Divine Talisman Grandmaster

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 - A Special Surprise fr(e)e

Wen Shi wasn't the only one driven by curiosity; Lu Lixing was equally intrigued about the extent to which his Brain Domain had developed.

In the past, hearing that Zhang Tu had achieved a 68% development in his Brain Domain would have sparked intense envy in Lu Lixing. But now, he harbored the confidence to reach—and perhaps even exceed—that same level.

So, when Wen Shi brought up Zhang Tu, it wasn't envy that stirred in Lu Lixing, but a surge of competitiveness. He made a silent vow to outdo Zhang Tu.

As Wen Shi spoke of Zhang Tu, he kept a watchful eye on Lu Lixing's expressions. Seeing the self-assured look that crossed Lu Lixing's face, Wen Shi nodded subtly, his fondness and approval for Lu Lixing growing stronger.

Wen Shi had encountered numerous civilian geniuses, many of whom would kowtow to the scions of noble families for the slightest bit of cultivation resources. He had no desire to see Lu Lixing succumb to the same fate, becoming nothing more than a pawn for the aristocracy.

Meanwhile, Lu Lixing's gaze flitted excitedly around the cultivation room, much like a country lady marveling at the wonders of a grand estate. His eyes sparkled with curiosity and longing for every detail.

“That must be the advanced rest pod I've heard about, right? They say an hour of sleep in there is as restorative as three hours outside. Imagine how much extra time that would free up for training!”

“And is that a Gravity Chamber? Rumored to adjust gravity up to twenty times the normal force! If one could get used to that level of gravity and then return to normal conditions, their speed and strength would be incredibly enhanced!”

“That is…”

Lu Lixing knew each piece of equipment in the room from his online research, but this was his first encounter with them in the flesh. His attention was now wholly captivated by the devices before him.

Owning a cultivation room like this was a dream so grand that he'd probably laugh himself awake.

Wen Shi, observing the unguarded look of envy and aspiration on Lu Lixing's face, felt a pang of nostalgia. His own first encounter with a cultivation room had elicited a similar reaction, filled with the same mix of envy and desire. Yet now, with such resources at his disposal, he found himself seldom using them for cultivation.

As time marches on, everything changes; nothing remains as it was in bygone days.

“Quit staring; you're practically drooling.”

Seeing Lu Lixing now, Wen Shi couldn't help but see a reflection of his younger self. It became difficult for him to maintain his stern demeanor. He pressed his lips together briefly before saying to Lu Lixing, “If the development of your Brain Domain reaches a level that satisfies me, then I'll let you train in my cultivation room for one day each week.”

Wen Shi could easily allow Lu Lixing to use his cultivation room anytime, but that might not be in Lu Lixing's best interest. He wanted Lu Lixing to constantly long for and look forward to the cultivation room, to drive him to train diligently and value this hard-earned opportunity.

Upon hearing Wen Shi's offer, Lu Lixing's eyes went wide with incredulity. He gasped, “Really?! Can I actually train here?!”

“You get one day a week,” Wen Shi clarified, holding up a finger. “And only if your Brain Domain development meets my standards.”

At Wen Shi's response, Lu Lixing let out an excited roar and pumped his fist, declaring, “I'll definitely meet your expectations!”

Even if it were just an hour each week, Lu Lixing would give it his all. To someone craving strength like him, this place was paradise.

Wen Shi felt a surge of satisfaction at Lu Lixing's ecstatic reaction. He affectionately clapped Lu Lixing on the shoulder and said, “Come on, let's get you tested.”

Wen Shi led Lu Lixing to a sleek, silver-white chamber designed for assessing Brain Domain development. It was a cut above the standard test cabins at the school, offering greater precision and reliability.

“Head inside.”

Lu Lixing, no stranger to the process, needed no further instruction from Wen Shi. He settled into the cabin, found a comfortable position, closed his eyes, and began to meditate.

Wen Shi watched from outside the cabin, his gaze filled with hopeful anticipation. He was eager for Lu Lixing to deliver some extraordinary surprises.

As a mist began to fill the test cabin, signaling the start of the test, the density of the clouds indicated the level of Brain Domain development. Previously, Lu Lixing's tests produced only a sparse few clouds, but this time was different. The clouds enveloped Lu Lixing's form, shrouding him in a thick haze that barely revealed his silhouette.

Witnessing the test pod's response, Wen Shi couldn't help but show a look of satisfaction. The more time he spent with Lu Lixing, the more pleased he became. The concentration of the mist and the degree of Brain Domain development had certainly surpassed 60%, aligning perfectly with his predictions.

As Wen Shi was nodding contentedly, a sudden burst of lightning from within the mist made him jolt, his eyes widening in shock.

The test was brief, lasting only around five minutes, but to Lu Lixing, it felt like a full night's sleep. He awoke feeling invigorated and instinctively stretched.

After stretching, Lu Lixing opened his eyes to find a black face looming large before him, nearly causing him to leap out of the test pod in fright.

“Director, what's going on?”

Startled by Wen Shi's imposing presence, Lu Lixing quickly rose from the pod and stepped out, feeling uneasy under Wen Shi's intense, fiery gaze.

The Black Masked God had been so kind to me before. Could it be he has some peculiar quirks?

While Lu Lixing's mind raced with wild thoughts, Wen Shi inhaled deeply, regaining his composure before speaking, “Your Brain Domain development is impressive, at 64%, far exceeding my expectations. But that's not the crucial part—the lightning is!”

Wen Shi gazed at Lu Lixing with astonishment, exclaiming, “You've actually activated a Talent Rune!”

Lu Lixing, somewhat taken aback, replied, “Yes, is there a problem with that?”

At Lu Lixing's response, Wen Shi burst into hearty laughter. “Of course, it's fine! Why wouldn't it be? If anyone dares to say otherwise, I'll tear them apart!”

Observing Wen Shi's sudden display of overwhelming authority, Lu Lixing couldn't help but feel puzzled. He had activated a Talent Rune, but what did that have to do with Wen Shi? Why was he so ecstatic?

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