Entertaining Children

Chapter 1282

Chapter 1282 Still playing tricks?

Chapter 1282 Still playing tricks?

“You ” David Green looked at John Lee and a group of BTBS people.

“We have accompaniment music and don’t need a live band.” John Lee said, “We will find a place in this hotel to practice preparation, don’t bother you. Just wait for others to notify us when the rehearsal is over!

Although John Li was very annoyed that what he originally thought to be caught in his hand suddenly became a competition with Xiao Yao, David Green has already expressed his attitude, and Xiao Yao also agreed to compete on stage. He has no other way at this time. Only seven people from BTBS can be prepared to compare with Xiao Yao.

But having said that, BTBS had prepared stage performances in advance and rehearsed them in advance, and he did not believe that Xiao Yao could expect this kind of thing to happen. He should have been unprepared. In less than two hours, he did not believe that Xiao Yao’s stage performance in such a short period of time would be more exciting than BTBS, but he was not afraid to compare BTBS to Xiao Yao.

“Okay,” David Green nodded, waved to a young man and said, “Vincent, you help Yang find a place to rehearse!”

“Cordie…” David Green looked at Cordie Scott again.

“OK, my man, let me say it!” Cordy Scott waved his hand. He knew that David Green meant to let him inform his musicians.

“Young, what instruments and musicians do you need?” Cordy Scott turned his head and asked Xiao Yao.

“I don’t know!” Xiao Yao said, “Why don’t you let your people and musical instruments go, let’s discuss which musical instrument configuration to use as we practice.”

“Okay,” Cordy Scott laughed, “Then I will go too and see how you do it!”

“Thank you to find a place with better soundproofing and more space.” Cordy Scott said to the young man who David Green called.

“Okay, I’m going to contact the hotel now.” The young man said.

“You have to wait a while to start, right?” Tim Haggis suddenly got up and took Xiao Yao’s arm and said, “Yang, can you talk to you alone?”

“Okay!” Xiao Yao gestured to Cordy Sco, and walked to a corner away from everyone with Tim Haggis.

“What’s the matter?” Xiao Yao asked.

“You go to rehearsal, I can’t help you.” Tim Haggis said, “Although you said that you invited me to LV to be your bodyguard, in fact, you are not in danger, at least not here tonight. It will be dangerous, will it?”

“Yes!” Xiao Yao nodded.

“So, I want to leave now to do something.” Tim Haggis said.

“What do you want to do?” Xiao Yao asked with a smile.

“Don’t you think the performance of those Koreans is weird?” Tim Haggis asked, “I feel like they know something will happen to Hopson.”

“Do you want to investigate Hopson’s food poisoning?” Xiao Yao said, “Do you suspect they or they instigated someone to do it?”

“Isn’t it questionable?” Tim Haggis said.

“You don’t want to help me in this way, do you?” Xiao Yao smiled, “This kind of thing is very bad, and if it spreads out, the consequences will be very serious. If they really instigated people to do it, nothing should be left behind. Obvious clues or evidence. I’m not saying you can’t find out, but I don’t think you can find out in two days. Two days later, the award ceremony is over.”

“Help you? No, no,” Tim Haggis repeatedly shook his head, “I am not worried that you will be better than those Koreans. I am just pure curiosity and doubt. You know, I am an FBI detective. Officer, it’s my professional attribute to be curious about the case.”

“Well, you can check it out,” Xiao Yao said with a smile, “I won’t delay you from exerting your detective enthusiasm.”

Tim Haggis left, and Xiao Yao returned to Cordy Scott.

“Tim has left beforehand.” Xiao Yao confessed briefly.

“Oh,” Cordy Scott nodded noncommittal, and said to Xiao Yao, “Follow me, let’s meet my musicians first.”

The band’s musicians have a dedicated lounge. After the rehearsal, Cordy Scott jumped off the stage and went to the auditorium to chat with Xiao Yao. The musicians packed their instruments and went back to the lounge.

“Thank you very much!” Xiao Yao said to Cordy Scott.

Cordie Scott took Xiao Yao to the musicians’ lounge, introduced Xiao Yao and the musicians to each other, and explained that they would ask them to help Xiao Yao accompany him and prepare for a performance. These musicians have heard Yang Xiao’s name and his songs more or less, and they do not exclude cooperation with Xiao Yao, and naturally they have no opinion on the decision that Cordy Scott made for them.

Xiao Yao expressed his gratitude to the musicians and greeted them one by one. The young man named Vincent brought some staff to the musicians’ lounge.

