Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 47: Conspiracy


10 A.M.

1620 Essence harvested.



Apparently, Lee and the two elders have been traveling for almost an hour after exiting the northern city gate. The elders led the way and Lee were following them. The brownish path was through a beautiful grassy plain. Lee checked the Map and found that the path is not hostile. D was working behind the curtains to detect anything hostile.

"How far to the Mo family mansion?!"

Lee sounded his doubt. Elder Mo Chao came near Lee and replied him-

"The Mo family lies east to the city. We are currently going to the test your strength and that place is inside the jungle straight ahead. Our family head will be present there."

Lee nodded at this answer and looked forward. The forest up ahead gave an eerie feeling. He wasn't surprised, but initiated a conversation with D.

'D, anything?!'

[The forest is vast. We'll have to get close enough.]

Lee calmly waited to reach closer. 5 minutes later, D came up with notifications.


11 A.M.

1620 Essence harvested.


[A large artificially created arena is detected inside the jungle. There is a Glass Scorpion, a Rage Bear and a Swamp Serpent in it. Looks like you'll have to fight them.]

Lee didn't reply as he was very surprised to hear the name of Swamp Serpent. He had fought it before and can tell the difficulty of capturing it. This was a creature Lee wanted to fight once again.

The neared the arena and the elders saw no change of expression on Lee's face. They smiled inwardly as no one had came out alive of this arena.

Mo Liwei explained the arena. As he expected, he had to fight with these beasts. But D bought up an information that they deliberately hid.

[Lee, upon close scanning, these beasts have been in an agitated state for some time. So their strength will be greater than what they naturally had. These guys are intentionally keeping them at such aggressive manner to ruthlessly rip the challenger apart!]

Lee thanked D inwardly as he stepped into the arena. The large door was closed immediately. The family head, the two elders and a few youngsters were present as the audience. The family head looked like a man in his 30's, but his dark circles were much attracting than his age. The youngsters all wore a sleeveless deep green  uniform.

"Is he worth the show?!" (Head)

"He has lightning affinity. I didn't sense any cultivation from him." (Mo Chao)

"*sigh* Let's see how this one dies. Also, continue cleaning the city." (Head)

Lee saw their lips moving and he focused his auditory senses to the maximum. What he picked up shed light on the truth. The Mo family was clearing talented people from the city for some reason. He didn't probe the reason as he had a more pressing issue at hand. He didn't take out his blade, but cautiously took a stance. His eyes scanned through the three beasts.

The huge Glass Scorpion was as if it's exterior was made of glass. It reflected the starlights and made it look like a big blob of shining light. The Rage Bear was filled with brown fur and it's claws stood out maliciously. Saliva dripped from its mouth as it angrily roared at Lee. The Swamp Serpent was familiar to Lee, but it's eyes were absolutely red without a pupil.

The bear charged at Lee and the ground shook. Lee evaded the oncoming and began to run around the arena. The scorpion was abnormally agile for its big size. It's tail was elastic in nature, because it stretched beyond its normal length. The sting was deadliest and it tailed Lee for a longtime. The serpent was naturally a nuisance. It's unique scale made its outline difficult to read. Out of options, Lee jumped up onto the bear's back and channeled lightning into its body.

The lightning made the bear immobile for a few seconds before it's anger kicked in with double effect.

'Activate Poison, Lightning, Water, Ice, Rock, Metal, Nature, Sound and Dark affinities!'

Saying this, Lee took out the blade and began to cut the bear's back. It writhed in pain and roared. The scorpion and serpent came in for bear's assistance.

The appearance of the blade out of thin air attracted their attention to his left hand. Their eyes showed surprise and excitement as they saw this dying man had a treasure with him.

Lee's progress went up by each second. He was intentionally injuring the beasts left and right to drive it to the peak of craziness. D advised to do so. If he could drive them into blind and blood-burning rage, there is a chance he can escape this death trap without any scratches. But he didn't want to escape. These creatures are his progress points.



12 Mid-day

1620 Essence harvested.


The beasts had worn out to their 30%. The innumerous slash marks on their massive figures were dripping blood. The lost blood was proportional to their lost ferocity. Even though he was battling these beasts, he was cautious of the treacherous Mo family people. D was ready to activate Foresight at any given moment.

The happy and smiling faces of Mo family began to fade as they saw Lee hurting and toying with these beasts. To not mess up his plan, Lee also acted weariness. The lost luster came back on those vermin's faces. This was Lee's main advantage. Whenever he put on a show, those around him believed it without raising doubts!

