Eat The Tremor-Tremor Fruit and Refuse the School Flower Confession

Chapter 226

Chapter 226

Chapter 230 The death of the master of rules, the panic of all parties! (2 more, please subscribe)

wild world,

Mountains and rivers are shifting, rivers are diverting,

Countless turbulent voids are erupting,

Drops of divine blood dripped, smashing the tops of mountains,

Three dazzling rays of light are constantly in the sky – constantly colliding,

A large piece of the world was completely cut out,

But in situ, there is a void space crack!


The golden dragon robe on Chu Yun’s body rattled, and the long knife in his hand was shining brightly.

At the same time, Bai Yujing floated overhead,

Continue to release a large net of rules one after another,

The Great Wall was left in the world by Chu Yun and did not bring it,

As an artifact that has resisted aliens for tens of thousands of years, the Great Wall is an excellent defense for Huo Long and the others.


A tremor sounded,

Bai Yujing flew out instantly and began to suppress Zhong Wei, who was relatively weak,

But Chu Yun’s long sword was carrying a terrifying sword light and slashed towards Dongfang Shi,


“If you want to kill me, you are not qualified!

Dongfang Shi roared violently, and a special totem symbol began to appear on his body.

Chu Yun can tell at a glance, this is the family emblem of the Dongfang family!

It turned out to be a rule totem!

But Chu Yun sneered,

“Then you can try! 59

“Cut! Chop!

“Die! Like!




The long knife and the totem collided instantly,

A loud bang resounded everywhere,

Chu Yun and Dongfang Shi instantly entered the void battlefield in the big world,

This kind of void battlefield in the big world is more difficult to appear than the void battlefield in the small world.

It can only be knocked out if it reaches the level of the lord of the rules,

With a thought of Chu Yun, Bai Yujing wrapped Zhong Wei and entered the void battlefield together!


A lot of blood dripping!

A trace of the power of rules pervades it,

In the void battlefield, the collision between the three became more and more intense.

Each collision smashed the elemental matter into the air,

Countless energy factors are overflowing,

Void material energy is exploding!

Dongfang Shi was almost beheaded in half,

Divine power has overflowed a lot,

Looking at Chu Yun with cold eyes,

“Why is your divine power so endless?

Did you come out of a small world?

It is impossible for a monster like you to appear in a small world! 3

“I’ll tell you if you kill yourself!”

Chu Yun holds Bai Yujing in his hand,

smashed down a tower,

Zhong Wei, the master of the rules who has been making soy sauce, was instantly smashed into a ball of minced meat,

Just wanted to recover, but was constantly wiped out by Chu Yun’s tyrannical power of rules

There has never been a master of regulation that has Zhong Wei so aggrieved,

There is simply no resistance from beginning to end!

Being suppressed by Chu Yun all the time!

This made Zhong Wei’s Dao Heart completely collapse!


When Chu Yun wanted to drop the tower again,

Dongfang Shiyan’s eyes were cold, and he reluctantly put the broken body together,

The knife light in the hand and the totem on the body are instantly combined,

A dazzling sword light slashed towards Chu Yun,

Chu Yun resisted slightly for a moment.

Dongfang Shi took this opportunity to rescue Zhong Wei,

Chu Yun snorted coldly, a strong sword light appeared on the long sword,

Cut off half of Zhong Wei’s body!

At the same time, a tower smashed down, smashing the left half of the body to pieces,

The big net of rules kept falling, and it was cut into several pieces,

At the same time, Zhong Wei’s avenue was cut off in an instant,


A scream rang out,

Zhong Wei’s avenue shattered in half in an instant,

The momentum on his body also slipped from the realm of the rules,

became the ninth stage of the god realm,

There was resentment in Zhong Wei’s eyes,

“Chu Yun, I don’t share the sky with you, you hit my realm,

Today is death, and I want you to have a better life…”


“Then you should die! 33

Zhong Wei’s voice did not fall,

Chu Yun’s long sword has been cut off!

Dragging Bai Yujing with one hand and constantly attacking Dongfang Shi,

The long sword in his hand also radiates a powerful light!


The tragic Zhong Wei has the heart to die at this moment!

A thigh was instantly chopped off,

But he didn’t dare to speak any more, he could only drag his half-crippled body back continuously!

Chu Yun sneered, “Don’t you want me to die?

why did you leave!

Come on!

Fight with me at Three Hundred Confluence!


