Digitize: Rebirth of the Silver Death God

Chapter 195: An Unexpected Challenger

As everyone excitedly discussed the former battle, the faces of those belonging to the Martial Heritage Group turned livid. Even the bald old monk, Kailua Meng had a slight frown, even more so as Reil Levier clapped as he laughed.

"Haha, way to go, kiddo, that's the spirit of a Blood Steel member; it looks like these Marital Union prodigies aren't all that good this year."

Kailua Meng was originally trying to keep composed, but he couldn't but grit his teeth and glared at Reil in silence.

Soon, after giving him a hard look, he calmed himself before showing a smile as he stared at Kailua Mei, Kojima Rusei, and the last, being Tendra, his eyes glimmering as he thought to himself.

'Seya was only a bit inexperienced; as for these three, they are the real talents of my union, I'd like to see just who can easily defeat them...'

The other major influence leaders had their thoughts regarding the situation. They knew that the Martial Union, though they suffered minor a loss, wasn't so easy to handle.

Still, while some complained, others felt good regarding the circumstances; Judy looked at Kendra, who stood atop the stage in a dominating manner, her eyes shining as she shouted, "Way to go, Kenra!"

The fat on Kenra's belly jiggling as he chuckled in reply, Yullia shook her head at this as she muttered, "These kids."

Screwgelman and Ian also chuckled at this, but neither said anything, they only observed with interest, eager to see how the next generation will rise.

Currently, Nero looked at him with interest as he spoke, "He's actually quite good."

"Yeah, not bad, but not good either," Avollo said in a lazy tone as he leaned back against his chair, his straw hat still hiding his facial features.

"Hehe, that's mean, you guys do know he's still a top talent; I bet he'd be able to give you both a run for your money," Elly said with a snicker.

But as if both Nero and Avollo didn't mind her words, they calmy observed as if the former display of power wasn't anything worth of interest.

Elly, who noticed the confident manner that both showed narrowed her eyes. Though it didn't seem like it, she was scoping out their strengths indifferently. She knew full well that in this competition, there were no sides.

Judy gave them a bad look as she naturally heard their words, but she didn't say anything. She merely thought they believed themselves to be too high above others.

At this time, while all seemed to be distracted, the masked man took this chance to spoke, "With the initiations over, I can formally present the rank sheet, do please continue with the battles, and remember, only the top five will receive any rewards!"

Following those words, the man waved his hand, causing a screen to appear, showing the following details in a tabular sheet.


[DU Rank Sheet]

[1. Kenra: +1]

[2. Seya: 0]

[3. Judy: -1]


When the audience saw the details, the eyes of the various talents lit up. Now, they all looked at Kenra, who stood atop the stage as if staring at a piece of meat.

Kenra wasn't one to back down; he faced the world and slapped his belly while speaking, "Who's next?!"

Tendra, the muscular youth in martial clothing, had a fierce light in his eyes as he prepared to make a move, causing both Kailua Mei and Kojima Ryusei to smile, but right before he did anything, a figure stepped out ahead of him.

Tendra felt enraged at being cut off; he glared at the party and cursed, "Hey you..."

Right when his words reached there. However, his face sunk as the person that walked ahead of him was none other than the most mystical and famous red-haired youth who stood to himself prior.

The audience seeing this individual take action was alarmed; some even exclaimed.

"What? That Child of Blaze is acting now; this is insane!"

"Haha, it looks like that kid's luck isn't so good, after all."

Revil Levier sighed at this as Xu Waren, Dale Vermeulen, and a few other significant leaders chuckled as if they could already see the resulting scene.

Xellan, keenly observing, had a strange look in his eyes as when he stared at Child of Blaze, his youthful figure superimposed with a familiar red-haired man in his memories.

'As expected of that one's child...'

Velmon, unlike his father and many others, didn't seem to have much interest in Child of Blaze, his having a profound look that no one could truly understand. 

Of course, like everyone else, Nero and Avollo also noticed this; they stared intensely at the red-haired youth whose every step left small traces of burn marks on the floor, his face indifferent to everything.

'Him again... I guess this time, I'll be able to see the difference, just how far away is the person deemed as the strongest talent, when compared to myself,' Nero thought with firm and competitive eyes.

Avollo also raised his straw hat with one finger, revealing a set of sharp eyes that seemed to be eager to seek out a challenge, his lips curving into a smile as he muttered, "Huhu... this should be fun."

Other than them, even Ryo shouldn't interest, but that didn't last long as he once more continued to play with his mobile phone.

Kenra trembled as he saw Child of Blaze walking up the stage; he gulped before slapped both his cheeks and comforting himself.

'Like hell, I won't so lose easily, even if you are titled as strongest!'

By this time, Child of Blaze had already stood on the battle platform, the ground below his feet starting to burn as a small clump of fire formed around him.

The masked man had interested eyes when he saw this; he stared at him and spoke, "Challenger, state your name!"

The area went quiet as time seemed to stop, but that only lasted until Child of Blaze opened his mouth and spoke in a voice filled with utter confidence.

"Ashton Blazewick..." 

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