Doraemon: My Nobita! Join Chat Group

Chapter 374

Chapter 374:

This is indeed the case for Doraemon and the others, especially where the money comes from, and there must be a fixed income or more income for them to sustain here.

“If it is said that there is a fixed amount of money here, it is not allowed. If you see it, if there is that poor child, you must not accept it.”

For Nobita and this Naruto, they know that what Doraemon said is the truth.

Especially Tengji and the host of the temple, they didn’t expect that Doraemon’s analysis would be eloquent.

If they want to solve the problem of money here, then they must have a suitable business or have a long-term income, but for them they seem to have none of these.

That’s why they are so difficult.

After Doraemon finished talking about these 323 things, watching this Tengji and the host, he knew about it. For them, even if they want to maintain it now, they must think about it together. way.

“It’s really hard to keep it going, but for you, it’s not as easy as you think if you think about it.”

Tengji is very clear about what Doraemon and Nobita have done.

When encountering such a situation, he will try his best to communicate with his master as much as possible, and the master has certain ideas in his heart for what he is doing now.

Chapter 1117 Tengji’s master admits that he caused the trouble

“How do you know what to do if you don’t try? If you don’t even try, then I really don’t know what to say to you!”

Doraemon didn’t expect that Tengji would actually speak like this. For him, he knew that Tengji had a certain contribution to this place.

Otherwise, this master will not solve the problem, and then he is still like this.

But he understands this too well. If it is said that they want to solve and communicate with each other, then they must find a way together. If Tengji said so, then this way is still Think about it or not.

“Don’t listen to him, this kid can’t bear to embarrass me, but if I can’t say it, how can I expect a few of them to do it?”

It’s not that he doesn’t know what Doraemon said about the fundamental master, and Tengji also knows that the master understands how they should solve it.

As for Tengji now, he doesn’t want Doraemon to embarrass his master, that’s his idea.

As for the chairperson of this temple, he knew that if he wanted to solve this matter, he had to stand up.

“It’s my idea to take in these children, and it’s my fault that I didn’t give these children a good life, so it’s all my fault’”. ”

The host is not the kind of person who will settle accounts with Doraemon indiscriminately, and he is also very grateful for Tengji’s maintenance.

He gently pulled Tengji aside, and then he sat up directly after talking with Doraemon and the others for a while, and he felt that his condition was pretty good, and he could walk around.

“It’s just that when you’re older, your body may have some discomfort, so when you encounter some problems, it’s easier to get angry.”

The host didn’t know how to tell Doraemon and the others, but for him, he even wanted more now.

They explained this matter, and he also had to deal with his own affairs clearly.

So when he heard Doraemon say that this was his problem at all, he thought it was normal.

If it wasn’t for him who made these things up, then there wouldn’t be so many problems.

So for him, he now understands that if they want to communicate at this time, then they actually have to discuss it together.

Especially Doraemon, they have certain ideas and certain ways to help him.

“¨ˇIf the children have any ideas, please say it as soon as possible. If you can help me, you can say it.”

Doraemon thought that this master actually took what he said to his heart, and the other party seemed to be more transparent at first glance, what he said.

It is true that this matter has a certain relationship with this person. If it is not caused by this person, the temple will not be so nervous all the time.

(Okay, okay) Then they won’t follow so hard.

So this is the most important thing for the host of the temple. Now he wants the host of the temple to restore his ability.

“Have you thought about it, since you have a certain prestige, is it because of your own avoidance or because of your incompetence?”

Doraemon reminded the master and asked him to consider this matter. If he wanted to solve it, he would definitely help.

Chapter 1118 The robot cat promises to cure Tengji’s master

“I’ve thought about it, and this matter is really not an embarrassment for me. If it’s something we want to solve, then we must all find a way together.”

Doraemon didn’t stop. He had to say it. If he thought about so many issues, these people wouldn’t think too much.

As for Nobita and the others, they all have their own ideas. They may not have a special understanding of what is going on in the temple.

He doesn’t know much about robotic cats, but if he wants to help these people, he has to show his attitude.

“We don’t have as many ideas as you. If you want to think of anything, just say it.”

Seeing that his master has already made a statement, he will no longer let Doraemon not speak, because Doraemon 323 can indeed bring them more ideas and more experience.

For him, he knows what Doraemon has done for him, and they must be grateful.

The reason why he didn’t let Doraemon say before was that he was worried about his own affairs and didn’t get angry about this matter, which would make his master’s body become more and more unpleasant.

He couldn’t let his master’s body really collapse, so many children and so many people had to wait for his master to help.

“I want your master’s ability to reach the peak, or let his body get better and better. I have this ability.”

Doraemon has always been very confident in his own abilities. Nobita and Naruto next to him also said what Doraemon said, and they were not particularly excited.

Because they all know what Doraemon’s ability is, the host has been observing these people.

It was found that after Doraemon finished speaking, the other two did not show much, so they knew that Doraemon really should have some abilities and could help him solve many problems.

“Aren’t you joking? My master is already so old, it’s normal for him to have physical problems. You actually said that you can help him return to normal and reach his peak. Is that possible?”

(cgai) Tengji was the first to object to Doraemon’s statement. He said that in Doraemon yesterday, and he is bragging.

But for him, he also understands that if it is said that Doraemon does not have this ability, the other party can’t say so, especially the money Doraemon told him, let him understand that the other party has a lot of money .

“Don’t doubt him, he can do it, otherwise he wouldn’t say that.”

