Dressed As a Female Cannon Fodder In the 1960s

Chapter 85:

“From today onwards, you will be called Jasmine, and follow Rose to learn how to serve men. If you can’t complete the task, don’t even think about eating, you know?” Mom Sang said to Lin Qing with a frown.

Lin Qing had the urge to scold her mother, what and what?

Damn, actually played this trick for her?

Lin Qing endured his anger and said to his mother Sang, “I’m really sorry, I didn’t come here voluntarily. You’d better let me go. If I get caught by the police, I’m afraid it will be very troublesome.”

“Threat me? My Aunt Lan has been on the road for so long, and no one has dared to threaten me like this, little girl, you are very courageous.” Sister Lan stretched out her hand and patted Lin Qing’s face lightly. Laughing extremely indifferently.

Lin Qing looked at the strange smile on Sister Lan’s face, and her back became even more rigid.

She swallowed her saliva involuntarily and said with a sullen expression: “I mean it, I have a husband and I am missing. My husband will definitely come to find me. How much money do you need to let me go?”

“The girls here, before they came in, they were always looking for death, but after being molested by me, they stopped trying to kill themselves. Do you know why?”

Sister Lan looked at Lin Qing and smiled even more strangely.

Lin Qing is now weak, and if he wants to leave this place, he can only wait and see what happens.

She leaned against the head of the bed and waited quietly for Sister Lan to say the following.

“Because they are smart and know that they can only eat with me. Obedient girls will get everything they want. Of course, for those disobedient girls, I will not… be merciful.” When Sister Lan said this, A pair of eyes with a layer of coldness shot directly at Lin Qing.

Lin Qing was stared at by Sister Lan with such fierce and warning eyes, the corners of her mouth tensed sharply.

“Give you three hours to think about it. If you go your own way and ask for trouble, don’t blame me for being ruthless.”

After speaking to Lin Qing coldly, Sister Lan left the room without looking back. At the same time, the door was closed again.

Lin Qing looked at the closed door with a little irritability in her eyes. She scratched her hair and was thinking about how to get out of this ghost place, but found that her ring was lying quietly beside her. Location.

When Lin Qing saw the space ring, he immediately grabbed the ring into his hand and kissed it fiercely.

The original ring will now follow the host?

In this way, even if it is stolen, Lin Qing does not have to worry about being robbed by others.

Lin Qing took out some food from the ring, and when he was full, he hung the ring around his neck.

Lin Qing touched his ring while thinking about how to escape this place safely.

Mo Xiao must be looking for him now. In this era, technology is not developed, there is no surveillance, and there are very few phone calls. If you want to find her, I am afraid it will be very difficult.

She couldn’t wait for Mo Xiao to come to save herself, it seemed that she could only save herself.

Lin Qing made up his mind, his eyes flashing with a strange breath.

Three hours later, the door was opened again, Lin Qing was shaking all over, she clenched her fists calmly, and looked at the door.

The woman who came in this time was not Aunt Lan, but a woman several years older than Lin Qing.

She was wearing an embroidered cheongsam, and the whole person looked very charming, but her face was heavily makeup and looked a bit gaudy.

“You look pretty good. Aunt Lan said your name is Jasmine and I am Rose. From today onwards, I will be your teacher. I will teach you how to serve men. I heard that you are married? You should know about men, right? Rose stepped forward, looked at Lin Qing, and smiled very charmingly.

Three black lines crossed Lin Qing’s forehead. These women, are they really okay to keep these words on their lips?

“I see.” Lin Qing said obediently.

Seeing that Lin Qing was so well-behaved, Rose seemed surprised to give Lin Qing a look, touched her chin, and said thoughtfully, “Aunt Lan told me just now that you have a stubborn personality because you were sold here. The possibility will be more intense, so let me treat you well, I didn’t expect you to be aware of current affairs so quickly.”

“I’m here now, what else can I do other than keep track of the current affairs? After all, I don’t want to toast or eat a fine drink.” Lin Qing looked at Rose, and said to Rose with a helpless expression.

Rose heard Lin Qing say this, and chuckled: “It seems that you are very clear, that’s good, I like people with your personality, so I won’t be very tired.”

“Thank you, Sister Rose.” Lin Qing said sweetly to Rose.

“Okay, I’m going to start teaching now. You have to listen carefully to the task I gave you. I will check it tomorrow. If you don’t remember, I will definitely…”

“I will.” Lin Qing immediately raised his hand and said to Rose.

“You will serve men?” Rose met a woman like Lin Qing for the first time. Usually, the women who were brought here were not willing. To be trained to serve men, Lin Qing took the initiative to say that she can do all this? Could it be that Lin Qing was in this business before? Thinking of this, Rose might as well look at Lin Qing more, wanting to determine whether Lin Qing is a companion.

