Eighties Housekeeper Little Wife

Chapter 25 - 025 Rain in Mingyuan (Part 1 of an update)

After Shen Mingyuan found a job, the smiles on his face also increased. This job may not be seen by others, the salary is not high, and the work is hard work. It was very important for him to be able to prove that he too could survive in this city.

The first thing Shen Mingyuan did when he found a job was to tell Shen Huai that he would not go back to the wood factory. He didn’t seem depressed, as if it was the confidence that this job brought him, which gave him the confidence to face this matter, but he always did. There is no real reason for not going back.

“Brother, because the work in the wood factory is too tiring, I don’t want to go back this time. I found a suitable job in the provincial capital, and I will work well in the city in the future.”

Shen Huai nodded as if he didn’t know anything: “If you have anything, feel free to come to see brother, don’t you know it by yourself? It’s not very safe to live alone outside, otherwise you will go home and live.”

Shen Mingyuan insisted on moving out, that’s because he didn’t want to drag Shen Huai down, he was a big man with hands and feet and could live independently, and the second brother had already married, if he stayed there and didn’t leave, it would be easy to get bored and rent it by himself. Although the house is dilapidated, it is still a small nest, which can give him a sense of security.

He shook his head and said, “I’m not going back. It’s fine now. Brother, you don’t have to worry about me. I’ll work hard and save money to buy a new house in the future.”

Shen Mingyuan believes that as long as he works hard, he can make money, he can see hope in life, and he can get rid of the current predicament. Except for his own physical disability, he can’t change it, but he can make money to change the current situation. To put it bluntly, it is because of poverty that it has become like this. of.

He also heard the gossip at the wedding. Because he was poor, he was not qualified to pursue Zhou Qingmei. He didn’t even have the courage to attend the wedding, and no daughter of any family was willing to marry him. He felt very inferior. Money is a measure of a person. Standard, it’s hard to prove yourself.

Therefore, Shen Mingyuan must make money. Only by earning money to prove his worth and ability can he slap the faces of those who have disliked others.

Seeing that Shen Mingyuan insisted on not wanting to go home and live, Shen Huai did not persuade him, but took a sum of money for his brother to cover the daily expenses during this time.

Shen Mingyuan didn’t want to take it, because he had already made the second brother spend money, how could he be embarrassed to let him continue to take the money now.

“Then it will be lent to you, how about returning it to me when I make money?” Shen Huai said, taking a hundred-yuan bill and placing it in Shen Mingyuan’s hand.

“A penny beats a hero, don’t be polite to brother.”

Shen Mingyuan is really short of money right now. He hasn’t got the monthly rent for the next month. He can’t say anything about rejecting the money, so he bowed his head and took it, and said seriously, “Brother, I will definitely pay it back. for you.”

Shen Huai nodded and said, “Well, don’t put too much pressure on yourself, life will get better.”

If it is given to him directly, Shen Mingyuan’s self-esteem is too strong. If it is not a special situation, he does not want to trouble others at all. He will only accept the help he gives him when it is desperately needed, and Shen Huai does not want the other party to know. In fact, he found the job himself.

Shen Huai just wanted to help his younger brother silently. He had already lost a big brother, so he cherished Shen Mingyuan even more, and he wanted to help him as much as he could.

After Shen Huai went home, she told Chen Yuan about Shen Mingyuan’s new job. Chen Yuan was not optimistic about the job content and salary.

She feels that this kind of work is of little value, and the investment and return are completely unequal, but now Shen Mingyuan’s conditions are in addition to being a laborer, it is difficult to find an easy job.

Shen Huai explained: “This job is also a matter of urgency. If the third brother doesn’t find a job, I’m afraid he really won’t be able to hold on. Now that he has a job, he is quite motivated, and he won’t think about it when he is busy. Maybe it will take a long time. I can forget about Zhou Qingmei.”

Chen Yuan can also feel that after Shen Mingyuan found a job, or when he first came back, his mental state has improved a lot. At least his happiness index has increased by 10 points compared to before, and he is out of the danger line. I hope this job is a good one. Nice start.

Shen Huai also began to think about Shen Mingyuan’s future these days. After pondering for a while, he suddenly said to Chen Yuan, “I would like to ask you to teach Shen Mingyuan how to make dumplings so that he can learn it with you. Maybe he can make some at that time. Small business, I will help him pay for the tuition, I sincerely beg you, I hope you will consider it.”

