Eighties Housekeeper Little Wife

Chapter 62 - 062 (second update, first)

“how so?”

The faces of the village director and several people are really good-looking, and they made a joke for a long time. The wheat ears are thick and strong, tall and large, not only good, but also full, and the maturity rate is even more amazing.

“Is this what you planted in your field?”

Because it was so amazing, I asked again in disbelief.

Chen Yuejin answered with great certainty: “Of course it is. I can guarantee that the crops in the whole village will be cut down for comparison, which is also my best.”

The village director’s eyes were all red, and he felt that his mood was up and down along the way. At this time, he finally breathed a deep sigh of relief: “It’s good, it’s good, it’s good to get it, you don’t know how worried we are for you. what.”

Chen Yuejin scratched his head and said a little embarrassedly, “Thank you for your concern.”

“Let’s not say anything else. You are also lucky. If you change it to someone else, maybe the crops will become wasteland and nothing will come out.”

“Next time, don’t make such an exciting thing again, you are about to scare you out of a heart attack.”

“But this time you have a good harvest, and the output is quite large. You have paid so much public grain, which is worthy of praise!”

When Chen Yuejin heard this, he knew in his heart that it wasn’t a chance encounter, but the smart one didn’t argue about anything, let alone mention Chen Yuan’s method. He didn’t care what other people thought. In fact, he would only explain it in front of Chen Mian. , after all, it is family, so there is no need to explain other people’s words.

After all, it was useless to say that he broke the sky before. Others stopped him from letting him fertilize, and they would think that his fields must be in an accident. Although they don’t know what their mentality is, Chen Yuejin has been criticized too much, and he can’t help it. The forms of those people were regarded as good intentions, and the malicious speculations of these people had a great impact on his life and made him feel a lot of pressure.

Even if he succeeds now, it is the result of his silent perseverance alone, and has nothing to do with being someone else, let alone just luck.

If it wasn’t for luck, maybe he gave birth to a good daughter, Chen Yuan, so he was lucky.

The village director and several people had embarrassed expressions. Originally, they criticized Chen Yue for coming in, but now they praised the other party, and they also praised and encouraged them fiercely. What’s wrong with teaching them? They came here too much. It feels a little humiliating to stand here redundantly.

The village leaders left in despair, and Chen Yuejin continued to load the truck, which was full of four-wheeled crops, estimated to weigh several hundred kilograms.

Today, Old Man Chen finally fulfilled his promise, that is, to hand in the most food in the village, and to compete for the first place.

Except for Chen Yuejin to hand in the grain, other villagers also went to hand in the grain, and they were very surprised to see Chen Yuejin pulling a big cart of wheat.

Moreover, Chen Yuejin was driving on four wheels with such a big target, which was particularly conspicuous. It was very difficult for him not to notice.

Seeing this situation, others were suspicious, thinking that Chen Yuejin had pulled the grain from someone else’s family, and that the wheat behind belonged to his family? If his family is all good wheat? Are you trying to fool the past with shoddy manufacturing?

That can’t be done, it is related to the honor of all farmers in Xiaohe Village.

At the same time, many villagers went to the warehouse to see if the food that Chen Yuejin handed over was fraudulent.

After Chen Yuejin arrived at the grain depot, he found that the number of villagers who came together was very large, and finally surrounded the three floors and three floors around the place. This battle seems to be unusually large, especially the people After more, the sound is also very noisy, and many people gather together to chat and don’t know what to say.

Suddenly, someone scolded Chen Yuejin: “Old Chentou, we absolutely do not allow you to use bad food to make up your money. The harvest in your field is not good this year. Everyone in the village knows it. It is definitely not easy to get away with this method. matter.”

“I didn’t make up for it. All I paid was good food. You guys have a lot of control over everything.”

Chen Yuejin frowned and said coldly.

“You have such a bleak harvest this year, where is there good food? You are clearly lying.”

Chen Yuejin was **** off by the logic of these villagers: “How can I not have a good harvest, I have endured every day for the past few months, and I have been angry every day, so that I can raise my eyebrows when I come to pay the grain today, my old Chen is not easy to bully. If you don’t believe me, take it out and compare it to see if my food is several times more than yours, and the quality is several times better than yours.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at each other in dismay, and they all showed very questioning expressions: “How can you have a good harvest?” This thing is really weird, it looks tall, strong and full, how can it be full of particles inside.

“You dare to compare. You are not afraid that the grains of wheat that are milled in public will not be harvested. When there is nothing, you will be stupid.”

“Yeah, your eldest daughter is so angry that she ran away. If you have a good harvest, can she quarrel with you?”

