East Meet West

Chapter 31: Sneak attack 3

31- Sneak attack 3


‘Host unlocked a hidden function’

‘As host increased the ‘Sense’ stat to 50, the MP recovery rate has increased’

‘MP recovery rate was 1 MP per 2 minutes, but now MP recovery rate is 1 MP per Minute’

‘But due to host being poisoned, the recovery rate was 1 MP per 3 minutes, but now MP recovery rate is 1 MP per 90 seconds (1 minute 30 seconds)’

‘Now, when host increases ‘Sense’ stat to 100, the MP recovery will increase again. So, every time the ‘Sense’ stat increases to certain number, the MP recovery rate will also increase ‘

‘System advice: Host to cure the poison as soon as possible’


When I saw that because my ‘Sense’ stat reached 50, I unlocked a hidden function which increased my rate of recovery, I got excited.

Which means in the future when I increase the ‘Sense’ stat, the recovery rate of MP will also increase. Because, the way I am using skills, my MP is used up very fast, and to recover my MP soon I drink MP potions. Although, the MP potion prices are affordable, but in the following days my money will get used up and I will be in a difficult situation.

Now, I have hope of saving money for different things on shop, rather than wasting money on HP and MP potions. Remembering about HP, I asked

“Sytem is there any way to increase HP and MP limits without levelling up? And what if other stats cross a limit, will there be any hidden function like this?”


‘The host has meet to the conditions for activating a function, the system has no data on that and cannot help’

When I heard that, I wanted to curse the system for being so selfish; but I held back that idea, to avoid being detected or heard by the system. And the system takes revenge by holding back any rewards or starts functioning sloppily.

Throwing this matter behind I once again opened the ‘Status’ window


Name: Orochi

Race: Human

Rank: G

Level: 15/100

Exp: 900/1500

Title: None

Condition: Poisoned

Stats: (Available Free Stats Points: 22)

HP: 1300/1500 MP:99/150

Strength: 66

Agility: 105

Defense: 40

Resistance: 40

Sense: 50

Stamina: 33 ------ Fatigue: 31/330

Intelligence: 37

Charm: 15 (can be increased with Free Stats Points, but won’t increase when leveling up)

Vitality: 2 (cannot be increased with Free Stats Points)

Luck: 8 (cannot be increased with Free Stats Points)


Skills: Observation Lvl 1


Jobs: Thief.


‘Thief job skills’

Stealth Lvl 2, Sprint lvl 2, Spying lvl 1, Disarm Traps lvl 1, Pick Lock lvl 1


Balance = 2,300,233 Sikka


After glancing at my stats, I hesitated whether to increase my other stats to 50, but after taking a look at my remaining ‘free stat points’ are only 22. I decided to save those, because I can I use it in emergency. Just like the fight I had or when I escaped the group of guards.

(What will happen if I increased ‘charm’ stat to 50, will I get more handsome or what??)

It may be due to my habit of saving things that I decided to save the ‘free stat Points’.

Done thinking about these stuffs, I moved in the direction from which the scream came. I activated ‘Stealth’ skill when moving to avoid any sneak attacks and also drank MP potion to fill my used MP.

After running for few seconds, I heard sound of fighting ahead in the direction I was moving in. I immediately hid near a bush and as my ‘Stealth’ skill was active, I was barely noticeable.

After hiding properly, I peeked in the direction where I heard sounds of fighting and saw that a man and a little girl were fighting.

The girl who looked like a 12 to 13 year old kid. While her opponent was a man. Or more precisely, it was the Evolver level guard who had surrounded me with his group of guards earlier.

As they were fighting, or to more precise, it looked like the girl was defending and the Evolver level guard was attacking. And from the look of it, the girl suffered many injuries and was bleeding in some places. While, the Evolver guard also had injuries, but they did not look so severe compared to the girl’s injuries.

From the situation, I can conclude that, the girl will lose her fighting capability within few minutes. And I only imagine her fate.

After few seconds, I decided to join the fight because this is the last guards alive who knows that I killed their young master and to prevent him from exposing my identity, it's better to kill him. And looking at his strength I am sure it will be difficult to kill him with my own strength or worst case even I might get injured or die. So, it's better to join hands with the girl and kill him.

I took out a spear from the ‘storage box’ and ran towards the two and aimed for the guard while still in my ‘Stealth’.

‘Stealth’ works better when the person stays still. And when in motion, ‘Stealth’ has 50% of its original power.

Although the skill’s power decreased, but my opponent’s attention is not on me so I can score a sneak attack.

Slowly, I got closer and was only 2 or 3 meters away from the Evolver guard.

And exactly at the same time, the little girl lost her footing and balance. The guard took advantage of that and prepared to deal a critical blow. At the same time, I saw that the opportunity arrived and immediately activated ‘sprint’ and thrust the spear in my hand towards the Evolver guard’s neck.

The guard was focused on his fight and he failed to notice danger approach him. The spear easily, pierced the Guards neck and from the angle I thrusted the spear, it should have pierced his brain too.

I remembered a Proverb, I read in my past life

"The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind"

That’s what happened here. The guy was concentrated with his fight and I took advantage of it and sneakily killed him.

Here the girl is cicada, the Guard is mantis and I am the Oriole.

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