Demon Slayer Starts From the Proficiency Panel

Chapter 56

Chapter 56: [056] Great Opportunity And Great Fortune

Chapter 56 [056] Great opportunity and great fortune

“I cough!”

“Shen Congyun, why is your method of shrinking into an inch different from what I’ve seen before? Shouldn’t we just come out of the ground directly, why did we get stuck in the ground halfway through?”

Ren Qianxing and Zhengwu crawled out of the soil with loess in their mouths, clasping their throats and wailing.

I saw that they were covered in mud, and there were even a few blades of grass on their heads, looking very embarrassed.

When Master Chanhui made his move, Ren Qianxing directly saved the two of them by shrinking the ground into an inch, and this was the only way they survived.

At this time, they were a mile or two away from Yunxia Mountain, and Ren Qianxing stood by the side with a calm expression and said, “Don’t care about these details.”

“That person is definitely not Master Chanhui, the Master Chanhui I’ve seen before is not like this.” The monk Zhengwu spat out a mouthful of spit, looked at Yunxia Temple in the distance and said: “There must be evil forces occupied The body of Master Zenhui.”

“Now these are not the things we should care about. Fortunately, we have found the Silver Tiger Demon Commander in advance. Otherwise, with a few of us, we will go to Yunxia Temple to investigate, I am afraid that Master Chan Hui can slap us all to death with one slap. Yes.” Ren Qianxing sighed.

Only then did he notice that after himself and Zhengwu, no one else had climbed out of that pit.

Ren Qianxing hurriedly asked, “Hey, what about Senior Sister Xia? Shen Congyun, you didn’t rescue Senior Sister Xia together.”

Shen Congyun said angrily, “I only have two hands, how many people do you think I can save.”

“Quick, let’s go back and have a look.”

The fight between Meng Fang and Master Chanhui was earth-shattering, while Ning Xiu sneaked into the pagoda while no one was paying attention.

It can be seen that on the first floor of the pagoda, the eight monks worked together to push a Buddha statue placed on the wall, only to hear a click, triggering some mechanism.

The entire wall where the    Buddha statue was located was moved away slowly, revealing a stone staircase leading to the underground.

“There is really something wrong with this place.” Ning Xiu thought to himself as he looked at the passage that appeared.

Several monks entered the passage one after another, and Ning Xiu immediately followed. Although he was no match for Master Chanhui, he still had no problem dealing with these monks.

Walking down the unlit stone stairs all the way to the ground, soon a white light appeared at the end of the passage.

There was a faint voice of someone talking.

“You don’t have to be obsessed anymore and help the evil to abuse. That kind of demonic behavior will definitely end in a doom. Hurry up and turn around as soon as possible.”

“Master, you should be the one who is obsessed with ignorance. Everyone wants to cultivate longevity, so why do you give up this opportunity to become a Buddha and become an ancestor? If you are willing to cooperate, it is not guaranteed that you will be the second one after a hundred years. Buddha, or even become a real Buddha.”

“Yes, at that time, as your disciples, we will be the Eight Great Dharma Protectors under the Holy Throne of the Buddha. Master, why are you unwilling to seize such an unparalleled opportunity so that your disciples can also attain the Tao and ascend to heaven?”

“Alas, since you were bewitched by that evil corpse, you have now given birth to such sins, greed, sins, Amitabha Buddha.”

Ning Xiu quietly walked to the end of the stone stairs, and saw that there was a huge cave on the side of the mountain, in a circle.

There are tens of thousands of stone troughs dug out on the walls of the cave, and in each stone trough is placed a spiritual tablet with various surnames and names written on it.

It should be the ancestral spirit tablets that the villagers of Yunxiashan Shiba Village migrated over.

In the very center of the cave, there is a stone lotus pedestal, and at this time an old monk dressed in yellow cedar is sitting on it.

His whole body was pierced with chains and tightly fixed on the lotus pedestal.

And looking at the appearance, the old monk is exactly the same as the Zen Hui master who just sat in the hall.

“How come there are two Zen Hui masters?” Ning Xiu wondered in his heart.

Looking at the eight monks who were once his disciples standing around the lotus dais, the old monk sighed: “I only regret for the teacher that I used greed and used the corpse knife before reaching the realm, and now it has caused such a big problem. disaster.”

“Master, I think you are old and confused. If you can join forces with that person, the Dalingyin Temple will be subverted by the two of you together. It is no longer the number one Buddhism in the world, and your Buddhism will be the orthodox Buddhism in the future. Now there are many subduing demon captains and an army outside, Master, before you are completely transformed into a Buddha body, you still have a chance to prove to that person that you have changed your mind.”

