Eighth Crown

Chapter 1340 - The battered **** of chaos


Sherlock Holmes’s voice came from the communication. The detective, who has always been very rational, couldn’t hide his excitement at this moment.

“Mr. Liangyi, then we only need to completely destroy the hole of the void, and we can keep Chaos out of the door. He can’t create a second hole of the void. With your current strength, you can completely do this. a little!”

Holmes was very happy.

Although I don’t know how Liu Xia’s strength has increased to such an outrageous situation, and even the attack of super-light speed can be resisted, but at present, they are already in an invincible position.

They didn’t need to defeat Chaos in the first place, as long as they could keep him out, it would be their victory!

Of course, Holmes was more than happy about that.

In terms of Liu Xia’s current strength, I am afraid that he can completely be the identity of the UO on Earth. Even the evil of human beings will be defeated in front of him. I am afraid that the strange news can be solved with a wave of his hand, and the alien star **** will no longer be a threat. The crisis of rationale will be lifted here!

In the sky.

Liu Xia didn’t reply, just looked at the huge pupil indifferently.

Chaos also fell into silence.

He is counting.

Machines are not emotional at all, they only measure interests.

Today, He has only 3% of his functions left. He used a little bit to open the hole in the void, and it took a little more to dig up 40% of the earth… But in this case, as long as 40% of the earth was dug away, can get back.

But things were different when Liu Xia stood in front of him.

He could see that Liu Xia’s strength was very strong.

To defeat him, it would definitely take an enormous amount of energy, perhaps even higher than creating a planet.

But in that case, even if you can get 40% of the volume of the earth, you will definitely not be able to make ends meet, and it is not worth it at all.

Chaos had the idea of ​​retreating.

This is not a question of whether he is in his prime or not, even if he is in his prime, in this case, he will only turn around and leave.

Face or something is not within the scope of the machine’s thinking at all, and a machine without emotion will never take the initiative to make things beyond its means.

Just like the early Lucia.

While Chaos was thinking, Liuxia was also thinking.

Now, he is undoubtedly not the opponent of Chaos at all, even if the opponent only has 3% of the function left, he is still thousands of times stronger than him.

Anyway, it is already invincible, so why not try it.

Lucia rubbed her chin.

There was a bold idea in his mind.

He wanted to try how strong the realm above the SS level was.

“Using the basic ability value to improve the opportunity, limit the promotion item to magic, and upgrade to SSS level.”

Thinking of doing it, Liu Xia immediately gave an order to the anonymous spirit base in her body.

But soon, Anonymous Lingji gave feedback of “can’t do it”.

SSS level.

That is absolutely taboo territory, and no one can step into it.

“Can’t be promoted to SSS level?”

Lucia frowned slightly.

It seems that he can’t be promoted… Strange, where has he heard such news before?

“If that’s the case, let’s upgrade to SS+, and then use the Noble Phantasm value to increase the chance, limited to the Samsara sword, and the same upgrade to SS+.”

Seeing that Chaos on the opposite side seemed to have the idea of ​​retreating, Liu Xia did not hesitate, and quickly gave the order again.

This time, there was no obstacle to the improvement, and it was easy to improve.

“What does it feel like?”

Suddenly, just like a ditch turned into a galaxy, Liu Xia suddenly felt that his magic power output channel had been greatly improved by an unknown number of times.

“So strong, SS level, just a + correction, is there such a big improvement?”

Liu Xia clenched her fists, feeling that she could blow up the entire solar system with one punch.

Of course, this is just an illusion brought about by the huge increase in power.

Without further ado, Liu Xia unleashed a majestic magic power again.

This time, without the slightest reservation, he condensed the magic of the conceptual universe at all costs and turned it into a brand-new colorful sword.

In a trance, a colorful giant sword with a length of nearly one million kilometers stretched across the sky above the earth.

“so big……”

Witnessing the appearance of the colorful giant sword, everyone was shocked and lost their words.

Even Liu Xia herself was stunned at this moment.

The colorful giant sword is too huge, but the width of the blade seems to be enough to match the diameter of the earth. Putting the whole earth under the giant sword is like putting a grape under the machete.

Very insecure!

It seemed that as long as the giant sword moved, the earth would be split in half by the sword.

“What do you want?!!!”

Sherlock Holmes’s broken voice entered Lucia’s ears.


The moment the colorful giant sword appeared, even Chaos, who was about to leave, was stunned there.

“—MahaPralaya (The Sword of Return to Destruction)!”

Liu Xia quickly returned to his senses, and then held the hilt of the sword, a sword penetrated the hole in the void, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at the big eyeball of Chaos!


The long sound of impact came from the hole in the void. Even after the baptism of the vacuum and the stability of the concept, everyone couldn’t help but feel flustered, and the internal organs were constantly shaking.


“What did he do!”

“Did that sword really hit Chaos?!”

“…My God, what happened to the earth?”

All kinds of voices filled the Nautilus, and the voices of everyone were filled with all kinds of unbelievable things. The timid and fat director was speechless and tearful.

beyond the void.

Chaos’ pupils shrank instantly, and a large number of obvious huge cracks appeared on the iris.


Countless explosions came from outside the void.

The huge orange-yellow pupil was constantly shattering, turning into pieces and falling into the void.

After that, you can’t see it anymore.

Because the hole in the void has been completely destroyed by the aftermath of this collision, and the sky above the earth has returned to its previous appearance.

After Chaos’s eyes were damaged, whether the body was affected or not, that is what no one knows.

“This is far from full strength… No, it is indeed the full strength of this body.”

Liu Xia looked at the restored sky and said silently in her heart.

The improvement from SS level to SS+ level is extremely huge.

After trying it out, even Liu Xia was frightened by this increase for a while.

For a long time, he has climbed up little by little, and the growth rate is clearly visible each time, and only this time the rate of becoming a **** has become stronger, reaching tens of thousands of times.

And this time, how big is the improvement from SS to SS+… In a nutshell, it’s like going from a planet to a star level, an increase of hundreds of thousands of times in one breath!

Hmm… It seems reasonable to compare like this?

After all, the anonymous spiritual base is a treasure that covers all the two-dimensional worlds. When it may reach the S level or above, the growth rate is so unreasonable, right?

The reason why Liu Xia did her best just now, but could only cut out a colorful giant sword that was dozens of times as long as the earth, was because his body could not handle such a violent output, and if he was stronger, his body would be torn to shreds.

Otherwise, he thought he could probably cut the sun in half.

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