Ends of Magic

Chapter 5: Of Blade and Blood

Nathan’s shoulders sagged for a moment. He was still feeling emotionally overwhelmed from the events of the night so far, and struggled to track Faline’s quick change of topics. After a moment, he spoke. “So we’re sneaking in again, to kill more mages.”

They know mental magic. They enslave people. I should be killing them. Evil needs to be challenged.

He cracked his knuckles. “What should I do?”

Faline's adopted face was blank, but she nodded reassuringly at his words. “Don’t speak. I will give the signal if we are to fight. Prevent any magic from checking your identity, but refrain from breaking spells until we enter. Then we will move quickly and quietly, killing every mage we can. There will be servants and guests. Do not show mercy, and be ready to flee if the alarm is raised. You are an Assassin now.”

Yeah. I'm an assassin deep behind enemy lines. I can't take prisoners and anybody I spare will raise the alarm.

She turned down another street, giving a stern look to a pair of slavemasters standing in the middle of the intersection with a bevy of slave-soldiers. The two men stood up straight and looked terrified.

Their presence didn’t interrupt her lecture. “Before we reach the barracks, I have paired Insights for you. The first is for the utility skill [Noticeability]. When you know that people are watching you, spend your Focus to track their attention. Pay careful attention to exactly when they watch you, and when they stop. Try to change your movements to suit their expectations, and control their attention. Doing this successfully will unlock higher-tier versions of the skill.”

Giving Insights out like candy - I need to keep in mind that what she’s telling me is literally priceless. The second class Insight alone is a real dragon’s Insight. What's the price going to be - the killing?

The disguised assassin didn’t check to see if Nathan was following along before launching into the second Insight. “For the class development of [Assassin of Gemore], remember your Purpose. We are here to deliver death to slavers. Their own arrogance and Purpose makes them worthy of death, and we are here to deliver it. Move quickly, killing as many as you can before the alarm is raised. Every strike is focused on the kill. Do not aim to wound, aim to kill, beyond hope of healing. Aim for the heart, brain and neck. If your first strike does not ruin one of those, then strike again. Do not leave your enemies for dead. Ensure their deaths.”

She pointed ahead, towards a large and well-lit building that occupied a large block of land. “And beyond all blasphemy, remember that you follow a legacy. You are one of many who have fought Giantsrest. You represent the wrath of Gemore, for the treatment of our ancestors, for the ongoing attempts at subjugation.”

On the other hand, this training is even more brutal than Kia’s. She’s basically just giving me some tips and tossing me into the deep end.

Nathan activated [Battle Meditation] as they approached the front door of the barracks, which was guarded by a quintuplet of elite soldiers and an enforcement mage. He started spending his limited pool of Focus, and the world slowed down. It was easy to pay attention to everything. Nathan saw the sweat trickling down the face of a slave standing too close to a torch, and mapped out the enchantments beneath his feet. He realized that the engraved figures of mages set into the walls were actually golems, awaiting some kind of signal to spring into motion.

The soldiers’ eyes tracked them for a moment, but they started scanning the darkness as soon as they saw the robes that identified them as Mages of Giantsrest.

But most of all, Nathan watched the blue-robed mage standing in front of the door, and how her gaze followed them. She frowned to herself as they stepped into the light, her eyes flitting from Faline to Nathan.

I’m in the robes of an advanced student, standing next to somebody wearing the face, robes and identification of the leader of the enforcement mages in Halsmet. It’s reasonable to think I’m apprenticed. So act like an apprentice.

He was already walking behind Faline, but he adjusted his position to be half a step behind her right hand. He ducked his head when the enforcement mage tried to meet his eyes, and held his hands awkwardly together over his chest.

Out of the edge of his vision Nathan saw the blue-robed mage mentally dismiss him, her gaze settling on the disguised Faline instead. She performed the strange Giantsrest salute by clasping her hands together in front of her chest. “What occurs, Histol?”

“Inspection. I wish to be sure that no infiltrators hide within..”

The woman nodded, stepping aside and gesturing to the door. “We are but fingers of the archmages.” She raised an eyebrow at Nathan. “Is this a new apprentice? Do you tire of Ovi?”

Faline shrugged. “He arrived from the academy just now. I have brought him to find a room.” She stepped up to the door, pressing Histol’s ring into a small indentation on one side. “Beyond which, his hands will aid my search - for I know one fresh from Giantsrest is not an imposter.” The door gave a heavy clunk as it opened.

Nathan tried his best to act as expected, attempting to slip from notice. The soldiers had already started ignoring him and gone back to scrutinizing the darkness.

If you conform to people’s expectations, they won’t notice you or even remember you.

