Eighties Housekeeper Little Wife

Chapter 72 - 072072

At this moment, there was a sound of opening the door.

Chen Yuan immediately pushed Shen Huai away, because Su Wanhua came back with the child, the two hurriedly got up from the sofa, the air was a little hurried.

Shen Huai looked at Chen Yuan and sighed with regret. Whenever he wanted to do something, something would definitely happen. He and Chen Yuan had been married for so long, but he was still innocent. will believe.

Shen Huai seemed to have something to tell Chen Yuan. Seeing that it was inconvenient for the children to come back, he took Chen Yuan to the bedroom.

He lowered his head and said, “I’ve been promoted, but I feel…”

Bang bang bang, his heart was beating so fast and nervous, he was very unconfident and uneasy. In the face of the person he liked, what he really wanted to hear was her praise and encouragement, and he was worried about seeing any disappointment in the other person’s eyes.

Chen Yuan seemed to know what Shen Huai was thinking, looked at him and said suddenly and earnestly: “You are a hero, a hero who defends the family and the country, it is precisely because of you who have been sticking to your posts that we can have the current peaceful society and peace. Live in peace, so you are not only a hero of the people, but also a hero in my heart.”

These words came from the bottom of my heart, Shen Huai looked at Chen Yuan with flickering eyes, and finally showed a tiger-toothed smile. When he heard Chen Yuan’s words, he was finally no longer confused, and this feeling of being trusted by the people he liked was really good. Very good.

“Wife, can you call me husband?”

Chen Yuan nodded and smiled encouragingly: “Husband, come on!”

Hearing the soft voice coming from his ear, Shen Huai seemed to be full of strength. He held Chen Yuan’s hand tightly, determined to protect her and her family better, not only to win glory for the country, but also to protect her. Let the family feel proud, to have such a wife, my life is really worth it, even if I die, I have no regrets.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the moment the picture was frozen, it was very warm.


A few days later, Huaya Clothing Store opened. A few firecrackers were set off on the opening day. Others did not do any publicity. It was much quieter than when the future restaurant first started.

Secretary Zhang originally thought that Chen Yuan might have to do something novel, but nothing happened. If he didn’t know, he would think that this store was not opened by Chen Yuan, and even the number of customers was terrible compared to the restaurant in the future.

In fact, Secretary Zhang’s estimate was too high. Even the Huaya Clothing Store, which has not done any publicity, is not bad compared to other stores, and it is still incomparable with the future restaurant.

Because this is an independent brand, it will take a period of time to see results.

Chen Yuan specially asked people to build a transparent window, and there were many beautiful clothes and accessories in the store, as well as many small earrings and necklaces. Although they were all worthless handicrafts, they couldn’t help but look very beautiful and very attractive. Buy. And accessories are addictive after they are bought, so they still have a lot of repeat customers.

Today’s bus stations are a little different from those of the past, with advertisements all over the stop signs.

After Han Wan got out of the car with the suitcase in her hand, she saw the advertisement of the restaurant’s Chuanchuanxiang at the first sight. She was very surprised. She didn’t expect that such a big city like Wucheng was economically developed, and she had never eaten in a small place. Foods like Guochuanchuanxiang, which I remember in my previous life, seemed to be eaten only once when I was a few dozen years old. Now I feel that this advertisement is a bit different from this era.

Han Wan felt that this advertising poster was very similar to the style she had seen in later generations. First of all, she was reborn to the age of 20 because it was too long ago. This memory is more than 20 years ago in the 1980s.

She felt that the advertisement in front of her was real, and it was really not like what she expected in this era, so she felt it was very strange. Could it be that the living standard of Wucheng has reached an unimaginable level?

Although Han Wan felt very strange, she didn’t think much about it. The main purpose of her visit this time was to go to the Shen family. If the living standard in Wucheng was really so good, it would be easier for her parents to come and live together.

The first thing she did in her rebirth was to break up with her original partner. In fact, if nothing else happened, after a while, it would be time for her to talk about marriage. Fortunately, it was not too late to be reborn, and everything could be saved. In this life, I must live a good life, marry a good husband, and live a happy life.

The most important task of coming here this time is to please the children and make them accept themselves.

Han Wan found a hostel to live in, and went directly to Shen’s house before she could rest, mainly because she didn’t know the attitude of the other party. If the attitude was bad, it would be much more difficult to get close.

I made a classic car very smoothly and found the address of the Shen family.

Han Wan stepped forward and knocked on the door, dong dong dong.

After a while, an older female voice suddenly asked in the courtyard, “Who is it?”

Han Wan thought about whether the person she wanted to talk to was Shen Huai’s mother Zhang Guilan. In my impression, she was a bad mother-in-law, but she gave her eldest sister a lot of hardship, or else her eldest sister could leave the child and leave without any nostalgia. .

However, this may also be his future mother-in-law. There is a saying that the only way to be a good person is to endure hardships. If you want to marry Shen Huai, you have to endure hardships. If you suffer some grievances, this is nothing, the important thing is everything. It’s all worth it.

She can’t be as stubborn as the eldest sister, and as vicious as the former Chen Yuan in front of her, it is best to show a kind and beautiful person, and try to think for others, so that the Shen family thinks they are a good person and don’t have to worry about it. Shen Huai was not good to himself.

“Auntie, I’m Han Wan, we met before.”

After Han Wan finished speaking, Su Wanhua was stunned for a moment, as if thinking about who the name was. He must have never heard of this name, so he didn’t know him at all, so he frowned and became vigilant.

“You’re wrong, I don’t know you.”

Han Wan was also taken aback: “Ah, isn’t this Shen Huai’s house? You are right. “

Only then did Su Wanhua come out and open the door. He fixed his eyes on a young girl standing at the door. She was in her early twenties, with neat short hair and a snowflake plaid coat. Strange, always glanced inside the door from time to time.

“who are you looking for”

Seeing that it wasn’t Zhang Guilan, Han Wan said confidently, “I am Dabao Erbao’s aunt and their mother’s sister. I came here to see the child.”

After hearing this, Su Wanhua looked at the other party carefully, and found that Han Wan came empty-handed. If she guessed correctly, the family should have not contacted the children for a long time. It seems that the clothes they sent last time were all sizes. Small, she also sent it.

Although he didn’t know the other party’s twists and turns, but Su Wanhua knew the heartlessness of their Han family, so naturally he didn’t like it much. Just as he was about to say something to deal with it, he heard a beautiful female voice behind him.

“Aunt San, who is outside?”

When Han Wan heard the sound, she saw a beautiful woman in a loose coat coming out of the door. Her face changed dramatically, and her lips trembled as she said, “Chen Yuan? Why are you still at the Shen’s house.”

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