Eighth Crown

Chapter 49 - Weird villages are everywhere

“No, it doesn’t seem to be pure red.”

Because he had a red sun blade on his body, Liu Xia keenly discovered the difference in color between the two blades and the red blade of the Swordsman of Breath of Fire.

The color on the two sun-shaped knives is darker than the normal red.

It’s not so much red, it’s a heck of a color.

Although the two are the same color, there is still a little visual difference.

“What kind of breathing method does Hese’s knife correspond to?”

Lucia was lost in thought.

He had never heard that the sword would be colored red. Among all the existing breathing methods, only the sword of the Swordsman of Breath of Flame was red, the closest to this color, but the sword had never appeared.

Perhaps Liu Xia has not been exposed to the relevant news of He Dao, this is not the information that ordinary ghost killing team swordsmen can get, or there is no essential difference between He color and red, Liu Xia is still the most suitable for Yan Zhi. Breathing… Although he is conscious, the latter speculation is really unlikely.

When he was practicing the breathing method, he also felt that the water breathing was the easiest to practice, and the flame breathing was the most difficult to practice. This itself already showed his compatibility with the breathing method.

“Forget it, no matter what color it is, it doesn’t matter to me whether it is suitable or not. With my talent, I will definitely create the most suitable breathing method for me in the future.”

Liu Xia stopped thinking about such a question that obviously had no answer.

“Swordsman-sama, if you have already obtained your own Japanese sword, can you return the two previous swords to the Demon Killing Squad?”

The middle-aged woman spoke to Liu Xia, and after Liu Xia looked at her, she further explained, “The sun blade is also very precious in the ghost killing team, unless it is irresistible when it is broken or lost during the battle with the ghost. Otherwise, we will recycle the extra sunken swords and distribute them to other swordsmen who are suitable for them.”

“Okay, here it is.”

Liu Xia thought about it for a while, but did not refuse, and handed the green and red swords back to the middle-aged woman. There is no mystery in this kind of world, and it is impossible to know how he ‘picked’ it just through the sun blade. of.

Then, he left the city with the two newly obtained Hese Sun Wheel Sabres and embarked on the journey again.

Squirrel looked at the Hese Sun Blade in his hand, spread his wings, and after giving Liu Xia the direction of the new mission location, flew towards the headquarters of the Ghost Killing Team.

Two days later, when the sun was setting, Liuxia came to a village on the plain.

The scale of this village is not large. Even among all the villages in this era that Liuxia has seen so far, it is almost the smallest. The entire village is only 200 meters in diameter. Hundreds at most.

However, according to Scarab’s information, there is a very dangerous evil spirit lurking in this small village.

So far, two members of the Ghost Killing Team have come here to investigate, but they have gone back and forth, not to mention the swordsman himself, and even the Crow who contacted them has not been able to come back. Not a single wave was raised.

Under such circumstances, Liuxia walked into this village.

As soon as he entered the village, Liu Xia immediately discovered the strangeness here.

The village itself is not lively, but there are nearly 100 people, but what is surprising is that Liu Xia walked all the way, and few people would walk outside, as if the whole village was dead Not a single sound came out.

Secondly, it is obviously the time of sunset, but there is not even a single black smoke rising in the village. There are more than 20 households, and none of them are making fire and cooking.

Then, in the few villagers who were walking outside, Liu Xia discovered some more conspicuous abnormalities.

Their faces were all very poor without exception. They were as pale as sick patients. They were in a trance and looked sluggish.

When they saw Liu Xia, an obvious outsider, none of them came to ask.

Just these anomalies that appeared on the surface had already caught Liu Xia’s attention.

Liu Xia’s eyes narrowed slightly, and her left index finger unconsciously tapped on the hilt of the knife around her waist.

He approached the surrounding houses and checked the conditions of the nearby houses through the windows.

The first family, several members of the family are sleeping.

The second one is also sleeping.

The third and fourth houses are still sleeping.

After checking seven or eight houses in a row, Liu Xia finally discovered that most of the people in this village were sleeping.

The only few people who were awake were just sitting by the bed in a daze, and some of them smirked like they didn’t know what good things they had thought of, which made their expressions look extremely stupid.

The reason why this village is in a state of ‘dead’ is because most of the people are sleeping.

It’s just that the sun has not completely set, and the night has not come, but he has already fallen asleep, and he is still dragging his family, even including the entire village?

If it’s just a family that falls asleep at this time, it can be said to be a difference in work and rest time, but it is quite strange that an entire village falls asleep at this time.

“That… are you from outside?”

When Liu Xia passed by the door of the last house, a somewhat surprised voice unexpectedly came from inside, and then a boy of about fifteen or six years old walked out.

Liu Xia stopped and looked at each other.

The appearance looks very ordinary, wearing a gray autumn clothes, with a kind smile on his face.

“Hello, my name is Murakami.”

The other party looked at the sunset in the distance, and proposed to Liu Xia: “It’s almost night, do you want to stay at my house for one night? I just made dinner.”

A very hospitable smile appeared on his face, and there was some expectation in his expression.


Liu Xia raised her brows slightly, responded succinctly, followed behind Murakami and walked into the house.

The crow flew from a distance and landed on the roof of the house next to it, with dark eyes staring at the two of them, Lucia and Murakami, who entered the house.

The house in the village is very empty.

Obviously there are two bedrooms, but he is the only one at home in the whole house.

“My parents accidentally ran into a robber when they were out last year, so now I’m the only one at home.”

As Murakami said this, he poured out the gruel in the pot and put it on the table, “Have a bowl of porridge, it will warm up your body. The weather is still very cold this season.”

At the same time as he said this, he also opened the cupboard, took out a plate of pickles from it, and took out two pairs of chopsticks from the chopstick cage.

When she saw his movement of taking the chopsticks, Liuxia’s eyes narrowed slightly.

The chopstick cage is made of wood. It is divided into two halves with a wooden board. It looks like it has two mouths. The outer mouth has four pairs of chopsticks, while the inner mouth has only one pair.

After Murakami took out a pair of the four pairs of chopsticks from the outer mouth, he took out the only pair of chopsticks from the inner mouth.

And, he put the pair of chopsticks he took out from the inside and put it in front of Liu Xia.

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