Eighties Housekeeper Little Wife

Chapter 18 - 018 Hobby English.

“When I came back, I heard that this jade dumpling was delicious, so I wanted to bring it back for you to try. What’s going on??”

Shen Huai faintly felt that the dumplings on the table were similar to the jade dumplings he bought, and they seemed to be more delicate in appearance, and the more he felt that there was a close relationship between the two.

Dabao smiled: “Second uncle, don’t you know that the jade dumplings are actually the recipe of my second aunt. The owner of the Guozhi Hotel also learned from my second aunt.”

A few unfamiliar students in the room saw Shen Huai greet each other and said with a smile: “Mr. Chen’s craftsmanship is really good, the jade dumplings are selling so hot, it’s all thanks to her fine secret recipe, and she wants to make them delicious. She has taught a lot of students, but there are only a handful of people who can make authentic tastes. Some people do not believe in evil and change the secret recipe without authorization, or do not operate according to the specific time. The dumplings that come out are There is no such taste.”

Because among all the recipes of dumplings, the taste obtained after thousands of trials, only Chen Yuan is the best.

Shen Huai was stunned after hearing this, and couldn’t help but look at Chen Yuan a few more times. He didn’t expect that she would know this kind of food recipe, which reminded him that Chen Yuan didn’t seem to have cooked much before, because she had never eaten it since she got married. The meal that Chen Yuan cooked was considered to be a one-time homecoming. Although she was away from home this month, she did not expect that the other party’s cooking skills would be so superb.

But if I had known that my family had long been accustomed to these dumplings, I would definitely not buy them. Now I feel a little superfluous, which is really a joke.

Shen Huai’s skin has long been bronzed outside this month, otherwise, if he looks closely at the designation, he will find that his face is red.

Seeing that everyone in the family is busy, I am embarrassed to be idle, and I am also embarrassed to stand stupidly.

Dabao Erbao cheered when he heard the words, and immediately made room for his second uncle, such as making dumplings as a simple job, the two children have long been very skilled, and sometimes they are too busy, they will help Chen Yuan keep making dumplings. dumpling.

Shen Huai washed his hands and stepped forward to help, but his hands did not seem to be as flexible and obedient as he imagined. When he saw others making dumplings, he always felt so dexterous, but when it was his turn to play, how could he be so clumsy?

When Shen Huai squeezed the first dumpling he made, he was laughed at by Dabao Erbao: “Hahahaha, it’s so ugly, it’s so ugly, I’ve never seen such an ugly one, second uncle, you don’t even have one of our dumplings. beautiful.”

Maybe because there are outsiders guarding the house, the children didn’t tell the second uncle that the family is the most stupid student who came to learn dumplings, and the style of the dumplings is much better than the second uncle’s.

Each dumpling was wrapped with neat lace and a round belly, but the dumplings made by Shen Huai went in and out, grinned, and pinch out strange-shaped bumps on them, which was so ugly that it exploded.

Erbao: “Second aunt said that dumplings are beautiful and people are beautiful. My second uncle is a good-looking person, but unfortunately the dumplings made are too ugly. Don’t tell others about this when you go out, you will definitely laugh out loud.”

When everyone heard the child’s childish words, they looked at the extremely ugly dumplings, and the neat shape next to them was so tragic that they couldn’t help laughing.


Shen Huai is also convinced of himself, why is he so ugly? Making dumplings is really not easy. Looking at Chen Yuan’s dexterous hands, each dumpling in her hands seems to be made by a machine. They are all exactly the same, and I don’t know how they are made.

When cooking dumplings, everyone disliked the ugly dumplings made by Shen Huai, and felt that it would definitely affect the final taste, so they unanimously decided who would make them and who would eat them. As a result, Shen Huai could only hold a bowl of ugly dumplings pitifully. Dumplings, ran to the side to eat silently.

But ugly is a little ugly, but the taste is still good, the skin is strong and tough, it tastes like a spinach, and there are other colors, such as carrots and beetroot, which taste very good, and it is stuffed with shiitake mushrooms. , This pot is hot, and it is already colder than the dumplings I bought outside. It is much delicious in comparison.

The students tasted the delicious dumplings made by themselves and felt the hot temperature of the soup on the tip of their tongues. Not to mention how satisfying this meal was. After lunch, it was also announced that their study was over.

