Divine Talisman Grandmaster

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 - Again!

“I'm taking those legs of yours!”

Yuwen Ba's menacing proclamation silenced the bustling school entrance in an instant. Every lingering student turned, almost involuntarily, toward the source of the voice. Upon recognizing the infamous figure from the Advanced Class, a mix of awe and curiosity flickered in their eyes.

Who was the unfortunate soul to have crossed paths with the notorious Yuwen Ba?

It didn't take long for the crowd to spot Lu Lixing, following Yuwen Ba's steely gaze. The sight of Lu Lixing's faded, whitened uniform, a clear marker of the Common Class, elicited looks of sympathy from the onlookers.

Not even the students from the Advanced or Elite Classes would dare to rile up Yuwen Ba. And here was Lu Lixing, a mere Common Class student, doing just that? He must have a death wish.

While the crowd deemed Lu Lixing's actions suicidal, Lu Lixing himself thought Yuwen Ba was full of hot air. He scrutinized Yuwen Ba with a hint of curiosity and asked, genuinely perplexed, “You seem to come from a decent family, and with the talent to be in the Advanced Class, why would you choose thuggery over actual learning?”

Sha Zhenghao, standing next to Lu Lixing, was frantically trying to figure out how to extricate his friend from Yuwen Ba's clutches. But upon hearing Lu Lixing's bold words, he turned, wide-eyed and slack-jawed. Dude, you're like searching for death with a lantern in a toilet!

Yuwen Ba paused, then his lips curled into a sinister smile, dark and foreboding like storm clouds ready to burst. “How amusing. It's been ages since anyone has dared to challenge me like this.”

His gaze sharpening, Yuwen Ba sneered, “If you're so eager to meet your end, I'll be happy to oblige!”

Without waiting for a response, Yuwen Ba sprang into action. He whipped out a customized baseball bat from his backpack and swung it brutally toward Lu Lixing's knees.

In the crowd, the faint-hearted students instinctively shut their eyes, dreading the sight of the impending carnage. Yet, curiously, the anticipated screams of agony were nowhere to be heard.

After a brief pause, the more timid students opened their eyes to gaze upon Yuwen Ba and Lu Lixing. Their astonishment was palpable when they saw the scene before them.

Somehow, the baseball bat that was in Yuwen Ba's hands had ended up with Lu Lixing!

What in the world was happening?

The timid students glanced around with a touch of bewilderment in their eyes, only to find their peers staring wide-eyed, as if they had witnessed something inconceivable.

“Did he just take the baseball bat right out of Yuwen Ba's hands?! Am I hallucinating?”

At last, an explanation came for those who had shut their eyes in fear, but the truth was a tough pill to swallow. Yuwen Ba, the notorious tough guy from the Advanced Class, had been disarmed by a student from the Regular Class. Impossible!

Yet, the undeniable evidence was right before their eyes, leaving no room for doubt.

No one had anticipated such an outcome, not even Yuwen Ba, at the heart of the incident. He looked at the baseball bat now in Lu Lixing's possession with a mix of shock and confusion, unable to piece together the events that had just unfolded.

How could he, with his strength and speed, be disarmed by the lowest-ranked student in the ordinary class?

Lu Lixing, observing the bewildered look on Yuwen Ba's face, felt a similar sense of confusion. Facing Yuwen Ba's fierce onslaught, he had acted on instinct to grab the bat, never truly believing he could pull it off.

“How did I manage that?”

Unable to solve the puzzle, Lu Lixing extended his hand and pushed the baseball bat back into Yuwen Ba's arms, challenging, “Let's go again.”

Yuwen Ba, now holding the bat that Lu Lixing had forcefully returned to him, was dumbfounded. The nearby students who witnessed this were equally baffled. What was this Regular Class student up to?

Yuwen Ba quickly regained his composure, his eyes burning with anger and humiliation as he glared at Lu Lixing. “Are you mocking me?!” he demanded.

Lu Lixing's brow furrowed slightly. “I'm not mocking you. Just hurry up and try again.”

Yuwen Ba's temper flared at Lu Lixing's impatient demeanor. How could he, a prodigy of the Advanced Class, be looked down upon by a nobody from the Regular Class? But Lu Lixing wasn't caught up in such thoughts; he simply wanted to experience disarming his opponent once more. However, to Yuwen Ba, Lu Lixing's actions were nothing short of an insult—an ordinary class nobody trying to climb over a top-tier genius.

“Do you really think you're a match for me?!”

In a rage, Yuwen Ba gripped the baseball bat, channeling his full strength and speed into his swing. The bat sliced through the air, trailing afterimages, and with the wind howling, it hurtled towards Lu Lixing's right knee like a flash of lightning!


A sharp sound echoed, but it wasn't the bat striking the knee—it was the sound of a wrist being tightly grasped! freeweb . com

Yuwen Ba's enraged strike was intercepted by Lu Lixing, who seized his wrist and abruptly halted the attack.

“Way too slow.”

Yuwen Ba's swing was painfully sluggish.

With a mere glance, Lu Lixing had penetrated Yuwen Ba's offensive intent and anticipated his arm's next move. That's how he was able to strike with precision, seize Yuwen Ba's wrist, and forcefully put an end to the onslaught.

Was this the same genius from the Honors Class he used to look up to?

“Just as I thought.”

A confident smirk played on Lu Lixing's lips as he hunched his back and sank his shoulders. His left hand balled into a fist, and he launched a ferocious punch. With the force of a thunderclap, he aimed for Yuwen Ba's abdomen. The strength that surged from his fist was like a river breaking through a dam, overwhelming Yuwen Ba, who was still reeling from shock.

“Owww! Owww! Owww!”

Overcome with agony, Yuwen Ba couldn't help but wail. Tears and snot streamed down his face as his knees buckled, and he collapsed to the ground, clutching his stomach and shaking uncontrollably.

At the school entrance, onlookers gaped at Lu Lixing, their eyes wide with astonishment. They gazed at him as if he were some unfathomable creature, unable to believe that Yuwen Ba, the school's two-year terror, had been taken down so effortlessly.

This was the notorious Yuwen Ba! The prodigy of the Honors Class! And you, just a regular student—how dare you be so bold?

To the crowd, it was an incredible feat, but to Lu Lixing, it was trivial. He glanced down at his old digital watch and then turned to his stunned buddy, Sha Zhenghao, “Stay here. I'll be back in a flash.”

Having said that, Lu Lixing hoisted the suitcase off the ground and made a beeline for the campus. As for Yuwen Ba, still kneeling on the ground, he was merely a lackey: hardly worth a second glance.

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