Ends of Magic

Chapter 17: A City Rises

Several of the remaining groups of slave-soldiers were led by slavemasters, but they almost didn’t rank as a threat. Their commands could barely faze Nathan through his Rage and [Battle Meditation], and their weapons were barely effective against his toughened body.

He only needed to get within arms reach of a slave to strip away the controlling magic on them, and Nathan left a wake of confused and disoriented - but free - soldiers in his wake as he danced and rolled through enemy formations.

High-tier Tumbling 6 achieved!

Implacable Antimage has leveled to210! You have freed many slave-soldiers from mental magic!

The adventurers and freed elites accompanying Nathan took out the slavemasters with extreme prejudice, often killing them from range moments after the fight started and leaving Nathan free to break enchantments as only he could.

A bunch of volunteers from the previously freed were following the Adventurers around. After each fight they descended to calm and comfort the newly freed slaves, even though they themselves had been controlled by Giantsrest spells and enchantments until just recently.

People definitely have different responses to trauma. I think it’s probably healthy that these people just want to help others.

The elites kept a close eye on the process, waiting to ensure that none of the recently-freed slaves tried to attack their rescuers. It happened sometimes - but maybe once in a hundred compared to the one-in-five of the slave-elites. But then again, the slave-elites had undergone intensive training since childhood. While that training hadn’t been heavy on brainwashing since they’d be controlled by enchantments, some of them did come to believe in the tenets of the empire they served.

Yeah, the oh-so-wonderful philosophy of ‘power is a license to do whatever you want’. Because Giantsrest has powerful magic, they are the ‘correct’ civilization, and their model of slaves-and-masters should spread everywhere.

Nathan shook his head as he headed to the next square, stifling a yawn. He hadn’t slept that much. After all, they’d cut their rest short in order to catch the response force sleeping. He couldn’t complain - it had worked. That decision had directly led them to where they were now, freeing hundreds of people from mental magic.

Maybe I need to do the brain chemistry thing again to keep myself going. No, let’s hold that in reserve. Hopefully I can sleep soon, and I need a trump card in case a bunch of mages teleport in outside the walls or something.

Over the next hour the pockets of slave-soldiers grew smaller and smaller, until he was breaking into mid-size houses to free pairs of guards left behind by the lower class of mages when they fled Halsmet. They were still houses that belonged to mages of Giantsrest, so ‘lower-class’ was relative. Each of the two-story homes still held a dozen slaves.

Then it was time to industrialize the process. The freed slaves had gotten organized, though Nathan didn’t meet those responsible - but he heard that many of the orders were being given by somebody named ‘Myrla’ now, who was working with Vhala in Exea’s mansion.

Hope she’s not a tyrant. That sort of thing happens in uprisings. But right now I’ve got other priorities than ensuring the new leadership is good. It’s better than the old regardless, and I trust Vhala to keep things reasonable.

Following the orders directed Nathan to a series of squares where household and artisan slaves were being gathered to wait for him. They were arranged into long lines, so all Nathan had to do was walk down the line, breaking the mind-magic as he went. Then it was off to the next square.

Some of the ex-slaves running messages tried to keep up, shouting and cheering as Nathan ran through the streets. Most of them fell behind, but some managed to keep up and run ahead of him, shouting that the mage-breaker had arrived. Cheers from the freed people in the squares greeted him as he arrived, and Nathan couldn’t help but smile.

The reward of fighting isn’t the blood on my hands. It’s the cheering of the enslaved after the chains are broken.

There were thousands of people in the city that needed Nathan’s touch. He ended up using [Perfected Body] to erase his tiredness regardless of what he’d previously thought. He simply needed the attention to ensure that he didn’t make any deadly mistakes while he broke the mind magic on every single person in the city.

Aura of Antimagic 6 achieved!

Magical Intuition 3 achieved!

Eventually he looked up to the cloud of runners who had surrounded him for the past few hours. They’d kept cheering him along, and telling him where he needed to go even as night fell over the city once more. “Where to next?”

They looked around at each other before one teenager swaggered forward. “That’s all of them, Mage-Breaker. Want to come party with us? We found the Moha booze.”

Nathan blinked at the kid for a moment. “I’m… going to go to bed. Where can I find one?”

Another girl giggled. “I can show you one!” A few more of the runners opened their mouths to jump in, but an older voice cut through the gaggle.

“Leave the man be.” Vhala stepped out of the crowd, reaching out and grasping Nathan by the shoulder as if to keep him upright. “He needs your company as a fire needs snow. Come on, I’ve got news, and I’ll take you to the Heirs.”

Glad to get away. Getting involved with people I’ve just freed from slavery has all kinds of weird dynamics that I think I’d prefer to avoid.

