Demon Slayer Starts From the Proficiency Panel

Chapter 54

Chapter 54: [054] The Eighteen Villages Of Yunxia Mountain, The Evil Spirit Knot Lotus Platform

Chapter 54 [054] Eighteen Villages of Yunxia Mountain, Evil Qi Lotus Terrace

Now that all the team members have arrived, there is no need to stay in Shenjia Town. After a little rest, Ning Xiu and his party set off on the journey again.

Shen Congyun’s mount is a gray donkey, which seems to be ordinary, but according to Ren Qianxing, this is also a strange beast, which Shen Congyun himself captured and raised.

In terms of footsteps, it is not inferior to the heads that Ning Xiu and the others brought out from the Beast Mastering Workshop.

Shenjia Town is about 800 kilometers away from Yunxia Mountain. If you travel overnight, you can reach it in a day.

There was nothing to do on the road, Ren Qianxing chatted with Shen Congyun, and they were talking about some interesting things about the training in the championship camp.

Ning Xiu suddenly interrupted and asked, “Since Brother Shen is a ninth rank of the Temperament Dao, why didn’t he join the Fumo Division at first, but was instead assigned to this remote Shenjia Town as a yamen.”

Shen Congyun touched the back of his head honestly and said: “I participated in the selection of the Fumo Division when I was eighteen years old, and I still couldn’t get into the ninth rank, so I was not selected. This is a breakthrough that has only been completed in recent years.”

“Oh, it’s really a pity. Cong Yun, like me, has a heart to serve the country and protect the people, but it’s a pity that things backfired.” Ren Qianxing sighed.

Xia Yunsi suddenly showed an expression of ‘it’s weird’, and directly made up the knife: “I think Shenjiazhen is a remote place, and it is very safe to be a yamen.”

“Hey, Senior Sister Xia, what you said is true, the prejudice against me is too big.” Shen Congyun said indifferently.

After traveling for eight hundred miles one after another, everyone finally came to the boundary of Yunxia Mountain.

This place was occupied by monsters in the early years, and strangers did not dare to approach, otherwise the end would be extremely miserable.

Later, the top three Buddhist and Taoist monks of Dalingyin Temple personally came to destroy the demons, which made Yunxia Mountain normal and safe and suitable for people to live in.

Many refugees migrated here and built villages in the mountains. Later, in order to shelter the villagers of 18 villages in the mountains, the fourth-rank eminent monk Zenhui of Dalingyin Temple came here to build the temple in person.

It has been many years in the blink of an eye.

As soon as he approached the foothills of Yunxia Mountain, he saw several villagers walking out of the mountain carrying baskets. well?”

“Master Chanhui, I don’t know very well, it seems that I haven’t seen him for a while.” Several villagers replied.

“Amitabha, thank you.” Zhengwu nodded his thanks.

After experiencing the incident at the Jinzhao Temple, Ning Xiu often subconsciously uses the Spiritual Eye Observation Technique to observe the surroundings.

is no exception at this moment. He quietly observed the villagers in front of him. It’s okay not to look at it. When he saw it, he immediately found something wrong.

I saw that these villagers had more or less evil spirits lingering around them. Although these evil spirits were very thin, that is, a trace, they still couldn’t escape Ning Xiu’s eyes.

“Ren Qianxing, there is evil in them.” Ning Xiu said directly.

The expressions of everyone changed suddenly, and they all drew their weapons.

“Search.” Ren Qianxing ordered his puppet to jump off the black wind, walked over and grabbed the villagers for a physical examination.

“What are you doing?!”

“Let go of me, what do you want to do.”

As the villagers struggled, Ren Qianxing’s puppet quickly found a few things from them, which was the source of the evil energy.

Ning Xiu took a closer look, but found that those things were actually black-covered scriptures.

“Abi Sutra?” Seeing the words on the cover of the book, Zhengwu couldn’t help frowning.

I have stayed in Dalingyin Temple for many years, but I have never heard of this kind of Buddhist scriptures. The word Abi is not a good meaning.

“Say, where did you get these scriptures?” Ren Qianxing asked.

“It was distributed by the monks and masters in Yunxia Temple. They said that if you read this scripture for a long time, you can live a happy life, stay healthy and everything goes well.” Looking at the appearance of Ning Xiu and the others riding strange animals and carrying weapons.

A few villagers were obviously frightened and had to answer timidly.

“Then you read it, is it useful?” Ning Xiu asked.

Speaking of this, the villagers immediately became excited, and immediately responded: “It’s useful, it’s really useful, the old man from the village next door to me had a serious illness, and he was about to give up, but after reading a few words. After reading this scripture in Japan, the whole person immediately became alive and vigorous, and now he can start to work in the fields, and you can say that it is not bad.”

Yunxia Mountain has only one Buddhist temple, the one built by Master Chanhui. The appearance of this Abi Sutra must have a huge relationship with him.