The enforcement mage turned her attention back to the street. “The luck of the founders go with you. I hope we catch these stalker shits soon - the enhanced security is a pain in the knuckles.”

Faline grunted her agreement, walking through the door.

Nathan followed, noticing the exact moment when the blue-robed woman stopped paying any attention to him at all as the door swung closed.

I could take two steps sideways and break her neck before she even noticed I was there.

Pending utility skill: [Mid-tier Noticeability]

You have learned to detect how you are perceived, and used Focus to modulate the appearance you portray. You will know when others' eyes are upon you, and can spend focus to shift their attention.

Interesting that’s what unlocked the skill. Definitely useful - seems like I’m building up a solid core of stealth-related skills.

Congratulations, you have accepted the [Mid-tier Noticeability] utility skill

The door swung closed behind him. They were in an entrance foyer, decorated with statues that could come to murderous life if the alarm was triggered. Nathan released his Focus, which had been reduced by roughly a third. However, it started regenerating as he watched - though somewhat slowly.

Interesting. It says it will accumulate during periods where you are free from distraction. [Battlefield Meditation] counts?

Battle Meditation 7 achieved!

Nice. I’m constantly regenerating Focus, even if it’s not that fast.

Faline gestured up the grand stairs at the back of the room. "Go up. I will stay on this level.” She caught Nathan’s eye, “Our purpose here is to kill. Meet back here when the job is done, or back at the safehouse if the alarm is raised.” With a quick nod she was off, striding away as the confident Histol dho Fulku, the enforcement mage who had every right to be here.

Nathan felt naked without the protection of the elite Assassin, but sitting around wasn’t going to change that. He rapidly scaled the steps, staying away from a mural showing a massive tower casting benevolent light over a civilization as it expanded into dark wilderness. The massive painting was certainly detailed, but the perspective was awful and the colors garish.

What truly caught his attention was the magic laid into the artwork. A thin skein of subtle mental magic stretched out from the painting, stretching across the staircase. Nathan eyed it carefully, trying to pick apart the function.

It doesn’t look like a tripwire. It looks like it’s supposed to be a subtle mental effect of some kind. Let me guess - inspiring awe in everybody who walks past the stupid propaganda mural.

Thoroughly irked, Nathan skipped stairs one at a time before reaching the second floor. There was a lounge area at the top of the stairs, complete with low couches and tables.

This really is like a college dorm in a lot of ways.

He didn’t see anybody, but Nathan felt somebody’s attention land on him. It was like an itch manifested on his skin, pointing in the direction of the observer. A quick glance showed a green-robed mage sitting in an alcove behind the stairs that was shielded with illusions and look-away magic.

I probably shouldn’t be able to see him. Let’s just pretend to be a normal student who didn’t see anything and proceed about my business. You know, murder. I don’t want the first hidden watcher to set off the alarm.

Nathan looked around ostentatiously, spending Focus to appear as a confused student wandering the halls late at night. He strode towards a residential hallway covered with many doors, keeping his magical perception trained on the alcove with the hidden mage.

Mid-tier Noticeability 2 achieved!

He was rewarded by a force spell materializing behind his head that flicked forward with enough force that it would have definitely knocked him over. Nathan dodged the motion on reflex, twisting into a crouch and spinning around.

A mocking chuckle rolled out from the hidden observer. “Good reflexes, mageling!” The enslavement mage stepped out from the alcove, walking towards Nathan while rolling his well-muscled neck back and forth.

Am I getting hazed?

The man was over six feet tall, and came to a looming stop in front of Nathan, the effect slightly spoiled by the fact that he was still shorter than Nathan. He frowned. “I’m Codius dho Den. By the fingers of a hand, this is a bad time to start an apprenticeship. You’ll need to watch out for the agents of Gemore stalking our streets.” He smiled condescendingly at Nathan.

“Watch yourself, or you’ll wake to find your hands bound and your life bleeding away.” He rolled his shoulders, the cut-off sleeves emphasizing his musculature. “The academy trains you to fight with magic, but spells don’t always stop the dangers of Halsmet.” His smirk turned cruel. “But I’ll be a friend to you - guide you through the dangers of this place. I’ll honor the founders with my generosity, and Trade Favors.”

The last words were pronounced with special weight, as if Nathan should know what it meant.

I bet it means about the same as it means in Gemore. Trading Favors around, using them to bargain for Insights. Though this seems less a ‘trade’ and more a ‘shakedown’.

The mage was waiting for Nathan’s response, growing increasingly impatient as Nathan hesitated. He casually cracked his knuckles, once more trying to intimidate Nathan with his bulk in a clearly practiced manner. It might have been more effective if Nathan hadn’t outmassed him, though some of that was hidden by the purple robe Nathan was wearing.

