Dressed As a Female Cannon Fodder In the 1960s

Chapter 39: The space ring is the gold finger of the heroine

Her children, her husband, are not on her side, maybe what she has been doing all along is really wrong.

The rain is still falling, and the sound of rain can be heard in the cave.

Everyone huddled in caves, waiting for the rain to stop to rebuild their homes.

When I woke up the next day, the rain was still falling, but it was not as heavy as yesterday, and the flood was still heavy. Going down now is undoubtedly courting death.

Many people climbed to the side of the cave in the middle of the night, and their stomachs were already hungry, but when they fled for their lives, they did not bring food with them.

Sitting on the wet floor, wrapped in some damp quilts, many children began to cry.


“Woooooo, I’m so hungry, Dad, I want something to eat.”

Many more people got sick from yesterday’s heavy rain and started coughing.

The air became unusually cloudy.

Lin Qing couldn’t sleep, and she was very hungry. She could take food out of the space ring, but in this situation, she couldn’t take food out of the space ring. Maybe take her as a to blame.

“Sister, I’m so hungry.”

After all, Wu Ya and Wu Er were relatively young and would not be hungry for long. The two of them shook Lin Qing’s arms and said to Lin Qing with extremely aggrieved expressions.

Lin Qing stretched out his hand, touched the heads of the two, and said softly, “Wait a minute, we’ll go down after the flood subsides.”

“But I’m very hungry.”

Wu Ya looked at Lin Qing and shouted.

Lin Qing frowned, put down his hands, and said lightly, “Everyone here is hungry, do you want to go down to find something to eat?”

Lin Qing’s words made Wu Ya faint.

There are floods below, I am afraid that the food has not been found, and the people have been driven away by the floods.

“Sister, aren’t you hungry?”

Seeing that Lin Qing’s face was unusually calm, Wu Ya felt her shriveled belly, and asked Lin Qing with a puzzled look.

Lin Qing glanced at Wu Ya and said lightly, “It’s not really hungry.”

Hearing Lin Qing say this, Wu Ya flattened her mouth and had to sit aside and endure hunger.

Mo Xiao sat on the side of the Educated Youth League and kept an eye on Lin Qing’s movements.

Seeing that Lin Qing’s face was pale, Mo Xiao’s eyes darkened.

When he got up and was about to go to Lin Qing’s side, he was caught by Shen Jiayi on the side.

Shen Jiayi had a little dirt on her face, and her beautiful face looked extremely embarrassed.

She took out the hidden steamed buns from her pocket and whispered, “Comrade Mo, I just smoothed out two steamed buns, do you want to eat them?”

She was really hungry, but she still wanted to leave it to her sweetheart.

Mo Xiao shook his head lightly, shook off Shen Jiayi’s hand, and walked towards Lin Qing.

“Shen Zhiqing, do you have steamed buns? Can you give me one?” Shen Jiayi looked at Mo Xiao’s indifference to him, and walked straight to Lin Qing’s side without looking at her, with a very lonely expression.

A short-haired educated youth next to Shen Jiayi saw the white-faced steamed buns in Shen Jiayi’s hands, and received an incomparably great temptation. He wiped his mouth, pushed Shen Jiayi’s arm, and stared straight at Shen Jiayi’s steamed buns.

Shen Jiayi was hungry herself, how could it be possible for others to eat, she shook her head and said, “I’m hungry too, besides, I only have two steamed buns, sorry.”

The educated youth had a slightly sullen expression on his face. Although she really wanted to eat the steamed bun in Shen Jiayi’s hand, it was Shen Jiayi’s own after all, so she could only touch her stomach and close her eyes.

There were some people around who had taken their rations and started to eat.

Even just a little something is good.

The Wu family was busy escaping, and there was no food at home, so there was no food at all.

Listening to the sounds of chewing food, Lin Qing felt that his stomach was getting more and more hungry.

She touched her stomach, terribly uncomfortable.

Old Man Wu was actually hungry, but he didn’t show it, perhaps because he was used to being hungry before.

“If you’re hungry, just dig grass roots on the lawn outside the cave to feed your hunger.”

Mo Xiao walked to Lin Qing’s side and said lightly to Lin Qing.

In ancient times, when people didn’t eat, they just dug grass roots, gnawed on tree bark, and swallowed everything in their stomachs as long as they could stay alive.

When Wu Ya heard that she wanted to eat grass roots, she immediately shouted, “I don’t want to eat grass roots.”

Lin Qing frowned, got up and walked to Old Man Wu and said, “Grandpa, I’ll go out and see if there are any grass roots. You wait for me here.”

“I’m not hungry.”

After all, Old Man Wu was very old, and after staying here for so long, he was a little sick. When he saw that Lin Qing was going to dig grass roots, he grabbed Lin Qing’s hand and shook his head at Lin Qing.

How could Lin Qing believe Old Man Wu’s words that he was not hungry? Old Man Wu’s hungry lips turned purple.