Shen Huai had something to do with the army in the afternoon, so he left with the students after dinner. Not long after the group left Shen’s house, Jiang Yuexiang and Sister Wu among the students took the initiative to praise Chen Yuan for being at home with Shen Huai. Happenings this month.

You must know that the two of them are witnesses from beginning to end, and of course they have the right to speak: “Brother Shen, Xiao Chen is a really good person, don’t look at many people now that she is convinced of her craftsmanship, but at the beginning, there was not much. Hate her, saying that her secret recipe can’t be on the table, don’t you have to take the initiative to ask her to learn? Those people’s eyelids are too shallow, they can’t tell the difference. “

Hearing this, Shen Huai focused his attention and asked calmly, “Two sisters-in-law, what are you talking about?”

Jiang Yuexiang and Sister Wu are not talkative people either, but during the time they spent with Chen Yuan, they felt that she was very good and worth getting along with, and they guessed that this rumor might reach Shen Huai’s ears, so A little bit of help is a little bit, and sometimes gossip kills people.

So the two explained the reasons why others ridiculed Chen Yuan at that time, and said, “Sister Chen Yuan helps you take care of your three children, but she is under a lot of pressure. In the sun and spring water, after marriage, you work outside the home, and you can’t manage anything at home. She helps you support a huge family, and be a father and mother to the children. Such a hardworking and good woman, you can’t find it even with a lantern, you must be right She, because in all fairness we can’t do that.”

Shen Huai also realized that Chen Yuan did not complain to herself at all when she went home this time. Instead, she was a little cold-faced and indifferent to her. Although the conflicts and entanglements between the two were serious before, the matter was one code after another. , Chen Yuanneng treats these three children, Dabao Erbao Niuniu, like her own. She can be so generous. If she cares about the previous things, she will be stingy, and the warmth she gives the children, It was absolutely impossible to measure with money, for which he was very grateful to her.

After Shen Huai wanted to understand, he couldn’t help but reached out and touched the scar on his head. He recalled the last scene when he saw Chen Yuan shouting and threatening him, and it slowly overlapped with the events when he came back to see her. When he got up, he felt as if there was something awkward and suddenly thought about it. In short, in the future, he would not think about what was wrong with him because of this awkwardness, and he was also ashamed of her, so he could find a way to compensate Chen Yuan.

“Thank you, sisters-in-law, for reminding me that these rumors are really hateful. Those are not true. Chen Yuan is really good.”

Jiang Yuexiang and Sister Wu were very happy to see Shen Huai listened in. After all, they felt that if Shen Huai didn’t cherish Chen Yuan’s woman, it would be his own loss. What, the various tastes of living, only you know.

Chen Yuan wanted to set up an English tuition class. They signed up their children immediately. The two of them were also a little embarrassed about their children learning English. Now that the city is vigorously supporting foreign trade, foreign language learning will definitely be a very popular job in the future. The situation, the cultural foundation of this subject is very important. At that time, the two of them knew nothing, but when they heard this, they were no doubt dozing off and getting a pillow, so it was a coincidence.

Moreover, they learned that Chen Yuan’s teaching was meticulous and strict. Learning English is not the same as learning formulas. The foundation must be as solid as possible. A strict teacher can produce high-level apprentices, and it is absolutely impossible to leave it to Chen Yuan.

In the following time, parents from Wucheng Elementary School came to visit Chen Yuan one after another. The purpose was obvious. They all heard about her helping to talk about topics at the parent meeting. This time, I came to ask if there was a legend. So amazing, I wonder if she has any way to supplement her children’s English grades.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I entered the courtyard door, I saw Dabao and Erbao, as well as several other children who may have come to tutor English. They did not study, but were like free wild horses, happily playing games in the yard.

On the cement board, three children used chalk to draw different numbers of grid boxes. One unit has one grid, the second unit has two, the third unit has one, and the fourth unit has two grids.

The name of this game is called hopscotch, and it is a very common game among children. The parents and their group suddenly looked unsightly when they saw this scene. Did they send their children here to play games?

I have to say that the parents who want to know the situation are very disappointed. In their eyes, playing is equivalent to not doing a good job, and playing games is of no value.

Besides, they all have to pay for tuition. If you spend money to play, then it is better to go home and play.

