Elysion Online ~The Dragonewt and The Summoner~

Chapter 49: Tamer's raid and intense cold bear

The next day, we went to the Beastmaster's Guild for our first summoning, just like yesterday. Hearing Rook's request, I also do a normal magic stone summon. Here are the results.

Name Gale Lion Lv1

Vitality 8

Magic Power 6

Strength 12

Defense 8

Agility 8

Dexterity 6


Bite Lv1

Claw Strike Lv1

Intimidation Lv1

Night Vision Lv1

The one I summoned was a lion with a magnificent mane. My magic stone summon legend breaks here. It must be Rook's fault.

The name comes from the English reading of the word gale. I've heard that Gail is more common, but I prefer Gale. I think the name 「Gale」 is more appropriate for a feline. Status is average. It seems to say that champions have no weaknesses.

And the important thing about Rook is that he summoned a slime. I felt Tyrol's mood drop to sub-zero.

"It's a misunderstanding! I didn't summon it because I wanted to!"

Even if that was the case, it didn't change the fact that he had made it a companion. Tyrol seemed to have been covered by Wolf. She seemed to be enjoying the mofumofu time while feeling depressed. When I told her that summoners have the hope of list summon and that wolves have many places to evolve, she changed her mind and turned her attention to hunting.

After that, the evolution was successfully completed. Tyrol chose to evolve into a White Wolf and a Red Wolf. She chose the opposite of my decision. I think it was a good choice. Though she's crazy about the white wolf's fluffiness.

There were two bat evolutions that I was interested in. The Blood Bat and the Sound Bat. Apparently, it was a story of specializing in blood sucking and specializing in sound waves. Tyrol chose the sound bat.

The next day, Friday, was even more problematic. We summon first, just like yesterday. I selected the long-desired second tiger by doing list summon. The aim is a white tiger, so use a name that suits it.

Name Byakuya Tiger Lv1

Vitality 8

Magic Power 2

Strength 14

Defense 10

Agility 10

Dexterity 8


Bite Lv1

Claw Strike Lv1

Leap Lv1

Night Vision Lv1

White night is a natural phenomenon where the sun never sets. Regardless of that, I thought white and night fit the white tiger, so I put them together. Kotetsu is in kanji, so it would be just right. Status is the same as Kotetsu's initial. Well, of course. And having summoned Byakuya, the summoning magic has leveled up.

Rook and Tyrol summoned chicks.

"No, I'm sure you'll get stronger, okay? Don't be discouraged"

So we went out into the field just like yesterday...but I felt a distinctly unpleasant stare. In fact, I've felt a few eyes on me since I formed a party with Rook and Tyrol, but it wasn't an unpleasant gaze. But today's gaze was definitely an unpleasant one and the other party was completely following us. So I changed the plan and headed to the lake for fishing.

"Shall we go fishing at the lake today?"

"Emm, we too?"

"You too...we've been together for three days. I've been with you for three days. And it's not a bad idea to get some food. Both Rook and Tyrol have evolved summoned beasts. I think we've got enough to get by, don't you?"

"That's...that's probably true"

"We can't stay together forever, can we?"

Well, maybe I'll give you a graduation gift? I've heard that if you fight a duel without rules or defeat a player in regular combat, you get a random amount of money and an item.

Arriving at the lake, I call out to the stalking guys. It would be strange if they weren't there.

"We're the only ones around here. Why don't you stop stalking and come out?"


Rook and Tyrol seemed to have no idea what I meant, but as I said that, three players came out of the forest. They had all Wolves with them. Some of them were evolved Wolves. Is this a Mofumofu fan club?

"I didn't think you'd notice. Little girl Summoner"

It's about me. I wonder if the name has already been confirmed. Because there are three people.

"It's all Wolves over there. What are you, a Mofumofu fan club?"

"Huh. Those who don't look at the bulletin board are in trouble because of this. Wolves are monsters that specialize in group battles. The more you have, the stronger you get"

Well, there is no denying it. A pack of Wolves is a marvel, that's for sure.

"I see. But is it okay? I'm sure it's going to be a problem later on if all you have are Wolves"

"If we're in trouble, why don't we just get rid of the wolves and bring in some other monsters?"