First he tries to bowl me over, then to intimidate me. It’s kind of hilarious he’s relying on physical strength as a mage to intimidate people. He reminds me of Eldred, and bullies I’ve known before. And he’s a mage of Giantsrest - and an Enslavement mage at that. I think I’ve found my first victim. I don’t think he’ll have a chance to learn from his mistake.

Nathan looked around quickly, ensuring there was nobody in sight, no observation spells trained on him. His lip curled with disgust and his Rage flared to life as Codius moved closer.

Codius misinterpreted the look, sneering. “It’s late, let’s sit down and have a chat.” His arm reached for Nathan’s shoulder to prevent him from running away.

Nathan set his feet, rotated his hips and punched the enslavement mage in the center of the chest as hard as he could. [Mage Armor] shattered like spun sugar and Nathan felt bone give way under his fist, shards of the shattered sternum piercing into the lungs and heart behind. Codius flew backwards a half-dozen feet, bowling over a couch in a tangle of clothes.

The loudest sound was the couch overturning with a thump, and Nathan followed along as his knuckles popped back into place.

The green-robed mage tried to cast a spell, but it died in a bloody cough. He looked up at Nathan, eyes full of tears and unable to even beg for mercy. Well-muscled hands twitched upwards in an attempt at defense, but they lacked all strength.

Nathan stomped on Codius’ throat, feeling the spine crunch. He grabbed two fistfulls of robes, which were enchanted for comfort and self-cleaning. That enchantment quickly broke as Nathan dragged Codius back towards the nook he’d emerged from.

Not wanting to break the hiding spot that his victim had so carefully provided, Nathan stopped a half-dozen feet away. He heaved the bulky mage, Rage-enhanced strength making the large man a trivial throw into the hidden alcove. There was another clatter of furniture before Nathan turned around, dusting his hands and rearranging his robes.

He set the couch back upright and scanned the area for other traces of the struggle. Nathan had a bit of blood on his ankle, but the man's thick robes had prevented any from getting on his hands. There was a tiny bit of red on the floor from where Nathan had dragged Codius’ face, but it wasn’t easily noticed.

I doubt that’ll be the most visible sign of my presence by the time I’m done.

Assassin has leveled to 15! Congratulations, you have killed the Enslavement mage Codius dho Den

Wait, I leveled? I suppose the ‘fight’ is over? Normally I’d only expect to get levels once I got out of the building and escaped. Maybe [Assassin] counts ‘fights’ differently than [Implacable Antimage]?

Nathan took a deep breath as he walked down the hallway, calming his Rage and trying to stay quiet. He found himself spending Focus, the alternate resource sending a soothing calm through his body even as it sharpened his senses.

There was a quiet creak from one side, and a door cracked open. Nathan managed not to snap his head around, casually glancing toward the door to see a pair of shadowed eyes looking into the hall.

They belonged to a slim young woman in a yellow robe whose face was drawn in a suspicious frown. “What was - Who are you?”

Yellow robe - artisan mage. Not really a threat?

Thoughts flickered through Nathan’s head as turned to face her. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

She’s younger than I am. I don’t want to kill her - is she even a target? She's not an enslavement mage. I could probably pretend to be a confused student.

Faline's words came back to him. He was an assassin now - and this was a mage of Giantsrest. This was why he was here. Even if she didn't directly take slaves, she used them, and supported those who did.

Turning away would be cowardice. I can’t let gender and a pretty face be a shield - I hated that part of the Wheel of Time. Evil isn’t exactly tied to men.

Perhaps seeing the confusion wrought across his face, the mage cast a spell, her voice a bare whisper.

[Mage Armor]

She’s suspicious. This ends with her dead or my cover blown.


The spell fizzled off Nathan’s aura and the yellow-robed mage’s eyes widened in horror.

[Horn Blas-

Nathan’s leap carried him close, and his aura bridged the gap, slicing through the spellwork in front of her face and nullifying the effect. It also slashed through her [Mage Armor], the panes of force splintering and fading as Nathan shouldered through the door before she could slam it shut.

She gasped in horror and flinched away from him, stumbling across the room.

Nathan was faster. Her gasp turned into a strained gurgle as he punched her in the throat, and she fell onto the carpet. It felt like ice had been poured down Nathan’s neck as he stood over the nameless mage as she thrashed and clutched at her throat.

Evil needs to be fought. Just kill her and move on. You committed to this when you walked into this building.

Nathan stomped on the mage’s neck, felt the spine snap. He stepped backwards and closed his eyes as the strangled breathing slowed and stopped. After a single breath he opened them again, trying to ignore the cute embroidered quilt that covered the bed as he left the room and eased the door closed.

