Demon School

Chapter 715 - Victory

“The other party’s funds are showing abnormal trends! Now it seems that they are planning to evacuate!” There was a very exciting news from the underground base of Huaguo Jingcheng!

Qin Feng shook twice, almost fell to the ground, but fortunately supported by Lin Qianjun on the side! During this time, in addition to the necessary work, he spent most of his time here focusing on this war related to the lifeline of China! No rest at all! Lu Kunqi and others next to him are almost the same! The whole face is tired.

Like Qin Feng, they have shortened their schedules as much as possible, so that the Chinese found that the frequency of leaders appearing on the whole hour of news in the recent period seems to have been greatly reduced! But they don’t have time to care about these. They have been busy with Lu Qiujian’s bib recently!

“Come and come, go and go! When we are the back garden of their home? Can we go? Let’s leave the money!” Lu Qiujian is probably the most spiritual person in the base, right? His workload is the biggest, but these days have passed, his face is still radiant.

“Yes! Don’t give them a lesson! It’s time to bargain when they get injured!” Lu Kunqi’s words drew everyone’s lips for a while, and the family property of the American financial predators and Middle Eastern tyrants involved in this war at least fell. After 80%, for these people, it is even more uncomfortable than killing them! It is not easy to survive this crisis, how can there be the ability to revenge China again? And as long as Lu Qiu was built, they would not dare to make such mistakes again by giving them a few guts!

If their ideas let Lu Qiujian know, I am afraid he will only say the last sentence lightly, then is there still 20% of the funds? They must all be left!

“Secretary Qin, the overall situation is now set! You should go to rest for a while! You haven’t rested for many days!” Lin Qianjun persuaded in a whisper, someone else said something similar!

“Haha! I used to worry that I couldn’t sleep, but now I’m too happy to sleep!” Qin Feng waved his hand and rejected Lin Qianjun. “Speaking of hard work, Professor Lu has worked harder than us! I’ll wait until all the work is finished. have a rest!”

“Secretary Qin, can’t you compare with Professor Lu! People have played professional games in those days!” Lin Qianjun politely persuaded him that he didn’t mention that Lu Qiujian was younger, which is more sensitive to politicians. Others followed the persuasion and finally persuaded Qin Feng and Lv Kunqi.

In the next few days, the financial predators of the United States found that it was not easy for them to withdraw their pension funds even if they wanted to withdraw a little. The army commanded by Lu Qiujian stuck to them, like a pack of wolves. A group of pigs fled in embarrassment, torn off a piece of flesh from their opponents without paying attention.

In a hurry, they sent good news to Hua Guo through various channels, but did not receive any reply! What a joke, when you came, you were holding the idea of ​​completely defeating the Chinese economy! If your goals are really achieved, will China beg you to let them go?

of course not! So why do you think that under the current situation, the Chinese Congress has spared you generously? Reporting complaints with virtue is not our fine tradition! What we pay attention to is to complain directly! You originally wanted us to fall into the economic crisis, so now you go bankrupt!

It is not just the Americans who have suffered huge losses. The oil sovereign funds in the Middle East, neon tycoons, and their European counterparts have also been severely hit! In addition to this, not all of China’s internal stockholders have received a bumper harvest from this crisis! There are also some elites who did not believe that China could defeat the United States from the beginning!

While following the pace of the United States, they vigorously preached on the bib that the country will be defeated, but now these accounts have not been spoken for a long time!

Some of them lost their family property to the rooftop under the counterattack of Lu Qiujian, and some were found to have an unreasonable relationship with overseas foundations. They were invited to drink tea by the relevant departments!

When they came out, they did not complain about the relevant authorities’ imprisonment in accordance with the law, but blamed them for acting so slowly? If they were caught early, they would not have time to invest, so that their family property could still be reserved! You … you just don’t care about the interests of the people!

Pearl City has almost become the region with the most losses. The long-term worship of the United States and the United Kingdom has made them disdain to understand the achievements of China after decades of development. In their memory, China should be the poor. country! Huanran didn’t know how powerful China is now!

So when they found that the United States was defeated in the counterattack of China, and they continued to shrink with their own property, they could not believe their eyes! It is also unacceptable that some people have chosen to settle themselves, while others are mentally disturbed by the cruel facts.

With the completion of the last transaction, this battle finally ended with the victory of China and the peoples of the world! From the base in the underground of the capital to the office building of the magic city, from the cafes in Paris to the Starbucks in the United States, from the neon apartments to the farms in Australia … cheers can be heard everywhere!

Only Wall Street, the White House and many predatory offices are dead! In just a few days ~ ~ They have evaporated their wealth in trillions! The wealth accumulated by many people throughout their lives has vanished.

“We are not without gains! The people of China suddenly obtained so much extra wealth, and a large amount of capital poured into China, which will definitely cause serious inflation in a short period of time!” The economic adviser of the White House held back for a long time That’s how it said.

“Honey, are you a pig? You cut your legs and made bacon for the wolf to eat, and then happily told us that it would make the wolf obese! Oh, maybe it will cause high blood pressure and high blood fat. Wait for the relapsed illness! You are really a genius strategist! “Janet Yellen couldn’t help but sarcasm!

At the same time, in the capital city of China, Lu Kunqi and Lu Qiujian also discussed this issue, “Xiao Lu, suddenly the masses have so much disposable funds that is not entirely a good thing!” The Prime Minister of a country, he also understands that the funds in the hands of the public exceed the products available in the market, which will cause inflation.

“Perhaps we can use these funds to invest in the exploration of space!” And Lu Qiujian already had his own plans for the use of these funds. (~ ^ ~)

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