Nathan followed the thickset leader of the Giantraiders and the crowd of adoring fans broke up with disappointed expressions. He spoke quietly to Vhala. “Everything ok? All settled? I imagine there’s a lot to organize. Do you need me to break any magical locks or anything?”

“All is freedom and brightness.” Vhala snorted at her own words. “Directly so. Halsmet is free, and it needs you rested more than it needs one more remnant of Giantsrest destroyed. The slavemasters have been butchered - mostly by their old charges. The mages are gone, and they are not missed.”

She led him away from the crowded square, back towards the center of Halsmet. “The city is organized, and we have prevented any infighting. A few of Exea’s slaves did all of the work of the city as the archmage bathed in perfumed oils. They were carrying crossbows in her courtyard - but you freed them, and they’ve resumed their old jobs with blood in their eyes and ideas in their heads.”

Vhala shook her head in amazement. “Their leader is an old crone named Myrla - and her tally of deeds must be longer than my own, though they are the deeds of a scribe and organizer, not an Adventurer. There were others who wished to lead, but I backed Myrla. She wields a quill instead of a bow, but she reminds me of the stories of the first Adventurers. She’s managed to wrestle this mess into order. Hear me, it was impressive to see. I expect she’ll end up a guildmaster or mayor before the next Solstice - if we can hold the city.”

They passed through one of the gates into the inner city. The enchanted wood stood wide open and there were no guards, though there was a splash of blood against the gate to mark recent violence. “Myrla tells me that the city needs food and protection. We’ve got food for weeks yet, but she’s sending people out to retrieve the farmers and miners so that you can free them tomorrow. The farms will need to be remade - Giantsrest policy was to replace the farmers as they were picked off, and send out war mages if anything terrible settled down nearby.”

She shrugged. “But I’m leaving that up to the guildmasters to solve. We took this city for them even if they didn’t ask for it!” Her chuckle was dark.

“Any news on our reinforcements? Gemore is coming, right?” Nathan said.

“Yes. There were another two teams on the way to help assist with the rescue and escape, but I sent Wiam and Emerald out of the city a while ago to cast [Message].” Vhala snorted. “Now half of the Adventurers of Gemore are on their way, including the Guardians of Gemore and the Seven Fools. Sudraiel sees a blasphemous hope here - in the people of Halsmet. The ones you freed, Nathan.”

They were approaching the tallest hill, where Exea’s mansion crouched like a gilded beetle. “It’s the numbers. There are as many here as in Gemore and all her villages. Even if we must evacuate the city - it will be a great boon to Gemore. More farmers, more crafters, more Adventurers.Though the traditionalists are likely to be a muckgrabber in the sewer about it. Idiots.”

There were guards on the open gates that Nathan and Artha had blown open just this morning - though it felt like a lifetime ago to Nathan. He waved to Turbang, and the black-armored elite returned the wave with a broad smile and waved them through. A continual flow of messengers and freed slaves entered, some with great purpose and others seemingly seeking it.

They walked into the plaza behind the gates, and Nathan stopped, looking at the patch of stone that had been partially disintegrated. The people bustling through stepped around the crater, barely giving it a glance.

That’s where Artha was standing.

“Remember unto Endings.” Vhala spoke the ritualistic phrase that was used to honor a fallen Adventurer.

Nathan turned to her and smiled, feeling tears in his eyes. “Remember past Endings. Artha started me on my path, and I’ll honor him by destroying Giantsrest. But it won’t end there.”

The big black woman looked at him kindly. “From any other I’d say you were blinded by your own fire. But…” She gestured at the comings and goings around them. “This is your work. I wouldn’t disbelieve that prophecy - and Artha would like that deed done in his name. I think he would also like a statue. Right there.” She pointed at the crater where he’d died.

Nathan smirked. “Out of his armor. There have to be some good masons around here - Giantsrest has enough statues. I wonder if any of them are good at well-muscled chests.”

Vhala snorted and wiped her eyes. “I remember your eyes tracing his outline, back when we first found you.” She shook her head. “You wore the robe of a low-tier student - and fled from an Archmage’s tower. At first I thought you were an illusion or an idiot, but then you punched a fireball and nearly ran from us. What a tale - the Bhos will long remember it.”

Nathan frowned. “Hopefully not the part about me staring at Artha.”

Vhala smiled slyly. “If Nathan Lark prefers to edit his tale, I’ll instead tell of how he gaped like a beached river cutter the first time he saw a cloudless night sky.”

