Eighties Housekeeper Little Wife

Chapter 56 - 056 (two more chapters)

The name of Chen Yuan’s restaurant is “Future Restaurant”, which just fits the theme of the future world, and she intends to draw the whole scene of her own restaurant in the new chapter of the comic book.

In the second dimension and reality, the joint linkage makes readers feel more immersive. Although there is some suspicion of private goods, the author is Chen Yuan alone, she just better presents a part of the future, making readers feel It is more realistic and more real. The scenes in the comics are never fictional, but things that have happened in the future world. She should be the first person who can open a restaurant by writing a book.

If one day readers discover that many things in the comic strip can be achieved by continuous exploration and continuous efforts, many technologies can be achieved, maybe there will be a huge collision with the current thinking.

Young flowers, influenced by her works, will accelerate the development of science and technology when they grow up. This is the purpose of Chen Yuan.

This restaurant at the entrance of the school does use a lot of future elements, such as the automatic lift table for food delivery, and the self-service rotating order table, which is not available in all restaurants today.

Chen Yuan could predict that when her restaurant opened, it would definitely cause shock to the people around her, and she was prepared for it. She recruited a group of front office and back kitchen staff, plus a store manager, a total of 20 people.

The store manager’s name is Zhu Hua, a female college student who is almost thirty years old. Chen Yuan feels that she is mature and stable. When she went to the talent market to recruit, she left a deep impression on Chen Yuan, so she asked her to help her manage the store. .

In fact, Chen Yuan has no other requirements for the store manager, as long as she can strictly abide by all the rules she has set. After all, her rules are relatively strict, but they are all written out on the surface, and they will not make things difficult for people at all.

Zhu Hua is a straightforward person. Of course, she likes this way of working, because strict regulations are better than no regulations, and it is better to do things according to the boss’s mood. If there are regulations, it is easy to do things. If everyone abides by the regulations, the restaurant can run better.

When Zhu Hua came to the newly renovated “Future Restaurant” for the first time, the whole person was stunned, and the expression on his face was similar to that of Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

For a moment, he even wondered if he had gone to another world.

According to Chen Yuan’s words, it is called crossing.

The appearance of the facade is very different. All the glass windows are clean and generously polished. The silver-white tempered windows used for the window frames have no decoration at all. Only a robot model with a height of one person is very conspicuous, making it unique in the store. signboard.

Going further inside, Zhu Hua felt more and more as if he had never seen the world. He had to go up and take a look at everything. The color of the floor was made of pure white marble, so that people’s faces could be clearly seen. Ten crystal chandeliers, these chandeliers can change colors at will. If the weather is hot, they will be replaced with white light with cool color bars. When the weather is cold, they will become warm colors in winter. This color change makes people feel very comfortable.

There are a lot of careful tricks in the light. For example, there is a universe in this lampshade, which is inlaid with some iconic patterns of the theme, as well as the image of a small robot, or a series of iconic lines, which makes people think of the iconic plot at a glance. .

After the power is turned on, the contents of these lampshades will be irradiated on the floor in a rotating form, which makes people unable to take their eyes off. I am willing to stay up all night with the light on.

In addition, there are many scenes from the original comic strips of “Future World” on the walls. When decorating, the decorator directly copied them according to the scale. It is also very beautiful and reminiscent of beautiful plots.

As well as the uniforms of the clerks, as well as menus, table signs, and even all the tableware, cups and saucers, all of them are the same version of the “Future World” theme customized version.

The color of the cup and saucer is black at the bottom, snow-white ceramic inside, and the theme pattern baked out of ceramic on the back is a Q version of the robot image. The dishes and chopsticks are also of the same design, this small Q version is cute and delicate It is very easy to arouse the love of customers after watching it.

It can be said that all the items in the store are printed with the theme trademark, and it is easy to identify whether it is an item in the store or not.

The manager and the back kitchen are also equipped with a walkie-talkie, which is convenient for timely contact and use. The kitchen on the first floor is equipped with an automatic food delivery elevator, which can be easily transmitted to the second floor. It is beautiful and saves time and energy. The disadvantage is that it is too expensive.

Zhu Hua came back from the shock and began to familiarize himself with everything in the restaurant, and quickly threw himself into his work.

Such a good restaurant, you must do your job well.

Most of the menus ordered by Chen Yuan are set meals and fast food. Because most of them are students eating, they are not suitable for dishes that are too troublesome. They are mainly delicious and convenient, and the price is right, which will attract more customers.

And the location of this restaurant is not only Wucheng Primary School, but there are two or three other middle and primary schools, as well as faculty members, and various state-owned enterprises are not far away from leaving. As long as it is promoted and opened, it will change the traditional way of bringing meals to students. Business is absolutely booming.

