Digitize: Rebirth of the Silver Death God

Chapter 187: Capital City Bridgeden, The Kailua Sector

Bridgeden was the Kailua sector's capital city, home of the Digitizer Union's main headquarters, a region governed by the Kailua Family, who headed the Martial Union of the DU societies, the strongest faction which had a deep connection to the UEG.

The city was currently experiencing a bustle like none before. Many vehicles of all types drove out from what seemed like a sci-fi gate, one connected to a wide-open street within a significantly large city.

However, while this scene may look unusual, the passerby's who roamed by weren't even alarmed by the sighs, as if seeing vehicles appear from a flashing light at the center of the spiraling gate was considered normal.

Of course, it was indeed considered an everyday occurrence. Local transmission was possible through means of development discovered by modern humans. These gates used for transference were called Highway Gates, and each of the capital cities in all the four sectors had one constructed.

"Oh, so many, I wonder, is there some event going on?" A passerby in glamorous clothing said.

"No idea, but who cares? We're right next to the government HQ, so anything can happen," A man said casually, treating the commotion of vehicles driving through a sectioned-off route like the norm.

More and more groups arrived with each passing minute, until finally, a familiar vehicle appeared, driving through the Highway Gate at a moderate pace.

"So, this is Bridgeden; it's livelier than I thought..." Nero said as he looked through the windows, gazing at the many vehicles that suddenly appeared around them. He also saw many people move back and forth; the buildings larger than that of Rumbruck's as the skyscrapers seemed endlessly tall.

"Oh, is it your first time being in a capital city?" Elly asked with curiosity; her mood now seemed a bit better, as if the previous fight hadn't occurred.

Nero gave Elly a strange look; he could tell that she was hiding the anger within and will inevitably pay him back later. Still, he didn't bother about it; his eyes stared outside in a slightly dazed manner as if recalling something when he answered, "It's my first time out, in a long while..."

Ryo didn't say anything at this; he kept his head down onto his phone as his fingers tapped away. Even Screwgelman, who eavesdropped on their conversation, had dark shades under his now nonvisible eyes, his manner akin to one of pity.

Elly trembled a bit upon hearing Nero's words; not knowing what to say, Nero, as if realizing his blunder, scratched the back of his head and spoke with a light laugh.

"Haha, don't mind it, although I haven't been out in ages, it's nothing to be sad about; what matters now is that I get to see such interesting scenes again."

Elly seeing Nero's look sighed before cheering herself up and speaking, "Okay, since you've never been here, after the DU Meet, let's go hang out and have fun!"

"Sure thing," Nero said with a smile.

Elly felt a bit better seeing Nero smile, she felt proud of herself for bettering his mood, but as she recalled her actions, her face turned red as she whispered to herself.

'What am I doing? Did I really just say that? It... it's like I invited him on a date.'

Nero naturally didn't know Elly's current thoughts; his attention once more fixed onto the surroundings, he saw that the vehicles around them were of high class, some having unique markings and special license plates.

'Those are government-issued licensed plates; looks like this truly will be a gathering of the elite. It's fascinating; I want to see how powerful our human race talents are...'

Nero's lips curved into a more curious smile as his eyes flashed with a surge of competitiveness. The car continued onward, traversing the special route which led to the center of the city.


At the core of Bridgeden was a massive building with an expansive compound, its scale unobservable from the naked eyes. Here, many vehicles were pouring in through a large entrance, bypassing a series of checkpoints.

Behind this entrance and final checkpoint was a wide-open parking lot, it connected to a glamourous compound, neatly arranged with all sorts of decorations. A paved path trailed through a field of roses with a pool at each side. 

Following the path towards its end, one would notice an open space with many different chairs, a central arena with which a podium stood.

Many refined and formidable-looking individuals were currently walking through this path while conversing, some laughing with friends as others remained silent, eyeing each other with sharp eyes.

Most persons wore unique uniforms or wearing odd pendants or jewels with unique symbols. These were the signs representing the four major Digitizer Union Societies; the Kailua Sector's Martial Union otherwise known as the Martial Heritage Group had a crest of a silhouette doing martial arts, while the Maxim sector's Shadowblood Faction had a dark emblem with a knife marking.

The final two were the Levier sector's Blood Steel Society and the Vermeulen Sector's Hatman Society; one was naturally identified by its blood-red token with blades and axes, while the other mostly wore unique hats.

Amidst this crowd, a familiar-looking black-haired beauty drew the attention of quite the many as she carried two youngsters towards the meeting area. One being a snobbish-looking fat youth and the other being a female with curly hair. 

"Oh, the Dark Witch is here; looks like the rumors were true; the Blood Steel Society doesn't have as much newbie this time around." A famous figure said.

"Indeed, it might be hard for them to stand out this time," Another person said.

Yullia paid them no mind; while walking, she couldn't help but think to herself.

'Those little brats are late; I sure hope they get here on time.' 

As she finished her thoughts, her eyes glanced at the two teenagers behind her and smiled.

'Well, I guess even if they didn't show up, we wouldn't lose out too badly against those talents from these greenhouses. Kenra and Judy should be able to give us some face...'

As Yullia pondered to herself, those who watched her couldn't help but converse in whispering tones, some having a bad light in their eyes compared to others.

"Tch, that witch came too; I hope she doesn't forget my previous humiliation..."

Paul Newman said as he glared at her from one area; he stood beside Delkan and a few other promising youths from their family.

Delkan slow stared at Yullia, he knew Nero was from in their society and wanted to see if he arrived, but he frowned as he didn't even catch his hair.

"Where's that son of bitch? He better not think he can get away," Delkan murmured with raw hate in his eyes.

While Delkan was lost in his own world, many persons also noticed Delkan and Paul; some looked at them with mockery as they jeered.

"That Delkan dared to come, such trash who could run away in a lower-class dungeon shouldn't even be here," An audible voice said.

"Haha, indeed, the Newman's don't seem to be in a good situation this year; such trash born from a family will only bring it down."

Listening to mockery caused by so many, Paul felt anger at those words, but he said nothing; he only glared at Delkan, who ruined their family name.

Recalling the harsh beatings and treatment he recently got from his father and fellow clansmen. Delkan lowered his head with his fist clenched, he appeared to be remorseful on the surface, but looking more intently, one could tell he didn't do so out of shame; his hidden eyes only shone with killing intent as he thought to himself.

'Nero... oh Nero, you are the one I will certainly kill, mark my words!'

The commotion soon faded as more prominent faces had arrived; even Weizer and Mikan, who walked with his sister Ivy had arrived.

Few were currently still looking out for certain faces, but it was at this time, the eyes of Yullia and Ivy lit up as they saw a face they'd long been waiting for.

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