Eighties Housekeeper Little Wife

Chapter 100 - 100 over

The method of making instant noodles is very simple. Chen Yuan made several packets and put the seasoning packets in the bags, and brought them with them when they got on the train.

Shen Huai had never seen such convenient noodles. He heard that Chen Yuan can eat it directly after soaking it in hot water. If possible, put an egg in it and put some vegetables in it, it will be more nutritious.

He brought a few packs to eat when he was camping outside. He boiled the water and put the seasoning packs on it. There are no other drawbacks to this thing. There is only one thing. It is too fragrant. Just smelling it makes people appetite. Two bowls of rice.

Moreover, the fragrance is particularly strong, and you can smell it from a long distance. His comrades in arms are all greedy, but they can only smell the taste of instant noodles but can’t eat it.

Shen Huai thinks that this thing may be too fragrant, and it is better to take it out less after it affects discipline, but since this thing can be boldly preserved, if it is mass-produced, it is really suitable for military rations.

No one could imagine that just a bowl of noodles could taste so good.

Zhao Xueyan and Shen Mingyuan were about to take the train for two days. When the two arrived at dinner time, they remembered the instant noodles that their sister-in-law prepared for them.

When the hot water slowly flowed into the lunch box, the aroma of the instant noodles came out instantly.

From picking up the boiled water to the seats in the carriage, people kept looking sideways all the way, all looking at the lunch box in Shen Mingyuan’s hand with a very curious look.

The noodles are brewed with boiling water at high temperature, which makes the fragrance of the seasoning package evaporate to the extreme, and countless people’s eyes follow Shen Mingyuan back to his seat.

I kept watching his movements, watching him open his lunch box to reveal the food inside, and the passengers in the front and back seats couldn’t sit still for a long time, and all the greedy worms seduced by the fragrance came out, stretched their necks and opened their eyes wide. His eyes squinted hard at Shen Mingyuan’s side.

Shen Mingyuan and Zhao Xueyan were holding a lunch box each, feeling a little embarrassed when they felt everyone’s warm eyes.

The key is that as long as they pick up the chopsticks, everyone’s eyes are on their chopsticks.

The fragrance wafted in the carriage, and within a few minutes, the customers in the entire carriage were crowded along the aisle, which had already squeezed out the not spacious space.

Shen Mingyuan and Zhao Xueyan hesitated for a while, but still picked up the chopsticks and sipped the noodles. The sound of eating noodles made the others even more unbearable.

A pair of bright and eager eyes in the crowd stared at the two bowls of noodles, and in the quiet atmosphere, no one knew who, actually swallowed.

This voice sounded extraordinarily obvious, making the onlookers even more eager to eat the bowl of noodles that Shen Mingyuan and his wife ate.

In this era, many people have never eaten oil or water, and some people have just reached the level where they can eat enough at home. When it comes to the type of food, or the taste and quality, it is even more difficult to think about.

Ordinary people can’t get enough food for many years, and there is no oil or water in their stomachs. It is only in the year of the monkey and the horse that they can eat a delicious meal. Moreover, people in difficulties and poor people may not be able to improve a meal in a year. The food requirements are not high at all.

Shen Mingyuan and Zhao Xueyan also knew this truth deeply, because the two of them just got out of poverty not long ago, maybe half a year ago, they were still very poor, and it was very difficult to eat a delicious meal.

But it is underestimated that the aroma of instant noodles is so powerful, it is so fragrant that it can make your teeth greedy.

The passenger next to him kept gulping, and finally he couldn’t help but asked aloud, “You guys, what kind of noodles are you eating? Why does it smell so good, I’ve never smelled such a good smell before.”

“This is called instant noodles.” Shen Mingyuan lowered his head and took a sip of the noodles again. The special aroma exploded in his mouth. It felt like eating meat. I still want to eat after eating.

Others hurriedly asked: “Where did you buy it.”

Shen Mingyuan smiled shyly: “I didn’t buy this, if my sister-in-law made it.”

It’s a pity that the people around me sighed as soon as these words came out. If they knew where this kind of noodles was sold, there was still hope that they would be able to eat them.

But I didn’t think that it was made in the young man’s house, so there was no way.

Others asked reluctantly: “Young man, wow, I think your noodles can be stored. It seems to be very convenient to carry. It should be more than this package.”

After saying this, everyone rekindled hope, and looked at Shen Mingyuan again.

Shen Mingyuan had no choice but to say, “This is food on the road.”

“Young man, I’ll pay for it, can you sell me a pack?”

“I also pay for just one pack.”

The passengers in the carriage actually began to compete for a package of instant noodles. You were scrambling for each other, and the atmosphere was instantly noisy.

Shen Mingyuan and Zhao Xueyan looked at each other helplessly, feeling embarrassed, but they didn’t sell the last package to other passengers, because the amount of instant noodles they brought was really small. sell to others.

But Shen Mingyuan suddenly had an idea in his heart. Seeing that so many people are interested in instant noodles, it shows that the audience of instant noodles is very wide.

