Dragon Emperor, Martial God

Chapter 71

Chapter 71: Asking for death

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

Sick? Drunk? Drink less and stop fooling around? Hurry and leave?

Tian Botao was stunned by what he heard! He was flabbergasted as he stared at the rude fatty standing before him, saying whatever he wanted!

Is this truly the rumored spineless coward that Qin Qiuyue picked up? With that arrogant way of speaking, does this kid not know left from right? Who does he think he’s talking to?

That being said, how did that brat know that I was overly drunk and feeling weak anyway? Or… is he aware of who I am and did it on purpose to shame me? Tian Botao thought to himself.

Wait a minute, that’s impossible! This brat is a poor student who’s only seven or eighteen years old. There was no way he would have any medical knowledge! He’s definitely just trying to humiliate me! Such audacity!

Having reached such a conclusion, behind his lens, Tian Botao’s eyes squinted as his facial expression changed from excitement to subtle anger.

His excitement was only partly due to the presence of the two gorgeous and ravishing beauties before him. The other part of it was also due to the large fresh lobster that Ling Yun had brought!

Afterall, Tian Botao had come to the clinic prepared to threaten, bribe, coax and even pester Qin Qiuyue to go out for dinner with him. Once they were outside, Tian Botao was confident that he had at least ninety-nine ways to make her submit to him obediently. Thus, the moment he saw the large lobster, his eyes had shone and he immediately decided to stay for the night and enjoy that delicious looking lobster. The thought of enjoying such a delicious meal while looking at the two beauties was more than enough to leave his mouth watering. Such was the level of excitement and anticipation he had!

But who knew that after greeting his mother, Ling Yun would actually try to drive him away? To make things worse, that brat even tried to humiliate him! Who did he think he was? Tian Botao was the deputy director of the Linjiang Road residential agency! In Linjiang Road, he was God!

How was he supposed to stomach such shame and verbal abuse?

“Youngster, watch your mouth. Don’t you know that wrong words bring troubles?” Tian Botao replied. He no longer cared about Qin Qiuyue, his eyes were solely focused on Ling Yun, like a cobra eyeing its prey. His tone was cold and flat yet it harbored a sense of admonition.

As for Qin Qiuyue, her face was as composed as ever as she looked and smiled gently at Ling Yun. There was no fear or shock on her face. All that was present was her laissez-faire attitude towards Tian Botao’s warning.

“What? Wrong words bring troubles? Are you really here to see the doctor or just looking for trouble?” Ling Yun replied his brows creasing to form deep wrinkles and his lips twisted upwards, showing his annoyance.

Was this man trying to make him even moodier than he already was?

Even when he had been beating up Gou Junfa and Tu Gang or even Li Lei, Ling Yun had never been in such a bad mood. He had always been laughing and smiling, unfazed and indifferent. After all, he had been facing students and all he had done was give them a taste of their own medicine. That was also why he had made sure to hold back his strength during those fights.

Even though this afternoon, in a moment’s rage, he had beaten Sun Xing to a pulp, to Ling Yun who could kill people when he decided to, that was mercy.

But even for Ling Yun, there were things that were precious to him and boundaries that should never be crossed. To do that would be blasphemy! It was something worthy of death!

In this case, his most precious thing was his family!

If Ling Yun confirmed that he was here to create trouble, there would only be a death sentence awaiting Tian Botao!

“Brat, it seems you really have no idea who I am. On account of that and for the sake of our dear Qin, I will let it slide if you apologize right now!”

Poor Tian Botao, he was already a fish in troubled water and yet he was still keeping up such a strong front. Thus, before he could even finish his speech, a stunning open palm slapped heavily across his left cheek!

*Pa* The sound of solid contact between face and palm resounded in the clinic. Tian Botao did not even have the time to dodge! The force of the slap knocked the spectacles on his nose flying through the air before smashing to the ground a meter away. The force shattered the lens into a million pieces! Fresh blood started flowing from Tian Botao’s mouth and the outline of a hand could be seen on his face. His left cheek was starting to swell, so much that it was actually visible to the naked eye!

Dear Qin? Who does this fella think he is, addressing Mother so informally? The moment Ling Yun heard those two words, he had lost his temper and immediately swung his palm mercilessly towards Tian Botao’s face! That slap was direct and efficient!

“What the hell!” Tang Meng exclaimed as he witnessed the spectacle unfolding just as he entered the clinic, his hands full with grocery bags.

As if to join in the fun, Tang Meng threw everything onto the ground and dashed towards Tian Botao! He then grabbed Tian Botao by his hair and, with a strong twist, he pulled him out of his seat before throwing him to the exit!

“Get out!”

Yesterday night, Tang Meng had instigated Ling Yun to help beat up Xie Junyan. Now, after sending Ning Lingyu home and before he even got to enter her house, Ling Yun was already in a fight. There was no way Tang Meng could sit on the fence and do nothing!

Furthermore, if he performed well, he might even impress Ning Lingyu’s mother. Just the thought of being chosen as a possible husband candidate for her daughter was a great haul for Tang Meng! Thus, with the rationale of refusing to let anyone take advantage of this family, without even asking, he took action.

At that moment, the strong and muscular Tang Meng was powered by the adrenaline rush in him. Thus, in the blink of an eye, with his full strength, Tian Botao was tossed right out of the clinic. As if still unsatisfied, Tang Meng ran and gave Tian Botao a kick in the chest!

With a *Bam!*, Tang Meng’s foot landed perfectly on the chest of a battered and dumbfounded Tian Botao. With that, he was sent flying out of the entrance. In the next moment, he was lying sprawled on the ground two meters from the door.

