Divine Talent Born Mortal

Chapter 388: Preparations for the Final War 2

After this stop to celebrate Zhang Yi's birthday everyone was able to become more relaxed and confident for the war against the demons and so everyone returned to cultivate more for Zhang Yi to try to advance further in cultivation and Zhang Yi's wives arrive at the Divine Realm.

Soon another 372 years passed and something very important had happened that had perhaps decided the fate of the world, Zhang Yi had finally reached the initial layer of the seventh level of the Divine Realm and the seventh level of the thirteenth realm of mental energy and body refinement.

This made everyone very happy because it had confirmed everyone's expectations, but it also made everyone sad because it was now certain that Zhang Yi could not reach the Eternal Realm until the war against the demons.

Zhang Yi was stuck for 280 years at the barrier between the advanced layer of the sixth level and the initial layer, it was the barrier between the intermediate level and the advanced level and Zhang Yi being lucky to stay only 280 years when many died without reaching the seventh level of the Divine Realm.

This was good because it was almost certain that Zhang Yi could reach the ninth level of the Divine Realm before the war against demons, with 400 years to go before the war Zhang Yi had completely mastered the Dragon's Breath technique he learned from Long Feng.

He could already use it with all his offensive techniques and even with his clones, another good thing that happened was that Zhang Yi had reached the ninth level in the peak understanding of the 13 laws, now Zhang Yi could say that nobody was stronger than he in the use of laws.

That was a good thing because it made his chaos shield much stronger by increasing his defense a lot and it even increased the technique of his holy domain and so he could perhaps weaken even the demons in the Eternal Realm.

Those who also made progress in the laws were the masters of Zhang Yi who reached the advanced layer of the third level of the Divine Realm, just as it was expected they could reach the fourth level of the Divine Realm before the war against the demons.

In addition, Feng Ran achieved the advanced layer at the third level of the thirteenth realm of bodily refinement and also the first level of peak understanding of the laws of space and the first level of peak understanding of the laws of fire.

With that, Feng Ran would be one of the most important elders of Sacred Phoenix Sect for having a peak understanding of two laws and being in the Divine Realm, it was almost certain that he would reach the Eternal Realm someday if he did not die in the war against demons.

Wu Qinxin also reached the advanced layer of the third level of the thirteenth realm of mental energy and also reached the first level of peak understanding in the laws of space and the first level of peak understanding in the laws of wood.

The two could fight, but they were very similar even if they had many differences, the two masters of Zhang Yi were very happy, except when they compared themselves to Zhang Yi who taught the laws of these elements to them and also the wives of Zhang Yi.

Lu Bi had advanced a lot in cultivation in these 372 years and had reached the initial layer of the third level of the Divine Realm and was approaching the masters of Zhang Yi, it was natural if they thought about the advantages she had from them.

In addition, Lu Bi was advancing at almost the same cultivation speed as them and had small advantages compared to the other levels because of the natural barriers that held them in a similar way and only Zhang Yi was able to advance much faster than them.

By that time Lu Bi had also managed to reach the first level of peak understanding of the laws of space and the first level of peak understanding of the laws of water, so Zhang Yi's masters could not help praising Lu Bi for that.

Zhang Yi's other wives also advanced a lot in cultivation, Lusserina, Saphielle, Luna, Solar, and Wu Qinxin managed to advance together to the Divine Realm, Lusserina, Saphielle, Luna and Solar managed to reach the advanced layer of the first level of Divine Realm.

And Wu Qinxin was in the first layer of the first level of the Divine Realm, but he was also in the first level of the thirteenth realm of mental energy and would probably win a fight between Zhang Yi's other wives, only Lu Bi would be able to beat her.

Everyone was very happy with it because it was proof that these 800 years trapped in this distorted time-space had been rewarded, they were able to reach the Divine Realm and could defend themselves, more than that they were now in the same realm as Zhang Yi and they always they wanted that.

Of course, they knew they couldn't even compare to Zhang Yi's strength, but just being in the same realm was something they were most proud of, they hoped that Zhang Yi could reach the Eternal Realm to win the war against demons, but being on the same level as him was very good for them.

Now there were 400 years left until the end of the training and the war against the demons, until then they could get even stronger and reach a bigger realm in the Divine Realm, in those 372 years many elders and beasts arrived at the Eternal Realm and the Divine Realm, that left everyone with more hopes in this war.

Some elders and beasts still had hoped to reach the Eternal Realm and Divine Realm until the end of this training, that was the hope of the sects that gave most of the resources to these elders.

Furthermore, the result of this training time could define a new division of power between the sects of the divine plane, the beasts would still be dominated by the dragons, but only 4 large sects sent the elders for this training and part of the new elders of the Eternal Realm and the Divine Realm were from those sects.

The beast sects did not have that many resources, but many beasts were close to advancing towards the Divine Realm and the Eternal Realm, so the two sides were quite balanced, the most important thing was to win the war against the demons so that the world would survive.

The elders and beasts didn't quite know how Zhang Yi was doing in these 800 years of training, the truth was that even with Zhang Yi's divine talent, no one expected him to advance to the Eternal Realm.

Few expected that he would pass to the seventh level of the Eternal Realm and many thought that Zhang Yi would not pass the third level, and that was not even because these sects did not like Zhang Yi but the reality that the world finds.

Zhang Yi was just over 1000 years old and it was difficult to imagine someone like that above the fourth level of the Divine Realm even though he was very talented, so they thought that the future of the world depended on them and not on a young man like Zhang Yi was.

So Zhang Yi prepared for the last part of his training, 400 years to go and his goal was to reach the ninth level of the Divine Realm if Zhang Yi succeeded he might have a chance to help his world survive.

Thinking about it, he and all the people close to him went back to cultivation and would stop only near the war against the demons, or at least that was what they expected, Zhang Yi sometimes did the double cultivation with his wives to help them improve their cultivation.

But when they were in a barrier they isolated themselves to cultivate to try to advance cultivation and after 370 years this was what was happening, many things happened in those 370 years and now all Zhang Yi's wives and even his masters were in isolated cultivation.

In those years, Zhang Yi's wives had many advances in their cultivation. Lu Bi advanced to the second level in the peak understanding of the laws of space and water with the help of Zhang Yi and in cultivation, she was in the advanced layer of the fourth level of the Divine Realm. struggling to reach the fifth level.

Lu Bi had fulfilled her goal to arrive at the Divine Realm, so she was satisfied and wanted to take advantage of these final 30 years to try to advance even further, Zhang Yi's masters also advanced in cultivation in those 370 years.

Feng Ran reached the advanced layer of the fourth level of the Divine Realm just like Lu Bi and also reached the fourth level of the thirteenth realm of his body refinement, so he would win in a fight against Lu Bi.

Wu Qinxin also reached the advanced layer of the fourth level of the Divine Realm and the fourth level of the thirteenth realm of mental energy, so the two masters of Zhang Yi managed to complete their objective and were trying to reach the fifth level of the Divine Realm even if they knew it would be difficult.

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