Eighth Crown

Chapter 43 - Powerful and unreasonable talent

Among all the breathing styles of the Ghost Slayer team, water breathing is recognized as the easiest breathing method to practice. As long as you have a calm and mature state of mind, you will have a very compatible relationship with water breathing, and it is easy to succeed in cultivation.

In terms of character, Liu Xia’s most suitable practice is the breath of water.

However, he is not satisfied with learning only one breathing method. His goal is to learn as many breathing methods as possible, and then combine these breathing methods to eliminate the disadvantages and form a method that combines the advantages of all breathing methods. Including [Mixed Breathing].

In other words, Liu Xia planned to create a new breathing method.

He has a powerful talent that surpasses countless people in the world, so there is no reason not to use it. For Liu Xia, who attaches great importance to efficiency, this is something that must be done and achieved.

Moreover, if he can really create a new breathing method that combines the advantages of all breathing methods, then his strength will definitely be further enhanced.

Among the five major breathing styles, the breath of rock is notoriously the most difficult to practice, followed by the breath of thunder, followed by the breath of flame, followed by the breath of wind, and the breath of water is the easiest to practice.

It took Liuxia about a day to learn the breath of thunder, and it took less than an hour to learn the breath of wind.

The reason why the time spent on learning the second breathing method is suddenly shortened is because all breathing methods have something in common. On the basis of learning another breathing method, learning the second breathing method will naturally be will be much simpler.

After Liu Xia learned the more difficult Thunder’s Breath, it was naturally much faster to learn the simpler Wind’s Breath.

Of course, this is also because Liu Xia’s talent is so powerful that it is almost unreasonable. Even if ordinary people have learned one breathing and want to learn the second breathing, the time it takes is still huge, and it is impossible to be as easy as him. Instead of spending time learning the second breathing technique, spend your time honing your sword skills.

It took Liu Xia two hours to learn the breath of flame.

The time to learn the third breathing method is an hour longer than the second breathing method, not only because the breath of flame is more difficult to cultivate than the breath of wind, but also because of the compatibility between the breath of flame and Liu Xia not tall.

It should be said that among all the breathing methods, the breath of flame is the most unsuitable breathing method for Liu Xia.

Because learning the Breath of Fire generally requires the user to be enthusiastic and cheerful, with a heart that is as hot as fire, but this is what Liu Xia lacks the most, so that he can learn more with less.

There are also two other branches derived from the basic breathing method, which need not be explained here.

And now, under the guidance of Tanjiro Kamado, Ryuxia is trying to learn the method of water breathing.

“Breathe like this! Like this! Let the lungs expand like this wu~wu~…”

Tanjirou Kamado danced and demonstrated the method of water breathing to Liu Xia, but the movements he made were really puzzling, and he had no idea what his movements meant.

“Shut up, just use it and show it to me.”

With Ryuxia’s insight, he was completely unable to understand what Tanjirou wanted to express, so he had to interrupt his movements and let the other party show him directly.

Kamado Tanjiro’s teaching ability is devastating, much worse than Miyamoto Musashi, at least Miyamoto Musashi can give skilled answers under the guidance of Liu Xia, and Tanjiro’s teaching is too much Abstraction, whether in action or language, is beyond the comprehension of others.

Being interrupted by Ryuxia rudely, Tanjirou Kamado didn’t even want to be angry, he adjusted his breathing rhythm and showed Ryuxia all the skills he possessed.

Ryuxia watched thoughtfully, her amber pupils recording all the details of Tanjirou Kamado’s actions.

ten minutes later.

“I have learnt it.”

Liu Xia opened her mouth with a calm expression, but what she said shocked Tanjirou Kamado and Zenitsu.

I saw Liu Xia standing there, opening her mouth slightly, and taking a special kind of breath at a very long and tough rhythm.

“Really learned…”

Kamado Tanjirou froze in place, looked down at the calluses he had worn from holding the sword in his hand for two years, and fell into deep thought.

Although Shanyi’s eyes were twitching, he was not too surprised when he experienced the shock of Liu Xia’s learning of other breathing techniques two days ago.

The boy in the black coat beside him was dealing with his wound, and he didn’t hear the conversation of several people.

“Let’s demonstrate the sword skill of Breath of Water together.”

“Eh? Oh…”

At the request of Ryuxia, Tanjiro Kamado began to practice the ten major sword skills that matched the breath of water.

The principles of the Ten Great Sword Skills of Breath of Water were still thoroughly pondered by Liu Xia, and the terrifying learning speed he showed made Tanjirou Kamado completely speechless.

Of course, sword skills are different from breathing techniques. For breathing techniques, if you learn it, you will learn it. If you don’t learn it, you will not learn it. There is no third possibility.

But in terms of swordsmanship, it is useless to only know the principle, you must try it yourself, and even you need to be proficient in combat, and there is no way to quickly learn it in a short period of time.

For example, it only took Liu Xia less than half an hour to figure out the principles of the eight major sword skills of the breath of the wind, which was shorter than the time required to learn the breathing method, but he thoroughly mastered these eight major sword skills, but it took him nearly three days. time.

In the same way, Liu Xia still needs a lot of time to practice, and a lot of battles to hone it if he wants to be thoroughly proficient in the ten major sword skills of Breath of Water and the nine major sword skills of Breath of Fire.


Liu Xia put back the knife and sheathed it, and thanked Tanjirou Zhanmen.

If Tanjirou Kamado was the only one facing him, he would not have to thank him at all, but in front of others, Liu Xia would put on a mask of hypocrisy and establish a character that would not be rejected.

Just as he showed gentlemanly demeanor in front of Hei Tong Ganya and Ryo Ceremony before, but when he was alone with Ryo Ceremony, he immediately revealed his indifferent nature.

“It doesn’t matter, you are also a member of the ghost killing team. We will be companions in the future, there is no need to thank you.”

Kamado Tanjirou recovered from his speechlessness, smiled and waved to Liu Xia.

There was neither a trace of jealousy towards Liu Xia’s talent nor any hidden rejection on his face. His smile was as sincere as before, without the slightest falsehood.

“The character of the good man is very hard.”

Liu Xia’s eyes dimmed, and she thought silently in her heart.

Kamado Tanjiro is a valuable person.

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