“Chen Mian persuaded you not to use this method at the beginning, but you didn’t listen. Now you regret it. There is no regret medicine in the world.”

Chen Yuejin knew that it was useless to talk too much. He knew the ignorance of these villagers better than anyone else. Once upon a time, he thought he was the same person as them, but only later did he realize that he was fundamentally different from them. Independent thinking can judge the truth of the matter, but these villagers can’t judge, and already think that he will not have a harvest.

“If you don’t believe me, I’ll grind out a bag of flour first to open your eyes, but it’s best to compare it with yours and see how big the gap is with ordinary food.”

Old man Chen said that he took ten catties of rice and gave it to the administrator of the grain depot in his village, and asked the other party to use a stone mill to grind out the flour.

At this time, there were still villagers who didn’t believe that Chen Yuejin really paid so much grain, and also took his own ten catties of wheat and gave it to the administrator to grind the noodles.

When the two kinds of wheat are put together, the contrast is extremely tragic.

The same is wheat, Chen Laohan’s golden yellow, the wheat ears are round and long, and the fruit on the top catches up with the grain of soybean grains. If you describe it, it is particularly strong.

Next to it is ordinary wheat sent by ordinary villagers. The color is much worse. Although it is also golden brown, the wheat ears are obviously white. They do not have the golden color of Chen Laohan’s wheat, and they are neither long nor thick. The fruit on the top is even less round, and it is visible to the naked eye in a circle, as if it is not full.

From the appearance, Chen Yuejin’s wheat is better than others, but other villagers muttered at the side: “What’s the use of looking good? You have to have food. Pillow.”

“Growing food is for eating, not for display. Old man Chen’s wheat is fine if he grows flowers and trees as a display. When the leaders come down to inspect, they will prepare a little bit, and they will be more showy when they visit. Hahaha. “

This remark caused a lot of laughter from the villagers, all laughing at the old man Chen’s wheat that is only good-looking and can only be used as an ornamental, is it not funny to be busy for an autumn, to come out lonely, and to waste time blindly.

The old man Chen stood by the side expressionlessly, and listened to the laughter silently.

However, these laughter lasted for only a few minutes, and soon the villagers could no longer laugh. In an instant, the smile froze on their faces, because the stone mill slowly started.

With the slow rotation of the stone mill, all the wheat pulled by Chen old man was stuffed into the stone mill, and some snow-white flour slowly fell out from the slot below, and was placed on the wooden dustpan on the ground. Then, the color of these white flours is very quiet. Normally, the flour milled in the past is slightly yellow, but this is not the case with Chen Laohan’s flour.

It seems to be naturally white, and it doesn’t matter if there are some light yellow wheat husks in it, but the color is very bright, and the fragrance is very strong, which is the fragrance of flour.

The stone mill was turning, and the flour kept slipping down. One handful, two handfuls, three handfuls, still not finished, after a long time, the face of the villagers was not as calm as before. Some people His expression was even more unnatural, his eyes staring at the flour piled up into hills.

After a long time, the stone mill stopped turning. After touching Chen Yuejin’s flour, he weighed it up. The numbers displayed on it made everyone stunned. They couldn’t believe their eyes.

A pound of wheat normally yields seven or eight taels of flour. Eight taels is when the harvest is particularly good. That can only be done when the weather is good and rainy. Normally, it can yield more than seven taels, but Old Man Chen’s is better than them. At most, more than that.

And every kilogram will add two or two sides, ten kilograms will add two kilograms, hundreds of kilograms? How many kilograms? So how much more is there.

Everyone was stunned and couldn’t believe there would be so many. In the past, there were 100% whole noodles, but that side was black, which couldn’t be compared with white noodles at all. The most common ones were 70-75%, 80%. There are also a few, but those in the 90s are unbelievable, and it is still a second crop, and it is unbelievable that so many grow.

Is it a miracle of God? ? ? ?

At this time, everyone’s thoughts were pulled back, because the stone mill of the grain depot started to turn again, this time it was the wheat of ordinary villagers. The planting is almost the same, and there is no change, but it is far from the old man Chen. After all the grinding, it looks a lot less, and the two dustpans are not full.

One said, 7 pounds and 5 taels.

The crowd was in an uproar, it really wasn’t a miracle, but Old Man Chen alone had so much.

Then, the warehouse manager filled the two bags of flour. The bag for Chen Yuejin was written as super first-class flour, and the ordinary villager’s was ordinary second-grade flour. When he grew his eyes, he saw that it was like this. Compare? ? There’s a big difference in the name.

Lost too badly.

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