Dictator From Outer Space

Chapter 249: The Empire’s Hero and Count

Tirendell expected to be demoted and disgraced for his defeat in battle, but surprisingly, nothing like that happened.

It was because the whole capital of Medea was in panic due to the fire that broke out in Yggdrasil.

The territory was mostly surrounded by forests, so fires tended to spread quickly once they started.

And if it happened in the World Tree that the elves revered, and if it was on a large scale, it would be even worse.

It was not an exaggeration to say that it looked like the end of the world, as part of the World Tree that covered the sky of Medea burned.

“What is this…”

Tirendell stared blankly at the sight of the World Tree burning.

He could not believe what was happening.

Like other elves, he was born and raised near the World Tree.

He became a knight in front of the World Tree and swore loyalty to Elvrande.

If someone asked any elf what Yggdrasil meant to them, they would answer like this.


That huge golden tree was the symbol of the elf race.

Princess Margareta came and stood next to him.

“You’re here, Sir Tirendell. They say it’s because of the ether backflow that this happened.”

“Ether backflow…? Did they use magic on Yggdrasil? That’s forbidden…”

“Neither Lord Kelodian nor the Council would be afraid of such a taboo. It seems that they used holy magic, maybe to stop the Meteor Strike?”

But they failed to do that properly, as he could tell from the atmosphere.

In other words, Elvrande was suffering from two disasters: a meteor fall and a fire.

“Oh, Eilidh…”

What did they do to make a Meteor Strike hit Medea and set fire to the World Tree?

Tirendell recalled what he saw when he retreated.

The burning branches of Yggdrasil.

And Leobold Vandus standing proudly in front of them.

He was probably smiling smugly, not just Tirendell’s imagination.

‘How dare you burn Yggdrasil… I will kill you for sure!’

On the other hand, Margareta was curious about why he showed anger on his face.

It couldn’t be anger towards the Council…

“You’re very angry, Sir Tirendell.”

“Your Highness would be angry too if you saw what I saw.”

“What did you see that…”

“Leobold Vandus, he set fire to Yggdrasil’s branches. They were burning more than this fire…”


Margareta was genuinely surprised.

She didn’t feel anything like that even though she was directly connected to the World Tree.

She felt enough pain from the backflow of ether from the main body, and it was a sad thing.

But everything else was fine.

“Which branch did that happen on? The central border area?”

Tirendell nodded roughly.

“Yes. That’s where I encountered that bastard. He wasn’t satisfied with winning the battle, he wanted to take our god away from us.”

“But I don’t feel any damage to Yggdrasil’s branches…”

This time Tirendell made a stupid sound.


“Except for this fire, the branches are all fine. That’s what I feel.”

“That can’t be… What I saw was…”

“It seems that Leobold Vandus did some trickery.”


Tirendell was silent.

The princess wouldn’t lie.

Then did that mean that the sight of Yggdrasil’s branches burning was false?


‘And for what reason? He clearly tried to kill me and burn the branches…’

He couldn’t understand and was confused.

Margareta looked at his face with worried eyes.

“He must be a great person to make you retreat and confuse you like this.”

“…At least he overwhelmed me with his skills. I was nothing in front of him… I had to lose my men and retreat shamefully…”

Tears flowed from his only eye.

She wiped his tears with her sleeve and comforted him.

“Don’t be too sad, Sir Tirendell. You’re alive, aren’t you? You’ll meet him again someday.”

“Thank you for your words… Then I’ll be able to kill him…”

“That’s not what I meant…”

A brief smile of embarrassment appeared on her white face and disappeared.

This elven knight seemed to know only how to fight with force.

Well, most elves were like that.

They had forgotten the need for dialogue and cooperation after waging war with Ains and other races for a long time.

―Why do we need to talk when we can crush them with force?

This was the general attitude of elves, and it worked well until now.

But now it was time for change.

She felt the need to meet Leobold.

‘They say that the elven knights haven’t lost since at least 100 years ago…’

It was amazing that they lost so miserably even though Tirendell participated in the battle.

And she was curious about what he did to Yggdrasil’s branches.

She couldn’t meet him right away for various reasons, but she would see him soon if she had the will.

She silently watched the fire of the World Tree that was evolving.

It seemed that something big was changing in this world.


“We all lost.”

Kelodian looked down at Tirendell, who was sitting on a chair with his head down.

He had lost his proud appearance from before and his shoulders were slumped.

He probably wasn’t so sad about the fire in Yggdrasil, but because he lost the battle.

And very miserably.

He had a headache from watching the scene recorded by the military mage with the Imagine Record magic.

“Ether Blade… I didn’t expect someone who could use that skill to appear again after the Great War… How powerful was it?”

“It was terrifying. It cut through the living metal armor like fruit.”

“That’s horrible…”

He had no idea how he acquired such power.

Did he obtain the fragments of the gods scattered on the floating continent?

But how could the fragments of the gods that had memories of the Great War cooperate with him?