Nathan sighed with exasperation, but the banter made him feel better, lighter. He'd known that death could come from anywhere on Davrar - but Artha's death had shaken him. This - Vhala's words had started him on the path to coming to terms with Artha’s death. People died and grief happened, but life went on.

They entered the mansion, where Olad and a group of elites were guarding the doors. The big bruiser split off, motioning one of the other elites to come with. They gave the two Adventurers respectful nods before trailing behind them.

Nathan looked back, raising an eyebrow inquisitively.

Olad's expression was resolved. “We’ll be guarding you. I’ll slay a dragon before I let a Nail slice your throat as you sleep. You or your team.”

Nathan thought about protesting, but after a moment he nodded and glanced back at the big elite. “Thanks, I appreciate it.”

Vhala brought Nathan to a bunkroom with eight beds, a table and only one entrance. Olad and the other elite peeled off to stand on either side of the door as he entered.

The Heirs were within, and Nathan looked at all of them for a moment. A deep relief spread through his chest, and exhaustion came with it.

They’re safe. Safer than they’ve been since that night that Badud came and abducted them.

Vhala stuck her head in behind Nathan. “Take your sleep, all of you. If the city is attacked we’ll get you up right quick - but it’s not likely. The only force that could attack tonight would be small, and Nathan’s been a Stalker in the night to them - I expect every mage in Giantsrest knows there is an Adventurer who kills Archmages, and won’t attack lightly.” She shut the door.

Nathan looked around at the Heirs. “Well. Today happened.” Their chuckles were interrupted when Nathan’s belly rumbled loudly. He looked down at the offending piece of anatomy. “Shush. I fed you this afternoon.”

“That was hours ago. It’s nearly midnight.” Sarah chuckled. “I think you need some food and then to go to bed. The kitchens here are fabulous - I’ll go get you something.”

There was a gentle rap at the door. Nathan turned and studied it for a moment.

Oh. I’m probably supposed to open that.

Aarl beat him to it, taking a large tray from somebody outside. He brought it to the table in the center of the space. “Somebody’s ahead of us. I suppose this is what is eaten in the palaces of Giantsrest.”

Nathan looked dumbly at the huge spread of food. There were some big plates of roasted and sauced vegetables and many smaller plates of plain bread, cheese and meat. Arranged between them were small dishes of sauce. The style of food sparked a memory.

Huh. Last time I saw food like this I was sitting down across from Taeol while he tried to charm me into giving him the secrets of Earth. That’s a weird flashback to have right now. Never would have guessed these are the circumstances I’d next eat Giantsrest food in!

Shrugging, he dug into the feast alongside the Heirs. He expected them to start asking him questions about everything that had happened, but aside from a few sidelong looks they mostly just talked about the novelty of the different dishes.

Stella in particular enjoyed the food. “This is great. Try the spicy one.”

I appreciate this. I need some time to just relax with my friends. Not think through the implications of life-and-death decisions, or know that hundreds or thousands of people’s freedoms rest on me. Not obsess about what I could have done differently.

They finished every speck of food and Aarl picked the tray back up. “I’ll take this back to the kitchen.”

Nathan walked over to an unclaimed bed and fell into it. He lay there for a second and readjusted, getting the pillow under his head. He didn't immediately fall asleep. He cracked an eye open. “You all doing good?”

Khachi responded with a placating tone. “We are well, Nathan. There are things to speak of, but that is for tomorrow. A day brighter for the deeds of today.”

Nathan awoke to a tap at the door and almost rolled out of bed ready for battle. Then he paused and reflected on the gentle and unhurried nature of the sound. He sat up slowly and watched as Sarah answered the door. She’d been awake already, but the same couldn’t be said for the rest of the Heirs - everybody else was still in bed.

Egall was on the other side of the door, though Nathan noted two freed elites standing outside of the door. Neither was Olad, which meant they’d done a shift change. They were watching the freed Giantsrest mage with suspicion.

She glanced around the room quickly. “I was sent to get you - your parents and some other Adventurers are going to arrive in an hour, and Vhala said you’d appreciate some warning.”

Aarl rolled out of bed as chipper as his sister, rolling his shoulders and nodding his thanks to Egall. Stella groaned and looked up at the ceiling. “How did they get here so quickly? Can’t we get one day of rest? It’s been a long Endings-damned week.”

“Likely your parents facilitating flight, or an artifact from the vaults. Will they assign us work, as if we were children?” Khachi prompted Stella, sitting up himself and reaching for his armor. “Or will they show respect for the Path we’ve blazed?” He sounded proud, as if he was about to receive a justified award.

Everybody looked at Khachi for a moment, and Aarl said “I hate to douse your flame, but which do you think your mother is likely to do?”

Khachi hung his head. “My eyes were blinded by hope.”

