Eighth Crown

Chapter 56 - Innate restraint on one of the lower strings (repair)

under night.

The village was completely silent, not a single sound was heard.

On the road in front of Murakami’s house, Liu Xia and one of the next strings were facing each other.

Liu Xia held the sun blade in both hands at the same time, and at some point, her golden pupils were staring at the feminine man on the opposite side without blinking.

The attack from the sneak attack just now was indeed thrilling. If he relaxed a little bit, there might have been a bruised welt on his waist.

His body muscles are ten times that of ordinary people. With all the muscles in his body knotted, the flesh whip formed by one finger is not enough to cut his waist.

But in terms of Liu Xia’s vigilance, he absolutely does not allow one more scar on his body, otherwise it will definitely make his movements stiff and affect the subsequent battle with the opponent.

There was no way he could joke about his life.

Liu Xia is very vigilant about the strength of the ghosts under the string, not only because they have physical abilities far beyond ordinary evil ghosts, but also because they all possess the mysterious [Blood Ghost Technique].

The so-called [Blood Ghost Technique] is a kind of basic ability that is different from the basic abilities that all ghosts possess such as immortality, strange power, etc. Only powerful and talented ghosts can awaken, and they are exclusive to ghosts. Extraordinary ability.

It may be to control terrain, it may be to control water and fire, and it may even be to control space.

These are all [Blood Ghost Techniques] that powerful ghosts may awaken. Basically, each of them is extremely difficult to deal with, and the swordsmen of the ghost killing team with relatively ordinary strength cannot deal with them.

Even some extremely powerful ghosts may awaken more than one kind of [Blood Ghost Technique].

Since the ghost in front of him is a ghost, there is no doubt that the other party must possess at least one kind of blood ghost technique, and that blood ghost technique is Liu Xia’s most vigilant ability.

“It’s amazing~ He is so young, yet so energetic.”

Although it could be seen that Liu Xia was guarding him, the man who was one of the lower strings did not show the same guard as him, and even a casual smile appeared on his face.

This is undoubtedly underestimating Liu Xia’s strength.

Lucia’s appearance is indeed deceptive.

He is only 11 years old this year, and his appearance is still a bit immature. At his age, it is really difficult to say how strong he is.

Unless they have experienced his power directly, 99% of the people in the world will never be too afraid of him when they meet for the first time.

Moreover, he does have the capital to despise Liu Xia. As one of the lower strings, his strength is second only to the ghost king and the upper strings. He is the eighth most powerful being among all the evil ghosts. He has enough capital to defeat any kind of ghost killer team swordsman.

As a result, even though he had dispatched the renegade Ghost Killing Squad Swordsman and Toad Ghost to attract Liuxia’s attention, and then waited for an opportunity to sneak attack, he was cautious without revealing a trace beforehand, and then confronted Liuxia Xiaoxiao once. Still did not face Liu Xia’s threat.

Facing Liu Xia’s alert, he just smiled and stretched out his left hand.

On the back of the left hand, a complete mouth appeared at some point, and a lot of teeth, tongues and other organs appeared on the back of the left hand.


Under the dead silence of the night, a sparse whisper suddenly sounded.

At first it sounds like the sound of leaves swaying in the wind, but upon closer inspection, it sounds like the rustling of countless insects rolling, walking and chirping in a small space.

Liu Xia recognized the origin of the voice, rather, he knew the origin of this whisper from the beginning.

The man on one of the bottom strings, the open mouth on his left hand was slightly opening and closing, and the voice came from there.

There was a careless smile on the other’s face.

It seems that Liu Xia is not regarded as a threat at all, it seems that as long as the mouth in his hand speaks, he has completely won.


At the door of the house, Murakami fell to the ground without knowing when, with a slight snoring sound from his mouth.

A sudden look appeared in Liu Xia’s eyes.

It turns out that this is the means by which the opponent controls the dream.

He thought that the other party was using the blood ghost technique by touching the same way as chopsticks, so just now he didn’t dare to act rashly, and he always avoided direct contact with the other party’s body. , just swinging away with a tornado is just afraid of this.

Unexpectedly, the other party used his voice to guide others into a dream by means of a long mouth on his hand.

However, Liu Xia did not feel the slightest sense of falling asleep.

one second.

two seconds.

Three seconds.

Liu Xia’s eyes were still open, and there was no sign of them closing.

He was still very awake and didn’t feel sleepy at all.

The smile on the face of the feminine man across from him gradually disappeared.

The air quickly became indescribable.

“…Why haven’t you slept yet?”

A little bit of astonishment gradually appeared on the next face, and he looked at Liu Xia’s eyes with confusion.

“You don’t have any other blood ghosts?”

However, of course, Liu Xia couldn’t respond to him directly, she just opened her mouth and said tentatively.

From the very beginning, Liu Xia had never been afraid of his blood ghost technique of ‘manipulating dreams’. What he was afraid of was always the second type of blood ghost technique the opponent might possess.

Manipulating the dream, trying to pull him into the dream, this kind of attack has no possibility of success at the beginning.

Because he has a very special inherent skill—

Calmness (A): No matter what kind of situation you are in, you will not be confused, obliterate your emotions, observe your surroundings calmly, and guide the most suitable tactics. It has strong resistance to mental attacks, especially it has extremely high resistance to mental abnormal states such as confusion, anxiety or charm.

The [Anonymous Spirit Base] in Liu Xia’s body has the ability to extract power from Liu Xia’s past experiences and legends, and also has the ability to skill up his unique characteristics.

The result of skilling his emotionless trait is a skill called “Calm”.

Generally speaking, the skills acquired from the Heroic Spirit’s own past and characteristics will be strengthened to a certain extent by the [Spiritual Base].

Taking Liu Xia’s skill as an example, he was originally just a monster without emotion and rationality. At most, he was excessively calm and ruthless, but after the skill was transformed, this trait of his was over-enhanced.

The skill named [Calm and Calm] is a compound skill with two special effects, one is the ability to obliterate emotions and calmly deal with the surrounding things, and the other is the defense and resistance to mental attribute attacks. .

If it is a general mental attack, it has strong resistance.

If it is a special ability that can make people fall into abnormal mental states such as charm, dizziness, anxiety, confusion, etc., it has extremely strong resistance.

Any attack that could cause him to fall into a mental state such as dizziness would have no effect on him.

In other words, he was born with restraint.

PS: Thanks to the ambition of the knight and the reward of Lucifer who is not degenerate

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