After he finished speaking, he looked at Chen Yuan with a pair of big eyes, especially sincere, with a hint of pleading and expectation in his eyes.

It was the first time that Chen Yuan saw Shen Huai speak in such a tone. It was really rare. Shen Huai actually looked like an iceberg on the surface, but he was not so cold in his heart. He sometimes spoke softly, so he felt That kind of character that melts when it is hot, his deep eyes are like a clear pool of water, and the person watching can’t take his eyes away, and he can’t help but agree to him.

Chen Yuan blinked, she was not human, and quickly looked away. In fact, helping Shen Mingyuan would benefit herself. Naturally, she would not refuse, but the time to make money from dumplings was long overdue.

“It’s not because of the tuition fees. Many people are selling jade dumplings, and the market is almost saturated. Besides, the citizens have been tired of eating for so long, and now the taste is delicious and it is not very profitable, and the steps to make dumplings are too troublesome. , this is not a business he can do alone.”

And what suits Shen Mingyuan right now is a business with small investment, low risk, and preferably one person can support. If the requirements are reduced in this way, the options will be narrowed.

In fact, Chen Yuan can have a lot of ideas, tell Shen Mingyuan, and they can make money. Shen Mingyuan can’t do business yet. It is better to teach him how to fish than to teach him how to fish. He can help him for a while, but he can’t help him for the rest of his life. To understand, to truly grow.

It makes sense for Shen Huai to hear what Chen Yuan said, but his brother’s situation still worries him a lot. After getting along with Chen Yuan for so long, he knows that her ideas are endless. Although every one of them is novel, they are all The most common things in life.

Just like the pajamas that I wore last time, I was envied by Vice-Tuan Zhang for a long time. She can make the clothes she wears so special for sleeping, and she can keep any corner of the house spotless and tidy. She is extremely serious, which shows that she is this People should be as careful as silk.

Shen Huai never wanted to understand why Chen Yuan was like that at that time, maybe because what she did these days surprised her too much, and her original memory was almost blurred.

But what is certain is that only Chen Yuan’s personality has changed, but she is still the same person. The last time she mentioned work to her, she didn’t seem to be very enthusiastic.

In order to get a formal job, Chen Yuan chose to risk her life to come to the city. Of course, this kind of courage is not something ordinary people can have. When she heard the news that she could work, she could not be so calm.

At that time, Shen Huai just thought that the job position in the military hospital was better, so she didn’t think much about it, but Chen Yuan’s reaction was too calm, it seemed that work was just a trivial matter for her, in fact, her ability did not need to go to work. It is the biggest difference from the original Chen Yuan, can a person have such a big change in a short period of time?

Thinking of this, he had an incredible idea.

Shen Huai suddenly turned his head and looked into Chen Yuan’s eyes and said, “Chen Yuan, do you remember how many cows you raised in your family?”

Chen Yuan’s eyes jumped when she heard this, and she smelled the danger slightly. There is thunder in this question. Why did Shen Huai suddenly start asking this? She straightened her face and replied calmly: “Three heads, because I got married, my father sold one head, and now there are only two heads left.”

Shen Huai’s expression was slightly wrinkled: “No, I don’t remember this number. You don’t know the number of cattle at home?”

“You took the wrong medicine, what did I say wrong?”

Chen Yuan clearly remembered these things. Shen Huai deliberately said it was wrong, and he really began to doubt his identity.

But her body belongs to Chen Yuan, and today’s technology has not yet reached the point where the system can be detected, so whether it is a blood test or a DNA test, there is no problem.

Shen Huai looked thoughtful: “There are too many strange things about you, I think you have changed a person, you used to care too much about work, but now you don’t care about it, it makes me feel strange, a normal person The gap between before and after is also too big, which is unscientific.”

Chen Yuan said, “Of course I have changed a lot. Do you still want to see the irritable Chen Yuan before?”

“Of course not, I just think you two are completely two people, so it shouldn’t be a disguise.” Shen Huai looked suspicious again when he thought of the woman and spy he had seen before.

“Then you read it wrong. My body and face are real, and if they are fake, they are absolutely innocent. There is no second Chen Yuan in this world.”

