Dictator From Outer Space

Chapter 68: The Automatic Combat Feature

The world finally realized that Korea had started a war with North Korea when the 7th Army advanced northward.

Major media outlets from various countries reported the detailed information through their correspondents, and the UN immediately convened a meeting.

At the place where the diplomats of the permanent members of the Security Council gathered, the Chinese representative demanded that the Korean troops withdraw immediately.

“This is not a preventive war or anything. North Korea knew nothing about this war! Please order them to retreat as soon as possible.”

The American diplomat pushed a few photos toward him.

They were photos of Seoul burning fiercely.

“How do you explain these photos?”

“It’s obvious that it was the act of some rogue army divisions, isn’t it?”

“Some? It looks too excessive for some… More than 150 Korean lawmakers died due to the second shelling, and many civil servants also lost their lives.”

Russia also joined in.

“Korea suffered almost a thousand casualties from this shelling. This cannot be considered accidental.”

The Chinese diplomat tried to ignore the photos and insisted on his claim.

“Anyway, we cannot tolerate this situation. If Korea crosses the Pyongyang-Wonsan line, we will immediately intervene according to the treaty.”

“Do you have enough troops to dispatch that far?”

Everyone sneered when the British diplomat scoffed.

China was currently stockpiling supplies for a total offensive against Taiwan.

In such a situation, it was almost impossible to divert troops to stop Korea’s northward march.

If Korea was a mediocre country, it might be possible, but it was a land power that was hard to suppress even in China’s prime.

Its missile capabilities were also solid, and especially recently, it launched a railgun cruiser.

It was not completed yet, but its mere existence was enough to deter the Chinese fleet advancing northward.

Could China overcome the railgun cruiser while struggling with Taiwan’s coastal artillery?

Among the naval officials of various countries, it was seriously difficult.

Even if they mobilized submarines, Korea’s anti-submarine capabilities were not easy either.

Then, the American diplomat presented another photo.

“Korea is trying to stop your northward march, but your 80th Army is actually moving south. What’s going on?”

“…I don’t know.”

“Of course you don’t. It’s something that the 80th Army did on its own. Can you order the commander to withdraw?”

“It’s not under my jurisdiction.”

He looked like he had no shame as he stiffly avoided looking at the photos.

In fact, Chinese diplomats had often shown such attitudes on the international diplomatic stage, so they had a lot of resentment.

Until now, they might have gotten away with it because of their status as G2, but not anymore.

The American diplomat laid down an ultimatum.

“You mentioned the Pyongyang-Wonsan line, but the Korean government wants more than that. The whole peninsula. They plan to completely absorb North Korea at this opportunity.”

“No way, absolutely no way.”

“It’s not something that requires China’s permission. It’s a notification.”

Something was strange.

The Russian representative had been scratching China’s nerves by siding with them all along.

He had been in a position of diligently obstructing the resolutions of the West with China, but it was strange.

Did he make some kind of agreement with Korea?

Maybe it wasn’t Korea but Yu Ji-ha himself.

‘With ion thrusters and unobtanium, he could easily lure Russia.’

Did Russia promise part of Kamchatka Peninsula and cooperation on the international stage?

He didn’t even look at China and Japan, but he visited Moscow three times. That might be evidence.

Then, the Chinese diplomat showed a video.

It was a message from Kim Jong-un himself to the UN.

-I declare here that the damage suffered by South Korea was not the will of the Republic at all. We confirmed that some rogue army divisions rebelled and we are suppressing them. Therefore, South Korea must withdraw its troops immediately.

There were more contents appealing his innocence after that, but they were not very important.

The American representative scratched his chin and said,

“He says it was some rebel units, but Korea’s damage is too big.”

“The 7th Army has already entered Kaesong Industrial Complex. They have come this far and you want them to retreat?”

The Chinese diplomat smiled as if he didn’t understand.

“It seems that you have forgotten something.”

“What are you talking about?”