Naruto’s dull eyes made Teng Ji think about morality, and A Meng boasted that he turned his attention to Nobita again.

Nobita didn’t speak at all, because he was new to Doraemon’s ability, his performance made Teng Jishi a little unbelievable.

This Doraemon actually has such ability. For them, have they found a treasure?

“How is it possible? That’s a heaven-defying thing, how could it be possible?”

Teng Guitar looked at him with an unbelievable look on his face. They, he felt that these people seemed to be doing something, and there were some things that he couldn’t accept. How could this be done.

“Don’t question him, he has the ability.”.

Chapter 1119 Teng Ji’s master considers repeatedly agreeing to the rescue of the robot cat

Nobita didn’t seem to see Teng Ji’s surprised eyes, and he thought it was a little ridiculous for Teng Ji’s expression.

If they have never been in contact with Doraemon, they must not know how powerful Doraemon is.

After contacting Doraemon, they realized that Doraemon was much stronger than they thought.

For him, he has experienced it too many times, so he is very confident about this kind of time.

The host next to him saw that Doraemon told Nobita and the others that he knew that Doraemon had a certain ability, and he was still very excited when he thought of this.

“It would be great if I could. After my ability is restored, I will take the initiative to challenge them this time, and let them know that our temple also has certain abilities.”

Speaking of which, this host is a little embarrassed. These monks should not have so many ideas.

They can suffer a lot, but he has taken in so many children, and he doesn’t want his children to suffer with him.

So tell him that he doesn’t want this kind of thing to happen anymore. If he can provide more and better living environment for these children, then he will work harder.

If it is said that he does not drag Tengji down, then he is willing to do it.

“You know, I feel very sorry for dragging you down for so many years. After my body broke down, I felt even more self-blame. Within the scope of my ability, it would be better if I could help you more. ”

The host in turn persuaded Tengji like Doraemon and the others, because for him, he never thought that he would cause so much trouble for everyone.

For him in this situation, he now has to communicate with Doraemon and the others.

Only after all things are resolved as soon as possible can he be relaxed, otherwise he has left so many people with so many troubles, how should he explain to everyone.

“I have some pills here. If you say that after taking them, your body may get better and become normal. You don’t need to take pills every day.”

If this host takes medicine every day, his body will not be able to consume it, and it will not get better.

・・・・ Flowers 0・・・・

So Doraemon thought about it again and again, and he decided to help these people himself. If he could help these people, then he would try to help them as much as possible.

When I heard Doraemon say this, the host knew that Doraemon really should have a certain ability.

Especially after these few people heard Doraemon say this, no one was particularly surprised.


This shows that this chubby cat-like child really has this ability, and often helps these people.

“Then you can bring the pills. I can’t drag everyone down when I take it, especially Teng Guiji has a family and children.”

Thinking about what he has done recently, the host is a little regretful. He did not expect that he actually did such a thing.

So he didn’t want to mention what he did as much as possible, implicated so many people.

He also understands in his heart that he can’t go on like this anymore, since he wants to do good things, he should do it himself, it is impossible to implicate so many people.

Chapter 1120 Naruto’s Rough Operation

“If you want to help these children, you really have to wait for you to go out in person. Teng Guitar’s reputation is not enough, otherwise I will definitely let his ability reach a certain peak.”

Regarding Teng Ji’s current practice, Doraemon knew in his heart that if he could support Teng Ji a lot, he would also be willing.

But in the current situation, he also understands that things will not be so easy for him. It is better for him to support Teng Ji than to support “three two three” to support this host.

“It’s better for me to do it myself. Since it’s my fault, then I should solve it myself, or give it to me. After I eat it, if it can really be as you said, I am I can really treat you like a cow and a horse.”

The host was very calm. He knew that what Doraemon did was for him. If it was for him or not, people would not do so many things.

At first glance, Doraemon is not that kind of hypocritical person. After listening to the host’s statement, he still said that he is okay.

The emotional change of Doraemon was quite obvious, and the host knew that this person didn’t care about them at all.

And it is very good for them, so for this organization, he is quite clear about what Doraemon has done for them.

“I think I can help you, at least to restore your ability, and see that there are pills in my hand without me.”

Doraemon didn’t dare to say anything else, but there are still a lot of pills, just watch him tossing in his treasure bag for a while, and then take the pills out.

And the moment he took the pill out, he seemed to have a sense of accomplishment, and the host had some doubts when he saw that he was going to play.

After all, this little thing may make his body return to normal immediately, he thinks that is impossible.

But the unconditional trust of Nobita and Naruto next to Doraemon made the host doubt whether he was wrong.

“Don’t doubt Doraemon’s ability, he has done a lot for us, you know, we are not from this place, we didn’t take much time to come to this definition… …”

Naruto has experienced more things than Nobita at one time.

He watched the performance of the host and Tengji on the side, and knew that these people might not trust Doraemon.

For him, he felt that Doraemon’s ability was good, he took a step forward and took the pill and delivered it directly to the host.

“It doesn’t make any sense for us to lie to you. If we have the time and the ability, it’s better for us to do something. Besides, Doraemon is kinder.”

Watching Naruto take the pill directly from Doraemon’s hand and put it in the host’s hand.

Nobita’s mouth almost didn’t tremble, because he was not afraid, but felt that Naruto’s operation was too rough.

If you want to solve this matter, there is absolutely no need to be so rude.

“I believe you will give Tengji a sum of money and let him help us, and I will believe in you!”

The host didn’t hesitate. The moment he took the pill and put it in his mouth, he tasted it carefully.

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