Eighth Crown

Chapter 1346 - The real body of Kuramime Ruka (3/3)

“You are a fake, a patchwork!”

On August 31, 1996, at 10 o’clock at night, I watched a roadside stall in Buzi City.

Under Liu Xia’s questioning, the man wearing the face of Araya Zonglian revealed the biggest secret with an extremely sinister expression.

“Although I have destroyed many worlds, I have never created something like you. No, you are not even a thing! Hahaha, no matter how many times I watch it, I feel that the wickedness has reached its peak!”



“What’s the meaning?”

At that time, Liu Xia was still in a state of no emotional ups and downs. Although she felt a little uncomfortable when she heard the words, she continued to ask questions and vowed to explain her true body.

“Don’t understand? Then I’ll tell you plainly.”

The man leaned his back against the table, put his arms on its edge, and looked at Liu Xia carelessly.

“Your body is not abnormal, but the problem is your soul. Your soul is like a broken piece of porcelain and glued together. Not only is it extremely fragile, but each piece is completely incompatible. “

“To put it simply, your soul is pieced together from different fragments, and the core of them is my soul fragment, that is to say, you are my replica.”

That’s right.

This is the biggest truth that Ryukya and Ryuguin Seiya are looking for, which has been hidden for a long time.


Counterfeit, patchwork.

This is the true body of Cangimi Ryuxia.

I don’t know whose bad taste, she collected a lot of soul fragments, created a new but extremely fragile soul with the soul fragments of high-dimensional creatures as the core, and then stuffed it into the body of a young man named Cangmimu Liuxia. .

It was him who formed it.

“Who exactly did this, you should know for yourself, right?”

The other party looked at him, his eyes extremely strange, full of deep joy.

“That’s why I said, don’t trust that woman…”



Of course I knew it, and it couldn’t have been clearer.

That high-dimensional creature claimed to be his father, because his soul was originally made from the fragments of the other party.

But in addition, there is a person who calls herself her mother.

And this man-

“I created you.”

Such a voice entered Liu Xia’s ears, causing him to raise his head blankly.


Don’t go on talking.

“I don’t know what your expression is now, but I have to apologize to you anyway… I’m sorry, I hurt you.”

The image of the black-haired girl continued to play.

Her expression gradually decreased, her face was full of guilt, she couldn’t bear it, and her emotions were extremely complicated.

“say no more……”

A voice like a roar of a beast rang out from the alley.

“I, or the root witch, obeyed the orders of the mastermind behind the scenes, collected a large number of soul fragments, including those of high-dimensional creatures, and then created you—”

Therefore, she felt guilty towards Liu Xia.

Therefore, she would not hesitate to sacrifice herself to restore Liu Xia’s memory.

For her, it was also an atonement.

“Didn’t I say don’t say it?”

Low but unwavering words came out of Liu Xia’s mouth.


In an instant.

As if in response to the wrath of God.

A violent earthquake like an asteroid impact swept the entire earth.

The sky dimmed in an instant, the ground was torn apart, storms, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions… Countless disasters occurred all over the world abruptly.

As the source of all disasters, Guanbuzi City was swept away by an unparalleled energy frenzy in an instant. The entire city seemed to be covered by a great flood in just a few seconds, turned into endless dust and disappeared.

The SSS class is absolutely taboo territory.

In a nutshell, only the root can be mastered, the power over countless worlds of life and death, you can reshape the world with a single thought, and you can turn the world into what you like by relying on your own thoughts.

Liu Xia did not take the initiative to release her power, and she did not even have the idea of ​​destroying the world.

It’s just that the world destroyed itself in response to his anger.


Why is he angry?

Is it because he learned that he is a replica, a fake real body?

Maybe, but not the main reason.

Most importantly – he was betrayed.

Betrayed by the person you care about the most, the person you trust the most, and the person you love the most.

Just funny isn’t it?

The only person he loves is the culprit who created himself and brought him endless disasters?

Is there anything funnier than this?


There are far more hilarious and more tragic than this.

Lucia’s eyes fell towards the past.

After being promoted to SSS level in the future, he is no longer subject to any restrictions. He can see where he wants to see, even if it is a parallel world, or even a real different world, it will not be blocked.

So he found out.

My own life, my own wishes, my own will… Even my personality, everything, is meaningless.

It’s amazing.

In this parallel world, there is no time before September 30, 1995.

Even his SSS-level future vision cannot see the previous time.

That’s right.

——This parallel world started on September 30, 1995.

The big bang of the universe, the motion of the planets, all do not exist.

This world is set up like that.

The world starts to run from this moment.

The starting point is the small alley under his feet.

the year 1995.

September 30, night.

That was the time when Liu Xia thought she and the two rituals met for the first time.


There was no encounter.

No parent dies.

There is nothing to track down the killer.

There is nothing waiting for an opportunity to assassinate the eldest lady of the Liangyi family.

in the alley.

The body of a 12-year-old boy named Kurumi Ryuka stood there with a pocket pistol in his hand.

[Two ceremonies] appeared in the alley, sent out the soul that had just been made in his hand, and stuffed it into the boy’s body.

Thus, the soulless body begins to act.

He thought he came here to seek revenge, but because of the [two rituals] interference, although he didn’t know why the other party sent him a strange light group, he left here quickly in order to avoid many twists and turns.

At that time, the teenager did not see the extremely complicated eyes that belonged to the [two rituals] behind him.

Of course.

After all, it is a created soul, and naturally it has long been given a “set”.

This parallel world is the stage, he is the actor who is stuffed on the stage, and [Two Ceremony] is the director.

His personality is fake and given.

That’s why it seems so mechanized, measuring everything in terms of interests.

His wishes are false and given.

Because it is easy to guide and easy to control, as long as there is still desire, it will not be out of control.

So, what wants to get emotional fluctuations, wants to experience hot feelings, attaches great importance to hot feelings…all of them are fake.

That’s how his personality was set up, like a puppet.

A puppet manipulated by the great root priestess [Two Ritual]-sama.

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