What was more terrible was the damage caused by him.

Although Leobold probably didn’t intend it, the damage Elvrande suffered was too great.

The main body of Yggdrasil burned and the branches that drained the land near the border were nowhere to be found.

And everyone had to shut their mouths about the damage caused by the Meteor Strike.

Tens of thousands of people evacuated and nearly a thousand elves lost their lives.

The information of various institutions and government offices that evaporated was also dismal.

It seemed that it would take a considerable time even by elf standards to recover all of that.

‘And my reputation too…’

Kelodian covered his face unknowingly.

In fact, his reputation was more of a problem than the damage he had suffered so far.

The Council was making a fuss about him mismanaging the Tower of Magic and telling him to step down, and the bureaucrats’ eyes were not friendly either.

―It may not be entirely Lord Kelodian’s fault, but someone has to take responsibility, right?

―The same goes for the defeat in the war. If Lord Kelodian had ordered a retreat sooner, we wouldn’t have suffered such a big loss.

What a joke.

If he had ordered a retreat as soon as he heard from Tirendell, they would have made a fuss about retreating without fighting properly.

The elders of the Council were masters of shifting their mistakes to others, and thanks to that, all the arrows flew at Kelodian.

‘I can’t step down like this. I have to make up for it somehow.’

Kelodian looked at Tirendell, who was slumped.

He lost miserably, but his personal strength was not a big problem.

Elvrande had many hidden powers for the past 200 years, and all he had to do was take one out.

The problem was his will.

Only those with unbroken will could receive the choice of divinity.

He asked carefully.

“You seem very sad. Do you think it’s impossible to surpass that Leobold?”

“How can I not think that? He was a monster beyond imagination. I swore to kill him, but I doubt if I can do that.”

He was impressive enough to make him feel such defeat in one battle.

Kelodian asked again.

“Then you don’t have to confront him, right? The result is obvious.”


Tirendell glared with burning eyes and growled.

“I will kill him someday. By any means necessary. I don’t care if it’s 50 years later.”

He wanted to stick with him until the end, and Kelodian was satisfied with his will.

But he didn’t know that Tirendell also hated him.

He hated Kelodian for making his men die by delaying the retreat order and triggering the Meteor Strike, and he hated the entire Council of Elders for approving it.

He just pretended to be loyal because he needed Kelodian’s position.

If Leobold had been here, he would have sneered that there was someone else who could act well besides him.

Anyway, Kelodian wanted to accept his will.

“Do you know anything about the Great War?”

“I heard it was a war where gods and dragons clashed. There were beings called champions who received power from them, and we were also involved.”

Most elves who were born recently had this much knowledge.

Only a few in Elvrande knew the secrets of Yggdrasil and the floating continent.

“I see. Before I make you an offer, I want to tell you something. Some of the divinities who fought fiercely at that time are still alive. Well, preserved would be more accurate.”

“There’s Grakies, and maybe others too. But what does that have to do with me?”

“I’ll give you one of those fragments of god.”

Tirendell stiffened his face.

“I refuse to become like Kairos.”

“Oh, don’t misunderstand. The divinity I’ll give you is not a bad one. Rather, you could say it’s a good god. Although its power wasn’t great.”

You’re going to make a mere elf absorb a fragment of god?

Tirendell felt that something was wrong, but he couldn’t stop here.

He needed power, and only Elvrande’s leaders could give it to him.

“So you want me to absorb that power?”

“Don’t you want revenge? Don’t you want to wash away your defeat? If you accept that power, I promise you won’t lose to that Leobold.”

“What kind of divinity is it? It can’t be an elven pantheon…”

“It’s not that great of a god. You wouldn’t even remember it.”

It seemed difficult to say the name.

Well, they said that gods needed names to wield their power…

Tirendell decided after careful consideration and nodded.

“I’ll do anything to gain power.”

“Good attitude. Use that power to kill the empire’s hero number one.”

“Hero number one…”

“Isn’t that fitting for someone who did this much? He landed on the floating continent without permission and interfered with our plans. And we won the war, even though we were at a disadvantage. We can’t let him go like this.”

“Yes. He must die.”

He put his hand on Tirendell’s shoulder without knowing his malice.

“The Council may have other means, but sometimes you have to fight with force. I trust you.”

Tirendell clenched his mouth and nodded.

‘After I kill Leobold, I’ll kill you too, Kelodian.’

He couldn’t forgive Kelodian and the Council of Elders who made his men die by not ordering a retreat.


After the war ended, Leobold changed his destination from Bagran to the Zaium Empire.

It was because the commanders, including Count Croitz, insisted that he had to meet the crown prince.

“He promised you a title award ceremony and a grand banquet. You’re not thinking of sending a proxy, are you?”

Her face clearly showed that she wanted him to save her face.

How would the nobles of the empire think of her if she didn’t bring him who almost single-handedly ended the war?

Duke Roland also chimed in.