“A group of evildoers…” The old monk closed his eyes and sighed.

“Are you Master Zen Hui?”

At this moment, a strange voice suddenly sounded in the cave of ten thousand Buddhas.

The eight monks turned their heads to look at the passage, and saw a figure of the Demon Commander in black silver mail coming out of the shadow of the passage.

“Fu Mowei! How did he find this place?” The monk was shocked.

This place can be described as their biggest secret, and the stakes are very important, and no accident will be allowed to happen.

The appearance of Ning Xiu right now is the biggest accident.

“Kill him, just to take his soul to transform the Buddha’s body.” The eight monks reacted, and immediately rushed towards Ning Xiu, murderous intentions suddenly appeared.

Although it is not clear what secrets exist in Yunxia Temple, what are these monks and the Zenhui master outside planning?

However, Ning Xiu still understands that he has dealt with these eight monks and asked the truth from the mouth of the old monk who was imprisoned on the lotus dais.

I saw a monk approaching Ning Xiu first, with his hands in the direction of eagle claws, and came directly to Ning Xiu’s face. This was completely unplanned.

Since that’s the case, then Ning Xiu doesn’t need to be polite.


The    Thunder Hammer was swung out in a simple and unpretentious manner, and when it hit the man’s chest, an invisible force penetrated directly from the monk’s chest to his back.

His back instantly exploded with flesh and blood, and a vertebra that was broken in two burst out of the flesh and blood on the spot.

【Kill the monster, get general proficiency +500】

Several broken ribs smashed out like arrows, puncturing another monk behind him who couldn’t react in time.

Although he didn’t die on the spot, the pain was worse than death.

Most of these monks are around the sixth or seventh rank, and the most powerful of them is the fifth rank of Buddhism.

Apart from this taking a little time, other monks couldn’t possibly be Ning Xiu’s opponents.

Watching Ning Xiu slaughtering his own disciples, the old monk on the lotus platform closed his eyes and couldn’t bear to look directly.

Although these were all disciples brought up by him, the old monk had no intention of stopping him, but he was still a little unbearable in his heart as a master.

He knew very well that his eight disciples had been practicing with the corpse for a long time, and their dispositions had changed drastically. They must have learned a lot of magic techniques. It was a matter of time before they were killed by the Demon Demon Commander, but he didn’t expect it to happen today.

After Ning Xiu ruthlessly smashed the seven monks, only the last middle-aged monk of the fifth rank of Buddhism and Taoism remained.

He stared at Ning Xiu with a gloomy expression, his eyes began to look like the master Zen Hui in the hall, and the gray **** slowly emerged.

The performance of the lower third rank of Buddhism is only that there will be a layer of golden light on the body, but when it reaches the middle third rank, it becomes a light golden body, which has a good ability to resist attacks, and is invulnerable to swords and guns.

However, when faced with a blunt blow, the internal organs will still experience some pressure. Unless you can cultivate to the realm of the top three, you can ignore it if you have a golden body inside and outside, and the primordial essence is like one.

Ning Xiu’s Thunder Hammer has a great restraint effect when facing non-high-level Buddhist and Taoist masters.

Knowing that he would not be Ning Xiu’s opponent if he continued like this, the monks of the fifth rank immediately performed the magic tricks they had learned from the master Zen Hui, trying to turn the tide of the battle.

When the gray **** appeared, Ning Xiu only felt that his feet were empty, and he fell down uncontrollably as if he had lost his support in an instant.

There is endless darkness in all directions, and huge mysterious figures are looming in the darkness.

At this moment, gray arms grew out of Ning Xiu’s body, with arms on top of them, and they soon wrapped him like a net.

False illusions are all thoughts.

If a Buddhist and Taoist master of the third rank came to do this, Ning Xiu might mistakenly think that the other party was using some kind of supernatural power.

But how could a monk of the fifth rank of Buddhism and Taoism, with the same strength as himself, have such a means of reaching the sky.

Ning Xiu’s whole body instantly turned crimson, and the blood gas oven supernatural power was directly used.

Immediately everything in front of him dissipated like ashes, and the surroundings returned to normal.

I still stand in the same place, nothing has changed.

“How, how is that possible!” The monk was shocked, and there was a hint of panic in his eyes.

He never imagined that Ning Xiuyi, a martial arts practitioner, would be able to break his own move, and he would break it in an instant.

“Martial Dao supernatural powers, such strong blood.” Master Chanhui, who was sitting on the stone lotus platform, saw the change in Ning Xiu’s complexion, and couldn’t help but secretly said.

