Digitize: Rebirth of the Silver Death God

Chapter 189: Prominent Figures Appear

It didn't take long for Yullia to escort Nero and the others over to the region with chairs; after quickly taking their seats, they calmly waited for the event to begin.

While doing so, Nero's eyes glanced around, noticing many unfamiliar faces, many major characters from the varying DU groups that had escorted their respective talents. He even looked at Delkan for a slight moment, causing the latter to look back at him in surprise before his face turned ugly.

Nero snorted, saying nothing as he looked away, but deep in his eyes, one would see a murderous gleam as he thought to himself.

'Delkan... I'll deal with you sooner or later.'

While Nero had his dark thoughts, Elly was a bit lively; she liked these kinds of settings the most, and frankly, ever since her transference, she hadn't been able to have this kind of specialized outing.

Unable to keep to herself, she began to pester Nero again, pointing here and there to introduce more individuals. 

Yullia smiled at this as she found the actions of Nero and Elly a bit cute. Ryo and Screwgelman seemed a bit silent, as if they had other concerns. However, unlike them, Kenra and Judy, who sat behind Nero and Elly, had dark looks on their faces.

"I don't see what's so special about him; he doesn't have the same kind of aura as that guy," Kenra said as he hinted towards Nero and Ryo with his eyes.

"Hmph, me either, but... Miss Yullia's vision has never been wrong; I guess we can only wait and see during the Gate of Legends." Judy said with a deep look.

Kenra nodded at this as he decided to put the matter of Nero in his back of his mind. While both regained their composure, another group had only now arrived, making its way towards their section.

Kenra and Judy looked over lazily, but their eyes widened in shock as they saw the duo. It was an ordinary-looking causation man that wore a blue suit and a hat, followed by a handsome youth of African descent, his hair styled in dreadlocks below his straw hat.

"That's..." Both Ken and Judy slightly exclaimed, but before they could finish their words, the handsome youth smirked and dashed forward, swooshing by their forms as he struck his arm towards Nero.

"Hey pal, think fast!" Avollo said as his arm was only moments from smashing into Nero's head back, but as if Nero had sensed his arrival, his formerly idly expression that faced the talkative Elly grew stern.

He jumped into the air without wasting a second, doing a backflip over Avollo, who flew by his previous position, landing onto the ground before the now empty chair.

Avollo easily controlled himself from sliding too far away with a turn of his body as he was now in a crouched posture when he faced Nero's empty chair.

However, Nero, who had backflipped, had fallen and landed exactly on the chair in his previous sitting position.

"Wow, Nero, that was awesome!" Elly said with a tinge of liveliness in her eyes, while she could also do so herself, seeing it so randomly was enough to stir excitement.

Yullia faced palmed as she muttered, "Jeez... these kids, will it kill them to keep quiet and still for once?"

Not listening to Yullia's nagging words, Avollo and Nero faced each other in silence for a short while as Nero glared at him and spoke, "Some friend you are, attacking out of the blue like that, what if I got hurt?"

Avollo scratched the back of his head and replied, "Haha, well, come on, you dodged it in the end, didn't you, so no hard feelings. I can see that you've improved greatly, it looks like, or rematch won't be too far off. Maybe… you won't lose so bad…"

"Tsk, you're damn right it won't be long, and I'll be sure to pay you back for that time," Nero said as he clicked his teeth.

Apollo chuckled at this before looking around; he saw a random chair that was within a neatly organized group and grabbed it, moving it towards Nero's area before sitting on it.

Ian shook his head as he saw this; he walked over and spoke, "Young master, these chairs were already pre-arranged, we can..."

"Well, I don't care," Avollo said as he lazily leaned back with his foot spread wide, and one had lazily playing with one of his hair locks.

Ian sighed at this as Screwgelman looked at him with pity. He knew how it gets when looking after moody teens, his eyes inadvertently glancing at Elly, who, oddly enough, was well mannered today.

"Hehe, he's so weird," Elly murmured with a giggle at Avollo's manner.

Nero rolled his eyes; he found the look of distress on Ian's face a bit amusing. While those from Nero's group remained at ease, those who noticed the prior scene had varying expressions; most of the talents even eyed Nero and Avollo in detail.

