Demon School

Chapter 726 - Endless wealth

“The government is formulating relevant measures for the resettlement of existing staff in the mine!” This work is undoubtedly the most headache, but fortunately, China has extensive experience in this area, and the early placement of staff in oil-related industries It did not cause much fluctuation, “It is still some time away from large-scale space mining now! So the existing staff need not worry about their future at all!”

The Chinese government will adopt a variety of means such as restricting entry to people, changing jobs, etc. to digest this group of staff, “… It is conceivable that space mining also requires a large number of talents; in addition, we will build many for space mining. Provide factories with supporting equipment, these factories have a huge demand for labor! In the future, people ’s work locations are not limited to the earth, space will provide us with endless wealth while also providing more jobs …

This is good news for China, but it is not so good for those other countries. Now, due to the supply of cheap electricity, the products of other countries have been defeated in the international competition. They can only make up for the trade deficit through industries such as resource export and tourism. Now, the import of resources in China has been greatly weakened, which makes them seem at a loss! A deep sense of despair rose from my heart.

“Of course, now is the era of global collaboration! Humans want to truly enter the space age, there must be global collaboration! We also welcome countries to join the space program!” Of course, this plan must be made by Chinese As the leader, the Chinese have already firmly held the lifeline of the world economy in their hands through controlled nuclear fusion and space programs. As long as Lu Qiujian is still alive, they will not see the opportunity to seize the dominant power from the Chinese .

In addition to the religious level, ethnicity and other cultural issues, most conflicts in the world today are caused by resource problems. The vast universe is now in front of people, whether to continue to fight on the earth or enter space u type you are looking for endless wealth? This difficult choice is before the people of all countries.

The platinum of that ingot inflicted heavy losses on the International Mining Group. Following the international financial predators, another group of powerful people who stomped their feet and caused the earth to shake down fell under Lu Qiujian’s plan! Those speculators who speculate on platinum and the world headed by the British Platinum Mining Company, Impala Platinum Holdings Limited, Longming Company, South Africa Aquilius Platinum Company, Northam Platinum Mining Company, Royal Banverken Platinum Company The Platinum Investment Committee is in a desperate situation.

Because of the realization of space mining, the international giants who monopolize the supply of important minerals such as gold, iron ore and diamonds also understand that it is only a matter of time before the World Platinum Investment Committee and the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries follow! The fast-growing China is undoubtedly the largest buyer in the global resource market. Once this largest buyer gradually cuts down or even completely cuts off their cooperation, then all they have to wait for is bankruptcy!

This day, distributed in luxurious offices, villas, and cocktail parties around the world, countless wealthy people yelled at Lu Qiujian! But they have no choice! If you sever ties with Hua Guo now, you can only speed up their own bankruptcy, and it will also prompt Hua Guo to speed up its own large-scale space mining process!

Test pressure against China through the country behind you? Or direct military strikes? Do n’t be kidding, China is not a small country, and according to the latest report from Jane ’s Defense Weekly, China ’s military strength has surpassed that of Rice and became the world ’s first. No one dared to attack Rice. Does anyone dare to attack China?

As for finding ways to add trouble to China from within, after losing the support of Middle East oil funds, the separatist forces within China will also lose their sources of funds and become rootless trees! Coupled with the growing economy, Chinese people are becoming more and more centripetal to the country, and not many people will choose to sail against the current in such a vigorous and progressive era.

And in the past, those countries that often used various sounding reasons to attack China. In order to obtain a controlled nuclear fusion power station in China, they have begun to deport the representatives of the separatist forces exiled in their country or even directly to China! For example, the French government and even the rice government have reduced contact with various forces such as Baodao, Tubo, and wheels!

The Chinese government has also abolished some outdated laws and regulations, and gradually removed all kinds of vulgar and bad habits. For those reactionaries who have resisted because of their own interests, the Chinese government has taken a merciless blow! In the absence of foreign aid and no foundation at home, most of these recalcitrants have been eliminated. Those who had escaped the disaster did not dare to act as arrogant as in the past, and could only pretend to be a good person.

The convenient transportation that has extended to the fringe of China has bathed the people of those young, old, and poor areas in the light of modern civilization. Almost all children in China can receive twelve years of compulsory education, and the power of knowledge allows them to have the same power as their parents. Different horizons and the ability to change your own destiny! And when they grow up, they will all become the most precious treasure for China to eliminate ignorance and conquer space!

On the contrary, ~ ~ After suffering a meteorite attack, financial war and the collapse of the oil dollar system, the United States has fallen into a quagmire of decay and cannot extricate itself! The status of the US dollar as an international currency is gradually being replaced by the RMB! With their current strength, it is difficult to continue to maintain military bases all over the world!

Now, the United States has even begun to consider reducing the size of global military bases, while the East Asian region is the first to be reduced! Anyway, even if they stay here, there is no way to stop China, so why continue to waste money?

The new generation of young people in the Pearl gradually began to face the strength of the motherland and began to change the wrong way in the past! Thinking about the way out of the Pearl! They slowly understood that the motherland is now the thickest thigh! While the position of the thigh pendant is not yet full, hurry up!

As for Baodao, after several consecutive years of economic recession, their per capita income level has been surpassed by China, and the technology tree that loves to generate electricity is still not completed, and the harvest of the fruit farmers can only be rotten in the ground! And the rice country godfather has already planned to abandon them! So they turned their attention to the mainland.

As for Europe, which has long been frustrated by the refugee problem, the Middle East has become a mess after losing the high price of oil! In Taizu’s words, it is now “the scenery is unique here!” (To be continued.)

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