"We're tamers, we can get all the monsters we want"

Apparently they're fierce beastmasters and tamers. I don't like the idea of using summoned beasts and then throwing them away when they are no longer useful. Although I suppose that's a normal tactic for tamers.

"Thanks for the advice, which I don't want to take at all. What can I do for you?"

"You're not so stupid that you can't see what's going on here, are you?"

I guess. Three opponents, lots of Wolves. They're probably in a legion. Our party is currently me, Rook, Tyrol, Gray, Gobuna, and Gonta. If we fought normally, we'd be in a dead end. Normally, that is.

"Ta, Takuto-san. This is not good. This is"

"Wh, What should we do..."

"It's my graduation gift to you. We'll take care of them. We're your bodyguards"

Gray and I will step forward.

"We'll take care of you guys. What will you do? Do we fight like this? Or do you want to end this in a duel?"

"It's quick and helpful. I'm not going to be a PK. I'll kill you in a duel"

PK? It's not a penalty kick. I don't know, but me and these three guys are going to duel. It's a deathmatch with no rules. So, let's go easy on them, shall we?

"Summon Legion"

Lily, Ion, Setia, Kotetsu, Konoha, Chess, Gale, Byakuya and Hiyori are summoned around me. Oh Hiyori, it's dangerous, so she's waiting on my head. The other party looks like a donkey. I feel that the wolves are also in despair.


"There are more opponents, but...this is"

Rook and Tyrol are also distracted. But the world of competition is a ruthless one. Lily can't understand the situation and asks me.

"Takuto, what's wrong?"

"Ah. I got into a fight with those guys. I'm sorry to tell you this, but I need your help"

"All right!"

"You've been fighting with Takuto-san..."

"You don't know what you're getting into..."

Lily replied cheerfully, while Ion and Setia were scared. And everyone else was in fighting form.

"Do, Don't be afraid!"

"We have the advantage in numbers!"

"One by one, we'll take them down!"

This is a duel and there is no escape. They seemed to have made up their minds. And so the duel began.

First up. As usual, Lily rushed into the crowd of wolves and unleashed her signature move.

"Heavy Slash!"

She hit five Wolves directly. The wolves were blown up and crashed into the dueling field. They are dead.

"O!? And Ka!? No, E?"

This guy names his wolves E, O, and Ka...and he can't tell them apart, which sucks.

"3! 5! Damn, 1, 2! Aim for the little girl!"

This guy's a number, huh? So I can guess the third one. And if it's a little girl, there are two more? Wolves are really good because they aim for Lily properly.

"E!? A, B! You guys are also aiming for a little girl!"

You never disappoint. Alphabet. You can tell that these guys are really willing to throw them away.

However, the situation where Lily is being targeted, but this is also the usual scene, so I do not panic. Rather, I'd like to see how the current members can work together.

Ion, Chess and Kotetsu moved to follow Lily. Ion sliced and diced a gray wolf, while Kotetsu blew away a black wolf with a tiger punch and then bit a gray wolf that was attacking him.

Chess emptied the Red Wolf with a bear punch like an uppercut. But unfortunately, the low-level Chess couldn't finish off the Red Wolf.

But there's Konoha in the sky. Konoha kicks off Red Wolf, who is struck up and Chess is at the drop. The bear punches with all his might again and Red Wolf crashes into the dueling field. Died. It's a brilliant coordination. I'm proud of myself.

Then Lily's second heavy slash. Three Wolves are blown away. Amen.

There are only three of them and three Wolves left. I want to give praise to the Wolves for fighting for their master even in a desperate situation.

But in the end, Gale and Byakuya bite the Wolves. The last hope, the White Wolf, was launched into the sky by Chess's punch, and just when I thought this was the pattern, Setia's 【Earth Shot】 hit the White Wolf from behind. In addition, Konoha dropped it on the ground with a【Wind Cutter】 and Kotetsu caught it in the air.

White Wolf...you...did your best. I'll never forget your bravery.

Now, there are only three guys left.

"W, Wait"

"Lets talk"

"At least stop the little girl"

There´s nothing to talk about...these three were overwhelmed by Kotetsu, Chess and Gale and Gray finished them off. I knew that Gray was the right person to finish these guys off.

And since we won the duel, we leveled up. And now that chess has reached level 8, the familiar information flows.