Li Hongmei, who was busy keeping the products outside her store, was left stunned as she witnessed a person flying out of The People’s Clinic. She was so shocked that she screamed.

“A fight!” Li Hongmei exclaimed as she went closer to have a look. When she finally realized who was lying on the ground, she trembled. There was a reason why she had not gone over to the clinic to catch up even though Ning Lingyu finally came back home. That being the fact that she knew that the infamous deputy director was in the clinic. To interrupt the deputy director’s plans? She did not possess such brave stupidity!


Still, what exactly had transpired during the five minutes after the siblings entered the clinic? What was so severe that Tian Botao would be sent flying out of their house? Forget about fighting, who in Linjiang Road dared to even say no to Tian Bohao?

After screaming, Li Hongmei’s face was pale as a ghost as she stood helplessly, looking at Tian Botao. Yet, truth be told, seeing Tian Botao being beaten to such a state, Li Hongmei could not have felt any happier! That’s karma for you! Serve you right! Should have just ended your wretched life!

In addition, Li Hongmei’s sharp scream had resounded far and wide. As a result, many people left their house and stores, rushing over to see what the commotion was about. Seeing that there was a fight going on, everyone immediately dashed to the scene, crowding around the entrance of the clinic.

“Hey isn’t that the deputy director? Why is he beaten up?”

“What happened here…?”

“Look at his swelling face! He must have been beaten real bad!”

All the owners of the stores along the road knew Tian Botao. Even though they applauded whoever taught Tian Botao a lesson, they still did not dare to oppose him directly. Thus, most were acting concerned for Tian Botao’s wellbeing.

At that moment, Ling Yun and Tang Meng dashed out of the clinic.

“Boss, what happened?” Tang Meng asked, finally realizing he had no idea what was going on.

“He’s just here to make trouble. How dare he belittle my mum? Give him hell!”

Ling Yun’s expression and tone were frigid and unfeeling as he glared at and approached Tian Botao. He had already been harboring frustration during his shopping with Ning Lingyu. On his way home, he saw the roads getting narrower and smaller, the buildings lining it getting shorter and tattered. This had caused the flames in his dull eyes to grow stronger and stronger. Just the thought of the two grandchildren of Miracle Doctor Xue living in such a fine villa and the way Xue Meining splurged money as if it was free stirred his heart.

He was not envy or jealous of Xue Meining’s way of life. He just simply hated the large inequality that seemed to exist in this world. Such unfairness! It was unacceptable! Why were the rich allowed to enjoy all luxury in life while the poor could only suffer in silence and even die miserably?!

Therefore, on the way back, Ling Yun had been struggling to keep his frustration and anger in check. He was also thinking hard about how to earn more money to overturn their situation and allow his mother and sister to live life in comfort. He did not want to see them having to constantly worry about money ever again!

Hence, when they reached home and saw Tian Botao who refused to leave, Ling Yun only got angrier. To make things worse, when told to leave, Tian Botao even had the guts to threaten him and address his mother with such disrespect! If this was not an example of a troublemaker, what was?

For such a disrespectful and arrogant person who only knew how to talk big, death was already considered a luxury!

Tian Botao was lucky that Ling Yun had come slightly after Ning Lingyu. After all, if Ling Yun had seen his lecherous gaze towards his family, things might have been worse!

“How…how dare you raise your hands against me? Don’t…you know who I am?”

Tian Botao stammered at Ling Yun and Tang Meng as he watched the two 1.8 meters tall giants approaching him. At the same time, he could feel a piercing pain in his face, chest, and back. He also struggled before barely managing to sit upright, glaring fiercely at the two boys.

Hearing his threat, Tang Meng could not resist letting out a curious laugh. He then walked at his own pace to Tian Botao before gently squatting down and looking him in the eyes with a smile.

“Who you are? We don’t know, neither do we care. We just want to beat the crap out of you, so what now?”

Upon hearing what Tang Meng said, the surrounding onlookers could only let out a heavy sigh. This long-haired kid was going overboard! Even in a fight, one had to know who he was facing. How free willed could he be?

This was the extent of Tian Botao’s excessive pressure and oppression on the people of Linjiang Road. Once humiliated and bullied long enough, humans eventually become numb to the oppression and lose their will to resist. And this would only serve to elevate the ego and authority of such tyrants, causing them to become even more arrogant and despotic!

Thus, this was why the society was still full of scumbags like Gou Junfa, Sun Xing, and Tian Botao! Because they possessed wealth and authority. Knowing that the common people could not rebel or fight back, they just got more and more arrogant!

Ling Yun let out a soft laugh as he shook his head and squatted down beside Tiao Botao. With a raise of his hand, he gave Tian Botao eight slaps across the face in quick succession!

“This place is a clinic. Now tell me, if you’re not sick and only came to my house to create so much trouble and even threatened me, do you deserve to be hit?”

That series of slaps had sent Tian Botao into a daze. Now, he was seeing stars in his eyes and his fat face was swollen like a pig’s head. Finally regaining his sense after a while, he still refused to back down. Seeing that the authority and fear that he had spent many years building up was being threatened, he had to do something.

“Let me tell you two, I’m the deputy director of Linjiang Road Residential Agency! And I will remember what you two did today. Say your prayers because I’ll be coming after both of you!” Tian Botao exclaimed, his eyes full of malevolence as he glared at Ling Yun and Tang Meng.

Tian Botao thought that by telling them his position, the two boys would grovel in fear before him. On the contrary, hearing it only caused Tang Meng to give a good cold laugh, one that was filled with contempt!

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