Divine Talent Born Mortal

Chapter 385: Retrieving the Divine Plane and Discovering the Truth 9

"Of course, a strong technique like these has limitations and that's why we say it's our final and secret move, because every time a dragon uses Dragon's Breath, it uses 25 percent of the total qi, that means a dragon can use this attack a maximum of 4 times in a war."

"After that, you must imagine how many weeks it can take for someone with our strength to recover all our qi, this is what makes this technique our final attack movement that cannot be used several times."

Hearing this Zhang Yi understood and he really expected it, but it wasn't too bad for him because even without his qi Zhang Yi still had the same defense because of his body refinement and his mental energy.

In addition to the attack techniques he had if needed, Zhang Yi could use this ultimate dragons technique that would give him 126 times stronger than his maximum attack, Zhang Yi still thought he was no stronger than the defense using the chaos shield technique that was hundreds of times stronger than his defense.

But depending on the level he was in the Divine Realm Zhang Yi could put someone like Long Feng at risk with an attack with his maximum strength, not to mention that using his feather rain attack technique, Zhang Yi could use this technique from Dragon's Breath up to 20 times and so he could use this attack 80 times before running out of qi.

Theoretically, Zhang Yi could kill 80 weaker Eternal Realm demons in each attack and defend himself until his qi completely recovered, if that were possible Zhang Yi really thought he could change the course of the war.

Of course, even Long Feng could not imagine that Zhang Yi could make an attack with 126 times his full strength 80 times by learning this technique if he knew that they could hesitate even more to teach this technique to Zhang Yi.

This is because when Zhang Yi arrives at the Eternal Realm with this technique he would be practically invincible and could kill anyone of the same level as him, Long Feng trusted Zhang Yi's character, but could not know how Zhang Yi would react with the strength to eliminate world as the demons did.

So while everyone started to cultivate and use the cultivation resources to try to reach the Eternal Realm or Divine Realm, Zhang Yi spent the first few months trying to learn Long Feng's Dragon's Breath technique.

Luckily Zhang Yi was able to cultivate while doing other things and he doesn't need to focus on cultivating just like the others, just as Long Feng said this technique was not so difficult to learn because he could use this technique only with the dragon lineage he had.

The problem was that Long Feng had to demonstrate how the technique was done, and Long Feng had to reduce the power of the technique in order not to destroy Zhang Yi's territory and also had to spend weeks recovering his qi before he could use the technique. technique again.

Even with Zhang Yi's ease of learning, it took him a long time to use the technique, especially since Long Feng had never taught anyone before because dragons were born knowing how to use this technique and used it in their youth for the first time.

After discovering this they decided that Long Feng would show some demonstrations and when his qi ran out Zhang Yi would go back to where his wives and masters were and he would cultivate until Long Feng recovered his qi.

In the first weeks of cultivation, Zhang Yi can reach the second level of the Divine Realm in qi and in the second level of the thirteenth realm of Body Refinement, because he had already reached the second level of the thirteenth realm of mental energy when he read the Li Fu's memories.

So Zhang Yi knew that in the coming years he would have no problem reaching the advanced layer of the second level of Divine Realm in all the cultivation methods he had, the difficult thing would be to reach the third level.

Then it would be even more difficult for him to reach the fourth level that had the difference between the initial and intermediate parts of a realm, so Zhang Yi was not sure if he had a chance to reach the Eternal Realm before 1 200 years passed.

Even more, because he was stuck at the ninth level of the Emperor Realm for more than 100 years before he could get to the Divine Realm, thinking about it wouldn't be strange if he was stuck 1,000 years at the ninth level of the Divine Realm and he was stuck 90 years in the advanced layer of the first level before moving to the initial layer of the second level.

Before Zhang Yi did not worry about it because he knew that his wife took more than 2,000 years to reach the Emperor Realm and she was still considered a genius on the divine plane, even though it took him 5,000 years to reach the Eternal Realm he would still be a genius.

But now with the danger of demons, Zhang Yi was in a hurry to get to the Eternal Realm, so he did not hesitate to suggest to everyone to use his distorted timeline technique even though he would be 1,200 years away from his daughter.

Time passed quickly and soon 100 years had passed, in those years Zhang Yi was able to easily reach the advanced layer of the second level of his cultivation techniques, he was in the advanced layer of the second level of the Divine Realm, and also of the thirteenth realm mental energy and body refinement.

After that he was trapped in the advanced layer again, failing to advance to the third level in 64 years, the last time he had been trapped for 90 years if that was only 26 years before he advanced in cultivation again.

Another important thing that happened was that Zhang Yi managed to reach the seventh level of peak understanding in all the laws that he understood and was close to the eighth level, which meant that Jake would have no difficulty reaching the ninth level of peak understanding and so it would be. people with the greatest domain of laws.

Zhang Yi did not think that there was anything after the ninth level of the peak understanding of the laws, so he thought that reaching the ninth level of the peak understanding of the laws would be very important in the fight against demons.

Perhaps with the ninth level in understanding the laws Zhang Yi could affect demons in the Eternal Realm even though he did not make it to the Eternal Realm, in those 100 years Zhang Yi had finally learned to use the Dragon's Breath technique.

So he could make an attack using Dragon's Breath with up to seven times the strength of his maximum attack, Zhang Yi had just learned and still couldn't use it as naturally as all dragons could do.

So Zhang Yi had to use this technique until he was low on qi and also Long Feng using this technique a few more times, after mastering this technique Zhang Yi could unite it with other techniques and make an attack that could in the future kill a demon in the Eternal Realm.

With the strength that Zhang Yi currently had, he could face several enemies at the ninth level of the Divine Realm and easily win what before starting to train was impossible, with that Zhang Yi was excited about the future.

Another good thing that happened was that his masters finally arrived at the Divine Realm just like him, Wu Qinxin reached the initial layer of the first level of the Divine Realm and also in the first level of the thirteenth realm of mental energy.

Feng Ran reached the initial layer of the Divine Realm in qi and also reached the first level of the thirteenth realm of bodily refinement, so in the coming years, Zhang Yi's masters would have time to become stronger to fight the demons.

Even so, they were not as happy as they imagined they would be, because they knew they would have died had it not been for Zhang Yi, even if they did not know him, the soul devourers' organization would take the divine plane and kill them or the demons would kill them.

In addition, they received teachings from Zhang Yi in those years which was fundamental for them to arrive at the Divine Realm, it hurt their pride as masters, more than when Zhang Yi arrived at the Divine Realm before them.

But they were happy that this way they could better protect themselves during the war and protect their sect, mainly Feng Ran thought so because Zhang Yi did not want to wait for sects in isolation to leave to take their talents to train with him.

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