Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 424: Catastrophe Inbound

"The terms have changed a bit since then, I have grown ambitious, but the gist of it is still the same, therefore, there is no need to worry" Yunan extended his hand and a ball of light condensed and floated above his palm, surprisingly Tasha clasped her hand on Yunan's without as much as a hint of consideration, she didn't even know what the terms were, but she was ready to move on, even if it was as a puppet who can only look out whilst her soul was shackled.

"Generous terms!" The surprise in Tasha overwhelmed her previous melancholy and rage, she didn't expect Yunan to give her a new life altogether, her gamble paid off more than she thought was possible.

"Since you have agreed to the terms, go to Dreamscape, use it and the link I just gave you to start absorbing faith from this universe, as per the contract, you will renounce your old divinity and take on a new one, I recommend something pure, like assistance or secrets for example, but you can choose whatever you feel like, henceforth, you're my ally and will assist me in my future endeavours, for now, go get yourself sorted, the wars of this universe are not your problem anymore, even if you feel like helping, I refuse".

Tasha then turned around and opened a path for Yunan to enter the divine realm of the council of over-gods "this is to satisfy my own defiance, I have a big grudge to quench, at least let me have this little bit". She asked with a hint of pleading.

Yunan nodded and walked through, this wasn't planned but since when did Yunan ever shy away from anything, just because he had no plans? he could make a few thousand plans with a single thought, therefore, he went ahead with it, after he entered, Tasha blinked her eyes, wondering if she had just caused a catastrophe, then she grinned and made her way to Dreamscape, her new life was ready for her, as for her old life, it no longer mattered anymore.

Alarms rang across the divine realm, Yunan slowly walked to the heart of the realm, not forgetting to consume anything that caught his sight, from energy to souls, if he felt good about it, he consumed it, even bits of the divine realm were consumed, as some gods came to face the intruder, chaos hit the realm. Gods were screaming and running some dying and some escaping, Yunan wasn't here to start a war. He was just swatting away some buzzing flies.

The council members rose from their table in alarm, all of their forms changed from normal men and women to their true forms, beasts, monstrosities, chimeras, and nebulous clouds seething with energy, furious at the thought of being invaded, who dared encroach on them, gods with untold power on a mission from the primordials, maybe the avatars have gone mad and decided to end things in one fell swoop,  now that Yunan was planning to wage war, they should stand side by side, not allow Yunan to gain any respite, they should stop him while he was still preparing for war, otherwise, they might be stuck on this planet forever.

This line of thought was only in the minds of the council, they were too proud and too blind to understand what was going on, even with their spies and their massive knowledge, somehow, they could not understand why their plans have been breaking apart for no apparent reason. It was fascinating to Tasha to watch the council trade blame between themselves when they faced setback after setback, even when Yunan was nowhere to be found and not even directing his minions, he still came up as the winner.

From her new vantage point, Tasha could see the truth of the council, she could see why Yunan was so sure he could defeat them, and why was it that even as a mortal, they couldn't deal with him, the problem was the council itself, a bunch of nitwits, arguing without end, each plan they make is to fix a plan that went awry, always stuck on what they could do to fix a situation rather than solve it, even as their overarching plan was slowly going down the drain, they somehow managed to ignore it and focus on potential threats, making mistakes that only caused the original plan to become even more unreachable with each mess up.

For ten years, Tasha resented herself for being part of the council, how could she demean herself to become like this, this council reeked of greed and delusion, how could she fall so low, she must have blindfolded herself somewhere along the line, to think that she even had felt loyalty for them. She resented Yunan even more for opening the veil on her eyes, now that she could see, she couldn't help but know that he was correct, reaching the same conclusions he reached without even meeting these people.

If Yunan could see it, then she could too, and since she was part of the whole thing, she gleaned much more information than Yunan, but she wouldn't tell him, he didn't need to know all that to bring her the revenge she now sought.

Tasha realised she was lucky, if Yunan had decided to chat and met another from the council, she may have been still blind and not noticing she was on the chopping board waiting for her death, if he did not come to chat that day, today she may not have had her chance at a new life.

When the council members surrounded Yunan and finally got him to stop moving, he did not even bring out his aura to contend with their power, he did not need to, suffering the pressure was a form of training for his effort divinity, not that he even needed his aura to repel the hostility targeted at him, he could handle that much, and it would also strike some doubt in their hearts about his true power.

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