Eighth Crown

Chapter 1323 - The First Emperor\\\'s Strengthening Support

And such a thing?

Lucia didn’t expect this at all.

Poseidon, the sea god, actually has the ability to let people freely travel through the Lostbelt. He has never seen it before… In his current state, he may have seen it, but it has been forgotten.

However, since it is a visitor from the outer universe, it is acceptable to have this ability.

In this way, the First Emperor did not have a reason to stick to this Lost Belt. If they defeated the Olympian gods, the possibility of him leading a sneak attack was not high.

Even if the first emperor really appeared at that time, it would be hard to say who would kill the deer.

After the two sides reached an agreement, the first emperor quickly sent the information to everyone.

“By the way, let me strengthen you a little bit.”

The First Emperor looked at the Nautilus, which was anchored not far away, with a look of interest in his eyes.

“The technology I got from the machine **** is more than enough to strengthen you, whether it is a ship or a servant.”

Looking at his eyes, it is obvious that he is more interested in the Nautilus, so he said this.

If he guessed correctly, he is likely to be eyeing the imaginary submarine technology.

With the imaginary number snorkeling technology, he can freely enter and exit the Lost Belt, and even enter the Pan-Human History. In this way, even if he really defeats the Alien God and regains the Pan-Human History, the existence of this group of people is still a mystery. disaster.

“My ship doesn’t need to be strengthened.”

The captain’s figure appeared in the communication image, bluntly rejecting the First Emperor.

“In your opinion, are we not the opponents of the gods now?”

Sherlock Holmes also appeared, held his breath, and asked the First Emperor.

“Well, you and this group of people are not worth mentioning.”

Shi Huangdi shrugged his shoulders slightly and did not continue the topic just now.

“If this cunning boy only had the strength he had when he fought against Zhen, the outcome would still be difficult to say. After all, the strength of Zeus, the king of the gods, is still unclear.”

The strength of the God King Zeus is still a mystery.

But it can be expected that his strength is definitely beyond the twelve gods.

According to the information obtained by the first emperor’s officials after sneaking in, he also has the ability to inherit or even forcibly seize the power of other mechs.

So it can be imagined how much power Zeus has inherited and seized in the long time in the past, and it may even be the total power of the Greek gods and gods.

In other words, they are likely to eventually meet the almighty Zeus who has the power of all the Greek gods!

This almighty Zeus is not a conceptual almighty like Arjuna, but a stable almighty possessing all the powers of the machine gods and truly unifying all the powers.

Arjuna’s omnipotence will gradually disappear with the weakening of belief, but Zeus will not. His omnipotence will be as stable as a machine, and it will be a level beyond Arjuna’s existence.

Their guesses before they set off were indeed correct. The Atlantic Lostbelt was stronger than the Indian Lostbelt, and the Lostbelt here was more terrifying than the almighty Arjuna.

One by one, it simply does not give people a way to live.

“Then strengthen it.”

Lucia finally made an assertion.

“But whether we are willing to strengthen it depends on us. Many technologies on our side cannot be given to you for nothing.”

This is the best practice.

Holmes and the captain discussed it and nodded in agreement.

“It’s really serious to be wary, Pan-Human History, but it’s okay, just do as you say!”

The First Emperor chuckled lightly and agreed.

Not long after, more than a dozen drones flew from the sky, landed next to the First Emperor, and were opened by the old man in the tunic suit behind him.

The current mechanical holy body was placed in the sky by the first emperor. Although I heard that it has evolved a lot, Liu Xia did not see what it looked like after the evolution.

He doesn’t have the almighty divinity, and he doesn’t have the powerful vision that surpasses the Lost Belt level as an almighty god, and naturally he can’t see where the mechanical holy body is.

What was taken out from the drone was a transparent needle tube filled with a silver solution, which was daunting like mercury.

“This is a fragment of the power of the gods, or nanomachines.”

The First Emperor explained: “At present, I only have a limited number of nanomachines of gods. Although I tried to copy it, the harvest is not high, and the stock is not much, so it needs to be used with caution.”

Among them, the moon **** Artemis and the sea **** Poseidon have the most nano-machines. After all, the remains of the two machine gods were recovered by him.

These two nanomachines are most suitable for strengthening artillery equipment and navigation equipment such as ships. Other nanomachines such as Athena are suitable for injection by servants, which can greatly improve their strength.

“What does the captain think?”

Holmes looked at the captain again.

“Give me Poseidon’s nanomachine, and you share the rest.”

This time the captain nodded in agreement.

The captain himself is also a stitched heroic spirit, not only as a heroic spirit, but also as a ghost. The Almighty God Lucia once saw through his identity and knew that he was actually Captain Nemo mixed with Terry and the spirit. .

Coincidentally, Triton was the son of Poseidon, the **** of the sea, so the captain knew a lot about the things in Greek mythology, and he simply agreed after learning that the strengthening method was a nanomachine as a power fragment.

Even the first emperor, it is impossible to mix the means of monitoring and analysis in the nanomachine, and there is no need to worry about the secret of the Nautilus being stolen.

“I want the Luna Nanomachine.”

Immediately afterwards, Liu Xia also spoke quickly.

Everyone looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

Since it was Liu Xia who spoke, of course they couldn’t refuse, and there was no one among them who was suitable for the Moon God’s Power Fragment, so it was not bad to give it to him.

The other nanomachines were accepted by Sherlock Holmes, who would be assigned to them after seeing the situation.

After all the handover was over, the first emperor left.

He came here to exterminate and devour wolves and give them convenience. He himself had no intention of fighting Olympus head-on.

As an emperor, his way of thinking is of course closer to a ruler than a warrior.

After the First Emperor left, Liu Xia felt exhausted again, and her consciousness gradually blurred.

He quickly used the nanomachine of Luna, and then, with the support of the two rituals, returned to the room of the Nautilus and fell into a deep sleep.

In a daze, Liu Xia felt a violent vibration.

Outside, after the Nautilus was strengthened, it set sail again and rushed into the huge underwater vortex in the distance.

A violent sense of weightlessness swept the entire Nautilus, causing the hull to quickly fall into the bottomless vortex and enter Atlantis, where gods gathered.

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