From the words of these villagers, I am afraid that the 18 villages of Yunxia Mountain have been distributed this scripture.

In the statutes of commerce, it is a very dangerous behavior to compile the scriptures without authorization to teach the people. If there is any problem, they will be directly treated as a demon and put in the demon-suppressing prison.

In Ning Xiu’s observation, there are evil qi in these A-Bi Sutras. This is a typical problem, and the impact is very bad.

“Master Chanhui, what’s going on.” Zhengwu couldn’t help muttering.

“Let’s go, it’s useless for us to guess here, hurry up to Yunxia Temple to find Master Chanhui and ask him what the purpose of letting people distribute this kind of scriptures.” Ren Qianxing said loudly.

Although Master Chanhui has been away from Dalingyin Temple for many years, his passion for Buddhism and his views on Buddhist scriptures have always been a leader in Dalingyin Temple.

Everyone thinks that there is absolutely no problem for him to step into the realm of the upper third rank of Buddhism and Taoism, and he may become the first rank of Buddhist and Taoist saint monks in the future.

Therefore, Zhengwu was very puzzled when he knew that the monks of Yunxia Temple actually distributed black-skinned scriptures with evil spirits to the villagers of Shiba Village.

No matter what the reason is, doing this kind of behavior is a demon act. Would a monk like Master Chan Hui tolerate such a thing from his monks?

Did he know and acquiesce, or did he not know at all? Zhengwu’s heart was very chaotic for a while, as if an idol who had been worshiping for a long time was about to collapse.

After    a few people confiscated the Abi Sutra that the villagers carried with them, they continued to set out for the mountain.

Soon they arrived at the first village in Yunxia Mountain.

The terrain in Yunxia Mountain is extremely rugged and complex, and the mountain roads are twists and turns. Except for a dirt road connecting 18 villages, there is absolutely no other way to enter the mountain.

Yunxia Temple was built at the eighteenth village in the deepest part of the mountain, which means that if Ning Xiu and his party wanted to reach Yunxia Temple, they had to pass through seventeen villages first.

“You said that Master Chanhui should not have fallen halfway, then what if he really became a monster, with his strength of the fourth rank of Buddhism, we can’t be his opponent at all, I think Why don’t you go back first, report the Abi Sutra to Fu Mosi, and ask them to send over strong men who can rival Master Chan Hui, this is more appropriate.”

Just when everyone didn’t speak, Shen Congyun couldn’t help saying.

Ning Xiu nodded silently, this is indeed a solution.

Even though he can’t beat the fourth rank of Buddhism and Taoism, he still has no big problem trying to escape, but Ren Qianxing’s group is not necessarily so.

But it is also mysterious. The eminent monks of Dalingyin Temple have always paid the least attention to external things and material temptations. Will they also fall halfway?

Zhengwu immediately shouted loudly: “Don’t talk nonsense, Master Chanhui is a person who can attain the first-rank holy monk, how could he fall halfway.”

Shen Congyun silently reached out and took out a human skin mask from his arms and put it on his face, and also took out a wig.

Ren Qianxing asked suspiciously, “What are you doing?”

Shen Congyun replied: “When the time comes, everyone will act according to the opportunity. As soon as there is a sign of something wrong, I will use it to shrink into an inch to escape. Now I will change my face first, so that Master Chanhui will not really fall halfway and become a monster. After the real face, they will look for me everywhere to silence me.”

When he said this, he deliberately changed his voice significantly, which was really tricky, and the camouflage was quite complete.

Kaka Kaka!

Hearing a burst of bones in Shen Congyun’s body, his stature began to shrink, at least four inches shorter than before, and his back began to hunch up.

Ning Xiu: “…”

Ren Qianxing: “…”

Xia Yunsi: “…”

Good guy, Ning Xiu called him a good guy, and as Xia Yunsi said on the road before, this guy is really cautious and stubborn.

This time he was willing to go out with Ren Qianxing to Yunxia Mountain. In Ning Xiu’s words, maybe Ren Qianxing had really blocked an atomic bomb for him, otherwise, how could such a big favor make Shen Congyun willing? Leave Shenjia Town.

Looking at the village with the Spiritual Eye Qi Technique, one could see at a glance that the evil spirits lingered in the entire village, and its intensity was so intense that a pitch-black first-grade black lotus flower condensed in the sky above the village.

This lotus platform slowly floats and rotates over the village, and every breath is absorbing the evil energy emanating from the village, thereby growing stronger.

“This…” Ning Xiu’s eyes were astonished, this is your mother’s ironclad proof, Master Chan Hui really fell halfway and didn’t run away.

How could any eminent monk of the fourth rank of Buddhism and Taoism be unaware that such a bad situation happened in the Eighteen Villages, and there is no need to say more about who is behind the scenes.

Even if Ren Qianxing and the others did not have eye-catching techniques such as the Spiritual Eye Observation Technique, they could clearly feel that the atmosphere in this village was not right.

