Digitize: Rebirth of the Silver Death God

Chapter 174: Miss Garnet's Concerns, Kailyn's Disappearance

The day pressed onwards, and it was almost evening for those at the Rambruck Academy. Miss Garnet was already finishing up with their current lecture and preparing to end their class's topic.

However, while she prattled away in front of a display board, most of the students were busily chatting away about various things. The majority still focused on the superhuman video that went viral.

"Look, it's like he creates an endless supply of clones of himself, isn't that sick?" A student said while pointing at a person's mobile screen.

"He's good, but I think that butler guy is quite the badass; wait till you see the part where he pulls out two katars," The owner of the phone said with a smug look.

The others didn't buy it, but they couldn't help but observe more closely. There they saw Screwgelman, who raised his hands to the sides, causing a bright light to form before two white glowing lights appeared at both of his palms. They were about to transform into two weapons, but a change occurred before anyone could see it.

Buzz! The phone in the youth's hand made a static noise as the video became blocked with a red symbol.

"What the hell? Damn, they blocked this one too!" The student shouted in anger.

Miss Garnet frowned as she heard his shout; she glanced at him and admonished, "Hey, put that phone away and pay attention!"

"Y-yes, Miss Garnet." The student said, hurrying to put down the phone as he whipped the sweat from his forehead.

Miss Garnet shook her head at this while turning around to face the board, her eyes showing a slightly complicated look as she thought to herself.

'All this recent chaos in the news, what's really going on with this world?'

Unable to find an answer, she no longer pondered and continued to wrap up her subject. Still, despite her effort, there were a few who remained non-attentive.

Nero was a bit distracted by the outside scenery, eyeing the building that shone because of bright sun rays. He thought to himself, 'Will all this change someday?'

Adult Nero heard his thoughts, his eyes having a trace of solemnness, but he said nothing in the end; he merely closed them once more and remained in silence.

'I really hate that I'm not like that reincarnated main character in mother's old book.'

Nero thought as he felt a bad mood due to his older self ignoring him. Now irritated, he no longer found the scene outside attractive; he turned his attention from outside into the classroom and noticed that Elly had a slightly confused look on her face. It seemed that she was trying to grasp what Miss Garnet was teaching, but sadly, she couldn't.

"Such a ditz," Nero muttered to himself as he smirked at the cute sight; sadly, Elly seemed to have noticed his manner.

"Hmph!" Elly snorted as she turned her head away from him, not looking at him; Nero shook his head at this as he thought.

'Still worked out about that kiss, tsk, so stupid... it looks like I'll need to find a way around this... hmm, mother said girls liked sweet things, maybe I can spare some change and buy chocolate.'

Feeling that his decision was correct, Nero smiled to himself as he couldn't wait to see the look of excitement on Elly's face when he surprises her at their first private session. Still, this look turned a bit dark when he shook his side pocket, feeling that only a few coins were in there.

Naturally, seated nearby both Elly and Nero, Clair noticed the previous exchange; feeling curious, she couldn't help but ask Elly in a whispering tone.

"Elly, what happened to you and Nero?"

Elly's face turned even angrier at this as she recalled Mia's shifty and sly manner, she was about to explode in a fury, but inwardly repeating her mother's mantra, she was able to calm down once more.

After taking a deep breath, she looked at Clair and replied snappily, "N-nothing is going on."

Clair sensed a bit of anger in Elly's voice; she made a pensive look before she smiled with an understanding expression as she spoke, "Really, but you sound angry? Are you jealous about something?"

"Like heck I am!" Elly shouted with a blush on her face, bringing a startle to the class.

"Oops," Elly said as she held her mouth with both arms, creating an extremely adorable sight, many of the classmates found it pleasing to their eyes, but Miss Garnet was different.

"Elishia, I know that you're new, but please refrain from such an outburst again." Miss Garnet said strictly.

"Yes, ma'am," Elly said as she lowered her head.

Miss Garnet nodded at this as she once more continued with her lecture; it didn't take long for the bell of the afternoon to make a sharp ring, stirring the dazed minds of the students trapped within their classrooms.