At that time, some parents had the idea of ​​leaving, but they still found Chen Yuan and wanted to know what was going on.

“Mr. Chen, we sent the children here, not to let them play games, but to let them learn. If we send them to play, I will take the children away.”

“That’s right, this kid is very playful. If you let them play games again, it will be a big change.”

Chen Yuan heard the parents chatting indiscriminately, and finally understood why they were excited, and explained: “This is my teaching method, it will be very helpful for them to learn English, some children are not very good, Doing so deepens the memory, which is most useful than rote memorization.”

Take Dabao as an example. His grades are at the end of the class. He is very strenuous to learn English, but he enjoys playing hopscotch outside, because he is in the third grade this year, and he has learned the basics of English a long time ago. It’s all done, but Erbao has a younger child who can’t even read the pronunciation of 26 letters, so he is stronger than them all and can find some confidence.

As long as you write ABCDEFG and other English letters in the box inside the hopscotch, the rule of their game is that whoever jumps out of a house must call out the pronunciation of the letters written at their feet. It may be difficult to call at first, but it is only one afternoon. Within a short time, there were six children who had never learned the alphabet, so they memorized all 26 digits. The second aunt said that after memorizing, they could replace the box with some simple words, such as from Monday to Sunday, Various colors, names of fruits, names of family members, this method is not too effective, and it is not painful to learn at all, and the words are memorized in happiness.

The parents couldn’t understand at all, how could they learn by playing a game? The more their children played games at home, the less they liked to study, how could they believe Chen Yuan’s side words, so after arguing for a long time, they finally came to a question: “Don’t say anything, I just want to ask you, Mr. Chen, do you insist on teaching in this way? If our children are brought here, they will also accept to play games?”

Chen Yuan felt that what she said was very clear, but unfortunately the parents did not understand each other that there is a term called muscle memory, and they also did not understand why children would be rebellious to learning, so this dialogue is the reason why the scholars meet the soldiers. Unclear, sighed: “Yes, yes.”

“Okay, don’t talk about it, I’ll take the child away now, and I won’t learn from you!”

After the parents finished speaking, they took their children and left the Shen family as quickly as possible.

Dabao Erbao and the others saw that the parents were gone. Although they didn’t know what was going on, they all stopped the game in their hands and looked at Chen Yuan at a loss, wondering if they had done something wrong.

Chen Yuan waved her hand: “Keep playing, don’t worry about them, I’ll change the game for you tomorrow.” If the thoughts are not at the same level, it is impossible to communicate.

Shen Huai asked the guards to drive to the state-run shopping mall, went to the best brand-name counters, and stopped at the high-end ladies’ watch section.

There is a delicate and small silver-white lens watch in the window, the style is very chic, shining under the light, very different.

“Take this out and let me see.” Shen Huai said to the salesman.

“Sir, you are really discerning. This watch is our best. It is the best choice to give it as a gift.”

The salesperson saw that Shen Huai was young and came to buy a ladies watch. Eighty percent of it was for his wife or girlfriend, so he recommended it very enthusiastically.

Shen Huai nodded: “Help me wrap it up, that’s all I need.”

When Bai Haiyun ran errands to the first floor to pay, he was stunned when he saw the price, why is it so expensive, is it inlaid with gold?

And it’s still a ladies watch, who is the leader giving it to?

Wang Junyi saw Men Qing about this: “It must be given to the leader’s wife.”

Bai Haiyun: “This is absolutely impossible. She treats the leader like that. How could the leader buy gifts like this for her?”

Wang Junyi: “If you say you’re stupid, you don’t know it yourself. You should be careful yourself. The leaders all have opinions on your collision with your wife last time. No matter how they are married, you can’t speculate.”

“Cut, I just don’t believe it.” Bai Haiyun pouted, maybe it was given to other Shen family women, but what do you think, there should be no suitable candidates in the Shen family other than Chen Yuan who can match this watch.


This is the first time Shen Huai has given a gift of the opposite sex. He has never had this kind of experience before, and he doesn’t know how to do it. After returning home, he secretly hid in Chen Yuan’s quilt and told her later. It would be nice to have a surprise.

But it didn’t take long for Niuniu to get into bed with a smile and crawled towards the place where the watch was placed. She found the watch box like a treasure hunt. She took the watch out secretly and put her pacifier in it.

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