Chen Yuan pointed to her face, and said that she could let Shen Huai try it, and what she needs now is his energy, and the two can be regarded as a cooperative relationship. He will continue to ask questions, and simply give him an incomplete answer, believe it or not.

After speaking, Chen Yuan suddenly picked up Shen Huai’s hand to touch the skin on her face.

“No, no, I don’t want to touch it.” Shen Huai was about to refuse fiercely, but in a split second, his thick, calloused fingertips touched the snow-white and tender skin, and his voice stopped abruptly.

The big man who has never been in contact with a girl’s face turned red, and the soft touch was very touching, like the texture of cotton candy, which was delicate and nostalgic. When she touched her face, she knew that there must be no decoration. So she is really Chen Yuan, and he will believe it now. Besides, Shen Huai doesn’t know Chen Yuan 100%, except that her attitude towards work has changed too much, other things may be what she knew before. .

Moreover, Shen Huai really likes to get along with this rational and calm woman.

After figuring out this question, Shen Huai was a little embarrassed, his body was like a boiled shrimp, and before leaving in a panic, he left a sentence: “I think too much”.

After a while, Dabao’s voice came from outside the house: “Second uncle, it’s not hot, why are you pouring cold water on your body?”

Chen Yuan: “…”

What’s going on? Is the panel broken? [Shen Huai]’s character index hasn’t moved for a month, and it suddenly increased by 10 points just now.


In Shen Mingyuan’s job, he delivered newspapers to every household in the area he was in charge of every day, and it had to be delivered before five in the morning.

After delivering the newspapers, I go back to the newspaper office to do chores, clean the house, unload the goods for the newspaper office, and pack them. After that, I have to take the newspapers out to retail on the street. The work is tiring and I don’t care about meals.

In order to save money, Shen Mingyuan eats a few steamed buns and a bag of pickles every day, and drinks some cold water to make his stomach feel very full.

The purpose of his frugality is to save money to pay rent and save money to give back to his second brother. Although he is a little tired, he is more fulfilling, and he quickly got used to the work of delivering newspapers.

Shen Mingyuan got up early this day. He didn’t know how to ride a bike at first, because his body was always shaking and it was difficult to maintain balance. But before going to the wood factory, no matter how painful it was, he insisted on practicing balance and was able to ride smoothly. The car really suffered a lot.

Using his unsound body to ride a bicycle is ten million times more difficult than a normal person, but these are nothing, Shen Mingyuan can finally ride it, and now he is very stable and will never fall, and he does the work of delivering newspapers, It will also be very convenient, and the hard work he has paid is worth it.

However, the weather was not good today. It was cloudy outside, and when my colleague asked for leave, the manager gave all the extra newspapers to Shen Mingyuan alone.

Shen Mingyuan nodded without saying anything and went to deliver the newspaper honestly, but halfway through the delivery, it suddenly rained heavily, and he was completely soaked without any precautions.

His expression changed and he hurriedly covered the newspapers in the bag to prevent them from getting rained on. He took three steps and two steps to find a place where the surrounding buildings could shelter from the rain. Unfortunately, the rain was too much and still flowed into the bag, and put the paper on the newspaper. The ink smeared quickly.

Shen Mingyuan was in a hurry, he quickly took out the newspaper inside, trying to shake off the rainwater on it, but the more anxious he was, the more blurred the text on it, and he was about to cry when he saw it.

At this time, another man in a raincoat ran over and came in to hide from the rain: “Isn’t this Shen Mingyuan? Are you here to hide from the rain?”

The man in the raincoat was also delivering newspapers, and when he saw Shen Mingyuan’s newspapers, they were soaking wet: “Why are you so careless? Didn’t you hear the weather forecast that it’s going to rain today? You didn’t even bring any rain gear, your newspaper is completely soaked, How do you explain it to the manager when you go back? The manager will make you lose money.”

Shen Mingyuan is panicking now, he really didn’t want to wet the newspaper on purpose, and he didn’t know it would rain today, so he didn’t prepare rain gear, and it was only a few days after going to work, so if he didn’t earn a penny, he would lose money. , which is really a failure.

