Divine Talent Born Mortal

Chapter 383: Retrieving the Divine Plane and Discovering the Truth 7

"Zhang An, my daughter, I know that you are smart and you know that there is something going on in the last few months here, the situation has gotten more complicated than I thought it would be and so something big is going to happen."

"Since many years before you were born a war had to happen and this war was started by me to make the world we live in a better place, I knew that there were bad people who did terrible things and I decided to end this and start a war."

"Everyone saw that this was a necessary war and so his father and mother sect brought together allies to make this war, we made this war and we won, but the divine plane sects underestimated the enemy and stopped the war before ending with enemies."

Zhang An was 16 years old and already knew everything an adult knew, but she liked how Zhang Yi spoke carefully around her, she knew this war well because her mother had told her everything without Zhang Yi knowing it.

Zhang Yi was always careful to say things around Zhang An, so it was Lu Bi who had to take care of her education better so that she would not be too spoiled and become a cultivator who knew the dangers of the world.

"What the great sects that decided to stop the war did not know was that the enemies had very strong supporters and were negotiating with the beasts of the Divine Sanctuary of the Beasts."

"The Divine Sanctuary of the Beasts is a world that is stronger than the divine plane, but it has always been in alliance with the divine plane and that is why the great sects could not imagine anything like this happening."

"But part of the Divine Sanctuary of the Beasts sects wanted to get revenge on the humans and so they agreed to help the organization of the soul eaters, the beasts started to attack by surprise and when the sects discovered that something was happening the enemy army was already advancing. "

"The great sects of the divine plane still underestimated the enemy and decided to just defend themselves and did not ask for help from the elves, when the great sects discovered that the enemies were stronger than they thought the war was already lost."

"I also helped my sect and the allied sects to win a battle without losing many members of the sect, but I couldn't help protect the entire divine plane, so I protected all the allies and helped as much as I could the others. sects. "

"After that, you were born and I went to talk to the leaders of the Divine Sanctuary of the Beasts even if it was risky, I managed to convince the beasts of the Divine Sanctuary of the Beasts to help us and now we have waged another war to eliminate the organization of the soul-eaters and recover the divine plane."

"After exterminating the organization of soul-eaters I was able to discover what I already suspected that demons were helping the organization, demons are much stronger than all the sects in our world."

"So I'm going to have to spend it with your mother and part of our family training for the next 12 years, in that time I will help others from the divine plane and the Divine Sanctuary of the Beasts so that we get stronger so we will win this war 12 years from now."

"At that time you are going to stay with your grandparents and after that we are going on a trip, understand?"

Even though Lu Bi told Zhang An everything that was happening, she always said that the situation was complicated, but that Zhang Yi was the strongest and he would resolve the situation somehow and everything would be fine.

Even though Zhang An heard her father tell the situation in a way that seemed less serious than it seemed, she really believed that Zhang Yi would be able to find some way to resolve the situation like that with Lu Bi also always said.

"I'm going to miss you so much these years, Zhang An, and your mother too, so maybe when she talks to you she's crying, know that we love you so much and that these years will pass quickly, we will live hundreds of thousands of years together still, you can trust me."

Zhang Yi had to hold back the emotion to talk to Zhang An, he didn't want to cry in front of his daughter not out of pride, but to show that everything will be okay for Zhang An after this war is over and everything is fine Zhang Yi doesn't would mind crying in front of his daughter.

After Zhang Yi spoke to Zhang An, his other wives and his masters also spoke to her to say goodbye, only Zhang Yi's masters didn't cry in front of her, Lu Bi was the one who cried the most just like Zhang Yi had said.

Zhang An knew that the mother would cry and helped to comfort her by saying that everything would be fine and that it was only 12 years old, Zhang Yi did not think it necessary to say that they would spend 1, 200 years in a separate space and time.

Lu Bi was crying because she was afraid of the war against demons that was lost before she even started, she and the others trusted that Zhang Yi would do something about this situation, but her fear would not go away until the end of that war.

One thing that Zhang An would always remember was that even though her whole family who came to talk to her were crying, everyone said the same thing, including Zhang Yi's masters who weren't crying, that Zhang Yi was going to win this war and save everyone.

This was what everyone believed and also the only hope for all of them and it was what most marked Zhang An's memory at that moment after they spoke to Zhang An they all stayed in the world of mental energy with her waiting for Zhang Yi to return.

The place where they would stay 1, 200 years in the isolated space and time that Zhang Yi would do was the world of mental energy, he had chosen a territory that no one lived to prepare for isolation, so he just had to bring all the chosen ones to the world of his mental energy.

When Zhang Yi returned to the divine plane everyone was already waiting for him, the deadline for everyone to choose who would go to his mental energy world and the resources that these people would use were prepared and they were just waiting for Zhang Yi.

The sects that had the least confidence in Zhang Yi and the beast sects that attacked the divine plane sent only the most talented to go with Zhang Yi and sent a few elders from the Eternal Realm who knew they could protect themselves from Zhang Yi.

"I see that everyone is prepared, I have already chosen the place where the isolation will be done and it will be in a place far from here, the rules are that no sect can send more than 1 million members and that only 1 elder of the Eternal Realm can go to that place with me."

"If any sect happens to have more than 1 million members on the ninth level of the Divine Realm or more than 1 million elders on the Emperor Realm then I will make an exception, but the number of elders on the Eternal Realm is fixed."

"The dragon king Long Feng and the king of the Storm Tigers Hu Jiang can go with me because they will be my guests, my family and my masters will also go with me and will not be counted as members of any sect."

With Zhang Yi saying these last-minute rules, many people were angry, the world was in danger and it was not time to create rules, it was time to help the sects as much as possible so that everyone could have the strongest in the war against demons.

"I will not change my mind because only I am able to make a place of space and time isolated, only 1 million of each sect will be allowed because the goal is to make the most of these next 1, 200 years to try to make the most of our army."

"So the sects must concentrate resources on those who are likely to move to the Eternal Realm in 1, 200 years, I am sure that no sect has more than 1 million members with these conditions and no resources to help everyone."

"The members who can reach the Divine Realm are few and will not be able to help that much in the war against demons, it is just to make the most of our time."

With Zhang Yi explaining it so everyone understood that he was telling the truth, they had concentrated resources on a maximum of 100 people who had a real chance of reaching the Eternal Realm, everyone who had a chance of reaching the Divine Realm would surely arrive at 1,200 years even without many resources.

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