“Dad, you take care of Grandpa, I’ll go out and see if I can satisfy my hunger.”


Wu Liang looked at Lin Qing and nodded in panic.

Lin Qing and Mo Xiao walked outside the cave.

The two went outside the cave and saw that there were many people looking for grass roots to eat, Lin Qing felt a little helpless.

Is it really necessary to eat grass roots?

But the space ring, definitely can’t be used.

If she took out big fish and big meat to eat, how would the people around her feel when they saw it?

After thinking about it, Lin Qing had no choice but to squat down to dig the grass roots.

Mo Xiao accompanied Lin Qing and dug grass roots with Lin Qing.

“It should be fine for a day.”

Mo Xiao said to Lin Qing while digging grass roots.

Lin Qing’s spirit was not very good. She looked at Mo Xiao’s handsome face and nodded reluctantly, “Yes.”

“Your face is ugly? Are you sick?”

Mo Xiao noticed that Lin Qing seemed to have no energy, his eyes sank, and he stretched out his hand and put it on Lin Qing’s forehead.

Lin Qing also felt that he might have caught a cold because his whole body was weak.

But now everyone was taking refuge, and Lin Qing didn’t say anything. He didn’t expect Mo Xiao to find out.

“I have a fever, so I took this medicine.”

Mo Xiao frowned, took out a packet of medicine from his pocket and handed it to Lin Qing.

Lin Qing was a little surprised and said, “You… how come?”

Carry medicine with you?

“I fell ill two days ago, so I have been carrying cold medicine. There is no water here. I will look for it and eat the medicine first.”

“Just use grass roots.”

Lin Qing is not so squeamish either. Since coming here, Lin Qing feels that he has assimilated with this era.

After she dug up the grass roots and removed the soil, she bit the grass roots and swallowed the medicine into her stomach.

His mouth was bitter, but for the sake of his own body, Lin Qing still endured it.

Seeing Lin Qing’s bitter face, Mo Xiao shook his head, picked up the grass roots around him, and handed them to Lin Qing.


Lin stuck out his tongue, took a breath, and thanked Mo Xiao.


Mo Xiao shook his head and went to dig grass roots elsewhere.

Because there was no food to eat, everyone turned their attention to the grass.

Even if it is grass roots, it is okay to be full.

Lin Qing and Mo Xiao dug a lot of grass roots and went back. After all, Old Man Wu was someone who was used to living a hard life. He grabbed the grass roots and devoured them. You can only bite the bullet and squeeze the grass roots into your stomach.

Wu Da and the others looked at Lin Qing and the others foolishly. Their stomachs were grumbling, but they didn’t dare to take it.

Seeing the dumbfounded expressions on their faces, Lin Qing ignored them. While nibbling on the grass roots, he snorted coldly at the three of them, “If you don’t eat, go hungry.”

Pampering is not useful at this time.

Wu Er heard what Lin Qing said, gritted his teeth, grabbed the grass roots, and followed Lin Qing and the others began to gobble up.

Seeing that Wu Erdu started to eat, Wu Ya and Wu Da had no choice but to grab it and eat it.

The roots of grass roots are sweet, but not a lot of water.

After eating, everyone was half full, and Lin poured out the door to go to the toilet.

After urinating, she found a place where no one was around, and after urinating, she touched her space ring, took out a bun from it, and began to nibble.

After eating the buns, Lin Qing ate another piece of bread. After he was full, Lin Qing wiped his mouth. When he was about to go back, he heard Shen Jiayi’s voice behind him.

“Lin Zi, what were you just… eating?”

Lin Qing’s back couldn’t help stiffening.

She looked back and saw Shen Jiayi standing behind her, and said with a sullen expression, “I didn’t eat anything, I was urinating just now.”

“I clearly smelled a very fragrant smell just now, aren’t you eating?”

After Shen Jiayi heard what Lin Qing said, she obviously didn’t believe what Lin Qing said.

Lin Qing said innocently, “I really didn’t eat anything. I just gnawed on it with my own hands. The grass roots I ate just now didn’t matter if I was full, so I had to nibble on my own fingers.”

Lin Qing’s words made Shen Jiayi still have some doubts, but she didn’t ask any further.

Lin Qing’s back was terribly cold, and when he was about to return to the cave, the space ring around his neck, for some unknown reason, fell out at this moment and was seen by Shen Jiayi.

After Shen Jiayi saw the space ring on Lin Qing’s neck, she called out, “Ring…”

Lin Qing stared blankly at the emotional Shen Jiayi, put the ring into his neck and said, “This is the ring I wore since I was a child, why is Shen Zhiqing so excited?”

Shen Jiayi stepped forward, grabbed Lin Qing’s arm, and wanted to see Lin Qing’s ring, but was blocked by Lin Qing.

Lin Qing always felt that Shen Jiayi’s gaze when looking at the ring was very strange.

“Why did you wear that ring since you were a child? Impossible.”

