Eighties Housekeeper Little Wife

Chapter 20 - 020 Never give gifts to relatives on credit

When Dabao Erbao heard the high temperature request, he immediately shook his head like a rattle and repeatedly denied it, “No!”

Before the high temperature bullied them, although the relationship is not so rigid now, but he can’t forgive him so easily, and he can’t be called a brother.

Gao Gao said anxiously: “Why, you refused to promise to swoop with me, do you still hold grudges against me? It’s my ignorance before, it’s my fault, but I already know it’s wrong, please forgive me, in the future whoever If I dare to bully you, I will be the first not to agree, and after I swoop, your business will be mine, and I will definitely kill my brother.”

“No, we don’t like such fat brothers.” Dabao decisively refused the high temperature again, and looked down at the other party’s bulging belly. Although the other party was a little shorter than himself, he was a size larger and his usual appetite was the same. They’re twice as big, and they eat like little pigs.

These days, the high temperature often eats at the Shen’s house. He eats almost twice as much as theirs. It’s really too much to eat. If he really becomes their brother and doesn’t come to the Shen’s house to eat every day, the family will soon be attacked by him. It’s not easy for the second aunt to make money to buy food for the poor. They eat so well now, so they can’t get carried away. They must understand her good intentions and save a little if they can save, so they can’t bring pigs into the house anymore.

When Gao Gao heard that his brother actually disliked his figure, he couldn’t help but look down. He looked at Dabao Erbao with thin arms and thin legs. He was indeed very slim, and he sighed helplessly: “Then I can lose weight!”

“Wait until you lose weight!”

“That’s okay, we’ll become brothers when I lose weight, and no one can regret it!”

Er Bao knew how uncomfortable it was to be hungry, so he couldn’t help but say, “Are you really not eating? Besides, the second aunt’s cooking is so delicious, can you really resist the temptation?

The high temperature seemed to be thinking of something, subconsciously swallowed his saliva, and after a while, he gritted his teeth: “I can do it.”

In order to be brothers with Dabao Erbao, Gao Gao paid full sincerity. Originally, the two children thought he was just talking, but they did not expect to take action that day.

The snake and chess game made by Chen Yuan is very effective and is very popular with children. However, as the difficulty of the game increases, it becomes more and more difficult for them to learn. The effect will be weakened, so she decided to use carrots and sticks for the children. Children who fail to complete their homework will be punished, that is, they will learn to make snacks by themselves, but they can’t eat what they make themselves. The children who have done it will eat it. If they have completed their homework, then this is a delicious snack for everyone to eat.

Today is the first day of the reward and punishment method. There are a total of 9 children in the family, Dabao Erbao Gao Niuniu, Wu Dasao’s daughter Meimei, Erbao Class Ren’s child Xiaonan, Su’s son Qiangqiang, and two children from Wucheng Primary School third grade students.

Now this small tutoring class is still very small, and the monthly fee for each child is 8 yuan. Many parents have heard about Chen Yuan before, but they refused to let her teach their children English when they saw her tutoring methods. There are not many children here, but it is still very easy to earn a few dozen yuan in pocket money every month.

Chen Yuan’s original intention was also to provide supplementary lessons for the two children of Dabao and Erbao. It seemed that having more children would have no effect. In addition, the head teacher of Erbao entrusted her with this idea.

As for people who don’t believe in her method, then don’t send it to a cram school. Anyway, time will bear witness to the truth. Whether you can improve your grades will be known after the exam.

Erbao looked at the pans of golden, crispy and fragrant fried cat ears out of the pot. He had been making them for a long time, but now he couldn’t eat them in one bite. He looked enviously at the children who could eat them.

Because he didn’t finish the homework assigned by the second aunt today, he could only watch others eat. Besides Erbao, there were two other children who didn’t finish the homework. , he can eat the fried cat ears that Chen Yuan gave him as a reward.

These cat ears are gently bitten with their teeth. They are crunchy and crunchy. The taste is the taste of spiced pepper and salt. Alluring.

Erbao watched Xu Xiaonan chew a bag of cat ears, put it into his mouth and crunched, saliva secreted non-stop, Meimei is a girl who sees other people eating snacks, she can only smell the hard work, and tears are all over it Her eyes rolled, but when she saw that Niuniu didn’t eat cat ears, she didn’t cry. She was several years older than her, so she had to be stronger, so she held back her tears, and at the same time. At this time, the other children also secretly thought that they must complete their homework next time and rely on their own abilities to eat cat ears. They are all ambitious children!

