing behind the microphone stand, he was leaning on his side and facing the microphone. Before singing this sentence, Xiao Yao turned his direction, still facing the microphone sideways, but changed from the left to the right, and the voice he sang was different from the previous one.

“Gosh? What did I hear?” Nicky Thompson and Cordy Scott looked at each other, and read the same meaning from each other’s eyes. When it was read from the other’s expression that there was no auditory hallucination, their faces were full of shock.

also felt shocked, as well as the musicians and harmony singers. Because what they heard at the moment was actually a female voice.

Nicky Thompson and Cordy Scott both saw the harmony singer’s mouth and didn’t move, only Xiao Yao was singing. Although the positions of the musicians and the harmony singers are behind Xiao Yao, did Xiao Yao’s mouth move when the voice sounded, but the musicians and harmony singers not only rehearsed with Nicky Thompson just now, but also before. After rehearsing a lot of time together, they are relatively familiar with each other. All of them are quite sure that the female voice just now does not belong to any of the two female harmony singers!

“IKeepYouWithMeInMyHeart, YouMakeItEasierWhenLifeGets Huh?”

When Xiao Yao reached the fourth line, he stopped. According to his previous arrangement and soundtrack arrangement, the front is only accompanied by his own acoustic guitar, so he has no problem playing and singing. But at the end of the fourth sentence of the female voice, other musical instruments such as drum kits should be added in. Xiao Yao sang and found that the sound of other musical instruments did not sound and could only stop.

Xiao Yao turned his head and found that several musicians were all looking at him in a daze. Xiao Yao knew the reason, smiled and said, “Hey! What are you doing? Are you asleep?”

“God! It’s still Yang’s voice!” The drummer was the first to recover and exclaimed, “What’s the matter with the female voice just now?”

“I am the only singer in this song. These lines do not require harmony. The harmony singer did not make a sound. Of course I sang it!” Xiao Yao laughed.

“You can actually sing a woman’s voice?” a group of people said in disbelief.

The few sentences just now are not simply raising the pitch, imitating the high pitch of a female voice, but in terms of timbre it sounds like a female voice, and it is a relatively low and thick female voice. Don’t say they haven’t met before, they haven’t even heard of such things before.

Nicky Thompson looked at Xiao Yao like a monster and said, “Yang, you are such a monster!”

“I think you are complimenting me!” Xiao Yao smiled.

“How is this possible? How did you do it?” Nicky Thompson asked continuously.

“Special talent plus special training!” Xiao Yao smiled.

Xiao Yao does have a special talent for sound. Xiao Yao started to learn to imitate female voices from the earliest time when he learned to sing the role of dancing with a master of Peking opera in order to sing “The Drunken Concubine”. Later, after a period of training and some practice when playing live broadcasts, Xiao Yao could already imitate female voices to speak. In the “Sound on the Scene” program, Xiao Yao dubbed nine different animated characters at a time. Among them, two of the characters were women, and they were women of different ages. Over the past few years, Xiao Yao’s skills in this area have become more refined, and he can already sing with a relatively low female voice.

“I understand why the lyrics of your song are a little weird to read.” Cordy Scott suddenly said, “This song is not a song you wrote to yourself, nor is it written to a female singer. The song is a love song of male and female duet. You chose this song because you can tell everyone through this song that you can imitate the voice of a woman and sing both the male and female parts. Yes. You really have other abilities that you haven’t shown in “The Remedy”, that’s why you are preparing for this second song!”

“Ha!” Xiao Yao smiled and gave Cordy Scott a thumbs up, “Cordy, you’re right!”

“You are really a monster!” Cordy Scott also shook his head with a wry smile, “Your two songs are very good in terms of quality alone, plus what you showed in these two songs Ability, these wonderful things, I don’t think that Korean group has the slightest chance to win you, unless David and all the judges are idiots.”

“Ha, I hope it’s the same as you said.” Xiao Yao smiled, “But no matter how many secret weapons I have, and no matter how much extra attention I have in my performance, I still have to practice what I should practice!”

As he said, Xiao Yao turned to the musicians and harmony singers behind him and said: “I know the reason why everyone stopped just now, and I understand it. This can actually be regarded as a joke for everyone. Now everyone knows that I can Sing a female voice, so I hope that when rehearsing later, everyone will not stop interrupting for this reason.”

“no problem!”

“Of course not!”

The musicians expressed their opinions.

“By the way, I would like to remind you in advance.” Xiao Yao said again, “Except for the second half of the first verse I sang with a female voice, I also sing the second half of the second verse with a female voice. These two paragraphs. The structure of the voice is the same, and the position where I became a female voice is also the same!”

The song “Lucky” sung by Xiao Yao is also a song by JasonMraz in his previous life, but this song is a duet love song he sang with a female singer ColbieCaillat.

Xiao Yao liked this love song very much in his previous life, and has a deep impression of this song. Because of the phrase in the lyrics that I am lucky to fall in love with my best friend, and the longing whispers across the ocean, the lyrics that express different places are more similar to those of Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting. Xiao Yao intends to sing this song with Sun Tingting. .

Because of time, let alone Xiao Yao didn’t want to call Sun Tingting, who is far away in Europe, even if he is willing to call, Sun Tingting is willing to come, and time is too late. Xiao Yao would definitely not sing this song with other female singers, and wanted to sing this song, so he made some changes to the original version.

No matter how powerful Xiao Yao is, he is only one person, unable to make two sounds at the same time, so Xiao Yao added a harmony singer, and the part of the male and female chorus was completed by him and the harmony singer. As for the part where men and women sing separately, Xiao Yao used two different timbres for men and women, and did it by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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