Shen Jiayi looked at Lin Qing angrily.

“Why is it impossible? It’s always worn on me. Besides, it’s not something valuable, it’s just made of broken copper and iron.”

Lin Qing looked at Shen Jiayi and said indifferently.

Shen Jiayi stared at Lin Qing’s face, her eyes condensed and said: “Lin Zi, honestly, did you dig this ring out of the ground?”

When Lin Qing heard the words, his heart suddenly froze.

what happened? How did Shen Jiayi know that this ring was dug out of the soil?

Her mind turned quickly, and then a flash of light flashed, and she thought of a possibility.

Could it be that this ring is actually the heroine’s

Lin Qing thought that the heroine of this book is indeed a person with golden fingers. She is proficient in all eight kinds of martial arts. She can not only help the people in the village take refuge, but also improve the agriculture in the village, and even deal with the sudden attack in the village. of infectious diseases.

The heroine is because of this ring?

So is it because of her disorderly entry that she stole the heroine’s golden finger?

Thinking of this, Lin Qing suddenly felt a little guilty.

“This is really what I have been wearing since I was a child. Where can I find rings in the ground.”

Lin Qing looked at Shen Jiayi, looking at Shen Jiayi with a look of confusion.

“You show me that ring, it looks a lot like mine.”

Shen Jiayi didn’t believe what Lin Qing said at all, she had to look at Lin Qing’s space ring when she said anything.

Lin Qing looked nervous: “Shen Zhiqing, this is my thing, I don’t like others to see it, I’m really sorry.”

“Lin Zi, you said this ring is yours, I believe it, I’ll take a look.”

Shen Jiayi stood up straight, gathered her hair, looked at Lin Qing, and said with deep eyes.

Lin Qing’s eyelids trembled, and he said to Shen Jiayi, “It’s nothing to see, just a broken ring. Let’s go back to the cave, it’s a little cold.”

Lin Qing would not show the ring to Shen Jiayi.

What if Shen Jiayi said that the ring belonged to her and took it away?

I finally got a golden finger and said nothing.

Shen Jiayi looked at Lin Qing’s back and clenched her hands tightly.

She was actually reborn. She always remembered that she should have a golden finger, but she couldn’t find it.

Seeing the ring hanging on Lin Qing’s neck just now, Shen Jiayi suddenly remembered that she should have a space ring, but it has been a long time since she was reborn here, but she still hasn’t found the space ring.

Not only the space ring, but even Mo Xiao, who originally belonged to him, was not looking at him.

For Shen Jiayi, who knew about the follow-up development, it was suffocating in her heart.

She didn’t know what went wrong, why all the things that belonged to her in her previous life were gone?

Could it be something wrong with the space?

Shen Jiayi’s pretty face was full of gloom, and she followed Lin Qing back to the cave.

Lin Qing sat in the group of the Wu family again, and everyone basically slept together.

Lin Qing was also sleepy, and when he was about to sleep, he realized that someone was watching him.

Lin Qing narrowed his eyes slightly and looked over, and saw Shen Jiayi who was looking towards him.

When he noticed that Shen Jiayi was looking towards him, Lin Qing’s back trembled, pretending not to see it, he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Seeing that Lin Qing was asleep, Shen Jiayi clenched her hands tightly.

She had to find an opportunity to grab the ring around Lin Qing’s neck to see if it was her golden finger from a previous life.

After making up her mind, Shen Jiayi leaned on the educated youth behind her and closed her eyes.

She remembered that after this flood, someone would get sick. At that time, she showed amazing medical skills to save that person, but now many things are different from her previous life, and Shen Jiayi can’t be sure.

She looked at Mo Xiao who was not far away from the Men’s Educated Youth League.

Mo Xiao was dressed in light gray, his clothes were stained with mud, and his handsome face had a little mud on his face, but even in this way, Mo Xiao was still the best looking man among these people.

However, why did Mo Xiao look into her eyes, but she couldn’t find the familiar affection?

She and Mo Xiao fell in love at first sight, but now Mo Xiao doesn’t like her, and his attitude towards her is particularly cold, which makes Shen Jiayi quite dissatisfied.

She always felt that Mo Xiao liked Lin Qing, but she wasn’t sure, because Lin Qing didn’t look good at all, and she was an uneducated village girl. How could such a good man like Mo Xiao fall in love with Lin Qing?

Shen Jiayi was so worried that she couldn’t sleep.

In the middle of the night, a scream suddenly came from the cave.

“Auntie, what’s wrong with you?”

“Village chief, hurry up and save my mother.”

The sharp voice of a young man woke up the entire cave.

Lin Qing rubbed his eyes and looked at his aunt who was surrounded by people.

The man’s face was an abnormal red, his lips were purple, and he looked like he had a fever.

“It’s hot, maybe it’s a fever.”

“Is there any medicine in the clinic.”

The author has something to say: it is updated every day, the number of words is not fixed, please support me a lot.

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