Walking with the Thunder Hammer, the monk knew that even the trick he had learned was useless against Ning Xiu, and he definitely couldn’t be this person’s opponent. Now that everyone else was dead, there was no need to stay here.

It was the most important thing to escape the tower and tell the master Zenhui about it.

Immediately, he ran without regard for his own life, but he didn’t want Ning Xiu to be faster, so he threw the Thunder Hammer straight into the monk’s back.


Although he had a golden body, the man still spewed blood on the spot, and he fell to the ground with serious injuries that were difficult to move.

Although Ning Xiu is a fifth-rank martial artist, his supernatural powers and cultivation techniques are all higher than those of the same realm, so he cannot be regarded as an ordinary fifth-rank martial arts.

walked over and retrieved the thunderbolt hammer. Ignoring the monk’s blood-spraying plea for mercy, Ning Xiu held the thunderbolt hammer high, and it fell again.


Blood splashes and shatters.

The ground cracked, and the monk’s struggle came to an abrupt end while lying in a pool of blood.

Everything is quiet.

[Kill the monster, gain general proficiency +1800]

“Amitabha.” The old monk’s hands were nailed with chains and he couldn’t move. Seeing this tragic situation, he could only speak.

“Do you dare to ask if you are Master Chanhui?” Ning Xiu shook off the blood on the hammer and walked to the stone lotus platform, raising his head and asking.

“The poor monk is exactly.”

“Then what happened to the Zen Hui master outside?” Ning Xiu was puzzled.

Master Chanhui sighed: “It’s all the fault of the poor monk who was beyond his own power, accidentally obtained the Immortal Dao supreme treasure corpse cutting knife, and cut out the evil corpse of the middle palace without his realm, not wanting to be unable to control it, but being imprisoned by it , is about to cause a catastrophe in the world.”

“Beheading the corpse…” Ning Xiu was slightly surprised.

It is said that the human body has three special places: the upper hall, the middle palace and the lower house, and each of them hides a corpse worm.

The upper corpse worm is located in the head ‘shangtang”, which is in charge of the human body’s stupidity and intelligence.

The corpse worm is located in the “middle palace” of the chest, which is in charge of the human body’s troubles and delusions, and is quiet and contemplative.

The lower corpse is located in the “Xiafu” in the abdomen, which is in charge of the human body’s seven emotions and six desires, greed and jealousy.

There is a saying in Immortal Dao, “cutting three feet to prove Jinxian”, but this kind of realm is not something that anyone can touch casually. Only real people of the first rank of Immortal Dao can try one or two.

Even if a corpse is cut out, it is enough to make his own strength skyrocket.

Never would have thought that Master Chan Hui, a man of Buddhism and Taoism, would cut out the evil corpse in his inner palace.

You are a Buddhist monk, why can’t you think about it, and go the way of immortality.

Ning Xiu had never heard of such a situation, and the specific consequences and impact were beyond his imagination.

“In other words, that Master Chanhui outside is your corpse, then what happened to the Buddha’s body he mentioned in his mouth, why did he send the monks under the seat to go to the eighteen villages to distribute the Abi Sutra to them? Chanting, why do you want to build this Ten Thousand Buddhas Cave under Yunxia Temple?”

Ning Xiu asked his doubts.

“The corpse of the poor monk wants to use the will of the common people and the remnants of the ancestors to create ten thousand Bodhisattvas and Buddhas, and then use the power of ten thousand Buddhas to forcibly mold the poor monk into the real body of a demon Buddha, and from then on, go beyond the first grade and step into the real world. In this situation, the poor monk did not want to be with him or let his ideas succeed, so he was imprisoned here, so that the news would not be leaked. Now that Fu Mowei has discovered the secret of Yunxia Mountain, the poor monk is relieved. , I hope you can kill the evil corpse and make up for the big mistake made by the poor monk.”

“I’m afraid it’s a little difficult.” Ning Xiu said that he found that the evil corpse Zen Hui was the second rank of Buddhism and Taoism.

As a third-grade strength, Meng Fang can resist the evil corpse Zenhui, but he can never kill the opponent.

“Second rank!” Master Chanhui’s eyes widened in disbelief: “He is already a second rank even if the real body of the devil Buddha has not yet been successfully transformed. Life will be ruined.”

“Silver Tiger Demon Commander Meng Fang is now fighting with the corpse outside. It should be able to drag on for a while. I’d better take you out of this place first.” Ning Xiu slammed the hammer on the stone lotus platform, which was connected to Chan Hui’s body. dozens of chains.

