Eighth Crown

Chapter 1349 - Facing the real mastermind behind the scenes (3/3)


After obtaining the consent of the two, Liu Xia waved the two knives in his hand.

After the two simple knives, under the glamorous light of the knives, the tips of the two knives were inserted into the hearts of the two.

The energy was shocked, and before they could react, the two bodies instantly turned into fly ash.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Xia stretched out his hand and grabbed the two souls in his hands. With a punch, he crushed the two souls into shredded spirits and dissipated them.

Can’t die anymore.

Not only that, Liu Xia’s eyes fell into the long river of time and space, erasing all traces of the existence of the two, leaving no more.

Just like the two ceremonies.

What the two ceremonies did on himself, Lucia re-engraved on Esdes and Musashi.

After doing all this.

Lucia closed her eyes.

The hand holding the knife trembled slightly.

Only after getting back the relationship will I find out how heart-wrenching it is to kill the person I love with my own hands.

In the past, he was absolutely unable to detect it, even a person who had no feelings could get true love.


He had no way out.

No, from the beginning he had no way out.

He has to face the mastermind behind the scenes, the guy who messed up his life and manipulated it at will!

Follow his thoughts.

A dark world passage opened in front of him.

Liu Xia took a deep breath and recalled all her life so far in her mind.

Then he made up his mind and walked in.


Re-entering the world channel, Liu Xia understood a lot of things.

In the entire two-dimensional world, there are countless worlds that exist equally, without interfering with each other, and there is no way to interfere, because two different worlds cannot be connected.

But this treasure from the three-dimensional world is called “system”, but the treasure that Liu Xia prefers to call “anonymous spirit base” is different.

The high-dimensional one has different perspectives, has the ability to travel between different two-dimensional worlds, and can also enhance the power of the host in an unreasonable way, and has a unique nature that will never be affected.

In other words, it is close to the existence of a “singularity”.

That’s right.

The singularity in one’s body referred to in the previous [two rituals] refers to the anonymous spiritual foundation.

Because this thing is very important, it is placed in her body, so she can keep her memory in countless reincarnations, instead of being reset to the beginning by reincarnation.

After entering the world channel.

This time, Liu Xia did not follow the passage to other worlds, although he could choose which world to go to at will, because he had become the real host of the anonymous spirit base.

But he kicked out directly, smashed the world channel, and then walked into the void chaos.

Between the worlds, there is a void and chaos.

It was pitch black as before the world opened up.

There is no concept of time and space, no up, down, left, right, back, and distance, and no sound or thing. Everything is like the original darkness, and everything is gone.

If ordinary people come here, I am afraid that they will be assimilated by chaos in an instant.

But Liu Xia won’t. He already has the supreme SSS-level power, even if he is in the chaos of the void, he is like walking on the ground, and his eyes are not confused at all.

He skipped one world after another, and didn’t look at what those worlds looked like. There were even worlds he was very familiar with and had been to, but he ignored them.

His figure is like a reef in the void, let the chaotic torrent wash away, but he didn’t stop at all, advancing toward the depths of the chaotic void.

in the depths of chaos.

In the darkness, there is a will hovering there.

He is still asleep, but every rhythm seems to be pulling the heavens and the world, and every breath affects the future of countless worlds.

He seems to have noticed something, and there are signs of waking up, but he has not fully woken up and is in a state of confusion.

Of course.

After all, when all the worlds are reset, He himself will also be reset to the original state, and at the beginning, when He was not yet born, He will only truly be when the worlds begin to connect. The birth of , and then use a certain accident as a node to wake up from a deep sleep.

“You haven’t woken up yet, so let me wake you up.”

Liu Xia’s figure came here unknowingly. He looked at the will in front of him who was half asleep and half awake.

Including the Deviance Sword, the entire King’s Treasure has now become his thing.

Not only that, under the baptism of the boundless and majestic almighty power, the treasure of the king and the sword of deviance have all become SSS-level super-artifacts, with the power to easily destroy a world.

“Enuma (deviation of heaven and earth) – Elish (star of development) – -!!!”

The scarlet storm swept out from the sword, turned into a giant beast enough to devour a world, smashed the chaotic torrent, and bombarded towards the will!

Where the scarlet storm passed, the chaos was blasted away, and countless voids were shattered. Presumably, after a long time, a big world will be formed here, if it is not destroyed by the aftermath of the battle.

The storm hit that will head-on, and under the violent vibration that swept through the small half of the chaotic void, the surrounding worlds were violently shaken.

After being smeared by the scarlet storm, the will finally woke up from its slumber.

He has no body, no soul, no biological element of any kind.

He is just an outline, and it is an outline simulated by himself.

He stood up from the chaos, and the silhouette that had disappeared due to being swept away by the storm recovered in the blink of an eye.

Immediately after, he saw Liu Xia standing in the chaos, looking at him coldly.

“…I didn’t expect you to be standing in front of me in the end. It seems that something unexpected happened.”

He reduced his outline to the size of an ordinary person, then crossed the void and came directly opposite Liu Xia.

Although he didn’t have a mouth, his voice entered Liu Xia’s ears, a voice without any recognizability or emotional fluctuations.

Although he had no eyes, Liu Xia could sense that he was looking at him up and down, and there was no emotion in his eyes either.

“Are you surprised?”

Liu Xia looked directly at the other party, his eyes were extremely sharp, as if he was going to pour out all the anger so far on him.

“I am out of your control, and I have created myself. I will not be at your mercy and use like a puppet as originally intended. Even the root priestess you trust most betray you—”

“—It’s all beyond your plans, United Roots.”

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