Eighth Crown

Chapter 38 - ——Breath of Thunder·One Type·Thunderbolt Flash! (build)

Night is the realm of ghosts.

The evil spirits who hid in the mountains and forests during the day came out of their hiding places one after another and swayed around the mountains, looking for blood to fill their stomachs.

Ghosts eat humans.

But it’s not that only humans can be eaten. Basically, as long as it is food, ghosts can eat it. However, for ghosts, the human body has an irresistible attraction to them, not to mention that eating humans can make them change. Strong, therefore, they will be dedicated to finding human beings that can be eaten.

However, these ghosts who are imprisoned on Fujii Mountain rarely have the chance to see humans.

The final selection of the candidate swordsmen held by the Ghost Killing Team is basically held every six months.

This caused the ghosts who had been starved for half a year to become extremely crazy when they saw these candidate swordsmen entering the mountain.

There is no need for the swordsmen to look for them, they will take the initiative to run out of the shadows and try to eat these swordsmen.

Rattan hits the mountain.

Half the day passed quickly, the sun descended under the west mountain, the sun disappeared from the earth, and the night gradually fell.

“Hey, Lucia-chan, let’s find a place to hide…”

My wife, Shanyi, followed Liu Xia step by step, looking around in a timid way, for fear that a ghost would rush out to eat him, and suggested to Liu Xia with a trembling voice.

“If you want to hide, you can hide by yourself.”

Liu Xia replied indifferently: “Perhaps you plan to make survival your first priority, but I still have things I plan to do, so don’t point fingers at my approach.”

Liu Xia is not someone who doesn’t know how to be polite. In the case of necessity, or when facing someone who is much stronger than him, his tone must be quite polite.

But that’s just because he didn’t intend to cause trouble, or to avoid his life being threatened.

Liu Xia has never been polite to others unless it is necessary.

Especially when you are planning to plan your own interests, but the other party’s request conflicts with your own purpose.

It can be said that he is bullying the soft and afraid of the hard, or it can be said that he is not human, but he never has the concept of humiliation in his heart, and naturally he will never care what others say.

Whether others ridicule him or admire him or not, has nothing to do with him.

Most people in this world only live in their own world.

Shanyi wanted to hide, but he was more afraid of being found by ghosts while hiding, so it would be better to stay with Liu Xia safely. At least he had witnessed Liu Xia’s strength with his own eyes and knew that he was much stronger than ordinary ghosts.

According to the official statement of the Ghost Killing Team, all the ghosts imprisoned on Fujii Mountain are only weak ghosts who have eaten about two or three people, and there are not even alien ghosts.

In order to save his life, Shanyi quickly closed his mouth and silently followed behind Liu Xia.

“Give me your sun-knife, and you take my knife.”


Shanyi obediently handed out his sun wheel saber, and then took over the two knives from Liu Xia’s waist.

Liu Xia took the sun wheel knife and continued to search for the trace of ghosts in the forest.

The reason why he handed his two knives to Shanyi was just to stabilize him and prevent him from thinking ‘Will Liu Xia ignore me and just run away after getting my knives’.

His two knives are made of modern technology and forged from titanium alloys. Although they do not contain the power of the sun that can kill evil spirits, they are probably much stronger than the sun blade in terms of hardness.

“Humans! Humans! I smell human beings! Hahahaha…! This is my prey!”

Fuji Xishan is indeed a place where ghosts are imprisoned and used to assess the candidate swordsmen. Although there are not many ghosts here, there are definitely not many.

While Liu Xia and Shanyi were swaying without any cover, just as they were swaying in the forest, a ghost soon came out of the hole sniffing the scent and ran out of the hole, looking at Liu Xia and Shan with green eyes. Yi swooped in.


He didn’t even need to turn on the future vision, Liu Xia took a deep breath in an instant, causing a large amount of oxygen to flow into the blood rapidly, making the whole body feel ‘scared’ in an instant, and the muscles of the body suddenly tightened. .

Liu Xia gathered all the power from her breath on her right foot, and after the power was accumulated, her right foot slammed on the ground—


There was an inaudible sound of thunder in the air, but it was keenly caught by Shan Yi, who had extremely powerful hearing.


A lightning-like sword light flashed through the air.

The evil ghost that swooped towards the two of them didn’t know when the corpse was separated, turned into fly ash in just two or three seconds, and disappeared without a trace.

Lucia took a deep breath.

Immediately frowning slightly, he felt a very obvious pain in his body, especially the position of his right foot.

“Liu… Liu Xia-chan, you… you just used…”

Shanyi’s eyes widened, as if he saw something from Liu Xia’s knife just now. He raised a finger and pointed at Liu Xia in a daze, feeling his whole body trembling.

“What about the breathing and sword skills you taught me last night?”

Liu Xia came back to her senses and cast an unconcerned look at Shanyi.

“You… did you just practice for a while last night… and then learn it?”

Shanyi’s eyes became dull, as if he saw an evil spirit face to face, showing a frightened look.

“how come?”

Liu Xia returned the sun blade in her hand to the sheath, and replied indifferently: “I practiced all night last night, and I barely learned it when I didn’t sleep at all.”

Shan Yi was silent.

Is there much difference between the two?

It took less than an hour and a night to learn [Breath of Thunder] and the matching sword skills. For someone like him who took two years to learn by accident, there is no difference at all. .

It turned out that such a monster-level genius really exists in this world.

Liu Xia ignored Shanyi’s thoughts, and he moved the ankle of his right foot, trying to expel a little pain from his body.

After all, I have only learned it for one night. [Breath of Thunder] can only be said to be barely getting started. Although I tried to concentrate all the power on the right foot, the control was still not delicate enough. There was still a little power that was not well controlled, and I injured my ankle.

But it’s not a big problem. This kind of small injury can be recovered after a little rest.

The physical abilities of [Servants] can never be viewed in the eyes of normal people. Heroic spirits who can continue to move even when their hearts are pierced are not lacking at all on the Throne of Heroes, and of course there are many like him.

The problem was the sword skill just now.

He is not proficient at using it.

It was a sword skill called [Breath of Thunder, One Type, Flash of Thunder]. It was the first of the six sword skills of Breath of Thunder. It poured power into one foot, and then burst out in one breath. Like thunder that rips through the air, after approaching the opponent at high speed, it is a sword-drawing slash-type sword technique that charges at a speed that even a ghost cannot see.

The characteristic is that the speed is very fast, so fast that even the ghost’s eyes can’t see clearly, and it has already slashed over.

“My wife Shanyi, in this sword just now, I felt a little bit of strength leaked and injured my ankle. What happened?”

With a tool person by his side, Liu Xia had no reason not to use it.

With that in mind, he asked all the questions in his mind about breathing techniques and sword skills in one go.

Shan Yi recovered from his thoughts, and answered Liu Xia obediently.

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