Eighties Housekeeper Little Wife

Chapter 96 - 096 (two more chapters)

News that Chen Yuan helped the military hospital to perfect the technology quickly made the newspapers.

And at this time, Chen Yuan was no longer low-key, but completely revealed her appearance. There were photos of her in the newspaper, and they were very beautiful.

The title still reads, “Beauty Geneticist”, and the photo in the newspaper headline was taken by Chen Yuan getting off the car at the entrance of the military hospital.

In the photo, Chen Yuan has delicate facial features, delicate skin, beautiful long hair, black and lustrous, and she has beautiful eyes and elegant temperament, and she has full affinity all over her body.

Moreover, the photos of this era do not have any retouching at all, but this photo of Chen Yuan seems to have a filter, which is pleasing to the eye no matter how you look at it.

In the end, when the citizens read the newspaper, their first impression was that this expert turned out to be such a beautiful woman, which was incredible.

Out of curiosity about Chen Yuan, a beauty expert, the military area hospital has recently registered a much higher rate than usual, all because of the publication of Chen Yuan’s photo in the newspaper.

After all, such a young female expert is really rare.

After Chen Yuan worked in the Military Region Hospital for a period of time, she received an admission notice from the Department of Genetics of Wucheng University. This school is also Shen Huai’s alma mater, and like the Military Region Hospital, it is a key university in the province. In this school, it will definitely be focused on training.

It is not necessary for Chen Yuan to enter a university for further study, but it is still because of her academic qualifications. If she successfully graduates, getting a degree will be of great help to her future career.

So she thought it was necessary to enter the university. After all, she would definitely use it if she had the opportunity, and during her studies, as long as she completed her research, she could find someone to take care of her other careers and jobs. She didn’t delay at both ends, and she didn’t get too tired.

Moreover, Chen Yuan now has an energy stone, so even high-intensity work is not a problem for her at all.

Not long after Zhao Xueyan and Shen Mingyuan got married, Zhao’s father recovered faster and faster. He heard that Zhao’s mother opened a massage shop for the blind.

She didn’t rent a store, but hung a sign at the entrance of the alley, handing out flyers and doing some simple publicity as Chen Yuan suggested.

This blind massage shop just tidied up the house and purchased a massage bed, temporarily creating such a place.

Because Zhao’s father and Zhao’s mother have spent so much money for their daughter and son-in-law to see a doctor, how could they be embarrassed to ask for money, so they just felt that they should not be a drag on each other.

If you can make money, you can rent a small doorman, so you don’t have to spend too much money, you can support it.

As a result, what Mother Zhao didn’t expect was that she just wrote it on the flyer according to what Chen Yuan had told her before, and all the curative contents that massage can have were written on it, and it unexpectedly touched many people.

At the beginning, they were the neighbors around them, and there were also some disabled people and elderly people with bad legs and feet.

Zhao’s mother charges very cheap, only two or three cents for an hour of massage, such a low price, even a child can get it, and a poor family is not a problem, and there is no pressure on a few cents.

So it’s not bad for a few cents. With the mentality of trying it out, I entered this shabbyly decorated massage shop for the blind.

Under this experience, I soon tasted the sweetness. I felt much more relaxed during the hour of massage, and my fatigue and stress were all relieved.

It’s really cost-effective to get such a treat for only a few cents, so Mother Zhao quickly accumulated a group of regulars.

Although not too much, the victory is more faithful.

Once, a customer used the batch of specially-made ointment that was used by Zhao’s father before. There was still some leftover ointment, and the customer used it inadvertently.

It doesn’t matter if you use it, the customer will make a purchase after using it only once.

But the ointment in Zhao’s mother’s hand is enough for two or three times, and the rest is used up by Zhao’s father. Zhao’s father is in good health now, and he almost doesn’t need it anymore.

However, after this ointment is favored by customers, it shows that its curative effect is very easy to use, and it is a real one time to see the effect.

These days, as long as you are an adult, no matter if you are old or young, there is no one who does not have backache and leg pain, and there is no small problem on his body.

The magic of this ointment is that as long as the minor problems related to the bones can be alleviated, if the symptoms are mild, they can be completely cured.

Some old people’s old problems, such as Zhao’s father’s symptoms, can be alleviated, which means that its effect is very extensive. As long as it is launched, it will definitely be welcomed by customers, and Zhao’s mother sees huge business opportunities.

She immediately asked her daughter to ask Chen Yuan to see if the other party was interested in this aspect.

Chen Yuan’s answer is yes, she is short of money now because she has to repay the loan.

Naturally, she can’t let go of a profitable business. She has thought about this plaster business before, but there is no suitable person to take care of this business, and she herself has no time to spend on this small business.

So let it go, but Zhao Xueyan now offers to help her run this plaster business, and she is more than willing. Moreover, Zhao’s mother also opened a massage shop for the blind, which just happened to have a way to sell plaster, one-stop sales service. It’s very convenient. With the secret recipe, she can cooperate with Mother Zhao and Zhao Xueyan, and let them be the agents of the plaster, so that they can earn the difference, and they can sell a lot of plaster themselves, and the agent can also develop subordinates. The business is growing and the income is still very impressive.

Chen Yuan registered a trademark for this plaster, and the operation of the drug requires the registration of the Food and Drug Administration and the relevant license. This is not something that can be directly sold by messing with it. After all, if there is no license, then nothing else But if there is going to be a big problem, of course she can’t make such a low-level mistake, and she has to apply for a patent for the plaster, and this business is more cautious about the pain, and the material of the plaster, some people are prone to allergies, because Don’t worry about the safety of external use. Although most people use it without problems, a small number of people still can’t guarantee it. They can only say that they need to try it out.

The name of this ointment, which Chen Yuan gave after careful consideration, is very down-to-earth, and it is called “Chen’s Iron Bone Plaster.”

At first glance, the name sounds a bit rustic, but after all, for Chinese medicine prescriptions, if you want to do publicity in the future, you need to advertise this product and make a product positioning.

Traditional Chinese medicine plaster products mainly focus on ancient recipes, and it is best to promote them for a hundred years, and Chen Yuan did not exaggerate the fact, this is indeed an ancient recipe, and it is also a divine recipe, but she needs to package it taller and more mysterious. Outerwear, this is conducive to future promotion, so that customers can trust their iron bone plaster more.

For the ointment of Tiegu plaster, Chen Yuan can only find a foundry to make the ointment for the time being. However, in the process of brewing the herbal medicine, she found another company to process it, and then the third factory does the product packaging. This division of labor is also the core of fear. The production method is leaked. If they are all separated, the factory that processes the ointment does not know that what it is processing is iron bone plaster, the workshop that processes the herbal medicine does not know which herbal medicine is used, the factory that processes the outer packaging, let alone their plaster How is it made.

In this way, Chen Yuan can achieve maximum confidentiality, and this is only temporary. If the sales of this thing are good in the future, the processing part will still be handled by herself.

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