The temptation of food is very powerful for the children. After the second day, Dabao Erbao Gao Gao, they all worked hard to complete the homework assigned by Chen Yuan, and aspiring children got cat ear snacks.

The moment they ate the snacks, the children felt very satisfied. They worked hard to study and write their homework, and their efforts were rewarded, so it was useful to put in the effort. For the first time, the children understood why they were studying. Teachers and parents are supervising, in fact, most of them are forced out, and very few children are willing to do homework.

Even some children are young, learning is a lot of pressure for them, and they don’t know what effect learning can do for them. Now I suddenly feel that learning can get better material rewards, and they feel really happy when they eat, very happy.

The index of Dabao Erbao has increased by another level. Chen Yuan found that this hard-won happiness can be better converted into energy, so methods like this need to be used more skillfully.

Gao Gao also got his own cat ears, but when he was about to pick them up and put them in his mouth, he suddenly remembered that he wanted to make a weight loss agreement with Dabao Erbao as brothers. He looked down at the crispy and attractive cat ears, thinking that he He was already very fat and could no longer eat such fried snacks, so he reluctantly gave up his love, and gave his own bag of cat ears to his good brothers, Dabao and Erbao.

Dabao Erbao was overwhelmed, and suddenly felt that the weather came out from the west today, and the high temperature actually wanted to distribute the rewards he got to them? They knew exactly how greedy he was, but he was such a greedy person, and now sharing the most precious snacks, both of them were inexplicably moved.

“Hey, I’m too fat to eat. You two eat for me.”

Gao Gao thought about it in his heart, if his good brother finished eating for him, it might be the same as eating for him.

Dabao Erbao saw the bleak back of the high temperature leaving silently, and looked at the bag of cat ears in his hand, his mood was very complicated, and it was not good to eat it. Are they too harsh on the high temperature, is it too late to say not to lose weight?


Wu Xiang is Chen Yuan’s first VIP student, and he is also a profiteer of Jade Dumplings. Speaking of the streets of Wucheng are now full of Jade Dumpling stalls, this kind of snack has become a very popular trend, after all, the whole city There are more than seven million people, and this market is very large. Even if one person is exhausted, it is impossible to attract all the customers.

So his first feeling at the time was that he had to learn this thing well and learn himself to feel authentic. So far, the daily flow of people in his store can be compared to that of an old-fashioned signature store, and it was urgent a few days ago. Some catering waiters were recruited into the store, and the store next door was converted into a restaurant. Now I dare not say more, at least the daily flow of water of seven or eight thousand is no problem. This figure was unthinkable before.

Wu Xiang also made a lot of money, but he can’t forget the diggers who dig the well, and he can’t forget that he is today because of whose credit.

And he felt that Chen Yuan must have more unexpected things in his hands. As expected, he guessed right. Just eating the dipping sauce for dumplings can make up tricks.

So I paid a lot of money decisively, and I was able to learn other things. Wu Xiang got other breakfast staple recipes from Chen Yuan, called sesame paste mille biscuits. The frying method makes the skin crispy and not greasy, and the outer skin of the biscuits is torn apart.

There are countless sizes and layers inside, and it tastes like a perfect fusion of sesame sauce and sesame seeds. For breakfast, a bowl of bean curd brain, accompanied by this sesame sauce biscuits, is hot and fragrant, and it is so comfortable to eat in the stomach.

In addition, Wu Xiang asked Chen Yuan to improve the methods of cooking porridge, stir-frying, seasoning, and marinade in their shop. This modified method has improved the taste to a level, and their business has been very good at other times except for breakfast.

Wu Xiang’s business is getting busier and busier now, so he can’t come to Chen Yuan often, and can only occasionally let his wife or Sister Wu come over, so he promises that as long as Chen Yuan’s pork is covered by himself this year, this is also a way for Chen Yuan to let him go. The reward for making a fortune.

According to his words, this amount of money is nothing compared to Chen Yuan helping him. Chen Yuan is his nobleman.

Since Chen Yuan started the cooking training class more than a month ago, the gifts at her family have not decreased. Some students are more generous and will give gifts to teachers. In this era, gifts are relatively simple, usually two pounds of rice, three pounds of rice. Jins of sugar, four pounds of eggs, and tonic walnut flour and malt extract. I have all the good things at home. I haven’t finished it yet, and the truck from Wuxiang Hotel came to deliver pork again this morning.