After the rain stopped, the two returned to the newspaper office. When the manager heard that the newspaper was soaking wet, he immediately yelled angrily: “What are you doing to eat? You can actually wet the newspaper. If our employees are like you, then The newspaper office is about to close. This newspaper is 1 cent. If you wet more than 200 newspapers, it is 20 yuan. If you don’t pay me the money tomorrow, you won’t want to come to work.

The raincoat man looked at him sympathetically, and the very humble Shen Mingyuan who kept apologizing couldn’t bear to persuade him: “Manager, calm down, don’t be angry, he didn’t mean it, there are too many newspapers today, Shen Mingyuan took two packs of them. The newspaper, and another colleague’s, no one expected such a thing to happen.”

The manager sneered: “Then you all know that the raincoat didn’t get the newspapers wet, why did he get wet alone? I think he’s a fool, he doesn’t even know if it’s going to rain, don’t care who’s part of it, is the loss? If it happened to him, then he has to compensate.”

Shen Mingyuan was very depressed and sad at the same time. He was even more distressed when he paid the money. He hated himself for being incompetent. How could he not do this job well? Originally, he thought that as long as he worked hard, he would definitely be no worse than ordinary people, but the truth was given. He hit a heavy blow, and this incident made him feel a deep sense of frustration.

Shen Huai gave him 100 yuan minus 20 yuan in compensation, leaving 80 yuan, and spent another 5 yuan to buy the cheapest raincoat and rain boots.

The manager warned him to get out of here if the same thing happened to him again.

Shen Mingyuan was very disappointed. He must remember the lesson of this time firmly and promise not to do it again. Later, he asked the man in the raincoat that there would be a weather forecast on the radio and TV every day. , so as not to delay work.

Hey, he can’t afford a radio, and TV is even more of a dream. The kind of life where he can hear the weather forecast every day is a luxury for him. It’s unimaginable. Shen Mingyuan faces the reality, since he can’t predict the weather, he has to bring it every day. Put on a raincoat for weather like today.

In the next few days, although Shen Mingyuan had already paid for the loss of the newspaper, the manager would wear small shoes for him from time to time, and always pick on his work. In fact, they both knew in their hearts that the manager looked down on him and treated him and other colleagues. attitude is much different.

Shen Mingyuan especially needs this job, and he is not qualified to choose others, all he can do is to silently endure the attitude of the leader.

The logistics truck slowly drove into the Shen family’s yard, and the neighbors came out to see an oversized freezer slowly unloaded from the truck.

These days, it is rare to find people who can buy a freezer. Not to mention the price, how much stuff in the home can be frozen.

Seeing that it was bought by the Shen family, they all came out to watch the fun, which is definitely a big deal, because this is a rare item, and some children have never seen it at all. .

This freezer was bought by Shen Huai as a gift to Chen Yuan, and Chen Yuan received a large freezer for no reason. However, this freezer is practical for Chen Yuan, because there is a lot of frozen goods that can’t be eaten at home, so there is no need to rent a freezer to freeze it.

Moreover, Shen Huai was really willing to spend money, and he didn’t know how much he had saved before, but this time he paid for it.

Chen Yuan asked the workers to move the freezer into the house, and Shen Huai also came in through the door. Looking at Chen Yuan at first glance, she remembered that her fingers still had the temperature of her skin, which was tender and soft like a peach, and her body was a little unnatural and shy. He pointed to the freezer shyly.

“How do you like it?”

Chen Yuan nodded: “Of course I like it, this is so practical, but why did you suddenly think about buying this today?”

This freezer has a very large space and can accommodate four or five adults. Shen Huai sent Chen Yuan to ask her to do some errands. He knew that Chen Yuan had a lot of ideas, and he also knew that although Shen Mingyuan was looking for a job in a newspaper office, the nature of the work was a bit less. It is also unstable. When the elder brother hopes that the younger brother can develop well.

And yesterday, I saw that Shen Mingyuan was thinner than before he came back, and he was getting tanned. The newspaper office told him that Shen Mingyuan had wet the newspaper, and the manager insisted that he be compensated for 20 yuan, and he secretly ran on him. The life of the third child these days must be in dire straits.

Shen Huai sighed helplessly and said, “Chen Yuan, please help Shen Mingyuan, I believe you can definitely think of a way.”

Chen Yuan: “Then you don’t think I have changed a lot now? My personality is different from before, don’t you think this is unscientific?”

“…, I now think that the change is not big at all, very scientific.”

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