After a few moments, all the iron chains were broken by Ning Xiu one by one.

Since the evil corpse Chanhui intends to use Master Chanhui’s body into a real Buddha for his own use, then as long as Master Chanhui is transferred away, it can temporarily hinder his plan.

“No, this is a disaster caused by the poor monk. If the corpse is not removed, it will eventually become a disaster. How can the poor monk just leave.” Master Chanhui quickly refused.

Ning Xiu is helpless, this monk is really dead brains, that evil corpse is a second-rank strength, what can you do if you stay here, it is better to escape from Yunxia Mountain first, and report the truth to the Fu Mosi.

It must be known that the top combat power of the Fumo Division is not the silver tiger Fumowei of the third rank, but the Jinlong Fumowei who sees the beginning and the end of the group of dragons, no one knows where they are, and even the name has never been passed down.

If there is a Golden Dragon Demon Commander, it should not be a problem to kill the evil corpse.


At this moment, Master Chan Hui who was sitting cross-legged suddenly glanced at Ning Xiu’s whole body with a very strange look, his eyes were full of curiosity, as if he was observing a treasure.

Ning Xiu looked down at himself, then looked behind him again.

Why, do you have any stains on your body?

“I didn’t expect you, little donor, to have such unexpected surprises hidden in your body. That poor monk has a way to destroy the evil corpse’s plan. I also hope that the little benefactor will cooperate with the poor monk. The poor monk would like to help you harvest a great opportunity today. Great fortune, the two of us will take food from the hands of the corpse together.”

Master Chanhui’s expression became extremely confident and excited at this moment, which made Ning Xiu even more puzzled.

How come there are unexpected surprises in myself, where is the great opportunity and great fortune.

“Also ask the little benefactor to sit up. It’s not too late. Don’t let the evil corpse notice the changes in this place.”

At the invitation of Master Chanhui, Ning Xiu had to jump up, jump on the stone lotus platform, walk to the other side and sit down.

“Master, I really don’t understand what you mean, can you explain in more detail?” Ning Xiu asked.

“No need to explain, then you will understand.”

Without the iron chains, Master Chanhui’s hands regained the ability to move, and he stretched out his skinny palms and grabbed Ning Xiu’s left wrist.

The other hand pointed to Ning Xiu’s palm.


In an instant, a pitch-black bead emerged from under the flesh of Ning Xiu’s palm.

The twelve beads on Ning Xiu’s arm floated up together.

“Few people have so many evil thoughts in their bodies. Even if they did, they would be reduced to an evil spirit with no thoughts and only know **** because of the influence of evil thoughts. In the end, they were beheaded by the people of Fumo Division.

Little benefactor, your luck is very good. At the same time, you get Guilei and Dalingyin Temple’s treasures of Buddhism and Taoism to suppress evil thoughts for you, so that you are no different from ordinary people. ”

Ning Xiu’s expression was surprised, but he didn’t expect that Master Chanhui could see the hidden problems in him just by looking at it this way.

There are evil thoughts in himself, but even Ning Xiu himself is not aware of it. He thought that in the world of murals that day, these evil thoughts had been cleaned up.

“But that’s exactly what makes you, little beneficiary, able to benefit from misfortune today and rob the corpse of the good fortune. Otherwise, no one else will be able to do this today. Here, the poor monk will congratulate you in advance.” Chan Hui The master laughed.

Ning Xiu frowned: “Master, what are you going to do?”

“Your corpse worm has not yet been cut, and it cannot escape your control. The real body of the devil Buddha coveted by the evil corpse will be handed over to you.”

Master Chanhui suddenly exerted force with both hands, and Ning Xiu heard a click in his ear, and the ghost tears that absorbed evil thoughts burst into pieces in Master Chanhui’s hands on the spot.

The ghost tears shattered, and the endless evil thoughts inside suddenly began to spread out like a dam flooding out.

I saw that Ning Xiu’s left hand had instantly turned to pitch black.

That indescribable feeling of disgust resurfaced in Ning Xiu’s heart again.

Tyranny, greed, cruelty, lust, gluttony, murderous…

In just a few breaths, the black evil thoughts spread from Ning Xiu’s palm to his shoulders. If this continues, I am afraid that the mistakes of that day will be repeated.

“Master Chanhui!” Ning Xiu said hurriedly.

“Don’t exclaim, little benefactor, everything will be handed over to the poor monk. Because you are here, the poor monk can be considered a chance to make up for his mistakes, Amitabha.”

Master Chanhui smiled kindly, but there was a hint of death in his expression.

(end of this chapter)

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