“If North Korea really launched a preemptive attack, what is this front line? The Korean army clearly pierced through North Korea’s defense and is launching an offensive throughout the region.”

The 7th Corps’ advance northward was noticeable, but the divisions deployed in Gangwon-do were also pushing up.

The terrain was difficult for guerrilla warfare and ambushes, but the firepower difference was too great, so it seemed that they would soon enter Geumgangsan.

“That’s because Korea knew that North Korea would provoke and prepared thoroughly for months.”

“Korea is a country that has been preparing for war for almost 80 years. It’s not strange that they go up as soon as the war starts.”

But North Korea’s reaction was definitely strange.

If they really intended to start a war with a preemptive strike, they would not have responded like this.

North Korea was being pushed back by the Korean army on all fronts.

There was even a self-propelled artillery brigade that was dismantled without firing a single shot and hit by artillery fire.

The Russian representative gave this opinion on the situation.

“North Korea has recently suffered a severe economic crisis. You could see lions dying in Pyongyang, which says it all. The military situation must have been worse, so there was no will to fight.”

“Well, just look at the Tumen River line. More than a thousand defectors are coming out every day, so it won’t be properly controlled.”

The Chinese diplomat, who had to stop the war somehow, brought out his last resort.

“If the Korean army surrounds Pyongyang, the North Korean government will not sit still.”

“Nuclear weapons are absolutely not allowed.”

“The moment you use them, North Korea’s doom is confirmed.”

A pessimistic opinion came out, but the Chinese diplomat did not back down.

“Anyway, if they are going to perish, they will go with Korea. Korea is not well prepared for ballistic missiles.”

“They have THAAD and SM-6. And above all, the Pacific 3rd Fleet is approaching now.”

It was a warning not to do anything stupid because the US would intervene.

But that touched China’s pride.

“If the US intervenes in this situation, we will declare full intervention.”

“Do it if you can. Do you think that’s possible when you’re pouring all your resources into Taiwan?”

Even the US, which ruled the world, was reluctant to fight on both sides.

Especially since the opponent was the Korean army, China could not underestimate it.

Unless it was nuclear…

The meeting ended here, but China contacted the US separately.

“Let’s divide it up.”


Ambassador Austin smiled faintly as if he knew this would happen.

“Do you want Wonsan Port?”

“We will take Pyeonganbuk-do, Jagang-do, Hamgyeongnam-do, and Ryanggang-do. Give Hamgyeongbuk-do to Russia and do whatever you want with the rest. Whether the US takes it or Korea occupies it.”

It was the same as the pre-war division plan of North Korea.

“I wonder what Korea thinks about this proposal.”

“We are asking you now. What does the opinion of a small country matter?”

“Isn’t that small country overwhelmingly superior? They will soon capture Gaeseong and advance northward to Pyongyang. Will they accept your offer?”

“It won’t be easy to capture Gaeseong. The Korean army has no experience in urban warfare.”

“Maybe the soldiers are like that. But Korea has those famous combat drones. I asked them secretly and they said they plan to deploy tens of thousands of them.”

“What did you say?”

The Chinese ambassador’s expression changed greatly.

They drove out the Houthi rebels in Aden with just a few hundred drones, and they were going to deploy them in such large numbers?

“Are you still… Are you still saying that North Korea attacked first? That means you prepared for war beforehand!”

“Don’t overthink it. They asked Saudi Arabia for permission and imported them first in Korea.”

“It’s different for different purposes. There’s no way to modify it so quickly!”

Ambassador Austin shrugged his shoulders.

“President Yu must have done it himself. He is also an algorithm expert and there is Russia too.”


The Chinese ambassador shook his chin.

This meant that he had already started the operation.

The fall of Gaeseong was confirmed.

Once Gaeseong is broken through, it’s a quick ride to Pyongyang on the highway.

North Korea would resist with all its might, but the current Korean army had the ability to break through.