Chu Yun’s body broke through layers of space and walked,

He caught up with the clock in an instant, with a divine light bursting in his eyes,

The big hands of the rules condensed instantly,

Grab Zhong Wei,

The skeleton hangs and bursts! The sound is heard,

But Chu Yun knew that it was impossible to kill the Ruler by physical means.

Or to break its rules and avenues,

With a thought, Bai Yujing, who fought against Dongfang Shi, instantly returned to his hands.

Chu Yun threw the clock into the Bai Yujing in one fell swoop,

suspend it overhead,

Countless divine power was poured into Bai Yujing,

Begin to obliterate Zhong Wei!

When Dongfang Shi saw this scene, his eyes were split!

“Let him go, you let him go!


The totem instantly turned into a big blue bird,

Immediately out towards Chu Yun,

With a gesture of swallowing Chu Yun into his stomach,

“What if you don’t let go?”

“I promise that my Dongfang family will not plunder your world,

We reconciled and you let him go!”

Dongfangnan outside heard the fourth uncle’s violent drinking,

There is infinite hatred in the eyes, but I can only open my mouth to recognize you!

When Chu Yun heard this, he was speechless.

“You said it didn’t count,

Do you think I can trust you,

I think it’s safer to be dead!


The fist light and the blue giant bird collided instantly,

Countless Void Fissures are beginning to erupt!!

Countless turbulent energy flows everywhere!!

The space fluctuations are trembling non-stop!!

Cover up all the visions of everything!


Just when Chu Yun and Dongfang Shi collided,

Zhong Wei in Bai Yujing is about to die,

The avenue of rules has been obliterated countless,

The flesh and blood on the body has disappeared,

Only a skeleton is left screaming,

There is a divine light in Chu Yun’s eyes bursting,

A vast power of rules is poured into Bai Yujing,

He is going to make the final lore!

·For flowers·

At this moment, there seems to be a bright star river hanging above Chu Yun,

Continuously provide Chu Yun with enough rule power,

Chu Yun’s combat power has not declined, but has risen steadily.

Countless energies keep replenishing this Chu Yun,

Dongfang Shi was shot flying, and his eyes were full of horror,

He heard Zhong Wei’s voice getting smaller and smaller,

Seems to be dying!

A Ruler is dying,

At this moment, Dongfang Shi has never felt so desperate

Hang for a moment! A rule avenue is broken!

There was a cracking sound in the void!

At the same time, the people in Lin’an Tian Great World looked up subconsciously,

They saw an unforgettable scene in this life,

An incomparably wide avenue of rules is constantly exploding,

And the next moment, a big rule hand instantly entered the Dao rule universe,

Once you grasp that rule of the road,

The big hand seems to exert a little force,

The avenue of rules collapsed in an instant, turning into countless fragments of rules and being gathered up by big hands,

disappeared immediately

At this moment, all the powerhouses in Lin’an Tian looked up subconsciously,

The mouth grows and cannot be closed for a long time,

At this very moment,

it’s dark

The sky that had been so clear had turned completely dark,

A blood moon rose in an instant, and at the same time, a thick blood vessel began to rupture completely above the blood moon.

Drops of divine blood began to drip!

It’s just a moment’s effort,

It’s already raining blood,

The crystal blood jade drips,

Everyone subconsciously catches,

The blood jade turned into pure energy and melted into the bodies of the strong men of all parties!

next moment,

Everyone came back to their senses,

They exclaimed in shock,

Lin’an Tian was completely boiling,

A voice appeared in their minds,

The lord of rules is dead,

A master of rules is dead!

This is something that hasn’t happened in years,

What’s the situation today?

Are you dreaming, otherwise how could this happen!

Everyone was shocked!

They all sensed the battle over there,

I thought it was an evenly matched battle,


In just a moment, a master of rules died!

Soon, the masters of rules in the central city began to tear space and rush to the battlefield!

Cao Chuan’s eyes moved, and he rushed over there with the strong men in the family.

“Do not!

No! 99

Dongfang Nan couldn’t believe it was true,

His own Zhong Bo died like this!

how could it be possible

Lord of the rules!

I haven’t heard that the Lord of the Rules has died for many years,

Why is the master of regulation on my side dying today!

Dongfang Nan instantly stepped back a few steps with a sluggish look on his face,

The rain gods looked at each other,

Also shocking!

I just think Chu Yun is too strong!

In a one-to-two state,

To be able to kill a rule master at such a fast speed,

It just subverts people’s three views!

Dongfang Shi was a little scared,

Because he saw the ancient well in the eyes of the man in the golden robe opposite, still rushing towards him!

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