It’s not that there are no other restaurants nearby, but they are all old-fashioned dishes that have never been developed.

After class, Dabao Erbao didn’t plan to go to the small dining hall to eat, because the two of them didn’t bring a lunch box, but went to the restaurant where Chen Yuan said.

Some classmates saw them walking in the direction outside the school, and asked puzzled: “Shen Qingxuan, what are you doing? Are you not eating?”

Dabao and Erbao turned around and said, “Today, a new restaurant opened outside the school. I heard that it tastes good. Let’s try it.”

“What? What restaurant?”

The students scratched their heads in confusion, not knowing what was going on.

Xu Xiaonan and Gao Gao chased behind and shouted, “Wait for a while, my mother didn’t bring me a lunch box today, she said that if the food in the restaurant is delicious, I will eat it in the restaurant every noon in the future.”

Wang Meimei also nodded earnestly and said, “The dishes in the restaurant are all warm and comfortable to eat, much better than the cold box lunches brought. It’s not good for the body to always eat boxed lunches. If you can eat in the restaurant every day, you won’t need to bring meals in the future. already.”

A few children talked at length, and more and more aroused the curiosity of the classmates. They all wanted to know what the off-campus restaurant was like. After all, they had already had enough of the cold box lunch.

Everyone is willing to eat fresh food, especially when they see that children have already eaten, if they bring a box lunch, they will feel uncomfortable.

I secretly made up my mind that tomorrow I will definitely ask the parents for money and go to the restaurant to have a taste.

Dabao Erbao and Gao Gao rushed to the restaurant outside the school. They already knew about the second aunt’s opening of the restaurant, but the second aunt kept this matter a secret and was not allowed to tell anyone, so they endured it for a long time. They were too curious about what it was. look.

The five children were shocked as soon as they entered the door.

At this time, there were already a lot of customers in the restaurant. These customers were fans of “Future World” and TV viewers. Chen Yuan contacted Huaxia TV to insert a fifteen-second advertisement for herself, and asked the publishing house It was printed in advance to help the restaurant to promote it, and there was almost no resistance, and there were already many customers.

The restaurant is divided into a student area downstairs on the left side, and there are many adult customers who dine in another test or upstairs.

When the customers saw the five children standing in front of the door with dazed expressions, they couldn’t help but smiled kindly, because their expressions when they first came in were similar to theirs.

The children came back to their senses and were arranged to order, and were dazzled by the dazzling menu, but the most striking thing was a thick light plate, which was called Black Pepper Chicken Chop Rice, which attracted the attention.

Dabao decided to order this black pepper chicken chop rice, and Erbao ordered the crispy bibimbap.

Xu Xiaonan and the others were hesitant. Because there were too many tricks, they didn’t know which one to order. Finally, they ordered a large chicken set meal and a beef chili sauce barbecue rice on the recommendation of the restaurant waiter.

I feel drooling listening to it.

And it’s a name I’ve never heard of.

The other three children sang about her cooking skills at Chen Yuan’s house before, and they wish they could eat in her house every day, especially after the high temperature can’t eat the food made by Chen Yuan, it feels much easier and easier to lose weight.

The smell is naturally nostalgic.

However, this restaurant looks good no matter how you look at it, the decoration is good, and the environment is good. After seeing these themes, they don’t want to leave at all. It would be great if they lived here at night.

This idea is the voice of all those who like “Future World”.

It took less than five minutes, and all the dishes were ready, and the speed of serving was very fast.

After the dishes are served, the styles of the dishes are very delicate, especially the ingredients are very realistic. Although the price of this one is more expensive than the ones sold outside, for the same price, the meat dishes inside are very large. It can be said that it is really affordable for the same price.

Dabao Erbao couldn’t wait. Looking at the tender and juicy meat, he kept drooling, especially the black pepper chicken chop rice, which they had never eaten before, and the second aunt had never made this new style for them. It has a unique freshness in it.

The roasted meat of Crispy Rotisserie Rice is roasted and crispy, and the meat is marinated just right. The aroma and light sweetness of cumin make the roasted meat more delicious. It is accompanied by a unique sauce, and a thick layer of sesame seeds is sprinkled on the surface. , is really tempting.

It’s an old rule, the two brothers eat each other, you try mine, I try yours, they all taste delicious, and I can’t get enough of a few servings.

The high temperature and Xu Xiaonan are the big plate chicken set. The big plate chicken is made of fresh and tender chicken thighs, which are stewed with potatoes, green peppers, mushrooms and a variety of secret spices.

The large plate of chicken is served with very strong and wide noodles, and there is a lot of soup, which can perfectly wrap the noodles in it. When you take a bite, the wonderful taste of the meat and vegetable mix explodes in your mouth, completely out of control in this taste, and the rest Mechanical movements, non-stop swallowing.

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