Vinson has helped them contact the rehearsal place. The rehearsal room he was looking for was a VIP lounge in the hotel with better sound insulation. The room was large enough to hold the entire band.

Xiao Yao is a candidate as a substitute performer. Rehearsal is actually the organizer’s business. Therefore, it is also the organizer’s business to carry musical instruments and arrange the rehearsal room. It is not just for the musicians of Cordy Scott to do it themselves. . The people he brought are here to help the musicians carry their instruments. As for the speakers and other equipment needed, they also arranged for people to move there.

Although Xiao Yao is a candidate for performing guest, he does not have the shelf of big-name stars. When helping the instrument, Xiao Yao also went up to help.

There is a lot of people and strength. Everyone moved all the musical instruments to the rest room as a rehearsal room. Next, the preparation of the arrangement of the musical instruments and equipment, the connection of the debugging equipment, and the tuning of the musical instruments were also very quick. it is done.

“Young, what kind of new song are you going to sing?” After the preparations were ready, Cordy Scott picked up an acoustic guitar and handed it to Xiao Yao, “You play and sing by yourself, let’s listen to the basics first. Melody and lyrics.”

“This ” Xiao Yao took the acoustic guitar, but did not play it, and gave a wry smile, “Actually, I haven’t figured it out yet!”

“What?” Cordy Scott asked in surprise, “Didn’t you say you are going to sing a new song that hasn’t been released yet? Don’t tell me you are going to write it now!”

“Of course not!” Xiao Yao found a chair and sat down, holding the guitar in his arms, resting his elbows on the guitar, and pressing his **** on both temples. I have not decided which one to perform!”

“How many alternatives?” Cordy Scott breathed a sigh of relief, and then reminded, “Young, we only have two hours! How about you sing all the alternative songs to us, we have heard Later, I will see if I can give you some suggestions and help you pick a song.”

“Yeah ” Xiao Yao hesitated, looked up and saw a set of tambourines placed in front of a musician, a song flashed in his mind, and patted the body of the guitar and said, “I have made a decision! ”

“Oh?” Cordy Scott said, “What song?”

“The name of the song is “The Remedy”, a popular song.” Xiao Yao moved his hands to the strings above the guitar neck and the sound hole, and said, “May I sing for you first?”

“The Remedy?” Cody Scott laughed, “Hopson was in a situation and was unable to attend the awards ceremony and performance. David is in trouble. You come on the bench. Are you talking about yourself?”

Remedy has solutions and solutions. The title of this song fits the current situation.

“Actually not!” Xiao Yao smiled and shook his head, pointing to the set of tambourines, “I just saw the tambourine, so I just remembered this song. This song is about other people’s stories, with me and with the present This situation does not matter.”

“Well, let’s listen to what your song is like first.” Cordy Scott also found a chair and sat down.

The song Xiao Yao is going to sing is a song by Jason Mraz in his previous life. The real song name is actually called “The Remedy (IWon’tWorry, but Xiao Yao always doesn’t like to add parentheses, so he just gives the latter part Omitted.

Of course, the original version of this song is not only an acoustic guitar, but Xiao Yao is just letting everyone know the basic melody and lyrics of this song. It can still be played and sung with only an acoustic guitar.

Xiao Yao cleared his throat and waved to play the prelude. Cordy Scott and the musicians heard the prelude and nodded softly. From the beginning of the intro melody alone, they feel good.

When Xiao Yao began to sing, Cordy Scott and the musicians all showed more unexpected expressions.

As musicians who have been collaborating with Cordy Scott for a long time, these musicians are closer to Cordy Scott in their musical tastes and preferences. They all saw Xiao Yao for the first time tonight. Speaking of their impressions of Xiao Yao’s music style, apart from knowing that Xiao Yao is a member of the Immortals band and having heard some of his rock songs, the ones that impressed him most were the more folk songs “perfect” and “ThinkingOutLoud”. The song Xiao Yao is singing now is different from these two styles.

“How do you feel?” After singing the entire song in its entirety, Xiao Yao asked Cordy Scott.

“It feels very good.” Cordy Sco said, “Although it is different from what I expected, it is very good.”

“Okay, then this one!” Xiao Yao smiled.

“How do you arrange the music?” Cordy Scott asked, “Do you need us to help you do it together?”

“As for the arrangement and soundtrack, I have some ideas.” Xiao Yao said, “Why don’t I tell you what I think first, and try it out according to my arrangement plan. If you have a better idea, we can practice as you go. While discussing changes!”