Got to keep moving.

Assassin has leveled to 17! Congratulations, you have killed the Artisan mage Ledali dha Alius

Two levels - traded for a life. I suppose Davrar will tell me their names. And with [Enhanced Memory] I’ll remember them regardless. I’m more like Rand al’Thor than I wanted to be.

No more doors opened, and Nathan approached the next one down the hall. It was locked magically, though that posed no delay to an application of antimagic. Nathan didn’t have any cloth to replicate Faline’s trick with, so he slipped through the door as quietly as he could, burning Focus to make him less noticeable.


There was a sleepy mumble from the bed, and a brief shifting before a light bloomed in the dark room. It came from a crystal held by a young man who blinked sleepily at Nathan. A naked girl lay slumped on the floor next to the bed, the slave collar around her throat buzzing with magic.

This one’s a lot easier.

Nathan was atop the young mage in an instant, hand clamped over his mouth before a sound could emerge. The crystal spun off into the corner of the room and under a chair, making the shadows shift wildly. Nathan’s other hand reached around to grip the back of the man’s head before he wrenched the head around in an attempt to break the spine.

It didn’t work - the jaw dislocated with a gross popping sound and Nathan’s grip on the head slipped. A cry of pain sounded out before Nathan got his hands around the young man’s throat and squeezed tightly.

That’s harder than Hollywood makes it look.

The mage’s eyes had been muddled with sleep, but now they bulged with desperation. His body bucked and he scrabbled at Nathan’s hands with delicate fingers.

Nathan held on with grim determination, easily ignoring the weakening struggles underneath him. It took only a dozen seconds for the mage to fall unconscious, but Nathan kept holding on.

It takes like 5 minutes of strangulation to kill somebody. If I let go early, he’ll live. And I’m not going to let that happen. Maybe I should practice breaking necks instead.

High-tier Enhanced Memory 9 achieved!

He released his grip, this time placing one hand on the mage’s ear and the other on at the base of the neck on the opposite side. He wrenched his hands together, trying to cause a cervical fracture.

Maybe I should get a weapon. Killing people with your bare hands isn’t trivial. But I need something that carries my antimagic - and can survive the same shit I do. Maybe claws. Something retractable? Something to work on later.

It took a few tries, and he had to enable Rage to successfully break the young man’s neck and feel the sudden popping of a cervical dislocation. The body slackened, and the notification popped up immediately.

Assassin has leveled to 20! Congratulations, you have killed the advanced student Jaxis dho Humal

Closing in on 27 and the next Class Development. Though it’s not going as quickly as I assumed from killing three people! Maybe none of those people were really threats to me - maybe because I didn’t target them. I don’t know.

Then Nathan looked down at the other living person in the room - the slave he’d stepped over in his rush to the bed and the mage.

She was a beautiful young woman, lying on the floor of the room, without a shred of clothing or cover. There was a delicate collar around her neck. It clearly had a level of sophistication a step beyond the normal enchanted collars worn by Giantsrest slaves, more akin to the one Stella had been wearing before Nathan tore it off her.

I don’t know what’s going on here. But it seems like there’s only one path forward.

Nathan slipped off the bed, noticing how her panicked eyes followed him even as her body stayed paralyzed.

He bent down, extending a hand towards her face and feeling for the magic of the collar. Faline had mentioned that they kept failsafes on the collars of high-value slaves, and this looked like one of those.

After a moment, he found it - a curse on the collar that would blow her head off if the enchantment was tampered with. But there was more than that - Nathan detected the mana within her. It wasn’t the bonfire of Stella or the arc flare of Histol, more similar to the torch of the three mages Nathan had just killed.

A mage - but enslaved. I should let her speak for herself.

Status of Nathan Lark:

Permanent Talent 1: Aura of Antimagic 2

Permanent Talent 2: Perfected Body 6

Talent 3: High-tier Slow Fall 9

Class: Implacable Antimage level 144

Deepened Stamina: 4533/4620

Antimage’s Impassivity

Antimagic Momentum

Raging Thrill

Implacable Inertia

Unarmored Resilience

Improved Antimagic

Strenuous Agility

Hand-to-hand Expertise

Class: Assassin level 20

Focus: 183/300

Vital Targeting

Stealthy Movement

Utility skills:

Battle Meditation 7

High-tier Earnestness 9

High-tier Sprinting 3

Magical Perception 4

High-tier Notice 6

High-tier Identify 7

High-tier Dodging Footwork 6

High-tier Enhanced Memory 9

Mid-tier Lecturing 9

High-tier Tumbling 3

Mid-tier Noticeability 2

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