Eat The Tremor-Tremor Fruit and Refuse the School Flower Confession

Chapter 215

Chapter 215

Chapter 219 Terrifying energy shock, encounter the enemy, kill the enemy! (First update, please subscribe)

Chu Yun came to the star gate,

The terrifying energy fluctuations emanating from several artifacts,

At the same time, the bright divine light began to condense, ready to fight at any time,

I said a few words to the rain gods,

What was everyone trying to say!

As a result, the star gate was completely opened in the next moment,



After two loud bangs,

The quaint star gate is opened,

In the shocked eyes of everyone,

The energy like Wang Yang rushed into the space between heaven and earth in an instant,

The crowd exclaimed,

Looking at the energy like a giant wave and the extremely rich Dao source material,

Everyone’s eyelids are beating violently,

Chu Yun raised his brows and waved his hand,

The divine formation instantly turned into a great formation that reached the sky,

Catch those violent energies in an instant,

At the same time, Bai Yujing exudes the power of the terrifying Dao Law,

The energy factor of the riot was suppressed!

Countless energy fluctuations are flickering, and countless Dao source substances spill out from the large array.

adds a different flavor to this universe,

“It’s too dense, it’s the result of accumulation for I don’t know how many years,

With so much Dao source material, even those big forces will be moved! 99

Fengshen sighed as he looked at the Dao source substances in the great formation that were so dense that they were about to become solid.

Everyone was a little bit drooling,

With so much Dao source material, it is enough for all the heavenly kings of the human race to enter the realm of gods!

Chu Yun spoke lightly,


“Seal it first, otherwise it will spill over into this world and save it for later use! 12

Everyone has no opinion, Chu Yun is right!


The spiritual power like the tide is still following, constantly pouring into this world!

Chu Yun raised his brows, grabbed a piece of the spiritual power in the universe, and felt it carefully.

“It is higher than the spiritual power level of our world, probably because it is mixed with Dao source material!”

The rain god also sensed it,

“But as you said, these spiritual powers are higher than the spiritual power of this world,

but also a little irritable,

Not suitable for people with low cultivation base to absorb! 11

Chu Yun nodded and waved his hand,

Dispel countless energies,

A vast world appeared in front of everyone’s eyes,


Feeling the boundless vast universe, everyone just feels that they are incomparably small,

At the same time, the terrifying desolate atmosphere instantly filled the hearts of everyone,

People stand in this universe, like a speck of dust placed in a sea of sand,

It’s so small and invisible!

Looking at the turbulent flow of ability that is still rewinding outside the star gate,

Chu Yun frowned, “These energies formed a vortex, which completely exposed our position!

It is not enough to tie a beacon to us, but also lift us up and dangle in the sky!

This metaphor of Chu Yun is too accurate,

Everyone smiled helplessly,

As long as there are strong people nearby, even the blind can see the situation here,

Such a sense of sight makes everyone speechless!

“Okay, this energy vortex won’t stop for a month,

If there is a strong person passing by during this month,

we are exposed,

So, everyone, get ready!”

The rain god said,

Chu Yun’s tyrannical power began to spread into the opposite universe,

When the divine power spread to a certain position, Chu Yun raised his brows,

Withdrew his divine power, turned his head to look at the crowd,

“You don’t have to wait a month, someone is already here!”

“What? 99

Everyone was stunned, why did someone come!

It’s just started!

Huo Long hurriedly said,

“Have you sensed any strength?

How many strong ones are there?

what species?

Are we sure we can deal with it?”

Everyone looked at Chu Yun nervously,

Chu Yun shook his head,

“I don’t know what strength, I don’t know what race,

A warship is flying towards us, very fast,

Although the distance is still far, but at the speed of the other party, it can take up to half a day to get here! 99

Everyone’s eyes are solemn, it is actually a battleship,

This is something that everyone is unfamiliar with, and it is impossible to predict how strong the other party is,

Mainly because they don’t know the outside world

A little overwhelmed!