“There are thousands of people waiting for you in Jerome, the imperial capital. Don’t disappoint them.”

He had already agreed to receive the title of imperial count, so it wasn’t bad to make some connections this time.

He nodded and then the Countess Croitz smiled with relief.

The coalition army was disbanded and no one cared about Resort and Banover.

One of the reasons for the war was the liberation of the two kingdoms, but they were too lazy to take responsibility for it.

There were some voices of conscience from within.

―Tens of thousands are suffering from hunger. We need food aid immediately.

But the coalition army’s leaders responded bluntly.

―We fought hard and you want us to give up our food? What nonsense is that?

―We understand your situation, but it’s hard to get that much food all of a sudden. We don’t have enough transportation either.

―The branch of Yggdrasil burned, so the land will gradually recover. Just hold on a little longer.

The original goal of the coalition army was to defeat the Elvrande army and remove the branch of Yggdrasil.

Since they achieved that, they had nothing to do with the two kingdoms that were suffering.

But Leobold was different.

He borrowed Granden and a few knights before leaving.

“Stay here for a while and gather information and talent. Support will come soon.”

“What’s the point of doing that?”

Granden’s voice was mixed with resignation, as if the country was doomed anyway.

It was enough to say that dozens of corpses of nobles were left on the streets of the capital.

Most of the royal families who supported the two kingdoms were dead, and bureaucrats and influential people fled to neighboring countries.

There wouldn’t be much meaning in anything they did in such a situation.

But Leobold’s judgment was different.

He still had many real talents he wanted, and more importantly, he needed land.

The territory of Resort and Banover was several times larger than Bagran’s.

There was also Lake Raon, which boasted the largest freshwater capacity in the vicinity, making it easy to supply water to the airships.

If he could manage the food shortage for now, and recruit talents, it wouldn’t be hard to absorb and grow the two kingdoms.

It was also a place of great value in terms of geopolitics, as it was located between Zaium and Elvrande.

It would be easier later if he secured it in advance.

Of course, the neighboring countries wouldn’t just sit back and watch.

Leobold patted Granden’s shoulder.

“The war is over, but you still have a lot to do. If you do this, I’ll give you a baron title and a new Goliath. The other knights will also get priority for Goliath.”

Granden didn’t care about the title, but only showed interest in Goliath.

“Is the new Goliath the one that you used…”

“It wasn’t normal because it was its first sortie. It will be fine by the time it gets to you.”

There was probably nothing more joyful for a knight of Astera than receiving a new Goliath.

Especially if it was the model that easily defeated Tirendell and Belial, who boasted the strongest power in the continent.

Granden and the other knights bowed hastily.

“We will do our duty here, my lord.”

“Thank you.”

And so Leobold left on an airship.

After a few days of travel, he arrived at Jerome, the imperial capital, which was full of cheers.

The flowers were in full bloom and the citizens poured out onto the streets to cheer for the airship.

Countess Croitz leaned on the railing and said.

“The citizens welcome you. In fact, public opinion is as important as recognition from power. The scum of Jerome don’t seem to know that well.”

“Is that so? I don’t know much yet.”

She smiled and lifted his chin with her finger.

“Don’t forget. You are the man who killed the beast who assassinated the emperor, and succeeded in revenge. Now that you enter Jerome, there will be many people who want to connect with you, but also many who oppose you.”

“I’m not afraid of them. But it would be easier to deal with them if they all attacked at once.”

“You have a great spirit. Anyway, you are mine, so you better watch your eyes. If you look at another woman, I’ll tear off her face.”

Leobold retorted naturally.

“What should I do? There’s someone I can’t give up.”

“Are you talking about Lady Arma Ashford? She was a maid, but she received a baron title? I don’t know what you’re thinking, but I’ll allow you to keep her by your side. She doesn’t seem to want to stay quietly in her territory anyway.”

They were strictly speaking a business relationship.

Originally, Countess Croitz had her eyes on Leobold’s financial ability and wanted to bring him to her territory and entrust him with her family and wealth.

But she found out that his military prowess was amazing and he became a big shot while she was busy with other things.

Now that he received the title and land of an imperial count, there was no need for him to serve under her.

It would be better to acknowledge his territory and activities than to confine him to her territory who was in charge of Bagran’s conquest as well.

It wasn’t a big flaw for someone in his position to have a maid-born concubine or two.

Her slender finger touched Leobold’s lips and then their faces overlapped.

It was a fiery kiss that surprised even the sailors passing by on deck.

And soon after, they entered Jerome and met with Crown Prince Barak.

He held a lavish title award ceremony and banquet and invited Leobold.

“Welcome the heroes of this war! See with your eyes and hear with your ears. Here, a new golden bloodline is born. Count Leobold Vandus! Behold him!”

With a bang, flower petals decorated the banquet hall and the orchestra played majestic music.

The nobles of the empire who gathered in the huge banquet hall clapped in unison.

Leobold wished that this terrible time would pass quickly.

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