Kailua Mei and Kojima Ryusei stared at their group deeply, but as if Kailua Mei lost interest; she turned away; the only exception was Kojima Ryusei, who stared at Ryo a bit before smirking and looking away.

A few other hidden talents had competitive eyes but said nothing. However, unlike these characters, some other minor talents discussed the prior scene with interested expressions.

"That Wild Silver... to think he not only knew the Grass-Root Sword Child, but he's able to make such quick reactions, it looks like his fame isn't just for show." A Person from the side of the Hatman Society said.

"Indeed, he's pretty good, looks like this meet should be quite interesting." Another individual said.

Delkan snorted at this as he only glared at Nero icily, much like Delkan, Weizer, who stood with those from the Shadowblood Faction, glared at Nero in the same way.

Mikan, who also came from the same faction, shook his head at Weizer's manner. But he didn't continue paying him any mind, he noticed that his sister Ivy was staring at Nero with slightly troubled eyes.

"Ivy, why don't we go and say hello?" Mikan said.

Ivy showed a hesitant look before she shook her head and answered, "That... no need, brother, I think we should focus on the event for now."

Mikan gave her a good look before he nodded and said nothing more, the scene growing more silent as the time for the meeting had already arrived.

Nero soon felt that the mood had changed, as even Elly, Ryo, and Avollo had flickers in their eyes that turned to face the same direction, a podium that connected to a corridor.

Suddenly, everyone heard a loud noise as everyone became solemn. The corridor began to emit a series of colorful but oppressing auras. These energies swept across the entire meeting grounds, causing those who were weaker to shrink back as some even coughed and struggled. Nevertheless, the stronger amongst them remained composed as if no change had occurred.

Not long after, a group of individuals appeared from behind the corridor, strolling towards the central platform. Reil Lever, who sported his usual attire, was amongst this crowd. 

These persons were Xu Waren, Pale Brightwood, Dale Vermeulen, Kailua Meng, and Maxim Alkaline.

Those who gathered looked at these persons with solemn expressions as even Yullia had stern eyes when she glanced past them, noticing a handsome man with a purple coat and a slender female that wore a priest's robe.

'Darn, why didn't the High Command send those of the Granduz family? Did they have to send that Brightwood bitch and Chairman Xu? Tsk, so annoying, it's no wonder the leader look's so stressed.'

Yullia thought to herself as she noticed Reil's troubled expression.

A few others also had similar thoughts, be it Ian Mendez or Screwgelman. Elly didn't dare to act out and had a more taciturn manner; it seemed she was doing her best to resist the oppressing auras released by the group, as did many other talents.

'So much power... I can't even begin to imagine their strength.'

Nero thought as he struggled to resist it as well; his sweat began to roll down his forehead, but as if something changed, most of the pressure had vanished as he could hear a light snort by his older self.

Now feeling better, Nero wiped his forehead and sighed in relief as he carefully observed each of the characters that appeared, his eyes fixed onto the figure of a handsome Chairman Xu as he thought inwardly.

'That guy... isn't he the one we saw before mother's accident?'

Adult Nero, who floated in Nero's consciousness, glanced at the scene and replied, "Correct, his name is Xu Waren. A Chairman in the Hatman Society and a member of the Xu Governmental Clan, which as you might know, is one of the four governing clans of the UEG High Command."

'What? A governing clan, he was that important!'

Nero inwardly exclaimed with alarm showing on his face for a moment, Elly glanced at him suspiciously, but he quickly regained his normal manner, only scratching the back of his head.

Adult Nero remained composed as he replied, "Indeed, in fact, you should already know that every force gathered here is at the top of the chain of human society. While those of the Granduz Government Clan and a few other external powers aren't here, you could say that you've gotten a glimpse of all major players in our world."

Nero felt different when he heard those words; his eyes grew sharper as his fist clenched tightly. A soft wind blowing in the room, which rustled his hair and clothing, as he could feel a change in the atmosphere. At this point, he had finally taken the first step forward to accomplish his genuine desire. 

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