Doraemon: My Nobita! Join Chat Group

Chapter 379

Chapter 379:

Doraemon and Nobita, after some discussion with Nobita, they have a way to solve the problem.

That is, they must see the general. After seeing the general, it may be easier for them to solve this matter.

“When I see the general, I don’t think I dare to go, do you dare?”

Wanting to see the general is also clear to everyone in their hearts. It would be better if they could see the general.

But there is no way to see them.

There is no problem that dares to dare, and it is very easy to solve the problem.

So when Doraemon heard what everyone said, he knew that Tengji had some feelings about this matter.

What’s more, they and Teng Ji are not particularly familiar with each other. If Teng Ji really made a mistake in dealing with this matter at this time, after some thought, Doraemon, who would cause them trouble, said: He stopped.

“Okay, you don’t have to follow us, we will meet the general for you, and we will solve the matter as soon as possible.”

After listening to Teng Ji’s words, Doraemon finally understood that Teng Ji was a little nervous at this time, although it was said that Teng Ji wanted to follow them to solve this problem.

Chapter 1139 It’s Not Very Safe Here

But for Doraemon, such Tengji, he felt that this was not particularly stable.

If they want to see the general and want to solve the problem, Tengji can’t go with them. If they see the general, they are worried that there is a problem with Tengji.

“Going to see the general for us, that’s really a good thing, but the general is not so easy to meet.”

Teng Ji hesitated for a moment, he wanted to take this responsibility more.

But since they came from here, the class concept is more serious. In his opinion, if their class wants to see the general, they will pay a heavy price.

Following Doraemon’s actions, they landed outside the General’s Mansion, a relatively remote place with a grove outside, and they stopped there.

“Don’t worry, since we promised you, we will help you solve it as soon as possible, don’t you have no other way? You know what the other party wants, and you are not willing to pay, how can you solve the problem? ?”

Nobita calmly analyzed the current situation with Teng Ji. For him, he understood that Teng Ji obviously wanted to solve this problem together with him.

But the moment Tengji heard that he was going to see the general, he was very nervous.

For these people, if they want to see the general, then they must face this problem together.

But for those of them, they knew that if Tengji was forced to go, he would definitely go, but seeing the general might cause people’s anger.

“Let’s go to inquire about the news and see what kind of places the general passes by every day.”

Doraemon is very clear about what Tengji is doing now, and at the same time is worried about Tengji.

He also understands that things are really not as simple as they thought, and it will not be so easy, so for all of them, they will try their best to explain the problem as much as possible.

“I’ll go with you. It’s not easy for you to do many things that you are not familiar with in your life. It is normal for me to be timid, because we have never met a general.”

Now Tengji is not sure who the person who wants their land is, but he knows that it is the general’s mansion, and he doesn’t know who is in the middle of it.

・・・・ Flowers 0・・・・

They regard the general’s mansion and the general as a whole, so they think that the general wants the land of their temple, and they don’t know what the other party wants to do.

Since this is the case, Doraemon and Naruto will help him as much as possible, and he will also communicate with these people as much as possible.


“Okay, let’s go to the side to inquire about the news. There is a seller there. Naruto, you and Tengji, you two, go to inquire about the news.”

If it is said that it is entering the general’s mansion, it may be easier to inquire about the news.

But they have to figure things out on the outside first, especially if there are some sellers outside, if they want to inquire about some news, it should not be particularly difficult.

“The two of us are going to inquire about the news, then you have to be careful. This place is not particularly safe. If it is discovered by others, you have to call us.”

Doraemon understood Naruto and Tengji’s worries, but he felt that it was completely unnecessary.

Chapter 1140 The child who is left alone is very pitiful

He told Nobita that Doraemon did not have certain abilities, but with so many magic weapons in their hands, they could protect themselves.

“Don’t worry, after you inquired clearly, I also thought of a way to get in.”

Doraemon waved to Naruto and the others, then lowered his head and looked for the magic weapon in the treasure bag.

“Wait for me to come back.”

Naruto and Teng Ji left Doraemon’s “Three Four Zeros” dream and found an invisible sugar pill from the treasure bag.

“See? This is an invisible sugar pill. After we eat it, it may not be discovered by everyone for a period of time. There is only one here. I copied it.”

Since Doraemon has this copying device in his hand, he can copy whatever he wants.

So for him, he understands in his heart that for him, if it is what he wants to do, he can do it at will, and this thing will not bring him any complicated effects.

“Then you can copy it as soon as possible, we can be invisible, that’s really exciting.”

As soon as Nobita heard that he could be invisible, he was happy that some of them were dancing, and he could see Doraemon very clearly about Nobita’s current practice.

“Don’t think about stimulating or not stimulating this matter, we have to find ways to end the matter here as soon as possible, and hurry back.”

In Doraemon’s view, he didn’t get too much happy experience in this world.

Especially in the shogunate era, this kind of happy experience is becoming less and less, and seeing those homeless children Doraemon is somewhat uncomfortable.

It would be better if these children were helped, but it would be worse if there was no help.

This host has helped some children, but who will help the remaining children? Probably no one will care.

So for Doraemon, he knew in his heart that what he could do was limited to this. The longer he lived in this world, the more painful he would be.

“I’ve wanted to say it for a long time, we should leave early, and you want to leave, so let’s think about when to leave early.”

Doraemon also knew that this matter is Nobita’s bottom line, and Nobita also wants to leave this place, so they should find a way to leave here as soon as possible……

If they don’t want to leave, then there is no need for them to communicate in this place. All things have come to this point, and those who want to leave will definitely work hard.

Tengji and Naruto over there got some news from the crowd selling things, and the general didn’t come back.