“Yes, so I don’t need to learn those things.” Lin Qing nodded towards Rose with a serious face.

Rose was still very suspicious that Lin Qing would actually serve a man. Lin Qing thought about the TV she watched in her previous life, from the era when the Internet was developed, what else did she not know, she had never eaten pork in her previous life, could it be that she has never seen a pig run away?

Lin Qing took a deep breath, stood up in front of Rose, put his arms around Rose’s waist, and began to tease Rose. Rose was considered an old man in a stormy place, but under Lin Qing’s teasing, she was a little defeated.

She looked at Lin Qing with a red face and said, “I didn’t expect you to be a companion.”


Lin heard Rose’s adjective and almost didn’t spit out a mouthful of blood.

She coughed awkwardly, clenched her fist and said, “Forget it, so I don’t have to learn these things, because I will. It’s better than these, what do you think?”

“Well, it’s like this, so you don’t need to learn this.”

“Yours is much stronger than the girls in my hands. You are so skilled, you don’t need to study these courses. I will ask Aunt Lan for advice.”

Rose glanced at Lin Qing and said to Lin Qing.

After listening to Rose’s words, Lin smiled and said, “Okay, thank you Sister Rose.”

Rose winked at Lin Qing, twisted her water snake waist and left.

Lin Qing watched Rose leave, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Don’t look at her face when she flirted with Rose just now, but she actually has 10,000 drafts in her heart.

It was also the first time that she molested a woman. It was a really difficult process, but the appearance of Rose just now made Lin Qing’s face turn green.

She was thinking, Rose…wouldn’t be…fancy her? This is an illusion… It must be an illusion. Could it be that there are still lilies in this era?

Mommy, please save me.

Lin Qing held his space ring, his eyes twinkling faintly.

She had already figured out how to get out of this place.

After listening to Rose’s report, Sister Lan was very happy when she knew that Lin Qing turned out to be charming. She felt that she had bought a treasure, so she changed Lin Qing to a more upscale room and began to focus on cultivating Lin Qing.

Lin Qing pursed her lips and began to learn dance with the teacher invited by Sister Lan every day. She was so tired that her waist was about to break.

This is the port capital after all, and the women here are wearing very retro, basically split cheongsams, giving Lin Qing a feeling of returning to the period of the Republic of China.

And this entertainment place is very similar to the old Shanghai ballroom on TV.

During this time, Lin Qing secretly learned about the surrounding environment. The people who come here for entertainment are all rich, and they are the objects of their entertainment.

Rose and Lin Qing have a very good relationship, and they come to accompany Lin Qing every day.

She felt that she had to leave this place as soon as possible, and she was dragging it on because she was afraid that her chastity would not be guaranteed.

Lin Qing stroked the sweat on his forehead as he went to serve the roses for himself.

She has a lot of freedom now. At least in the entire dormitory, she can come and go freely. Except for leaving the dormitory, Sister Lan said that she will perform on stage for the first time in seven days. If Lin Qing can auction a high price, Sister Lan promises to let Lin Qing go shopping for a day.

This is a good opportunity for Lin Qing.

She thought about relaxing the vigilance of Sister Lan and the others and secretly leaving this place, but after knowing that there were thugs around, Lin Qing gave up the idea.

Although she has a space ring in her hand, she can’t deal with those people. Could it be that she took out the space ring to kill someone?

Thinking of this, Lin Qing couldn’t help shaking his head.

“You want to run away,”

Lin Qing came out of the bathroom and was standing in the sink to wash his hands when a somewhat eerie voice came from behind him. Lin Qing’s body froze and turned back slowly. After seeing who was standing behind him, Lin Qing said He swallowed involuntarily.

This woman seems to be called Lily, right? Rose brought and met her once before. After all, she would be a colleague in the future, so Rose brought some girls from the ballroom to introduce to Lin Qing.

“I don’t.” Lin Qing calmly restrained his emotions and said to Lily.

People who seek life here don’t know their personalities. Lin Qing doesn’t dare to trust others rashly. If the other party stabs you in the back, she will be in vain if she wants to escape.

“Jasmine, you can’t lie to me, I know you want to leave this place.”

Lily walked into Lin Qing and called out her stage name to Lin Qing.

When Lin heard the word Jasmine, he felt a terrible pain in the eggs.

She really doesn’t like this kind of flower name.

She calmed down, looked at Lily, and said indifferently; “I don’t know why you think like this, but I can tell you very clearly, I never thought about leaving this place, and I still like this place. ”

“Do you like this place? Stop kidding, is this a place where people stay? You know? A few women used to be here, and then they were tortured to death by guests. You think this place is very beautiful, Can you survive as long as you serve those men well? Don’t you know what the guests you pick up look like?”

When Lily said these words, she was very emotional.

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