Earth's Alpha Prime

Chapter 230: Newcomers (Part-3)

Chapter 230: Newcomers (Part-3)

As the male Sentinel's Tier suppression matched that of a Tier-5 Mid-Phase lifeform, two others quickly joined Jay in his efforts. Akor utilised his Volatile Aqua element, creating a shimmering shield of higher element that deflected some of the oppressive force. Kensei spread a layer of Major Sword Aura, the sharp energy cutting through the suppression and easing the burden on Jay.

Olivia, watching the struggle, wanted to help as well. However, Jay quickly communicated to her not to reveal herself, knowing that the Sentinels would detect her Grade-10 Innate Talent if she did.

The Sentinels took notice of Jay's retaliation and couldn't help but be surprised. The female Sentinel exclaimed, "To think there are three who have reached Stage-4 Mastery!"

The male Sentinel remained silent, but his shock was evident. The grade of an Innate Talent could only assist in increasing comprehension speed, but it couldn't bridge the vast ravine between each mastery stage. Crossing that gap relied on luck and enlightenment.

Not everyone with a Grade-9 Innate Talent reached Tier-9. It merely meant they had the potential to reach Tier-9, not a certainty.

The male Sentinel was no exception. Even with the vast resources provided by the Sentinel Order, he didn't have 100% confidence in reaching Tier-9. He had barely reached mid Stage-3 Mastery in the first ten days since his Innate Talent awakened, and it had taken him three months to reach the next stage.

They would surely receive considerable contribution points if they could recruit Jay, Akor, Kensei, and the remaining Tier-3 individuals.

The male Sentinel halted the exertion of Tier Suppression on everyone and flew towards Jay and the others, the female Sentinel tagging along beside him.

Felarial followed closely, speculating on how Jay might react to their domineering actions.

Despite their unruly methods, it wouldn't be wise to make an enemy out of two promising Sentinels.

He knew Jay would eventually leave those two far behind, but he wasn't there yet. Even Felarial himself could become much stronger than what they could possibly achieve.

If it had been him an hour ago, he might have entertained thoughts of joining the Sentinel Order, but not anymore.

If Felarial were to reveal his Grade-10 Innate Talents, the Sentinels would take him in with open arms. It wasn't just them any faction would accept him regardless of the conditions he set.

That was even more applicable to Jay, who could upgrade anyone's Innate Talent to Grade-10.

However, from what Felarial knew of Jay, the likelihood of him joining any faction was low, especially when the recruiters behaved in such an overbearing manner.

As the Sentinels approached, Jay's eyes narrowed, a flicker of disdain replacing the respect reserved for a Tier-7 lifeform. Their imposing presence did little to intimidate him.

The male Sentinel, seemingly oblivious to Jay's growing apprehension, spoke in a nonchalant tone, "You three demonstrated impressive strength and resolve. We'd like to extend an invitation to join the Sentinel Order."

Jay's expression remained unyielding, his jaw tightening ever so slightly in response. He didn't appreciate their methods, their arrogance, but he listened, weighing his options with a calculated mind.

He knew the prudent response would be to express interest, to say he needed time to consider their offer.

However, deep within, Jay had already made his decision long ago: he was determined to create a faction of his own. Joining another was never part of his plan.

Still, he recognised the importance of diplomacy. Outright rejection could land him on their bad side, something anyone with a sane mind would wish to avoid.

Yet, the words that left his mouth defied all rationality. "Not interested," he stated, his tone sharp and dismissive.

The Sentinels were visibly taken aback by his response. The female Sentinel's frown deepened, her eyes narrowing with a mix of surprise and irritation. "Do you have any idea what kind of opportunity you're passing up? Do you even understand what the Sentinel Order represents in the Universe?"

Jay replied with a cold, mocking tone, his words dripping with disdain. "Oh, I am perfectly aware of the Universe's strongest hegemony. Whether I join or not is up to me, and no one could force me otherwise. Especially not when two self-absorbed idiots go around bullying those far weaker than themselves."

His words hung in the air, a bold defiance that neither Sentinel had expected. The male Sentinel's face darkened, veins bulging on his forehead as anger simmered beneath the surface.

Jay stood his ground, his gaze unwavering as it locked with the Sentinel's furious eyes. The tension between them was palpable.

Meanwhile, the female Sentinel, trying to maintain her composure, accessed the System Records, seeking more information about Jay. She found limited details, including his Tier, Innate Talent Category, and Home Planet. What she discovered left her in shock.

Unable to contain her astonishment, she blurted out, "You… how could you resist Tier-5 Suppression at Tier-2? Just what is your Innate Talent?"

The male Sentinel, equally astounded by the revelation, quickly demanded, "How is that possible? What category is his Innate Talent?"

When he learned it was a Unique Category, his expression shifted from shock to disdain. "Why bother with a wastrel? Regardless of how powerful his Innate Talent might be, he has no future. I reckon he won't even be able to cross the 2nd Universe Limit and ever reach Tier-7 in his lifetime."

The female Sentinel, regaining her composure, sighed and shook her head. "Indeed, he has no future. Good thing I checked the System Records, or we would have been reprimanded by Lord Dutan for bringing a hopeless cause with us."

Jay remained unperturbed by their insults. He would have responded tactfully if they hadn't subjected him and his companions to such harsh treatment under the guise of selecting the strong.

His Harmony skill, which kept his emotions in check, had long since been inactive. His rationality had been overshadowed by anger, especially after seeing Dante and the others suffer after fighting tooth and nail against the Plasma Predator, barely surviving the catastrophe.

The Sentinels had not only arrived half an hour too late but had also subjected them to Tier Suppression.

Jay knew that, arrogant as they were, neither Sentinel would dare to kill Trial Participants, as that would result in severe System penalties. With less than a minute left before Day-10 ended, he did not fear them.


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