As if she could feel the joy in their mood because of the bell, Miss Garnet snorted as she thought, 'These lazy bums, since it's like this, I'll give you all something to think about...'

Following through with her words, she pressed a button, causing a complicated diagram to form as she spoke with a smirk, "Well, this marks the end of today's class, but I hope you all don't think today will be easy. I'm leaving you all with this diagram for your assignment, do your best to trace its origins and write me an essay around its properties. I shall collect it tomorrow."

"What? Damn!" One student cursed angrily but, seeing Garnet's glare, he didn't dare to say anymore.

A few others also had similar reactions, but it's a pity for homework was homework, and it wouldn't change for anyone.

Feeling the now dismal atmosphere, Miss Garnet felt a peace, she was about to leave, but she couldn't help but stare at the students and ask.

"I've meant to ask this for a while. Does anyone know what happened to Kara and Kaylin?" Miss Garnet asked with concern on her face.

The class, which was now chatting idly, soon quieted down, a strange mood filling the air as even Nero, who stared outside, was a bit interested in this as well.

Elly also made a strange look, her eyes turning a bit sad as she recalled Kara's current situation; Clair was no exception.

Miss Garnet felt the air in the room to be a little odd, she was about to ask again, but Clair soon spoke in reply, "Teacher, Kara's at the Fortune Medical Center."

"What? How did that happen?" Miss Garnet said in alarm, her face turning a bit anxious.

Clair sighed, as did a few of the other students who heard the rumors; she then spoke, "I've heard that she was injured at the Paradise Palace, I don't know about the full details, but the culprits who did it are still at large."

Miss Garnet's face turned pale; she hurried over to Clair's table and held onto her shoulder as she spoke, "This is unbelievable? How could this happen? Is she okay?"

Clair felt a bit of pain in her arms, but she bit her lips and answered, "She's okay; I went to visit her with Elly yesterday, she seemed to have recovered a great deal, but I'm not sure when she'll be back for class."

Though a bit worried, Miss Garnet felt a little better after hearing her words; she looked at Elly, noticing that she was holding her head down with a sad look.

As a teacher, she knew that she couldn't continue showing such a worried look on her face; she tried to calm her manner as she spoke, "Elly, I'm glad you went with Clair to see Kara, that child has always been a bit dishearted, her only friend was Clair. Try to cheer up and keep visiting her; I'll be paying her visit as well."

Elly looked up at her and nodded, Miss Garnet, get better at this, but as if she remembered something, she asked again, "What about Kailyn? Why didn't she come to classes today?"

Clair and Elly looked at each other, but they both had the same confused looks. Many others in the class showed odd expressions; it seemed that none of them knew what happened, none except for two.

Benson had an in-depth look in his eyes as he thought to himself, 'Where did that bitch go?'

Nero also noticed that Kailyn wasn't in attendance for a while now, he pondered whether or not to tell Elly about it, but he decided against it for now.

'Tsk, knowing her personality, things could turn quite messy; it's better to let her focus on improving her studies for now and deal with this at a better time.'

Nero thought to himself, he soon noticed that Benson was looking at him, but he only glanced at him before he turned away.

Ryu, only know that Nero's enemies injured Kara; he didn't know of Kailyn's connection. Still, as he observed Nero's manner, he couldn't help but frown as a thoughtful look came onto his face.

Miss Garnet had a worried look as she saw everyone in silence; she asked again, "Does no one know what happened to her?"

After a good while, one of the girls in Kailyn's posse finally replied, "Miss, we don't know; she didn't send us a message today either; maybe her family had to do something important."

Miss Garnet made a thoughtful look before she spoke, "I see, well I'll have to visit her family today then. I'll see you guys tomorrow then; enjoy the rest of your day."

"Take care, Miss Garnet." As they sent off Miss Garnet from the classroom, the students said a small commotion soon after formed in the class. However, unlike everyone else who overly pondered such a topic, Nero, who didn't seem to care about Kailyn's affairs, rose from his seat as he prepared to leave. 

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