“Worse, my parents are going to take out all their worry on me!” Stella groaned and rolled around on her bed. “Then they’ll try to cram all of the Insights they can get into me because they’ll be terrified that I’ve set my path towards fighting all the mages of Giantsrest. But that’s Nathan’s torch. I just want him to teach me more magic!”

Nathan noticed Egall in the door, looking a bit poleaxed by the Heirs joking around.

Sarah reached out and caught her hand, squeezing it reassuringly. “This is how we relax.” Then the lanky copper-skinned woman sniffed theatrically. “Is there anywhere we can bathe around here? We smell like a battlefield.” Her eyes cut towards Nathan.

“Yeah. There are a lot of baths here. I can show you.” Egall said, glad to take Sarah’s offered conversational hook.

There was a bit of grumbling from Stella, but the Heirs grabbed their gear and left their room. The elites peeled off after them.

Nathan cast a glance back at them. “You guys coming to the baths with us?”

One of them shrugged. “Guarding’s what we’re good at. Giant knows we want to keep you safe just as much as the Academy wants you dead.”

They’re probably not wrong about that. I wonder what Badud thinks about all of this - I doubt Halsmet falling was part of his plans. I wonder when he even learned about it.

Nathan shook his head as he followed Egall through the sumptuously decorated halls. “I hope somebody’s got another pair of clothes for me. Ever since I got the antimagic Talent Development I haven’t been going through clothes quite as fast, but this set is still pretty much ruined.”

The heirs traded amused looks and Aarl answered. “We’ve each got a few sets left. We stocked up for a few months after leaving Gemore, and even if you’ve been going through them like a Castlebear goes though meat we’ve got some spares.”

“A bath! I’d rather wake a dungeon than spend so long away from one again.” Stella rubbed her hands together gleefully.

Sarah bumped her shoulder. “No soaking. We’ll need to meet our parents. I’d rather they don’t find us luxuriating in the baths after hearing we got captured.”

Khachi spoke placatingly. “We wish to not appear as if we just fought a muckgrabber. They will give us time.”

"You’re welcome to join us." Sarah said to Egall.

“No - no I couldn’t. I’ll go find something to do. I’ll go find Vhala before Faline finds me. She scares me. Or Myrla - she’s been nice.”

Stella punched Egall in the shoulder, causing the slim woman to flinch. “True aim - though you’ll miss out on me badgering Nathan for magical Insights. Come on!”

Egall gave her a confused look. “By the Giant’s thumbs, I thought you were joking before. He knows Insights of magic? And teaches them freely?”

Nathan shrugged. “They’re more like general Insights that are useful for mages. They don’t exactly do me much good. You’re welcome to listen in, but I doubt you’ll get much out of it unless you stick around for a little while.”

He looked around at the rest of the Heirs and took a deep breath. “And I don’t know if I’ll be staying in Halsmet for long.”

His friends tensed, but Khachi raised his hands placatingly. “Let us hold on that discussion. We need to know more of Gemore and Halsmet to make a decision free of regret.”

“You’re giving me blasphemously little time to learn what you have to teach.” Stella complained, then shook her head when Nathan looked over apologetically. “Pardon my ax. I don’t want to be ungrateful.”

“No, I’m sorry for bringing it up. Come on, let’s see if these baths are better than those in Gemore. And I can keep going on optics. I think I was about to start talking about interference. That’ll be fun.”

Exea’s bathhouses were, in fact, nicer than those in Gemore.

Mid-tier Lecturing 10 achieved! Congratulations, you have maxed out this utility skill! It cannot be improved any further. You must achieve Insight into this skill to develop it to high-tier.

Status of Nathan Lark:

Permanent Talent 1: Aura of Antimagic 6

Permanent Talent 2: Perfected Body 7

Talent 3: High-tier Slow Fall 10

Class: Implacable Antimage level 210

Deepened Stamina: 5621/6600

Antimage’s Impassivity

Antimagic Momentum

Raging Thrill

Implacable Inertia

Unarmored Resilience

Improved Antimagic

Strenuous Agility

Hand-to-hand Expertise

Class: Assassin of Gemore level76

Regenerative Focus: 802/860

Catastrophic Blows

Stealthy Movement



Unsuspecting Strike

Utility skills:

Battle Meditation 8

Leadership 3

High-tier Sprinting 7

Magical Perception 6

High-tier Notice 9

Magical Intuition 3

High-tier Dodging Footwork 9

High-tier Enhanced Memory 10

Mid-tier Lecturing 10

High-tier Tumbling 7

Mid-tier Noticeability 6

Low-tier Quiet Movement 4

Low-tier Disguise 4

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