『Chess has reached level 8. Evolution is now possible』

The focus is on Hiyori. I knew how hard it's been working. The way it was flapping its wings above its head, trying to fight. In honor of Hiyori, I'd like to focus on the evolution of Chess. Let's take a look. Here are the three evolution paths.


A bear with distinct black and white fur. It has an average status and can't swim, but it has a different fighting style from normal bears and is good at wind magic.


One of the top class bears in the bear ecosystem. They have higher attack and defense capabilities than polar bears. They can swim, but not as well as polar bears.

Polar bear

A bear that lives in extremely cold climates. It is inferior to the grizzly bear in terms of status, but it is good at attacking with the ice attribute. It is also a good swimmer.

What is it about panda that bothers me? The name of Chess makes it a grizzly, but I want to choose a polar bear. An underwater force other than the Ion would be valuable. However, it is said that the fighting style is different from that of a normal panda bear and the picture of a panda fighting with Chinese martial arts is stuck in my brain. Yeah! I decided to be a polar bear!

『Chess has evolved into a polar bear』

Name Chess Bear Lv8 → Polar Bear Lv1

Vitality 26→30

Magic Power 2→16

Strength 26→30

Defense 26→30

Agility 11→15

Dexterity 11→15


Bite Lv1

Bare-handed Lv2→Lv3

Assault Lv2→Lv3

Swimming Lv1

Ice Claw Lv1

Chess's appearance is that of a polar bear, the very kind you see in zoos and aquariums. Let's check out its fur. Hmm? It's white. In reality, it should be transparent, but that's a minor problem. And the fur is more fluffy than fluffy.

Let's consider the panda later. I'd love to see a panda using Chinese martial arts in combat.

A lot has happened, but at any rate, this is the end of Rook and Tyrol's escort and support. I reported to Ruin-san and the others about today's events and Rook and Tyrol graduated safely.

When we parted, they asked me for permission to disclose the information I'd given them. I told them that a lot of the information I've given them hasn't been posted on the bulletin board and that it would help a lot of summoners, so I gave them permission.

However, Ruin-san told me to be careful because today's incident has made at least three of the tamers resent me.

I'm sure she´s worrying too much, but I want to enjoy my adventure with Lily and the others in peace.

Name Takuto Summoner Lv15

Vitality 24

Magic Power 54

Strength 17

Defense 10

Agility 15

Dexterity 32


Bare-handed Lv5

Kicking Lv6

Staff Lv6

Summoning Magic Lv12→Lv13

Alchemy Lv6

Mining Lv6

Dismantling Lv7

Appraisal Lv7

Identification Lv4

Wind Magic Lv5

Fire Magic Lv6

Earth Magic Lv5

Water Magic Lv5

Dark Magic Lv5

Light Magic Lv5

Lightning Magic Lv3

Explosion Magic Lv2

Wood Magic Lv2

Ice Magic Lv2

Space-time Magic Lv3

Reading Lv4

Cooking Lv15

Feeding Lv3

Fishing Lv5

Name Setia Elf Lv1→Lv4

Vitality 10→13

Magic Power 30→36

Strength 6

Defense 4

Agility 10

Dexterity 30→36


Staff Lv1→Lv2

Collecting Lv1

Dose Lv1

Water Magic Lv1

Earth Magic Lv1→Lv2

Wood Magic Lv1

Tree Magic Lv1

Elven Knowledge Lv1

Name Gale Lion Lv1→Lv4

Vitality 8→14

Magic Power 6→8

Strength 12→18

Defense 8→14

Agility 8→14

Dexterity 6→9


Bite Lv1→Lv2

Claw Strike Lv1→Lv2

Intimidation Lv1→Lv2

Night Vision Lv1

Name Byakuya Tiger Lv1→Lv4

Vitality 8→14

Magic Power 2

Strength 14→18

Defense 10→14

Agility 10→12

Dexterity 8→10


Bite Lv1→Lv2

Claw Strike Lv1→Lv2

Leap Lv1→Lv2

Night Vision Lv1

Name Hiyori Chick Lv1→Lv4

Vitality 6

Magic Power 2

Strength 2

Defense 2

Agility 8

Dexterity 2


Flight Lv1→Lv2


Author note:

In the next two episodes, we'll be chatting about the bulletin board and administration. And will touch on the backstory of the story. I hope you enjoy it.

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