Demon Slayer Starts From the Proficiency Panel

Chapter 47

Chapter 47: [047] The Mystery Of Jinzhao Temple

Chapter 47 [047] The Mystery of Jinzhao Temple

“In this world, even if evil is rampant, those thieves are not willing to dismantle their weapons and return to the fields and become a diligent and pragmatic farmer who does his duty. Such people are unwilling to work, eat and do things lazy, and only want to survive by plundering the wealth of others. It’s really weird.”

“For the wealth that can be obtained with your hands, the harvest of a robbery may be more than that of the land you plant for half a year, or the business you can earn for half a year. After getting used to the huge profits, there will be people who are willing to go step by step and earn some rare silver taels. It’s enough to cover food and clothing every month.”

“Amitabha, money is indeed the greatest evil in the world.”

On the road, Ren Qianxing and the three chatted with each other.

Ning Xiu was sitting on the back of the iron-eating beast, looking down at the map of Yunze Prefecture that Ren Qianxing was carrying this time.

That day, they said goodbye to the Li family caravan and entered the mountain to capture the demon. Things went very smoothly. After they were forced to ask the location of their cottage from the mouth of the bandit.

The group of    rushed directly into it, found the demon who sheltered the bandits, and executed him on the spot.

Without the protection of demons, if these bandits continue to stay in the deep mountains as thieves and bandits, once they encounter evil spirits, it is difficult to guarantee their lives.

Ren Qianxing tried to persuade this group of people to be ordinary people and live a peaceful life, but the other party refused directly.

It is impossible to be stable, and it is impossible to be stable in this life. I don’t know how to grow crops, and I don’t know anything about doing business. I don’t know half of the characters.

Good guy, after hearing that he directly gave Ren Qianxing qi, in the end he could only execute the bandits who colluded with the monsters on the spot, and set a fire to burn the entire cottage to ashes.

Perhaps there are people in this group who are really forced by life, but they collude with demons and do not report it. This is a capital crime in the decree of the big business, and there is no possibility of showing mercy.

“Yunxia Mountain is located in the middle of Yunze Prefecture. On the only way to Yunxia Mountain, you will definitely pass through Shenjia Town. My friend was working in Shenjia Town. After arriving there, we will pick him up. Even if the personnel are gathered together.” Ren Qianxing said.

Ning Xiu looked at the map. After entering Yunze Prefecture, he had to continue walking 250 miles to the southwest to reach Shenjia Town. The road was full of deep mountains and old forests, and there were no homes, villages or towns. remote.

At this moment, a place name on the road that was erased with ink pen caught Ning Xiu’s attention, he immediately asked curiously, “Brother Ren, where is this place whose name has been erased.”

“Jinzhao Temple, it can be regarded as a relatively famous ancient Buddhist temple in this area of Yunze Prefecture in those days. Incense is prosperous, Buddhist monks gather, and there are many pilgrims.

It is a pity that one day more than ninety years ago, Jinzhao Temple suddenly changed greatly. All the monks in the temple disappeared overnight, leaving only an empty Buddhist temple. The Fumo Division sent people to investigate, but nothing was found. There’s no sign of evil beings there,

As soon as this matter came out, it spread all over Yunzezhou, and no one dared to go to Jinzhao Temple to offer incense. Although there were monks who wanted to take over, but they couldn’t make any improvement. Jinzhao Temple was completely abandoned. . ” Ren Qianxing said.

Ning Xiu asked: “This matter is so strange, it looks like the work of evil spirits, and Fu Mosi really didn’t investigate anything back then?”

Ren Qianxing rubbed his chin and thought: “The Jinzhao Temple incident is one of the top ten unsolved cases of the Fumo Division. Although many people think that it is evil, it is a pity that no one could find evidence to prove this at the beginning. Zhengwu How much do you know about Jinzhao Temple? Say it and listen.”

Monk Zhengwu, as a monk of Dalingyin Temple, must know more about this kind of Buddhist temple than Ren Qianxing.

Immediately, everyone looked at him with anticipation in their eyes, hoping that Zhengwu could add some details that Ren Qianxing did not mention.

“Uh…” Seeing that Ning Xiu and the others looked at him this way, Zhengwu had no choice but to say, “It was true that nothing was discovered back then, even if the Demon Demon Division even sent a Silver Tiger Demon Demon Commander for this purpose, and in the end there was nothing. A trace of evil was found in Jinzhao Temple,

The abbot of Jinzhao Temple was sent by Dalingyin Temple. If he wants to do anything major, he will report to Dalingyin Temple in advance, and he will leave the whole temple overnight. This kind of thing is obviously not something he will do. from,

So there must be something hidden behind this matter, but unfortunately no one has been able to investigate the cause, and it has been delayed until now, and it has become an unsolved case. ”

After hearing that even the Silver Tiger Demon Commander was dispatched, and the reason could not be investigated, everyone immediately chose not to question.

Silver Tiger Demon Commander can’t do anything about it, so it’s obvious that the backside of this matter is no longer a level that they can reach.


With a sudden thunder in the clear sky, everyone’s thoughts were immediately pulled back from the Jinzhao Temple incident.

Looking up at the sky that was gradually getting dark and dark clouds gathered, Ren Qianxing frowned and said, “Bad, it looks like it’s going to rain heavily. The weather in Yunze Prefecture is the most cloudy and sunny, so let’s go down as soon as we say it. You have to find a place to take shelter from the rain.”