The enhanced auditory senses of Lee picked up the family head ordering the uniformed men to be ready to strike Lee down as soon he finishes the fight. Upon D's advice, he slowed his speed down drastically and began to pant. Through the Map, Lee can see the smile on the family head's face. The burning stars above the head affected the beasts adversely. Their blood-loss and intense heat on the wounds made the atmosphere around them heavy. Within a short while, their motionless bodies collapsed on the ground. Lee immediately took a knee, panting heavily. Family head stood up from his seat and walked three steps forward. He spoke loudly, to make sure that Lee could hear him. 

"You are truly a genius. More than five hundred fierce men fell in front of these beasts. But you alone took them down. Since you have achieved such a feat, I shall reward you with the correct information. There are no bridegroom tests. All of these were part of eliminating the talented people from the city of Yeuvis."

Lee immediately faked surprise. The family head was amused to see his expression. He added-

"Do not be angry. We'll make sure to kill you without any pain and suffering. After all, it is a relatively good death than in the hands of Illians!"

Lee unconsciously frowned as he heard this term. His panting slowly faded away as he stood up on his feet. He raised his blade in caution to guard any attacks. Family head ordered the men to give him a painless death. They jumped into the arena and charged at Lee.

A faint smile. A faint smile was visible on Lee's face, one that even the Mo family head didn't notice. Lee faked fatigue and the charging fools became much happier. As soon as they came 10 meters near him, Lee flashed from where he stood and an afterimage went through the lackeys. A second later, Lee appeared behind the last one in the team charging forward.



The cries of nine men filled the arena. The paled faces of Mo family elders exhibited surprise and fear. Lee looked over his shoulder and saw nine men kneeling on the ground without palms. Yes, plams. Lee chopped off their palms as they can provide him Essence for a short while. Killing them would be a waste.

Lee took out his bow. The very sight of the bow created a ripple of unknown fear inside the family head. He glared at the elders as he said-

"Attack that bastard. Your punishment will be lifted if he is dead!"

The elders mustered strength and jumped down to the arena. But before they could land on the ground, two lightning arrows pierced their legs. They fell on their face with uncontrolled spasming. Lee looked at the family head.

"I do not know why the Mo family is doing this truly unforgivable act. So I expect an explanation!"


A loud laughter was the response. Lee stared at the family leader with an intense killing intent. The family leader saw his intent and was amused as he further spoke-

"We are cultivators. We have power. We can touch the pinnacle. Then why should we be equal with peasants?!"

Lee can faintly guess where this is going. What he guessed and what the family leader spoke were one.

"Illians. They are ready to help us. They will make this wrong world right. For our wellness, some sacrifices are necessary. Now, you too can die. Pity that your talent ends here!"

The family head released his Immortal Master realm aura. Lee was a little surprised, but nothing swayed his adamant heart.

"Then you shall die. Here and now!"

Lee raised his bow and shot a homing lightning arrow. It raced at the family head but he evaded it. The homing was beyond his expectations, so the arrow came around. He sensed danger and evaded again, but the arrow tailed him. Thinking that killing Lee will deactivate the ability, the family head flashed towards Lee.

Lee was grinning wide. He had been searching for a worthy opponent to test his extent of attributes. Now that he saw the family head flashing with supreme agility, he couldn't help but grin.

Lee stored his bow and pulled out his blade. The unique design on the blade caught the family head's attention. Greed grew in his heart. I want that blade - his heart chanted repeatedly.


Lee and the family head collided. Their strength was equal at a first glance, but a detailed look at their attributes showed the superiority of Lee over the air-head.

[Lee, this man has an earth element affinity. It will be a bad matchup for your lightning. Try others. Also this man's sword is made from a Drake's spine. It's hardness far surpasses your blade. So I suggest you switch to nunchuck or bow.]

Family head's lack in stats was compensated by his countless battle experiences. His ferocity was pushing Lee to go defensive. Everytime Lee strikes, the man blocks it easily. Lee can only use his brute force and agility against this man's sword.

Lee considered D's suggestion and took out his bow as he jumped high into the air. He pulled the bowstring and an exploding homing arrow materialised. Like any other arrow, the family head stopped it with his sword. But the unexpected explosion worked like a miracle.

The family head flew back with force and collided with the arena wall. Blood dripped from his mouth as he tried to stand up. A devilish smile came up on his face as he cried-

"Survival of the strongest!!"

22 men jumped into the arena as he shouted. They were all cultivators. Their outfits and weapons were strange from one another. Some looked like variations of Samurai while some looked like Sohei. Even colorful adaptations of ninjas were among the group. Lee even saw a man in a medieval french outfit with a conical hat and katana. D was flabbergasted as the Map did not show any other signs of life other than elders and lackeys. D softly advised to inspect their bodies after he defeats them.

'23 vs 1. What are the odds?!'

[Their cultivations are masked. But from bits and pieces of analysis, they are well-seasoned masters.]