“We found out that the general did not come back. We don’t have to go in if he is late. If we want to see the general, we can wait here.”

Tengji came back and reported the matter to Doraemon and Nobita, insisting that he brought these people to the general, even if he felt a little terrified of the general 0.8.

He also had to talk to these people clearly and understand a little bit, he understood that Nobita and Doraemon were here to help him.

But he still hoped that these people would understand that the general was not something they wanted to see.

“Does the general have to come back from the road in front of their door? If that’s the case, then let’s walk a little further ahead, not in this crowded place.”.

Chapter 1141 Save some face for the general

“Why? Why do we have to go some distance forward?”

Nobita didn’t understand why Doraemon said that, but he understood Doraemon. Since he said that, there must be a reason. Doraemon took them forward for a certain distance.

Nobita followed Doraemon, and Naruto Tengji and the others were also walking forward. They didn’t know why Doraemon did this.

“Have you thought about it? If it is said that this matter is not the general’s intention, but his subordinate’s intention, then we have spoken in front of the door, and someone will inform his subordinates, and there is a point in front of so many people. Said that the general would come down.”

After Doraemon said this, Nobita, Naruto and Tengji understood that Doraemon had always been more understanding.

Doraemon was much smarter than they thought when it came to budgeting for this situation.

For them, they also understand in their hearts that encountering such a Doraemon makes them feel more comfortable.

Doraemon didn’t want to communicate with these people about this, but he also had to remind these people that this situation happened.

If they want to communicate, they should show a certain attitude.

If it is said that they do not want to communicate, then even if they say it now, they may not understand it.

“We all understand what you said, it’s true, if it’s not to give the general face, it’s really difficult to do this thing, Teng Ji is much smarter than we thought, you guys in the future Think about it more when you do things.”

During the process of communication between Doraemon, Nobita and everyone else, they will only make things as clear as possible.

After hearing what Nobita said, everyone understood what Nobita meant, and these people were obviously trying their best to deal with things clearly.

“I’m not a smart person. If I were smart, I would have solved this matter long ago. It is really difficult to solve this matter.”

Tengji felt that Doraemon was complimenting him, but he felt ashamed. If Doraemon wanted to communicate with him about this matter, he would be grateful to Doraemon.

But now for him he also understands that things are not as simple as he thought.

All people will want to solve this matter as soon as possible, but to solve this matter, they will need some time.

“You are right, we will solve this matter as soon as possible, but it will take some time to solve this matter.”

After Teng Ji communicated with Daxiong and the others, he knew that they were indeed trying their best to help themselves.

This is also very happy for him. As long as this matter is resolved, there is no need for the master to be so embarrassed.

Moreover, the attitude of the master is very obvious now, and they will do their best to deal with this matter in the future.

“Of course it will take a while. If it didn’t take time, I wouldn’t come here to face this problem with you.”

In the face of Teng Ji’s words, Nobita didn’t say anything. He understood that Tengji meant that all of them were working together for what Nobita thought.

Nobita also understands that Tengji, like them, is working hard for those children.

Chapter 1142 Stay away from Tengji, don’t implicate him

“The general is back, and we’re going a distance to block it in front.”

Just as Tengji and the others were walking forward, they suddenly saw the dust flying on the road, and there was obviously a tall horse in front of them, leaving in a hurry.

For Tengji, Tengji stopped when he saw this scene, and Nobita and Naruto also saw it, this. It should be the general they are looking for.

The general came back, and after they met with the general, they communicated whatever they wanted to communicate.

As for how to communicate things, Nobita also understands that if they want to do this, they will try their best to express their attitude first. This is already within the scope of what they should do.

“Come on, let’s move forward some distance, Tenji stay here if you don’t want to go, because we’re not sure the general will be willing to settle the matter.”

Doraemon reminded Tengji that if the other party wanted to solve this matter, then the other party should know that things would not be as easy to solve as they thought.

Because this Tengji will definitely not be an easy way for him to deal with the problem, Tengji is afraid to face the general because the general must have some reputation outside.

If this is the case, then if they want to solve this matter, they should come up with some ideas collectively.

“The general is indeed more powerful than we thought, and he is more aggressive when he does things, so be careful when you meet him’”. ”

It is clear to such a general Nobita. If Teng Ji said so, the other party must be like this, and they don’t need to think about this matter at all.

Nobita had his own opinions on this matter, so after he heard Teng Ji say this, he remained silent.

Looking at Doraemon and Naruto, they should make some preparations.

“Tengji, don’t go with us. If the general is really angry, you may not be able to run away, because you can’t leave this place. We can leave anytime, anywhere.”

Doraemon and Nobita temporarily decided not to let Tengji participate in this matter, and they quickly tried their best to leave Tengji and let Tengji stay away from them.

Tengji watched Doraemon’s actions by the roadside and knew that for these people, they were here to help them.

But his cowardly behavior made him feel uncomfortable, but since the matter has reached this point and they want to solve it, they should try to solve it as soon as possible.

“¨ˇThank you, but I’ve never heard of generals killing innocent people indiscriminately.”

When Tengji and Doraemon communicated about this matter, they tried to make it as clear as possible.

But for all of them, they understood, what did Tengji say during the conversation with Doraemon and the others (okay).

Although the general said that his temper is not particularly good, he will not kill innocent people indiscriminately, so that everyone understands that things will not be so simple.

“Of course he won’t kill innocent people indiscriminately. If he really kills innocent people indiscriminately, we’re not afraid of him, so you don’t have to worry about us.”

After Doraemon said this, he also knew that what he said was meaningless, killing innocent people. This situation is really too much for these people.

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