They didn’t even last a few hours before they took control of the air and pounded North Korea’s air defense network.

It would be painful to say anything.

Maybe they would surround Pyongyang sooner than 80th Army…

“Sinpo. I’ll settle for Sinpo.”

The conditions were relaxed, but Ambassador Austin smiled kindly.

“You should talk to Korea directly. We’re busy supporting supplies.”

“Do you think China’s rocket army will just watch?”

If it were Korea, they might have been nervous about this threat, but the opponent was the US, which had the strongest nuclear power in the world.

“We don’t want war. But we want you to know that we can intervene at any time if necessary.”


If the US intervened after Taiwan and Korea, it would mean China’s end.

The Chinese ambassador shivered and turned around and walked away quickly.

The martial law was expanded nationwide and the reserve forces and civil defense were deployed in the city.

People did not go to work and relied on TV and radio to get information.

Police cars and military police vehicles roamed the streets and checkpoints were everywhere.

The government did not restrict movement, but announced through broadcasting that there was no need to evacuate.

—Currently, our army is pushing back the North Korean army with a fierce fight. The 7th Corps has surrounded Kaesong City and plans to show off the drone swarm.

—We have received a victory report from the mountain troops in Gangwon Province. Citizens, the North Korean army is no match for us.

—The Air Force initially expected to gain air superiority within 72 hours after the war began. But look at this. The radar is clear after six hours of war. North Korea doesn’t even have enough fuel to fly fighter jets.

—The Marine Corps is preparing to conduct a landing operation with the cooperation of the Navy. The landing of the Marine Corps seems to be intended to relieve the pressure on the army’s vanguard…

—In the waters near Yeonpyeong Island, a destroyer squadron belonging to the 2nd Fleet of the Navy showed an overwhelming exchange rate against dozens of North Korean missile speedboats.

Koreans who had only seen the bad side of the army were bewildered.

—Is this all true? Are we winning?

—We were idiots, but North Korea was more idiotic.

—Guys, there are no fighter jets in North Korean airspace.

—-Are these guys really serious about war?

—I don’t know yet… They haven’t used chemical weapons or nuclear weapons. We’re screwed if that starts falling on Seoul.

ㄴAs soon as they use that, North Korea is doomed.

ㄴSeoul will also be doomed.

ㄴFuck, should I evacuate now…

There was also news of people leaving Korea.

The airspace was blocked, but they couldn’t stop the transport planes from other countries that came to pick up their nationals.

Koreans cursed at the black-haired foreigners who left in droves.

—The bastards who came out on TV and sucked money are all leaving.

—Please don’t come back.

—No way. When the war is over, they’ll come back and flap their mouths~

—-By the way, where did all the anti-military people go? The civic groups that said that if we dismantle the army, North Korea will also dismantle it?

—They’re probably in a bunker and can’t make a peep right now?

—We should take this opportunity to arrest them all and throw them into the East Sea.

In this atmosphere, Japan’s Maritime Self-Defense Force 3rd Escort Fleet, which had Maizuru as its home port, appeared in the East Sea.

They attracted attention by entering and leaving the EEZ without any notice to Korea.

President Jo Hyung-geun glared at the video shot by the 10th Combat Squadron.

The maritime patrol aircraft flew around the escort ship as if to shoot it down.

It was much closer than the previous low-altitude flight incident.

“I knew they would do that.”

They probably judged that they needed a breakthrough after failing a nuclear test and being sanctioned by the international community.

It was relatively easy Korea, and since it was in the middle of a war, they wanted to bite off a big chunk of it by picking a fight.

There was a heavy silence in the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

If Korea retreated here, they could even enter territorial waters.

It would cause a big setback for future operations.

Then the secretary-general whispered in President Jo Hyung-geun’s ear.

“Is that true?”

“Yes. The navy has delivered it and is now boarding sailors. They will be able to sail soon.”

Press button for automatic combat

The schedule of Kim Gu-ham, which had sailed from Tongyeong Shipyard this time, was very tight.

