Descent of the Legendary Archmage

Chapter 45

There are 5 days left until the day I promised Kim Kangin.

[Sender: Kim Kangin]

[The 5th circle wizard that you will face has been decided.]

[I will attach their profile.]

[Then I'll be looking forward to a good match.]

I got a message just a moment ago, saying that my 5th circle opponent had been selected.

In the profile, the strengths and weaknesses as well as the opponent's speciality magic were written.

The profile that Kim Kangin sent was perfect.

"Huh? What's this? The profile he sent is as detailed as a strategy book?"

Soonchan, who had glanced at the text from behind me, said this in surprise.

“How did he send it?”

Adella, who was next to us, wiping her sweat, approached me curiously.

"Want to see?”


I turned on the hologram mode and turned the screen to Adella.

Adella quickly scanned through the profile.

"...It’s literally a strategy book.”

And then said the same thing that Soonchan said.

''Does it look that way for you as well?"

''Yes. I have never seen such complete analysis of data before.”

Adella's hobby is analyzing.

If even Adella can admire it like this, then it really is great.

“But what does this mean? Why would he send you such a perfect profile?"

Soonchan tilted his head as if it were strange.

His expression told me that he didn't know why I had been sent such detailed data about my opponent.

''I'm guessing that the Blue Magic Tower's master's just being considerate and telling you to focus on improving your skills rather than worrying about data analysis?"

“That may be true, but I think he's given me an advantage to even out the playing field slightly.”

"I see. So that was it.”

Soonchan seemed to understand.

“So it's good news then? Since you can now save time by not having to analyze your opponent.”


“There's something I'm a bit suspicious about, but for now, this is good news.”

I responded and got up from my seat.

“Okay, let’s start training again.”

“Oh, yes.”

I got up from my seat, and Adella soon followed.

''Hey. I haven't caught my breath yet. Let's give it 5 more minutes."

''You have to train then for your stamina to increase."

"...You devilish bastard.”

"Weren't you the one who willingly accepted that devil's proposal of a joint training session? So, if you don’t want to trail behind then get up.”

As I looked at Soonchan, I smiled.

A smile that strongly threatened to kill him if he didn't get up.

"Ah. Life..."

Soonchan got up from his seat with a liberated expression on his face.

“Alright, let's do this. What's the next training? A fight against you? A fight against Adella? Or a free-for-all?"

“I'm not that evil.”

If we were to duel when we're this exhausted, then who knows what kind of accident could happen.

“Then what are we going to do?”

"It's simple."

I pointed to the training ground.

"We're going to run till our time's up."

"...But we still have over an hour left?"

“Yeah. It’s the perfect amount of time for a final workout.”


"Oh, by the way, every time you get caught using mana, that time will extend by 30 minutes."

Soonchan's face contorted.

"...You're a Satan-like bastard worse than the devil.”

“Hey. In what universe would Satan look out for his friend like this?”

“Yeah. Your care for your friends is so commendable that I'm in tears. I'm so moved that I want to give you a screw punch to the forehead as a present.”

Soonchan clenched his fist and trembled with only his middle finger raised.

"I'll receive that gift from you after you've run for an hour. So hurry up and go run."

At that moment, Soonchan's expression was filled with venom.

"...You better keep your promise. Adella, you heard that too right?"

"Huh? Yes..."

"Okay. I've acquired my witness. You're dead meat. Just you wait. I'll see you in an hour.”

Having said that, he immediately started running to the training ground.

Even though Soonchan lacks stamina, his willpower is better than others, so he'll somehow manage.

"...Are you really going to take a hit from him?"

Adella, who was listening quietly, approached me.

"Nope. Why would I?"

"Huh? You promised to take a hit."

''I didn't say I would take a hit though? All I said was that I would receive it."


All I have to do is lightly receive Soonchan's screw punch.

"...Seems like he's going to go crazy in an hour."

"That's fine. He'll have forgotten by tomorrow anyways."

Soonchan's best trait is that he doesn't hold grudges.

“And even if he grumbles like that, on the inside, he's probably thanking me for it?”

"...Is that so?"

Adella looked at Soonchan, who was running around the training ground like a ghost.

His expression was so savage that his bloodthirst could be felt even from back here.

“No matter how I look at it, I can't imagine that..."

"No. I'm certain that on the inside he's feeling incredibly grateful."


Adella paused and then looked at Soonchan.

Occasionally my name accompanied by swearing could be heard.

Adella once again went to say something but stopped herself with a strange expression on her face. As if she wanted to say something but didn't know how to express herself.

“Then we should start training as well.”

"Huh? Ah, right."

Adella quickly turned her attention away from Soonchan and focused on me.

''For our final training, we're going to do a 1v1 between you and me, as we discussed before."


Adella stared at me with a serious expression.

''And like I said, this time, I'm going to use everything, including my 4th circle magic."


I plan to use resonance in my fight against Adella this time.

And I'm not going to hold back on using Interference or even Adella's own moonlight bullets.

In other words, I plan to give it my all.

“I’m looking forward to it.”

Adella's smile widened. Her eyes blazed with excitement and anticipation.

“Then let’s get started.”


And so the battle between me and Adella began.

And in less than 3 minutes, I came out victorious.

* * *

That night. Adella returned to her room and immediately jumped onto her bed.


She's tired.