The rain god thought about it and said,

“This should be the battleship sent by the big forces to capture the small world,

The strength should be very strong, everyone must be careful!”

Huo Long was a little helpless, “The main reason is that we don’t know the specific situation of the other party now,

Arrangements cannot be made at all.

people nod,

There is a feeling of power and nowhere to be used!

Chu Yun waved his hand, “Don’t be nervous, it’s not a big problem, just do what you need to do!

Having said that, Chu Yun looked around,

“Go out, go out and see what it is, so as not to damage this universe! (bdch)

people nod,

Immediately, Chu Yun took the lead,

One step out of the gate of the stars,

into this great universe,

Suddenly there is a feeling that the sky is high and the bird is flying!

At this moment, everyone has this feeling!

It’s like being removed from the bondage!

Just when Chu Yun and the others came out,

The Dragon God and a few people also came out,

Facing Chu Yun, bending slightly,

“We are also a member of this world, and we are willing to contribute to this world!”

Everyone looked at the Dragon God in surprise,

The Dragon God did not speak, and continued to look at Chu Yun,

Chu Yun glanced at him and nodded,

“Yes, as long as the crisis is lifted, you can leave at will!

But don’t reveal the news of this world!

“Thank you Heavenly Emperor, we know the seriousness of the matter!”

Chu Yun nodded, standing proudly in the void of the universe, watching the battleship that was approaching!

at the same time,

The five powerhouses in that battleship also felt Chu Yun’s whereabouts,

Although I can’t sense Chu Yun’s specific cultivation,

But it can be seen from the detector that the strength of this group of people is not very strong.

The main realm without rules is the level of the fifth or sixth stage of the god realm.

They are all the strengths that control the rules by 50 to 60%,

And the person standing at the front seems to be in the realm of the gods,

And the five gods on the battleship are all in the eighth and ninth stages of the gods,

So, one of the gods hurriedly reported,

“Old Zhong, found a group of small world residents in the first to sixth stage of the god realm,

There is no lord of the rules, we can take,

The main battleship doesn’t need to come over! The report is complete!”

“Okay, hurry up and collect the original heart of the small world from the world, and then come to Antiy to join us!


The five gods in this mid-level battleship looked at each other with a hint of greed in their eyes.

Gearing up, just waiting to destroy the opponent!

“Accelerate, after an hour, you must be on the opposite side!”



The explosion sounded, and the battleship jumped directly into the wormhole, instantly flashing!

Soon, the battleship approached Chu Yun and the others,

When the five people saw that Chu Yun and a few of them didn’t run, they showed a meaningful smile.

“These stupid natives are still standing stupidly waiting for us to kill them, they are stupid!

“Haha, Lou Ye, don’t say that, after all, the other party hasn’t seen much of the world,

Seeing us noble and powerful people, of course, will be stunned and obsessed!”

“It makes sense, but it is really stupid, so stupid that we are embarrassed to hunt and kill them!”

“Don’t talk nonsense, attack first,

Try the water first!


So the battleship that had arrived in front of Chu Yun and the others began to condense pulse cannons,


The energy beam is condensing,

Several people in the battleship are all laughing,



The pulse shock wave rushed out instantly, hitting Chu Yun and the others,

Chu Yun looked at each other and finally felt the aura of a strong man in the battleship.

They were all a little surprised, but then they were relieved,

Not very strong, Chu Yun can handle it!

When everyone saw the energy beam bursting from the battleship,

Everyone looked at Chu Yun strangely,

Don’t start yet?

Chu Yun was speechless and made a big move,

Several artifacts rushed out instantly,

First, break through the opponent’s attack,

Hit the battleship!

When the five people in the battleship who were originally laughing saw this scene, they were all stunned.

Several artifacts are gradually growing in the eyes!

The next moment, the five people knew why the flowers were so red!

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