Many neighbors saw that many people gave gifts to Chen Yuan’s house in large and small packages. Every day, the endless stream of people almost broke the threshold. They couldn’t express the envy and jealousy in their hearts, especially the pork thing.

The first two times no one paid attention, but in the last few times, the neighbors have finally figured it out. There are fans of whole pork ribs in this truck. It seems that there are 20 pounds. If you go to buy it. , how much will it cost?

After inquiring about the details, the neighbors found out that it was Chen Yuan’s boss and student. It was a gift from others. This bit of meat is a huge sum of money for ordinary people, but it is not worth mentioning for the rich, and it’s not a gimmick. I come here once to give a gift, but it seems to come once every ten days and eight days.

You don’t have to think about it, there are days of pork every day, it’s too moist to live.

Those who joked that Chen Yuan was a few women from the countryside. Seeing her such a good life, their hearts felt sour as if they had drank two pounds of vinegar. Every day they passed by Chen Yuan’s house, they could not wait to stop and take a look. If it is lethal, it is estimated that it will stare out a hole in the door.

Shen Huai’s sister-in-law Shen Lanlan, the son of his uncle’s eldest daughter, is also studying at Wucheng Primary School. He heard the English tutor who was hyped up by others outside, and finally came to the conclusion that it was her cousin’s daughter-in-law.

They are all relatives, and they are easy to talk. I should be embarrassed to ask for money for my children’s tuition, right?

Shen Lanlan casually bought two kilograms of leftover apples at a reduced price at the stall, and brought her children to the door to find Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan made sweet and sour pork ribs, and a few tutoring children completed their homework obediently today and were waiting for dinner.

At this time, Shen Lanlan knocked on the door outside: “Brother and sister, are you at home?”

“Who?” Chen Yuan agreed, and came out of the door, it was a strange woman she didn’t know.

After listening to the other party’s self-introduction as a relative of Shen Huai, she let the other party enter the house, Shen Lanlan said confidently: “Brother and sister, my daughter is smart, it’s definitely not a loss for you to teach her, and we are all family, I trust you, if she is disobedient, you will help me discipline her, and my daughter will be yours.”

Shen Lanlan said, and swept her eyes to the table: “Brother and sister, you have dinner.” Seeing a few students sitting around the table, there were two prominent plates of sweet and sour pork ribs in the middle, and the sweet and sour pork could be smelled from far away. Mixed with the smell of meat, her eyes suddenly lit up. She had long heard that her younger brother and sister are capable, the family conditions are good, and the food is actually so good. When I saw this today, this is not good, it is simply too good.

It’s also the standard for New Year’s Eve dinners in ordinary people. If people can eat like this, they are too rich. If they are so rich, they must not be inferior to their tuition fees.

When the time comes, my children can eat and drink here like other students.

Chen Yuan said to Shen Lanlan: “Yes, our tuition fee here is eight yuan a month. How long will your child have to teach? Do you have a foundation for English learning?”

“What, eight yuan? My brother and sister, I’m your sister?” Shen Lanlan was stunned. She thought that if she reported out of the house, the other party would definitely give a little face. After all, Father Shen and Uncle Shen were brothers, and they were very close. If anyone has something, everyone will come to help, but I never thought that Shen Huai’s daughter-in-law would not give her face so much, and she would be charged for helping make up lessons.

Chen Yuan: “We don’t seem to be related by blood. Why do I give your child supplementary lessons if you don’t pay?” There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world. She helps Shen Huai and the others because they can give her energy and others No talk.

“You’ve all entered Lao Shen’s house, we are a family, and what you charge is too expensive. Can you make it cheaper? If I have a little money, I won’t owe it first, and I will give it to you later.”

Shen Lanlan definitely owes it and will not pay it back. The other party must be embarrassed to ask for it, and it will definitely be forgotten after a long time. It is not good to try this trick, and she feels that ordinary people love face, and it is a relative who speaks, so she will definitely agree to this level.

Who knew that Chen Yuan was expressionless and did not let go at all: “You can’t take credit, so please bring your child back.”

This time Shen Lanlan was in a hurry, and her voice frightened the other children in the room: “Your food is so good, there is no shortage of these two in my family, do you have to worry about this dollar? I didn’t expect it. You are such a person, nothing will happen to you, Shen Huai, does he know that you have offended your relatives so much?”

A cold voice sounded at the door: “He knows.”

As soon as these words came out, when Shen Lanlan looked back and saw the person who entered the door, the breath was instantly smothered in her stomach, unable to go up or down, it was terribly uncomfortable.

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