She was so tired, that she was confident that if she were to close her eyes like this for 3 seconds, she would immediately fall asleep.

'I should change clothes before sleeping...'

If she were to fall asleep in her uniform like this, it would be all crumpled up and it would be embarrassing when she went to school.

She should at the very least change into her pajamas.

But she didn't want to.

She didn't even want to move right now.

The training with Shin Hayul and Ji Soonchan today was so much harder than she had imagined that she didn't have the energy to lift a finger.

She just wanted to close her eyes and relax.

'Good night...'

With her face buried in the pillow, Adella's consciousness grew more and more blurred.

In the midst of her blurring conscience.

Adella remembered the battle with Shin Hayul an hour ago.

The way Shin Hayul had overwhelmed her using 4th circle magic—he truly was the god of battle.

I couldn't even fight back.

'That moonlight bullet...'

The highlight was the moonlight bullet that Shin Hayul had used.

'His were faster and stronger than mine.'

And unlike Adella's moonlight bullet, it could even be guided.

You wouldn't understand how hard it was to shake off those bullets that were constantly chasing her with power and speed.

'Just what did he do to the formula of the moonlight bullet to allow it to move like that?'

At that moment, the drowsiness that had plagued Adella's mind vanished in an instant.

Something as insignificant as sleeping was not what was important right now.

What was important was reviewing the fight today and improving.

Adella's eyes had been rid of all fatigue in an instant.

She then got up from her bed and sat down at her desk.

Turning on her computer, she plugged in the USB that contained the VOD of today's training and she started analyzing the training videos.

"If I play it back at 0.1x speed and turn on the training ground's mana scanning function... There we go.'

Adella most likely won't fall asleep until she goes to school tomorrow.

* * *

At the third page's test.

The vacant lot in front of Elena's log cabin, Greenwood forest.

I was receiving training for my God's eye from Elena.

“I didn’t expect you to not need your five senses sealed in just two days.”

''Mm. It's a bit regretful actually. It was a new experience.”

"...You may be the only person who feels regretful that their five senses are no longer sealed."

Elena smiled exasperatedly.

"Anyways, it looks like you can see mana perfectly."

"Yes. If I look at it for too long, it feels like my brain will shatter, but I can see mana at will."

I'm experiencing a headache right now as we speak.

“You accomplished it really fast.”

“It must be because I had such a good teacher.”

''Thank you. Even though I know you don't actually mean that."

Elena laughed bitterly. It looked like she didn't think that she did anything.

''I do mean that. It's the truth. If it wasn't for you sealing my five senses, I don't even want to think about how long it would have taken me to awaken God's eyes..."

Had my five senses not been sealed, it would have taken several months at the very least to awaken my God's eyes.

It was that hard for me to awaken my 6th sense.

"Once again, thank you. Thanks to you I was able to awaken my God's eyes. I sincerely expressed my gratitude. "

“...I had this thought the last time we met as well, but you have a real talent for making people feel embarrassed."

Elena replied shyly with a slighter redder face.

Perhaps she wasn't used to receiving such direct gratitude.

“But more importantly, how is it? It should be time for your headache to slowly dissipate.”

Elena returned to a serious expression.

''Yes. I've felt better since a short while ago.”

My headache, which was a side effect of my God's eyes, had completely subsided a little while ago.

"Then we should be good to move onto the next training immediately."

"Yes. I'll be in your care."

I brushed aside all my distracting thoughts.

Once you start training, you have to focus entirely on it.

''You already know what you're going to do in the next training right?"


Elena had told me that we were going to move on to training that would help me fully see the essence of magic.

"Starting from now, I'll draw a magic circle with a very simple shape. You are to use your God's eye to observe my magic circle.”

A small magic circle appeared in front of Elena's palm.

"If you do that, at some point, you'll see a gap in the essence of magic that'll allow you to break the magic. “

“A gap?”

''Yes. Using that gap to cancel the magic. That is what Destruction is."

"Using a gap to cancel the magic..."

It was something that didn't make sense.

“Give it a go first. You'll get the hang of it right away."


I placed my hand on Elena's magic circle and activated God's eye.

I could see the mana.

It was gentle and warm.

This magic circle perfectly revealed Elena's nature to me.

"Once you activate God's eye, figure out the structure of the magic circle."

“Yes. I have.”

As Elena said, it was a very simple magic formula, so it wasn't difficult to figure out its structure.

“Then starting from now, focus. I'm going to tell you Ray's words."


The mana connected between the magic circles was clearly visible.

"A perfect formula does not exist in the study of magic."

The word for perfection does not exist in the study of magic.

All that exists is the very best, which is close to perfection.

This is a phrase that was written in a book about destruction that was in Mimir's tome.

'So that's what it was talking about.'

At that moment, the information on destruction that I had read in Mimir's tome flashed through my mind like a panorama.

Everything I couldn't understand back when I didn't have God's eye started to make sense in an instant.

"Because they're not perfect, there are inevitably gaps in all magic formulas."

Finding the gaps in a magic formula.

That's the first condition of using destruction.

“See through the essence of magic with your God's eyes. Listen to the sound the mana makes. Seize the gap in the mana. If you do that..."

I could see something. Within the green magic circle, the slightest of gaps could be seen.

"Starting from then, magic will no longer be just magic."

I poured my mana into the gap.

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