As soon as it was delivered to the navy, direct crew members were dispatched and boarded immediately and received supplies from Jinhae Base.

And they were going to join forces with the 10th Combat Squadron in the East Sea right away.

The crew members who boarded Kim Gu-ham were mostly veterans, but the schedule was too tight.

It was inevitable that they would spit out defects if they digested such a busy schedule with an initial ship.

But Kim Gu-ham did not spit out any defects and silently endured cruising speed of 40 knots.

Looking back on the history of initial ships in the navy, it was nothing short of a miracle.

‘It’s probably because of that person over there who’s updating his mission computer…’

Colonel Lee Won-hyung looked at the back of the maintenance officer with a new look.

He said this as soon as he boarded the ship.

“You may not like the feature I’m going to update this time.”

“What kind of feature is that?”

“Well… It’s an automatic combat feature.”

The officers under the captain blinked their eyes.

A red button that often appears in phone games?

The visual was exactly that.

He installed a red button on the mission computer console and covered the case.

“This ship is a combat information … that is, it processes data from early warning control systems or nearby air defense ships and automatically identifies and attacks enemy ships or aircraft.”

“Does it work just by pressing the button?”

“Yes. However, it does not work in situations where there is not enough information. You know, the radar of this ship is terrible.”

Most of the power is invested in railguns and iron beams, making it difficult to operate a proper radar.

Therefore, a dedicated early warning control system is essential to operate the Kim Gu ship at close range.

“I hope you understand why I’m explaining this so urgently …”

There was only one person above.

The impatient guy squeezed the navy generals and made this thing.

The officers in the combat command room listened to Yu Ji-ha’s explanation.

“You may not know, but there is a word TOT in the army artillery.”

“It looks like this TOT shooting is also possible.”

When an officer pretended to know, Yu Ji-ha played a file on his laptop with a satisfied face.

It was a video of the army self-propelled artillery firing three shells in succession and hitting the same target at the same time.

“Ah ha.”

“Do you understand? The railgun projectile is also curved, so you can do the same.”


The captain Lee Wonhyeong realized the horror of this function.

The railgun is a weapon system that fires projectiles at a tremendous rate of fire.

What if ten shells fired like that hit the target at the same time?

It is also very useful when dealing with multiple targets.

What’s more surprising is that all these functions are done automatically.

“This TOT function can be done manually, but automatic is much more accurate and convenient. If you press the button, everything from railguns to iron beams and ion thrusters will automatically perform combat. So …”

“You mean you have to choose when to press the button carefully.”

“It’s a function that you don’t need unless it’s wartime.”

If you shoot railguns at other fleets without permission, it won’t end with promotion omission.

The officers were captivated by a slight anxiety as they listened to the explanation.

It was an era when artificial intelligence changed the world, but they didn’t know it would be applied to combat as well.

“A 15,000-ton combat ship automatically fights like a smartphone game …”

“I wonder if we need it.”

“It’s just wartime. It’s for efficient combat.”

Well, I’ll have to see if it’s really efficient combat.

He said confidently, but Captain Lee Wonhyeong did not expect him to be so useful.

The functions and specs that the manufacturer and developer proudly presented were often useless in actual combat.

‘But because it’s Yu Ji-ha … maybe it’s worth trusting.’

Yu Ji-ha’s popularity and trust pierced the sky.

When the function description was over, he shook hands and took pictures as if he was not a celebrity.

He didn’t seem to like hanging out with dark men, but he accepted them all with a nice face.

The sailors were also like that. It seemed like the whole ship was Yu Ji-ha’s fan club.

‘It’s not time for this. It’s wartime now.’

Captain Lee Wonhyeong clapped his hands to focus his attention.

“Come on, let’s train, train! Fire suppression and evacuation training first!”

Even while doing so, Kim Gu ship was sailing northward to the East Sea through automatic navigation.

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