Moreover, the production process of instant noodles is very simple, and it is also easy to do mass production, which is actually simpler than the production of plaster.

Shen Mingyuan felt that this was a business opportunity, a good opportunity to make money with instant noodles.

Zhao Xueyan heard Shen Mingyuan’s idea and thought it was really good, because many people were interested in instant noodles when they came out this time. If they were launched, many people would definitely like this. As long as it was sold, many people would definitely buy it.

Instant noodles are such a convenient vegetarian food, and they are easy to carry. As long as you travel far away, you can take them on the train to eat, and you don’t need to open fire when you are hungry, and you can fill your hunger with water.

Therefore, it has too many benefits, and the cost is very cheap. The children of poor families can still consume it, the real public food.

The more the couple thought about it, the more they felt that there was a market for this thing and it was very promising.

So as soon as he came back from this trip, Shen Mingyuan approached Chen Yuan to discuss the instant noodle business, and also told Chen Yuan what he had seen along the way and the reactions of the passengers when they saw them eating instant noodles.

After Chen Yuan listened to it, she felt that Shen Mingyuan’s idea was very reasonable. She was thinking that the plaster business still needs to develop slowly before it can become bigger, and the money earned is still slower to pay off the loan.

If the instant noodle business can be started, the speed of making money and repaying the loan will be much faster.

So Chen Yuan agreed with Shen Mingyuan’s decision and rented a small factory to start producing instant noodles.

Shen Mingyuan quit his job in the furniture factory and concentrated on helping Chen Yuan make instant noodles.

It’s just that the sales of instant noodles are also a big problem. The easiest way is to push them to various small shops and grocery stores, so that they can be sold in the form of sub-level distribution.

Chen Yuan also made about 50,000 yuan from her plaster, and she started using the money to advertise the plaster and instant noodles on TV.

She only has the 50,000 yuan in her hand. The excess deposits are used for investment, loan repayment, and maintenance of various expenses. The restaurant and comics are still making money, but the money earned by these industries has already Not enough to spend.

That’s why plaster and instant noodles are the two businesses to help repay the loan, and if you want to promote it, you can’t feel bad about advertising money.

Loans are important, but now the main thing is to advertise the two businesses to increase their popularity.

Let them become well-known star products, wait until people’s impression, mention plaster, you can think of iron bone plaster, and instant noodles can sound their brand, this kind of marketing will be completely successful, even if there are similar products in the future, it will still be Can’t take their market away.

Therefore, Chen Yuan began to place a large number of advertisements on TV stations to ensure that viewers who watch TV every day can see these two products.

With the continuous improvement of their popularity, the sales of their “Vientiane brand” instant noodles are also much easier. In just one month, more than 100 stores have been found willing to put their instant noodles on the shelves.

Vientiane brand instant noodles are also officially sold. Many customers have never heard of what this thing is, but they can smell a very tempting fragrance from time to time when they pass by the street.

After inquiring, I found out that this thing is instant noodles.

Moreover, the advertisement of instant noodles of Wanxiang brand is a short video of children eating noodles, and the filming is also very appetizing.

Under the multiple publicity and bombardment, the sales of instant noodles are very amazing. It didn’t take long to sell more than 10,000 packs and thousands of boxes, and this sales volume is really excellent. The continuous order shows that the sales volume is still rising. among.

In addition, the advertisement of the plaster is also very deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and people can be impressed when they see it, and the sense of substitution is very strong.

I used the subjective impression of the elderly to explain how tormenting people when they fell ill, and also used exaggerated methods, such as using special effects when bone pain, as if a nail was inserted, and I felt cold when I looked at it. It is easy to understand this kind of feel.

Not long after this advertisement was broadcast on the TV station, the staff told Chen Yuan that the audience rating of the advertisement of this iron bone plaster was even higher than that of ordinary programs, which was really amazing.

After watching this advertisement, not only do I feel a strong sense of substitution, but the most important thing is that the audience will be surprised to find that there will be at least one person with this disease beside or around them. It soon became a must-have product for every family, opened up the market with a strong word of mouth, and quickly expanded to other places.

Because the agency model is very convenient, the agents are also full of energy to sell the goods under a lot of money, and the sales of plasters are also very amazing. Now it has exceeded the 100,000 box mark. The goal is to move towards 200,000 boxes.

But I feel that at such a speed, it will definitely be successful without going to the end of the year.

The agency model made Shen Mingyuan also begin to draw inferences from other facts. He is now the director of the Vientiane Factory, helping Chen Yuan with the instant noodle business, so he also wants to recruit foreign agents to promote the instant noodle business to other places, and if he can sell instant noodles on the train That’s good.

If you can buy instant noodles on the train, it will definitely be a big source of customers, and the sales volume in one day is estimated to be more than a dozen stores combined.

Last time, the scenes where those passengers were interested in instant noodles are still vivid in my mind, so Shen Mingyuan is bound to promote instant noodles on trains.

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