Ning Xiu looked at the map and said, “There are all deep mountains and old forests around here. The closest one to us is the Jinzhao Temple, but it should be 11 or 2 miles away from us.”

“Then hurry up and rush over. The rainstorm in Yunze Prefecture is notoriously penetrating. After a long time, it is no different from being locked in a water prison. Trust me, you won’t want to experience that feeling.”

As Ren Qianxing slapped Heifeng’s buttocks with his whip, the wild boar immediately ran away as if he had been drenched in medicine, and the wind was blowing under his hooves. Soon Ning Xiu and the others were left behind.

Since Ren Qianxing said so, everyone would not let themselves have the opportunity to experience the rainstorm in Yunze Prefecture, and immediately urged the alien beasts to chase after them.

The road dust and smoke filled the air for a while.

Don’t look at the bloated body and short limbs of the iron-eating beast, but in fact the speed of running is quite powerful.

When the sky was so dark that the earth turned pitch black, Ning Xiu and the four finally saw the ancient Buddhist temple on the hillside beside the road.

At this time, a lot of raindrops were falling from the sky and smashing on everyone’s bodies. Ning Xiu hurriedly drove the iron-eating beast up the hill and entered the Jinzhao Temple before the rainstorm.

“Hey, this door seems to have been opened recently.” Seeing that there were a lot of footprints on the ground behind the door that had been covered with dust for many years, Xia Yunshan immediately climbed down the back of the black tiger and shouted.

Ren Qianxing pulled the black wind to a place where there was no rain, and said indifferently: “The official road was blocked because the earth dragon turned over, and there will definitely be people who will change this path. They should be here to avoid the rain like us. passerby.”


The dark sky began to thunder and lightning, and soon the pea-sized raindrops poured down, and it turned into a spectacular rain curtain in a short time.

This kind of heavy rain is a unique landscape in Yunze Prefecture, but it is difficult to see in other places.

“Looking at this situation, the rain won’t stop in two or three hours. Let’s find a place to rest. Maybe we have to live in this Jinzhao Temple today. The ancestors of Fu Mosi bless me, I’m already very tired from traveling. Qian Qian Don’t come here with some evil moth.” Ren Qianxing looked at the sky and sighed.

Along the corridor in the temple, we circled around the entire Jinzhao Temple. Finally, Ning Xiu and several people chose to temporarily station in the Daxiong Hall.

First of all, the space is large enough to accommodate several people’s beasts to rest at the same time.

Secondly, because this hall is one of the few buildings in the entire Jinzhao Temple whose main body is still well-preserved, it has the ability to shelter everyone from wind and rain.

After Ren Qianxing sent his two puppets to various places in the temple to find materials that could be used as firewood, Ning Xiu wandered around in the Daxiong Hall by himself.

Even though Jinzhao Temple has been abandoned for more than 90 years, the interior of this Mahavira Hall is still in good condition. The candlesticks originally used for candles and many Buddha statues in the hall are well preserved.

The only thing that may be a little regrettable is that Zhengwu said that the surface of the Buddha statues was originally plated with gold, but now these Buddha statues are all stone shapes. Obviously, the golden shells have been pried off.

Living in troubled times, even gods and Buddhas should honestly abide by the saying that they are guilty.

He used his Spirit Eye Observation Technique to look around. Now Ning Xiu’s Spirit Eye Observation Technique has been upgraded to the eighth level. Compared with before, he can now see more subtle things.

After investigation, everything is normal in the entire Mahavira Hall, and there is nothing wrong with it.

During the inspection process, Ning Xiu’s eyes noticed a mural on the wall of the hall.

“Huh? This is not…” Ning Xiu’s expression suddenly became extremely surprised.

In fact, walking all the way from the temple gate, Ning Xiu has seen many murals on the walls all over the road.

Some dancers dance in unison, while men drink and applaud.

Some are big men in tattered clothes sleeping on their pillows, holding heads in their arms.

Some ordinary people knelt down and kowtowed, not knowing who they were worshiping.

To be honest, it is very strange that these murals appear in Jinzhao Temple, which is a Buddhist temple, because the content of these murals does not conform to the temperament of the Buddhist temple.

Which Buddhist temple murals are not of Buddha and Bodhisattva, who would put these frescoes that do not understand the meaning on the wall.

And right now, the mural that Ning Xiu was staring at was even more bizarre.

In the frescoes, there is a caravan on the mountain road. The guards of these caravans are all vividly painted, and there is a word Li embroidered on the chest of their clothes.

In one of the carriages escorted by the caravan, a woman in a green skirt was looking out of the window, looking at the direction of the caravan with a serious expression.

Ning Xiu was very sure that this painting was the Li family caravan they rescued from bandits in the forest a few days ago.

The woman in the blue dress in this painting is exactly the same as the woman in the blue dress he saw that day.

“Jinzhao Temple is an ancient temple a hundred years ago. How can there be a person I only met a few days ago.”

Ning Xiu stared at the fresco with his spiritual vision technique, but he didn’t see anything unusual. This was just a normal fresco.

Without delay, Ning Xiu immediately called out the three of them who were preparing to set fire to Ren Qianxing. Such strange murals must be investigated clearly.

(end of this chapter)

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