“What a strong evil spirit.” Shen Congyun said.

When the group walked into the village, they could hear the faint sound of chanting sutras everywhere, and the toothless old lady sitting under the big tree at the entrance of the village was chanting.

The child with a hundred-year-old lock on his neck was reciting, and some young adults were also reciting, and it seemed that it was no different from being in a demon.

Every time they chanted the scriptures, the black lotus platform above the village would grow a little, and they didn’t know what the black lotus platform was used for.

“Don’t go to Yunxia Temple yet. Someone has to come out of the mountain and report the situation to Si Li. Now the situation in Yunxia Mountain is not something we can solve.” Ning Xiu said with a serious expression.

“Okay, leave this to me, and I’ll go right away.” Shen Congyun agreed instantly, jumping up and intending to use a shrunken inch to leave the place.

But he never thought that Ren Qianxing grabbed him and said, “No, these villagers are stunned by the scriptures. Your ability to rhythm and Taoism can help them recover. Just ask Senior Sister to report the letter. You can’t leave.”

Shen Congyun’s expression suddenly collapsed: “I’m just a ninth rank of the rhythm, and my ability is still weak.”

“You don’t have to worry about this kind of thing anymore, you go try it out and find a villager to come and play a flute for him.” Ren Qianxing turned his head and said to Xia Yunsi, “Senior sister, I’ll trouble you to go out for a run.”

Xia Yunsi nodded: “Okay.”

After saying that, she rode the black tiger back on the same road, and quickly galloped away from the mountain.

“I’ll go to a few villagers to ask about the situation.” Ning Xiu turned over and jumped off the back of the iron-eating beast, and walked towards a house not far away.

Before entering the house, standing outside the door, he could already hear a chanting sound coming from the house. Ning Xiu stepped in, and an old woman who was chanting in the house suddenly stopped, a little puzzled. Looking at Ning Xiu.

In my own village, I haven’t been to Fu Mowei for a long time.

“Auntie, did you send this scripture from Yunxia Temple?” Ning Xiu sat down in a chair and asked.

“Yes, they were all sent by the monks and masters in person. Daily chanting is good for the body.”

Ning Xiu observed the other party with the Spirit Eye Observation Technique. The evil spirits lingered around this person, and even formed a vague human shape, he hugged the old woman’s neck and hung it behind her.

This posture looks very much like the other party is carrying a person on his back at this time, and it is extremely rare that evil energy can condense into this image.

“Auntie, besides distributing this Abi Sutra, is there any other action at Yunxia Temple?”

The image of    Demon Fuwei is very trustworthy in the minds of the merchants and the common people.

So when Ning Xiu asked this question, the old woman didn’t have any doubts and explained it to him directly.

“Yunxia Temple heard that a Ten Thousand Buddhas Grotto was built. Those monks and masters asked us to transfer the ancestral spirit tablets to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Grottoes, where they would recite the scriptures every day, and the ancestors who moved into the Ten Thousand Buddhas Grottoes would all have their ancestors. The possibility of becoming a Buddha can protect future generations, live a hundred years, and have profound blessings.”

Ning Xiu said: “Auntie, has the ancestral spirit tablet of your family moved there?”

“Yeah, I already invited you last month.”

Ning Xiu frowned, but for a while he didn’t understand what the Master Chan Hui wanted to do.

But it can be concluded that if his plan is completed, the villagers of the entire Yunxia Mountain Eighteen Village will be greatly implicated.

“Now, I can only hope that Xia Yunsi will hurry up and notify the top-three masters of the Fumo Division to deal with this matter.” Ning Xiu secretly thought.

Master Chanhui is the fourth rank of Buddhism and Taoism. No one knows whether he has made breakthroughs in Yunxia Mountain these years.

Once Master Chanhui has made a breakthrough, he will be the third rank on the Buddhist path, and this gap is difficult for Ning Xiu to overcome.

Therefore, even though Ning Xiu had many means, he did not dare to challenge Master Chan Hui rashly, because the possibility of an accident was really high.

walked out of the house and returned to Ren Qianxing’s group. Ren Qianxing immediately asked, “Brother Ning, have you gained anything?”

“This matter is rather strange. There is a Ten Thousand Buddhas Grotto at Yunxia Temple, and it is said that the ancestral spirit tablets of the villagers in Shiba Village are invited over there. Zhengwu, do you know the meaning behind this?”

Zhengwu obviously hadn’t recovered from the blow that Master Chanhui had probably fallen halfway. Hearing Ning Xiu’s question, he could only shake his head and said, “I don’t know either, I’ve never heard of such a thing before. .”

“Oh, what a surprise.” Ren Qianxing said with emotion.

The eminent monk of the fourth rank of Buddhism and Taoism can be regarded as the mainstay of the human race. If such a master falls halfway, it will be a huge loss for Dalingyin Temple, Fumosi, and Dashang.

(end of this chapter)

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