“Good!” Cordy Scott said.

“I need two guitars, an acoustic guitar, an electric guitar, a bass, a keyboard, a drum kit, and a set of tambourines.” Xiao Yao said, “I can make the acoustic guitar by myself!”

“Is there a score paper? I can write the melody of the song first, and then mark it for you according to different instruments, so that you can watch the score playing, which will save time!” Xiao Yao continued.

“Yes!” Cordy Scott waved to the assistant. During the rehearsal just now, Cordy Scott’s assistant did not follow to the performance hall, but when he came to this rehearsal room to rehearse, Cordy Scott’s assistant followed.

Cordie Scott’s assistant came over and gave Xiao Yao a pen and paper. Xiao Yao flipped the acoustic guitar in his hand and put the paper on the back of the acoustic guitar to write.

“So detailed?” Cordy Scott stood aside and watched Xiao Yao write the score, and said with some surprise, “It seems that you already have a very mature and complete idea about the arrangement of this song! In that case, Why didn’t you record and release this song?”

“Because I am lazy.” Xiao Yao replied while writing without lifting his head.

“Uh ” Cordy Scott was speechless again.

“Okay.” Xiao Yao divided the written papers among several musicians. “Everyone needs to take a look and get familiar with it, or start directly. Are you watching the play?”

“Of course you need to get familiar with it first.” Several musicians laughed.

Several musicians took the score written by Xiao Yao and looked at it. While watching, some people can’t help but try to play such a short paragraph as written on the score.

“OK, well!” A few minutes later, several musicians said to Xiao Yao one after another.

“Come on, then!” Xiao Yao adjusted his sitting posture and picked up the guitar.

The drummer on the drum kit tapped the cymbals, the keyboardist and electric guitarist moved together, and then the bass joined in. Ten seconds later, with the accent of the drum set, Xiao Yao started plucking the strings and joined the acoustic guitar.

With the cooperation of multiple instruments, this prelude sounds several times more beautiful than the prelude of Xiao Yao’s single acoustic guitar performance.

After the prelude, Xiao Yao entered the song accurately and began to sing.

This song Xiao Yao has already sung once before, but the soundtrack has been changed, and the whole song sounds very different from just now. It also feels several times more beautiful than the previous single acoustic guitar accompaniment.

“It’s great!” Although there were some mistakes and flaws in the first joint practice, after the performance of the whole song, Cordy Scott and the other musicians who were watching did not hesitate to applaud and sent it very sincerely. I praised myself.

“Thank you!” Xiao Yao smiled and lowered his head, and said to several musicians who were playing together, “You can behave like this the first time you practice together. You are all professional musicians, and you did a great job! Thank you. !”

Several musicians waved their hands with a smile.

“But, after all, it is the first time to cooperate, and there are still some minor problems.” Xiao Yao looked at the guitarist holding the electric guitar, “Robin, can I call you Robin? Just now, the first paragraph, the twelfth. In one measure, your second note was a little bit faster…”

“Oh, this guy is really welcome!” Cordy Scott smiled in his heart, “but he has really good ears, and he does have a high level of musical literacy!”

These musicians are all experienced professional musicians, and Xiao Yao did come up with a point, so Xiao Yao communicated with them smoothly. After Xiao Yao had a brief exchange with several musicians, soon everyone started the second joint practice.

The second round of joint training, there are still some problems inevitably, but it has been greatly improved compared to the first time. Xiao Yao discussed and exchanged with the musicians again, and soon started the third joint practice.

After the third round of joint training, there are basically no obvious problems.

“Yang, you are really good! I only practiced three times, and I feel almost done.” Cordy Scott said to Xiao Yao, “According to your efficiency, let alone two hours, maybe you won’t need one. Hours, no, maybe even half an hour, you can rehearse the performance of this song.”

“No, no, it’s not that simple. This is not the version I will perform in a while.” Xiao Yao smiled and shook his head.

“What? No?” Cordy Scott asked strangely, “Then what are you practicing for?”

“What we are practicing now, except for less harmony, is basically what I will look like when I record the official version of this song in the studio in the future.” Xiao Yao said, “The performance at the award ceremony is a live performance. Since it is live When performing performances, I just want to play a little bit differently. I don’t want to be the same as the studio version. This studio version is the foundation. Only when I practice this well, I can play tricks and let everyone Make some changes on this basis.”

“Do you still want to play tricks?” Cordy Scott said, “What tricks do you want to play?”

(End of this chapter)

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