Demon School

Chapter 718 - Big purchase

“Bordeaux, France, Bordeaux, France, the most famous wine castle in Bordeaux, France, the Lafite estate closed down, the boss Rothschild, the financial market investment owed 35 billion yuan, and took his little aunt away. We have no way,

Holding red wine for wages, the original price is more than 1,000, more than 2,000, more than 3,000 red wine … 200 “

Well, this hasn’t actually happened. No one is selling red wine on the streets of Bordeaux, but the Rothschild family, the owner of the Lafite estate, can’t hold on.

This family reached its peak in the middle and late nineteenth century, but made several fatal mistakes and encountered several disasters of extinction, and it has since collapsed. They first judged that the development of the rice country was wrong and withdrew most of the investment from the rice country. As a result, these investments disappeared in the fire of the First World War.

After World War I, they encountered Hitler’s rise to power and suffered another devastation before they were completely restored. Then, the investment in Eastern Europe was confiscated by the Red Empire and they became state-owned by World War II.

In the 1960s, large banks in Europe and the United States, such as Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, and Union Bank of Switzerland, listed on the stock exchanges to obtain large amounts of development funds. The Rothschild family still stays in the 19th century family workshop. Their best years in these years are only more than 100 million US dollars in profits! Less than 1% of Goldman Sachs!

However, more unfortunately, the heads of this generation once again made the wrong decision. They stood on the side of the United States in the financial war between the United States and China. The consequence of this stupid decision was to let this stretch for hundreds of years. The family lost its last wealth! Their pitiful wealth disappeared in this war without even splashing a spray.

The families that suffered losses in this war are not just theirs. The Rockefeller, Morgan, Mellon, etc. families that have left a glorious record in modern history have also suffered a huge blow in this war! There are also oil sovereign funds in the Middle East, neon consortia, and financial predators in continental Europe, who have felt the horror of the cold winter, but their strength is much richer than that of the Rothschild family today, and they have not fallen into bankruptcy. Situation! However, in the future, if they do not have a suitable strategy, then they will not be far behind the Rothschilds.

On the contrary, the new wealthy people of China have made a good harvest in this battle. Now that the war is over, they began to sprinkle money all over the world and take advantage of the fire to take over the industries of these bankrupt families! The Rothschild family’s Lafite winery has become an industry that many people want to get.

“Dong Wang, don’t you mean investing all your spare money in Professor Lu’s space program? Why are you coming to Bordeaux now?” Wang Chuanfu met an old acquaintance as soon as he flew the plane, and Li Shufu with him at the New Battery Association.

“Yes, this investment is very cost-effective anyway! I plan to take my family to a trip when the moon trip is opened. Do you want to go with Li Dong? As for Lafite Winery? I still have some spare money. “Yes!” Wang Chuanfu said domineeringly, but neither for him nor for Li Shufu. The money to buy Lafite is really nothing.

“Well, Professor Lu will never suffer a loss! I do n’t value that dividend, it ’s enough to give us priority in technology transfer!” Obviously he also got the sweetness from the new battery technology, “As for the sign Of course I want to go on a month trip, but I do n’t know if this old bone can stand up! “

From the perspective of a businessman, traveling to the moon will inevitably be a big news. If you can squeeze into the first group of people, it will be of great benefit to the promotion of your company! So they refused to let this opportunity pass, and had made up their minds that they would have to grab the first batch of moon landings even at a higher cost.

If I can win a prize or auction to get the quota, it is naturally best. If I ca n’t get it, I ’ll find someone who has already qualified to buy it. I can give them tens of millions of cash and send two more tickets to the moon. They have no reason not to transfer?

“Old Li!” Wang Chuanfu’s words suddenly became cordial, “I have understood the truth for so many years in the meeting. Many times, if we suppress the unhealthy internal competition and unify the outside world, you will reap higher profits! You are Do n’t you have this idea? “

“Why not? At that time, iron ore was caught by foreign companies. The competition of internal iron and steel companies in China severely slaughtered us! And rare earth mines under the operation of Liu Dong applauded those ore suppliers. Between! “Li Shufu said, of course, their new battery federation did not take advantage of foreign companies.

“So you see, since we all want to take Lafite Castle, if no one would let go, the cheapest one would be the Rothschild family!” Wang Chuanfu said his purpose, “then I thought it might be better We unite and take down this winery as a welfare industry in the club! We each have a share, better than snatching it? “

“Haha! Now James Rothschild is about to cry!” More than half of the people who came to this auction ~ ~ are Chinese, I am afraid there will be no unity between them. Too many Chinese do not give face! Since then, Rothschild would be impossible to shoot a high price!

Sure enough, in the second day of the auction, the rich Chinese people saw that they were holding cards together, and cancelled their plans to participate in the auction; while the rich people in Europe and the United States had just been ransacked, and they did n’t have much money. Use it here! So they finally got this first-class winery at a very low price.

Of course, they came to Europe not just to buy wine. In addition, many companies with high technological content suffered a huge blow in this war. Hua Guo happened to be able to buy at a low price, thus gaining countless cravings Long-term technology! Despite the obstruction of governments, they did not achieve all their goals! But now these benefits are enough to satisfy the Chinese businessmen!

This is a grand looting that has been accumulated over the past 100 years in the Western world. Many wise Westerners began to realize that after this supplement, the Chinese people’s technological level began to truly surpass the West! And they have no way to do this, they can only watch as they are caught up by, overtaken by Hua Guo, and then far away!

Do you really want to live in a world dominated by Chinese people in the future? what should we do? (To be continued ~ ^ ~)

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