'Lets test.'

Lee smirked at these men and asked-

"Are you the servants of this old man?! You lot are very obedient."

Lee's remark made them unsheathe their weapons. An aura of oppression can be felt by him.


A dart came at Lee's right eye and he dodged it by a hair's width. His surprise was satisfied as he saw shurikens and kunais in the hands of rainbow ninjas.

With no want to confront head-on, Lee turned around and jumped onto the wall while he twisted his torso to shoot arrows at these intruders. The exploding homing arrows with poison coating spread poison to the surroundings as they burst to pieces. Lee was cornered by numbers, but he had tricks up his sleeve to hinder them.

With Lee unleashing arrows, the cultivators also released their ranged weapons. Arrows, darts and kunais stormed at Lee as he jumped all around the arena. While Lee was clearly on the run, his skin had very few wounds when compared to the weapons showered on him.

The family head was watching this battle and he decided to attack Lee using any underhand methods possible. The activated Foresight warned Lee of this old man. Lee nimbly approached the old man and absorbed him into his EsGen storage. The warriors who witnessed this thought that he had some kind of teleportation talisman and that he teleported the old man to the city to prove the connection between Illians and Mo family head. Their desire to kill Lee went over the roof.

Lee can feel the hair behind his back standing up with ominous intent.


1 P.M.

1700 Essence harvested.


The volley of arrows stopped as D warned him of his Essence expenditure. He stored the bow and decided to do something that D suggested. From above the wall, he jumped down to the ground with his palm striking the ground.


The earth affinity stacked on his enormous strength created a series of cracks on the shaking ground. The cultivators stopped in their tracks and smiled as the quake faded away. The cracks were not too wide. They scoffed on Lee's failed final attempt to save his life. As their anger and pride blinded them, they failed to see a faint smile on Lee's face as his palm was 1 inch deep in the soil.

*pzzt pzzt pzzt pzzzzzttt....*

The lightning jumped on these cultivators from the crack beneath. This was an attack that never anticipated. 9 cultivators got caught in the columns of lightning and they dropped dead. 4 others were partially numb or unconscious from this attack. The left 9 cultivators went pale as they saw the intensity of the attack.

Lee stood up as he extended his arm sideways. He looked like a crucified jesus, except there was no cross. A sinister grin appeared on Lee's face as his hands slammed together in front of him, creating a big boom!


A deafening sound was produced as his hands collided. The shockwave made the cultivators' eardrum to either burst or break so as to lose balance of their body. The already numb ones were foaming from their mouth. Those who escaped the first attack couldn't escape the second!

Lee was no different from them. He suffered the most, but D had cut off all his senses at the very instant his hands created the thunder. The damage was greatly reduced, but he still felt loss of balance. D assisted to properly channel the jumbled array of memory and sensory processing in Lee's brain.

With a slight sting and tingling sensation in his brain, he stood up and walked towards the cultivators. He stored the dead. For the ones alive and unconscious, he stored them in his EsGen storage after asking a few questions. The three beasts had long breathed their last breath. Due to this, he could only sell their lifeless shells. Those beasts gave an altogether of 1209 Essence.

D alarmed that some beings are en route to the arena. Lee slowly jogged away from the spot. After he went away, two women in navy blue garments arrived at the arena. They were horrified to see blood spilled all over the wall with pieces of flesh scattered here and there.



Name: Lee

Age: 20

Title: Grim-reaper, Soul Liberator

Fame: 1930

Essence: 21461 (1 PM)

Money: 953 Gold, 0 Silver, 31 Copper


Partner: An


Health: 320

Strength: 320

Vitality: 320

Agility: 320

Defense: 320

Endurance: 320

Sense: 320

Intelligence: 320

Resolve: 320



• Greater Poison Immunity (191/1000000)

• Medium Lightning Immunity (3229/10000)


• Greater Poison Affinity (11884/1000000)

• Greater Lightning Affinity (12385/1000000)

• Lesser Fire Affinity (0/100)

• Lesser Water Affinity (0/100)

• Lesser Ice Affinity (0/100)

• Greater Rock Affinity (11975/1000000)

• Greater Metal Affinity (11974/1000000)

• Lesser Sand Affinity (0/100)

• Greater Nature Affinity (11984/1000000)

• Lesser Air Affinity (0/100)

• Greater Sound Affinity (11985/1000000)

• Greater Dark Affinity (11797/1000000)

• Lesser Light Affinity (0/100)



• Absolute Blade Mastery

• Absolute Nunchuck Mastery

• Medium Bow Mastery (813/10000)


Cultivation: Peak stage Core Formation realm

Qi: 0/1100

Mana: 0


Innate Skills:-

• View

• Foresight

• EsGen

• EsConv

• Curse Remover








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